Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Can Diabetic Retinopathy be Reversed | Diagnosis and Treatment | डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी का सबसे अच्छा इलाज क्या है? | क्या धुंधली दृष्टि ठीक हो सकती है? | आंख की रोशनी कैसे वापस आएगी?

Can Diabetic Retinopathy be Reversed | Diagnosis and Treatment | क्या डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी अंधापन का कारण बन सकती है? | डायबिटीज में आंखों की रोशनी कैसे बढ़ाएं? | मैं मधुमेह से अपनी दृष्टि कैसे सुधार सकता हूं?

In this video, Dr. Parveen Sen, from Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic- A unit of Aggarwals Eye Hospital talks about the treatment of diabetic retinopathy treatment and diagnosis.

Can diabetic retinopathy be reversed? There is a sharp increase in the case of diabetes with an effect on the eyes. First, the eye starts showing signs of diabetic retinopathy like reduced, blurry, and fluctuating vision. Like for seconds before, the vision was good, and after some time, it worsens. The worst effect is when it starts showing its impact on the retina. One may see floaters, and observe bleeding in the eye. In an adverse scenario, retina starts detaching causing loss of vision. As soon as these symptoms surface, that means the condition is much worse. Considering the fact that by the time this disease shows symptoms the damage is already done. Hence it is always advisable to diabetic patients that they should take eye-checks. Don’t wait for the signs of diabetic retinopathy to appear. They should go for a retinal checkup at least once in 3 or 4 months. It is important because if high blood sugar has started affecting the eye then, preventing the adverse effects is challenging. 

 Diabetic retinopathy Treatment & Diagnosis

During checkups, the retinal specialist puts drugs into the eyes, checks the pupil and retina. Doctors scan the eye to identify the impact of diabetes on the eyes. What are the treatment options for diabetic retinopathy ? Its treatment includes Laser or eye injections and operations. The Laser seals new blood vessel formation to prevent frequent bleeding. Hence early eye check ups help in detecting signs at the beginning itself. If you have high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels and are a chain smoker, then diabetes would have an accelerated effect on the eyes. It can also cause permanent vision damage. So it’s essential to control blood sugar, and in addition to blood pressure, cholesterol. One of the most important things is to adopt a healthy lifestyle with healthy fruits and vegetables. Cut on sugar and carbohydrates, and sweets. One can control the effects of blood sugar levels on the eyes by controlling normal parameters. In these cases, it’s essential to say that prevention is better than cure as far as diabetic retinopathy is concerned.

To know more, watch the full video. 

Dentology Faith Diagnostic Centre Chandigarh

Home Remedies For Dry Skin In Winter | What is the natural remedy for dry skin in winter? | विंटर स्किन केयर रूटीन | सर्दियों में ड्राई स्किन को कैसे खत्म करें? | ड्राई स्किन पर क्या लगाएं घरेलू उपाय?

Home Remedies For Dry Skin In Winter | सर्दियों में त्वचा के लिए क्या करना चाहिए? | चेहरे पर तुरंत ग्लो लाने के लिए क्या लगाना चाहिए? | ड्राई स्किन पर ग्लो कैसे लाएं? | सर्दियों में स्किन ड्राई होने का क्या कारण है? | सर्दियों में गोरा होने के उपाय

In this video, Dr. Radhika Khurana, Dermatologist at Faith Hospital Chandigarh, discusses the skincare routine one needs to follow to combat dry skin during winter

Home remedies for dry skin in winter, Winter comes with its own set of challenges when it comes to skin. Dry skin in winters is one of them. So what changes do we need to make in our skincare routine to make winters comfortable? First and foremost, moisturise the body evenly. In moisturisers, one needs to look for ingredients like ceramide, chia butter, cocoa butter, and Squalene. Secondly, sunscreen is a must. One can switch to lotion-based sunscreen in Winter, which contains hyaluronic acid. Often in Winter, we think it’s not sunny outside, so we don’t need sun cream, but one needs to apply it evenly inside or out for 30 minutes. Thirdly, instead of harsh cleansers, switch to gentle cleansers. Avoid face wash that has salicylic acid or glycolic acid. Finally, for night creams containing retinol, one must decrease their frequency to thrice a week. Restrict the usage of anti-aging retinol daily rather than used a week thrice. 

Now special mention to chapped lips in Winter. Chapped lips are a very common problem we come across in the Winter. One can apply coconut oil and desi ghee over the lips to prevent it. Use home-based remedies like desi ghee or coconut oil while sleeping and in the morning. To avoid sun damage, prefer a lip balm with an SPF. A few home remedies for soft and supple skin are milk, honey, and yoghurt-based masks. Staying hydrated detoxifies the skin and avoids tea and coffee. 

How to take care of dry skin on the body in winter? 

Skincare for overall body skin dryness is also very essential during Winter. One must avoid hot water baths as this dries the skin maximum. After the bath, apply coconut oil when the body is moist to entrap the moistures, then layer it with your daycare moisturiser. For crack heels during Winter, one must dip their feet in lukewarm water for at least 10-15 minutes, then the crack ends with a pumice stone. After cleaning heels, applying lactic acid urea-based moisturiser helps, and if possible, try wearing cotton socks.

The presence of oil glands or sebaceous glands is very scary in hands, so we must avoid harsh hand washes and opt for pH-balanced soaps. And regular moisturization after hand washing. So these are a few skincare routine changes we must make in Winter. You can consult the doctor if you have any queries regarding winter skin care.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Mouth Ulcer Treatment, Symptoms & Causes | मुंह के छालो कि इलाज | मुंह में छाले क्यों हो जाते हैं? | अल्सर की पहचान कैसे करें? | माउथ अल्सर के लक्षण क्या है?

Mouth Ulcer Treatment | Mouth अल्सर कितने दिन में ठीक होता है? | माउथ अल्सर कैसे ठीक होता है? | अल्सर से कैंसर हो सकता है क्या? | मुंह का अल्सर क्यों होता है? | अल्सर कब खतरनाक हो जाता है? | अल्सर के प्रकार क्या हैं?

In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol Ent Institute and Research Centre discusses common mouth ulcer symptoms, types, and treatment.

Mouth ulcer treatment, The most common symptom of mouth ulcer is that it causes pain for a few days. One gets teased by food, spices, masalas, and hot stuff. They may present themselves anywhere, like on the tongue inside cheeks, lips, gums, and backside of the throat. Broadly, mouth ulcers are of 4 types. We categorize them into two categories, the first is benign ulcers that are not harmful, and the other is cancerous. 

How symptoms of mouth ulcer vary with its types ?

Often people have problems like aphthous ulcers, which are white. These ulcers keep on rotating their position. They present themselves more than once, are multiple, and are very painful. They heal after 3-4 days on their own. Lichen planus present themselves inside the cheeks, beneath the tongue, and the gums. One may observe them as white lining on their gums which don’t look like ulcers, but white lining appears on skin or mucosa. They are painful, and one gets teased with food or spics. This lichen planus as it is a disease long-lasting. Aphthous ulcers last for a few days and heal independently, whereas this disease, Lichen planus, lasts for a month. This condition requires extensive treatment. The third type is fluid-filled ulcers or pemphigus, which take off the skin when broken. They also can be difficult to treat. It may occur on the cheeks and tongue. 

Causes of mouth ulcer

Vitamin deficiency is one of the causes of mouth ulcer. Others may have acid reflux. Low immunity may also cause this. In addition, systemic diseases like uncontrolled diabetes and thyroid disease can also cause ulcers in the mouth. The reason for Lichen planus is unknown. However, we have seen that immunity plays a role in these ulcers. Low immunity may develop these types of ulcers. The treatment lasts longer.

One need not seek any medical supervision to begin with ulcers. One may take painkillers or can apply painkiller lotion topically or ointment. One must take multivitamins and antacids and do antiseptic gargles; they heal on their own in 4-5 days. The next crop may reoccur in any other location. One can’t prevent this condition, but we advise them to keep a healthy diet, including vitamins, and avoid acidity. If you have viral, diabetes or dengue any other condition that reduces immunity, then no one must take proper treatment so that it doesn’t cause low immunity.

Treatment of mouth ulcer

The cure for the second type includes oral medication and injection. Primarily we give steroid injections or medicine, and it heals slowly and gradually. It may take days to months for proper healing. There are chances of not going completely, but they start receding slowly. It doesn’t irritate. Crops may develop again and last longer, and the doctor may provide you with the right treatment. The third category is water-filled ulcers or pemphigus . They usually present themselves in individuals with low immunity. One may develop these types of ulcers with a condition of autoimmune diseases; the prime mode of treatment is a steroid. Doctors prescribe steroids both in the form of injections or orally. Aphthous ulcers are the most common and painful of all three categories. However, they last for a short period and heal on their own.


Faith Hospital: Best Psychiatrists In Chandigarh

Gynecology The Touch Clinic

IVF Success Rate by Age | How age affects IVF success? | आईवीएफ सबसे सफल किस उम्र में होता है?

IVF Success Rate by Age | आईवीएफ कितनी उम्र तक हो सकता है?

In this video, Dr. Preeti Jindal, Senior Consultant Gynaecologist, discusses the role of age in IVF success in the present scenario. IVF success rate by age

What is IVF?

IVF means In-vitro Fertilisation, the formation of an embryo or the first form of a baby or embryo that occurs outside the female body. So, in natural conception, the egg is released from the ovary. At the same time, sperm reaches into the tubes, and fertilization occurs inside the fallopian tubes. And on the fourth day, the embryo moves toward the uterus and starts growing. In the uterus, the embryo develops into a baby over nine months till the baby is born.

IVF procedure

In IVF, doctors remove the egg from the body, and the sperm of the partner fertilize it outside of the female body. So the embryo starts forming outside the female body in the lab’s incubator. And on the 3rd or 5th day, the doctor transfers the embryo inside the female. 

Who and when one can opt for IVF? | IVF Success Rate by Age

Everyone does not need IVF. It is only for those couples who cannot conceive a pregnancy naturally or with any other more accessible mode of contraception. Often couples exhaust themselves and still don’t get the desired result of achieving pregnancy. Also, women with blockage or damage in the fallopian tubes are the ideal candidate for IVF. Aging also affects the quality of egg formation. In addition, if the sperm count is low, in some cases, everything is OK, but one is still unable to conceive naturally, so, under these circumstances, one can opt for IVF.

What is the success rate of IVF?

One thing everyone must know is that the success of IVF does not depend on the Centre. It always depends on the couple. The success rate is less if a couple is ageing. Ageing affects the sperm count and fewer eggs. And if the young couple has healthy egg formation only problem is the faulty fallopian tubes, the success rate will be higher.

How to increase the IVF success with age?

Early help can increase the success rate of IVF. The more couples delay seeking IVF treatment, the less likely they will be successful. A few techniques like artificial intelligence, PGTA, and ERA can improve the success rate. ERA tells us about individual receptivity. So, IVF is quite a complex procedure, but if done correctly, it would yield a success rate. 

Gynecology The Touch Clinic

Perimenopause Symptoms Treatment | पेरिमेनोपॉज़(महिला रजोनिवृत्ति) के लक्षणों को कैसे रोकें? | How to Prevent Perimenopause Symptoms?

Perimenopause Symptoms | पेरी-मेनोपॉज के लक्षण सुधरे महिलाएं अपनाएं ये टिप्‍स | महिला रजोनिवृत्ति

Perimenopause symptoms, In this video, Dr. Preeti Jindal, Director of the Touch Clinic, an advanced IVF discusses symptoms of perimenopause and how to delay them. With time, there has been an increase in the longevity of women’s lives. With healthy eating habits, women can live easily by 80–90 years old. A healthy lifestyle has certainly uplifted the lifespan, but it can’t control the normal process of ageing. Menopause can occur at any age between 45 and 55. So one-third of women’s lives go through perimenopausal and post-menopausal phases. 

How does perimenopause happen?

Concerning time, there is a depletion of egg reserve in the ovary. As a result, even the estrogen level goes down. The external symptoms of perimenopause is the recession of periods of more than 12 months. Biochemically, doctors can determine the onset of perimenopause by FSH levels. If the serum FSH values reach more than 30, menopause has set in. 

Role of Estrogen

The level of estrogen is significant not only for beauty but also for physical, mental, and social well-being. Estrogen levels are essential for bone strength and osteoporosis prevention. Even it helps in keeping blood pressure in control among women. It is also important for sexual and urinary health. 

How symptoms of perimenopause affect women ?

Lack of estrogen can also lead to Alzheimer’s or memory loss. For every woman, 45-55 years is the golden period of menopause. The most common symptoms are hot flashes, anxiety, depression, memory loss, aches, or weight gain, it is time to see a gynaecologist and begin treatment. 

Treatment for menopause

If you are in the low-risk category, then a few medicines can help in reducing menopausal symptoms. Hormonal replacement therapy or drug therapy can help in improving perimenopausal health. Females can delay their symptoms by choosing hormone therapy at the right time. One can delay menopause symptoms by almost ten years. So do not suffer in silence. 

Visit your gynecologist and get help for your menopause symptoms at the right time. For more information, visit our website.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

What causes sneezing and runny nose?

Do sneezing and a runny nose are signs of allergies?

In this video, Dr. Sushmita Gupta, Consultant ENT at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Chandigarh, discusses the causes of sneezing and runny nose. 

What is a sneezing and runny nose? 

A sneeze is a sudden blast of air expelled from the lungs through the mouth or nose. Frequent sneezing results in a runny nose and leads to a common cold. It is one of the protective mechanisms of the body. It expels the allergens outside the nasal cavity.

Why does sneezing and a runny nose occur?

Sneezing may occur due to many reasons. They can be allergic or non-allergic. Various allergens, like pollen grains, dust particles, fungal mold, pet hairs, etc., trigger allergic sneezes. 

Non-allergic rhinitis

Another condition is non-allergic rhinitis. The symptoms are similar to allergic rhinitis; however, the chemical mediators that trigger allergic response are absent. Non-allergic mediators include infection, runny nose or flu, irritant gases, fuels, dust particles, odor perfumes, hot and spicy food, and beverages. Even hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, menstruation, and conditions like hypothyroidism leads to non-allergic sneezing. Uncontrollable sneezing can also have psychological causes.

How to treat it?

Treating the underlying cause is the key to getting relief from constant sneezing. If one is allergic, one may take an anti-allergic decongestant and antihistamines. If it’s infectious, then one should take antibiotics. Avoid trigger agents as much as possible. If you suffer from hormonal imbalance, consult your doctor and seek proper treatment.

When should one worry about sneezing and a runny nose?

If the sneezing is excessive, chronic symptoms hamper your daily routine activity, and even after taking medicines, if it’s not reducing or getting worse, you must consult your doctor immediately and take proper treatment.

 To know more, watch the full video.

Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Dermatology

Scabies : Causes & Treatment

What are scabies?

In this video, Dr. Jayanti Singh, Consultant Dermatologist at Apollo Sector 8 Chandigarh, talks about scabies. It is an infection, and mites cause this. These mites are tiny in size and usually stay over skin and clothes. Scientific term for scabies is Sarcoptes scabiei.

What are the common symptoms? 

One may have itching, rash, and infection, and even in a few cases, one may develop a crust on their skin. Itching is the most constant symptom of scabies. And it is more at night. As a result, most patients feel insomnia. One may develop a rash near interdigital areas, around the umbilical cord, in and around thighs, and genital areas. Sometimes the rash can come with itchiness. Due to constant itching, infection or crust over the rash is self-evident. Since it is a contagious disease, it may affect other family members also. It spreads through clothes, bedding, towels, etc.

Where do scabies mites sit in our bodies? 

Mites can be present in the superficial layer of the skin. Scabies mites find their niches in clothes, inner lining, bedding, towels, etc.  

Treatment of scabies 

The most crucial thing in scabies is that we should separate commonly used stuff like clothes, bedding, and towels. Wash your clothes daily in boiling water. In addition, certain oral medicines, like permethrin-containing creams, malathion, and GBHC creams, are available to relieve itching. Also, one can have tablets in combination with creams. Scabies might take 6-8 weeks for complete healing. The treatment of scabies is essential as it is contagious, and one may acquire added infection. Not just a few, millions of mites can rest over your body and may develop Norwegian scabies or crust over the skin. Then they become challenging to treat. To conclude, if you have an itchy rash, especially at night, you must consult a dermatologist or our team.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Knee Crepitus Treatment & Causes | घुटने की क्रेपिटस का उपचार और कारण

Knee Crepitus Treatment | घुटने से आवाज आना का सफल इलाज

In this video, Dr. MS Narula, discusses common causes of knee crepitus treatment

What is knee crepitus or knee popping sound ?

It is a popping, clicking, or cracking sound from the knees. It can be a grating sensation. But, mostly, it’s a harmless condition. Mostly it is arthritis

What are the probable causes of knee crepitus?

One of the prevalent reasons for sound in the knees or the soft tissue is because of air bubbles. There is entrapment of air bubbles inside the joint fluid, and when they pop, they make a sound coming from the knees. Another principal reason for this sound is the rubbing of rough cartilage. Bone-to-bone rubbing may also cause this. In addition, if the tendon and cartilage are snapping through the bone, this sound may also pop. 

How to diagnose?

Most of these reasons are unharmful unless and until they give away with time. But if they are paining or causing swelling, then it might be arthritis. It is a normal condition of wear and tear of cartilage lining, or the cartilage gets rough from various places. Consequently. bone to bone touches, causing popping sounds and pain. It may indicate the initiation of arthritis. Another condition is when the piece of cartilage loses out and moves in the fluid. It may cause pain, make sound and even lock the knee joint.  

Treatment of knee crepitus | Knee Crepitus Treatment

Often people panic when hearing noise from their knees, especially in the morning. Popping sound from knee  harmless condition. Suppose you feel a strange noise from your knees after a specific exercise. In addition, if you have pain and inflammation, one can always do RICE treatment—Rest, Icing, compression, and elevation. And one may need mild anti-inflammatory. But if the knee is  painful and swelling, you must see a doctor. Most probably the doctor will examine the knee by X-ray.

How X-Ray helps in diagnosing knee crepitus?

In X-Ray, doctors will look for conditions like eroded cartilage or the space from bone to the joint is receding. In addition, few cartilaginous supplements help in uplifting the arthritis pain. In addition, injections to the knee to treat arthritis. If there is a loose body condition, then we need to diagnose the condition by MRI. If it causes pain, especially locking the knee, then we remove this loose body outside. Also,doctors treat infection or inflammation with antibiotics or anti-inflammatories. So one must seek a doctor’s advice if it’s paining, swelling and pain, discomfort, and locking the knee

Exercise for knee popping

Mild knee crepitus is harmless, and one may take anti-inflammatories, icing, and gentle exercise to heal the pain. Often people are asked which type of knee exercise may help in this condition. As such, there is no exercise, especially for knee crepitus. But yes, it signals the onset of arthritis. Sometimes it may occur as the first symptom of arthritis. Then gentle knee stretching exercises may help in this condition. Collagen and vitamin D  supplement is also essential for the knee. Avoid cross legs sitting on the floor, over-exercise, and scooting. Chronic overuse injury may also cause this condition. So I would advise you to cut down on the exercise and give rest to the knee. 

Knee crepitus and Children | Knee Crepitus Treatment

In a few cases, popping noise comes from the children’s joints. This entity of joints is snapping joints. Under these circumstances, doctors advise parents not to panic. Often parents complain in panic mode that their children’s joints are making noise. It’s harmless. However, some develop the habit of crunching their knuckles but avoid this habit. Knee crepitus is a benign condition. However, one must reduce their weight and keep exercising. In addition, one must include vitamin D in their diet. Beyond that, it is harmless. Keep exercising regularly and have nutritious food. Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

5 Common reasons of Itchy ears

Itchy Ears: Causes and Treatment

In this video, Dr. Sushmita Gupta, Consultant ENT at Apollo Clinic discusses itchy ears causes, and their treatment. 

Common reason of itchy ears

There can be various reasons for an itchy ear. The first reason is dry skin. If there is inadequate wax production in the ear, it might lead to dryness and itchiness in the ears. Wax help in ear lubrication and also plays a role in protective functions. If its production is less, it will dry the ear. In addition, one has white flakes in the ear canal. 

Ear infection

The second reason is ear canal dermatitis. If there is an inflammation or swelling in the inner lining of the ear, then  ear canal dermatitis develops. Allergic reactions can also lead to swelling in the ears. Metal allergy from metal-based earrings and cream or lotion can also cause allergic response to the skin. Another type of dermatitis is oral eczematous dermatitis. 

Other reasons

Swimmer’s ear or outer infection or otitis externa can also cause inflammation in the skin or itchiness. Infection develops in the inner lining of the ear skin. There can be discharge and itchiness. 

Hearing aids 

Usage of hearing aids and earphones  can also lead to itching. These devices can trap moisture inside the ear. And even the earphone material can cause allergy inflammation, pain, swelling, and itching. 

Skin condition

Psoriasis, a skin condition in which rashes develop on the skin, and skin may turn red, formation of flakes, and cause itching. Any bacterial or fungal infection in the ear can lead to swelling and pain or fever in the ear. In addition, there can be discharge and itchiness.

Treatment for itchy ear

Doctors target the underlying cause to reduce itchy ears. If there are allergic changes, then the doctor may prescribe antihistamines. For excessive wax,  its clearing can give relief. Lubrication or moisturization may alleviate the dryness in the ear’s skin. For infection, use antibiotic ear drops, but one should always seek advice from a doctor before putting any drops in the ear. Always take treatment on advice. One may take steroid-based creams for skin conditions like psoriasis and infection.

How do you prevent it?

Avoid over-cleaning your ears with earbuds. If there is an allergic reaction toward metal, then avoid that metal-based earring. Dry your ears after a bath or swimming.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Dermatology

Melasma: Causes and Treatment

Melasma : Causes and treatment 

In this video Dr. Jayanti Singh, Consultant Dermatologist discusses common causes of Melasma and how we can prevent it.

What is melasma?

It is the leading cause of hyperpigmentation and mainly occurs in intensive sun-exposed areas. They may be in light brownish or dark brown or bluish-grey pigmentation on the face. Subsequently, hyperpigmentation may occur on both sides of the face symmetrically but mainly in the cheeks, forehead, mandibles, and nose. Depending upon the layer at which the pigmentation is present, one can categorize it into an epidermal, dermal, or mixed pattern. It is a multifactorial disease. It involves genetics and hormonal levels combined with exposure to UV radiation

Why does melasma affect females more?

Most commonly, female hormones are responsible for 50% of this problem. There has been a direct relationship between melasma and female hormones, which is why it is more commonly present in females than males. In addition, 15-50% of hyperpigmentation starts during pregnancy. Therefore, fluctuation in the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body plays a vital role.

Other reasons 

Apart from pregnancy, other conditions involving hormonal fluctuations, like the use of oral contraceptives or ovarian dysfunction, can be the cause of hyperpigmentation in females. Apart from hormonal change, those with a family history of hyperpigmentation are 48% more likely to have it than others. In addition, certain cosmetics, photosynthesizing medications, and certain other medications can also be the reason. 

What leads to melanin production?

On exposure to UV irradiation, all these reasons lead to the formation of reactive oxygen species that lead to stimulation in the production of pigment-forming cells or melanocytes. As a result, it increases the production of melanin. Ultimately this excessive melanin starts depositing in the skin and is seen as hyperpigmentation. Furthermore, prolonged and intensive sunlight exposure may precipitate melanin production and worsen it. Last but not least, stress is also one of its most critical factors. It initiates the production of melanocytes stimulating hormones, thereby increasing melanin production.


The most important thing for its treatment is sun protection. One must opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen, preferably a physical sunscreen. In addition, one must wear physical sun protection like hats, wear full sleeves clothes and try to stay in shady places. Certain creams are available with kojic acid or hydrocortisone, azelaic acid, vitamin C and arbutin-containing creams. One can combine creams with oral medicines. Oral medication involves. Tranexamic acid (TXA), glutathione vitamin C-containing tablets, and tablets with beneficial antioxidants. There is the production of reactive oxygen species on exposure to UV radiation. Certain antioxidant foods may help reduce it—Vitamin C-enriched foods like lemon, oranges, citrus fruits, Brockley, and sprouts.

Other procedures:

In addition to traditional medication, viz. creams and medicines, specific procedures like chemical peeling, micro-needling or dermabrasion, and platelet-rich plasma therapy can be helpful. It is not cancerous, and neither is it painful. But its treatment lasts long for those patients where pigmentation is deep-seated. So it becomes resistant to the treatment.

For more information, visit the clinic and follow SimpliHealth for more details. Stay healthy, stay happy. 

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Feeling of Lump in Throat | Globus Sensation | गले में अटका हुआ लगना के कारण लक्षण व उपचार | गले में अटका जैसा क्यों लगता है?

Feeling of Lump in Throat | Globus Sensation | What does globus anxiety feel like? | Why does anxiety cause globus?

Feeling of lump in throat, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol talks about the foreign body/globus sensation in throat, its types and causes. Also he has explained treatment options available.  As we know, it is a very common problem. Often people feel that there is something stuck in their throat. However, there is nothing, but there is a sensation. So we call this globus in medical language. Globus sensation can affect any age. However, especially in the middle age group, it is more common. Because stress, a phobia about cancer, and other psychological causes are more prevalent in the middle age group. 

Types of globus sensation | Feeling of Lump in Throat

Foreign body or globus sensation are of two types. One is painless foreign body sensation. Patients feel that something is stuck in their lower throats. Others may have swelling. These patients try to swallow after every 10 seconds. Some patients try to clear their throats very often. These are the common indications of painless foreign body sensations. Some may also have painful lumps. Different reasons contribute to painful lumps. 

Causes of Painless globus sensation

In painless globus, the most typical cause we see in our practice is stress and phobia of cancer. Patients may feel that since their close relatives had throat cancer, they might also have one. Therefore, cancer phobia is a prevalent cause of painless globus. The second most common reason is Post-Nasal Drip (PND).

How does PND cause globus?

Often patients receive drip from their nose, and the phlegm deposits in their throat. Usually, patients try to either swallow or clear the throat to get rid of phlegm.  

Acid reflux and globus

Acid reflux is the third cause. Acid reflux is a very common condition; almost 70-80 % of the population with the age of above 30 years suffer from acid reflux. When the acid comes from the stomach to the throat and causes a little burning sensation, it develops an intense sensation of globus. Subsequently they keep clearing their throats for a longer time. In a few cases, when the patients start having food, then their first bite is stuck in the throat. Then they heal eventually. So these are globus caused by acid reflux. It is also painless.


First, we need to rule out the cause. If it is a post-nasal drip, they may require anti-analgesics. Next, seek treatment for allergies, like a nasal spray. Finally, counselling is essential as they are fearful they might have throat cancer. They are phobic. 

How counselling helps globus patients?

They must have seen their families or close relatives who have throat cancer, and they believe. Also, we need to take the patient’s history, those who had throat cancer. We need to counsel them if they tell us positively that it’s not necessary that you also have throat cancer. Reassurance is an essential part of the treatment regimen. 

How to treat Acid reflux?

The third thing is Acid reflux. Often people have a problem with acidity. So these patients need to take antacid therapy that is too optimum to control their acid and reflux. It heals with adequate antacid therapy.  

Do we need to consult a psychologist?

Few patients are psychologically affected; these standard treatments don’t help them. So instead, they require low-dose antidepressants; some may need psychiatric drugs for improvement. Eventually, their globus gets treated. 

Painful globus sensation | Feeling of Lump in Throat

There can be various reasons associated with painful globus. There are four primary reasons. First, infection in the throat, (pharyngitis, viral infection, chronic tonsillitis, or severe infection in the tonsils).  Some may have a neuralgia condition. They have a problem with a nerve in the throat. Due to this, they feel pain during swallowing. 

Thyroid disorder: Feeling of Lump in Throat

The third cause is thyroid disorder. These patients have thyroid inflammation disorders like thyroiditis. Due to this condition there is inflammation in the thyroid. They may have painful lumps, especially during swallowing. 

Can cancer cause globus?

Fourth, some may have actual cancer or tumours. Painful lump when they say it gets painful during diagnosis. So doctors need to monitor all the causes, make a proper diagnosis, and further treatment.

Thank you 

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Different Types of Hearing Aids and How They Work | कान की मशीन के प्रकार | Which type of hearing aids work best?

Different Types of Hearing Aids and How They Work | कान की मशीन कौन सी अच्छी है?

Different types of hearing aids and how they work, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, ENT Specialist from Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre, talks about types of hearing aids available, and how they have evolved over the time.

Parameter to choose type of hearing aids

In today’s scenario, good quality hearing machines are available. Hearing aid dispensation relies on hearing loss, financial capacity, environment, and requirements. Depending on the needs and facilities like Bluetooth connectivity, there are rechargeable hearing machines. There is no requirement for cell change. Their battery is available in a box like you keep the machine in the box, and it gets charged.

Rechargeable type of hearing aids: CIC

 Next model is the rechargeable model. If  you place it in the box, it’s charging, and when you take it out, it is ready to use. It is a small device. It is a custom-made product according to the patient’s specific needs. One can insert them in the ear. We call this CIC: Inside the canal. The only problem with this type is that one needs to be cautious because of its tiny size; it may get lost.

Shortcomings of CIC:

It has a short battery back. Everyone can’t have it. They are applicable for severe deafness. They are used for specific kinds of deafness.

 Digital Hearing Aid:BTE

It is a tiny device, but it works efficiently and sits on the ear. Since it sits on the ear, known as BTE (behind the ear Digital hearing aid). A large hearing aid is super strong and helpful for severe deaf patients. 


A rechargeable hearing aid or RIC is the receiver in the ear canal. Because their receiver is inside the ear, the sound quality is better. Patient satisfaction is high. It’s a bit expensive. It is available after patient counselling. 

Importance of channels in hearing aids

Another essential thing in hearing aid is channels—those patients whose needs are fine need to go out in society, in groups, or among friends. They must opt for more channels in hearing machines. More channels improve the quality. Those patients who need fine hearing always opt for a hearing aid with 10-12 > channels. 

Modern facilities:

These days they have a feature of Bluetooth enabled. Few can even sync with Phone. Patients may have an option for remote availability. A remote is available with a hearing aid to adjust the volume and software programming. Even one can attach their hearing aid with a TV connection. Tv volume may go directly from Bluetooth to the ear. But these facilities are expensive. Facilities come with a price. 

Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre, Chandigarh, is well equipped with every hearing aid. In addition, we have qualified audiologists and doctors to ensure patient satisfaction.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Hearing Aid Centers Near Me | Modern Bluetooth Hearing Aids | कान की मशीन कौन सी अच्छी है? | कान की मशीन कितने प्रकार के होते हैं?

Hearing Aid Centers Near Me | Modern Hearing Aids Machines | कान की मशीन कहां मिलेगी? | कान का बहरापन कैसे दूर करें?

Hearing aid centers near me, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol discusses modern hearing aids machines and how they aid in improving the quality of life. Hearing aids improve the hearing ability of deaf or have reduced hearing ability. Hearing aids devices are very useful for people who have hearing problems. 

Pocket hearing aids

For the last few years, hearing aids were pocket models. Usually, there was a pocket and a speaker inside the ear. But with modernization, there are button-sized hearing aids which fit  inside the ear. 

Why not use an over-the-counter hearing aid?

But always remember it is the doctor who will decide who needs a hearing aid. Some infection or deafness which is treatable doesn’t need it. However,  it also depends upon the consent of the patient. If surgery, medicine, or any treatment, can resolve hearing problems then it’s well and good; otherwise, the doctor advises this machine.

Why is the hearing aids patient specific?

A hearing aid is one such device that is a patient-specific instrument. One must not take them from over-the-counter as it won’t be successful for everyone.It might be a waste of money. It is a patient-specific device.One must take it only after a hearing aid test and on the doctor’s advice only considering the results of the test. Doctors advise specific hearing aids. Earlier non-digital hearing aids were used with a battery and switch attached. That switch can be on or off and adjust the volume. 

Modern ears hearing aid machines 

But modern era hearing aid machines are small, digital, and programmable. They have a chip that can be attached to a computer or app or software, and we program it. We feed patients hearing tests and their data to the software. After analysing the data, software programs the specific hearing aid, which is then ready for the patient. 

Cost/price of modern hearing aids machines | Hearing Aid Centers Near Me

The financial range of hearing aid varies from 15- 20 k to 10 lacs. There is quality and variety with various facilities. So the patient has a lot of choices. But the decision of choosing a hearing aid  depends upon the strength model and is decided by the doctor or any trained audiologist. The patient can insist on particular hearing aids. These machines are patient-specific and according to the requirement of hearing loss, it fits inside the patient’s ears. A hearing aid has no side effects. Often patients say it has side effects. 

How do they work ?

It’s a kind of device with speakers and a microphone. Mike collects the sound, increases the volume, and amplifies and sends it to the ear. Those people who have reduced hearing can listen to sound and enjoy the quality of life. It has no side effects, rather it’s an aid that helps in the quality of life.

Are there any side effects?

The biggest drawback is that like any other electronic device, this too requires a battery. All electronic devices require a source of energy that requires a battery. 

How often do they need a battery change?

Now the frequency of replacing the battery depends upon the type of machine, device’s size and its use. Battery consumption depends upon hours usage, range of size and which facilities are used . On average if you see a complete range then one machine may require battery change from 5 days to 1 month to 3 weeks depending upon the type. 

Do hearing aids need service?

Another thing since it is an electronic device so it requires service as water or sweat may penetrate inside. Those patients who have a fit hearing aid and they feel good, it works like specs, like they need specs to see and aid to hear. Eventually, they adapt to it. After 2-3 weeks, patients need adaptation. So they also need to fine tune on a need base like home, office or outside which may require 2-3 siting or weeks. 

To know more, watch the full video. 

Thank you very much.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Deviated Septum Surgery | Septoplasty | Nose Bone Surgery | नाक की हड्डी का ऑपरेशन कैसे किया जाता है?

Deviated Septum Surgery | Septoplasty | Nose Bone Surgery | नोज सर्जरी में कितना समय लगता है? | क्या नाक की हड्डी को सीधा किया जा सकता है?

In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre talks about septoplasty surgery with abnormal nasal bones. (Deviated Septum Surgery)

Who needs Septoplasty?

Having a perfectly straight nasal bone is very rare. However, a large population has a slightly curvy nasal bone. Whether patients require surgery or not largely depends upon the nasal bone curve. Generally patients with nose blockage have large bones, have a nose infection, and sinusitis. They might develop recurrent post-nasal drip, headaches, and sleep disturbances at night. They snore a lot and might suffer from sleep apnea. So keeping these symptoms, doctors offer septoplasty surgery to these patients. It is a minimal surgical procedure. 

What is Septoplasty?

It is a minor surgery. Doctors numb the location of surgery. But doctors may perform it under anaesthesia if the patient isn’t comfortable. Otherwise, doctors perform by numbing the nearby areas of the nose and nasal bone. Doctors perform Septoplasty through the inside nose. Patients don’t get any cuts outside the nose. Generally, they put in dissolvable sutures. It is not visible from the outside.

How much time does it take?

This surgery lasts for 20-25 minutes. Doctors put sponges inside the nose for 24-48 hours. After 48 hours, doctors remove them and patients can breathe. There are no significant complications that associates with the surgery. There are a few minor complications, like bleeding. An episode of minor bleeding is widespread in every surgery. But it’s not bothersome. However, one may have an infection in the nasal bone, which is easy to manage. This surgery helps in better breathing, fewer sinusitis attacks. Also it helps in reducing snoring and headache, and gives patients relief. 

Cost of procedure

In most of the hospitals this procedure comes under insurance. The cost may vary from 20,000 to 25000. Doctors use lasers and modern instruments. The recovery time is 1-2 weeks for the patients.

Operation Post-care | Deviated Septum Surgery

The patient needs to take care of their nose after the operation. Regular cleaning with saline is a must. Ointment and lubrication are essential steps for complete wound healing. One takes 1-2 weeks to recover fully. However, one can resume regular activity after the operation and eat food, but after sponging, you can continue your job and do whatever you want. 

Precaution after surgery | Deviated Septum Surgery

One must take precautions to avoid doing heavy exercise to work out and fly for at least two weeks. There is no swelling or deformity after this procedure. If there are no complications, one can make out they have taken the septoplasty procedure.

 Thank you very much.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Hole in the Eardrum: Causes and Treatment

Hole in the eardrum: Causes and Treatment

In this video, Dr. Sushmita Gupta, Consultant ENT at Apollo clinic and CHD City Hospital, discusses a common problem: hole in the eardrum or perforation in the ear drum.

What does a hole in the eardrum mean?

A hole in the eardrum means there is perforation in the eardrum or the tympanic membranes. It can be due to some trauma or infection. 

Causes of hole in the eardrums

First is a foreign object in the ear. Often we use things like earbuds or hairpins like sharp objects to itch inside the ear. As a matter of fact, they result in injury or perforation.

What is acoustic trauma?

The second reason is acoustic trauma or loud noise. It can be an explosion or gunshot.

Can travelling in an airplane lead to hole in the eardum?

Barotrauma can also lead to perforated eardrums. When there is an imbalance in middle ear pressure and external air pressure, it ruptures in drum. Sudden pain in the ear while flying or deep driving might occur due to the sudden pressure change or imbalance.

What is a middle ear infection?

The fourth reason is a middle ear infection or otitis media. There is an accumulation of fluid which increases steadily and creates pressure. This pressure, when released, ruptures the eardrum and discharges outside.

Common symptoms of perforated eardrums

If you sense an intense pain in the ear, that may heal eventually. But after pain, some fluid starts discharging from the ear, or your hearing ability is less, and then there is hole in the eardrums. The second reason is any injury or trauma to the ear or head. It might cause ear discharge. Other symptoms include watery or bloody discharge, reduced hearing ability or dizziness, and  tinnitus.

Common problems with perforated eardrums

Reduced hearing ability is one of the most common problems associated with perforated eardrums. If the sound conduction mechanism is impaired, if the perforation doesn’t heal, it might infect repeatedly. It may cause persistent ear discharge and become chronic. 

Do we need surgery for every perforation in the eardrums?

There is a relatively good chance of automatic ear perforation healing in a few weeks or months. However, you may not require further treatment in some cases, patients may have repeated ear infections, and perforation doesn’t heal. There may be a requirement for surgery. 

Surgery for perforated eardrums

These days these surgeries are minimally invasive. By minimally invasive, I mean doctors do these surgeries with the help of an endoscope. As a result, there is less to no scar formation, limited hospital stay, better healing, and faster recovery. 

Bottom Line:

If you have perforated ear drums, you must visit your ENT specialist and find the treatment option. In addition, you must seek treatment for perforated ear drums. Eardrum repair will reduce the risk of repeated infection and improve hearing. 

Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Seasonal allergies: Causes and Treatment

Seasonal allergies: Causes and Treatment

In this video, Dr. Sushmita Gupta, Consultant ENT at Apollo Clinic Chandigarh. Discusses about seasonal allergies.

What are seasonal allergies?

Any allergy that occurs in particular weather, we call that reaction of the body a seasonal allergy. It is also known as hay fever, spring allergy, summer allergy, or allergic rhinitis. When allergens come inside the body, our immune system reacts against them. It results in the development of symptoms that we see as allergic symptoms. 

Causes of seasonal allergies

Anything that can trigger an allergic response in the immune system are called allergens. Some examples of allergens are pollen from trees or grass, pollen grains, fungus, mould, and pet hairs. It is more common in summer or during the harvesting season. There is a high concentration of pollen in the air. During winter, it recedes. However, in a few patients, there may be an annual reaction or anytime during the year. If you have an allergy during a particular season. Then you are allergic to pollen which is found in that specific season. 

Common indications or symptoms

Some specific symptoms are prevalent during allergies, like sneezing, nose blockage, and running nose. Itchy eyes, red eyes, watery eyes, and irritation in the eyes, ears, and nose can also occur. Also, one may feel irritation in the throat. In addition, one may have post-nasal discharge

Rare symptoms

Less common symptoms include headache, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and dry cough. Few may develop asthma with allergic symptoms. However, in these cases, these allergens may trigger asthma attacks.

Why do allergies occur?

Sometimes our immune system identifies the airborne-harmless particles as dangerous elements. As a result, the body produces certain chemical elements and histamines against it in the blood. These chemical elements stimulate allergic symptoms inside the body. 

How to avoid an episode of allergic reaction?

First and foremost, one needs to reduce exposure to trigger agents. Like if you are allergic to a particular season then try to stay indoors at home and restrict outside hangouts. Use facemasks when you go outside. Avoid outdoor activities in the morning as the pollen count is maximum in the morning air. Close all the windows and doors at night. 

Do we need air filters ?

One can use a dehumidifier to dry up the air in the house. One can install HEPA filters. As much as possible, avoid gardening and furniture dusting. The second thing is to rinse their nasal cavity and sinuses. Saline Nasal irrigation is rapid, inexpensive. It is an effective method for nasal congestion. 

How to make nasal saline at home?

It is available in readymade formulations. One can easily procure them, and even you can make them at home. To make saline suspension at home, take 1 litre of water and add one and a half teaspoons of common salt and half teaspoon of baking soda and create a solution. You can use it and rinse your nasal cavity with this solution. 

Treatment for Seasonal Allergies

For its treatment, there are some available over-the-counter drugs like antihistamines and oral decongestants that one can take. They can help in reducing sneezing, nasal congestion, and discharge. One may also use corticosteroid nasal spray. 


Another prevalent modality of treatment that is gaining popularity these days is immunotherapy. It is a desensitisation therapy. In this, we introduce allergens in a minute quantity via injection. As a result, the immune response towards allergens slowly starts receding, and there is healing in symptoms. Apart from injections, they are also available in sub-lingual tablet forms. So one should identify seasonal allergic symptoms and take precautions so you’re healthy and symptom-free. Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Mucus in throat: Causes & Treatment

Mucus in throat: Causes & Treatment

In this video, Dr. Sushmita Gupta, Consultant ENT at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Hospital Chandigarh discusses a very common problem: mucus in the throat. Mucus forms a mucosal lining in the nose, throat, sinus, and lungs. It lubricates the respiratory tract with moisture. Mucus also protects the lining by filtering harmful particles. 

What is Mucus in throat?

The mucus forms through the nose, and the sinus continuously drops into our throat. We call this condition post-nasal drip. And one unconsciously swallows it. Sometimes it is formed in excessive concentration leading to pooling in the throat. So one may develop a phlegm problem. As a result one needs to repeatedly clear their throats. Sometimes one may feel that something is stuck inside the throat.

Causes of mucus in throat

It can occur due to allergies or infection in the nose and sinuses. The second reason is acid reflux. By acid reflux, doctors mean that the acid in the stomach may come upwards to the throat. It might irritate and cause such problems. The third reason is lung infection, like bronchitis, pneumonia, or COPD. These may occur as a side effect of a few medicines.

Is this normal?

Excess mucus production is a temporary process. It heals on its own. But in some cases, it may persist for longer. What can we do, or what medicines could help us? 


If there is mucus in the throat repeatedly, one may take sips of water to clear mucus pooled in the throat. Also, one must prefer normal water. The second thing is the use of saline nasal irrigation. Over the counter, mucolytics syrups are available in the market that thin the mucus and help clear it by coughing it out. 

Home remedies

Gargling with salt water helps in clearing mucus. For humidifying, one can keep water in the bowl in one corner. Moisture will make the mucus thin, avoid its pooling in the nose. And hence, prevent its thickening. These humidifiers are available in the market for purchase. Apart from these, stay hydrated. One must take reasonable amounts of water in intervals and increase the concentration. Avoid sleeping flat, and try to level the head up. Avoid irritants like chemicals and fragrances that irritate your throat, and quit smoking. 

Symptoms that need doctor assistance

These are specific symptoms for which one must immediately consult the doctor. First, there is mucus formation repeatedly, or it is forming for a longer duration, like if it has been four weeks. The second is if the mucus concentration increases and is thickening. Third, there is a color change. Like if the color has changed to brownish or yellowish or greenish. If there is blood in the mucus followed by fever, pain in the chest, or difficult breath, you must consult the doctor and seek treatment.

 Don’t ignore them, as these may be warning signs of other underlying problems.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Dermatology

Milia: How do I get rid of Milia on the Face?

Milia: How do I get rid of milia on the Face?

In this video, our SimpliHealth expert Dr. Jayanti Singh, Consultant Dermatologist at Apollo Clinic, talks about measures to get rid of milia on the face. 

What are the milia on the face?

Milia on the face appears like small whitish bumps. They may be present on the nose, cheeks, and especially around the eyes. 

Causes of Milia on the face

When our dead skin doesn’t shed timely, there is the formation of new skin over dead. Then the dead skin beneath the new skin appears as white bumps.

Reasons for improper Skin shedding

Various reasons contribute to improper skin shedding mechanisms. Above all is skin damage. It can occur due to sun exposure. Excessive rubbing or injury can disrupt the shedding process. The second reason is the long-term usage of steroids. Any cosmetic product can also clog skin pores. In addition, overuse may disturb the skin cleaning process. Lastly, it can be genetically related. 

How to prevent Milia on the face?

The first and foremost thing is to follow a good skincare routine. First, one must adequately clean and exfoliate the face. Products with salicylic ingredients give better results. The second is to use good quality sun cream to protect you from the sun. And moisturize skin properly. Proper moisturizer aids in the natural cycle of skin shedding. Also, one must avoid the usage of thick creams on the face or around the eyes.

How to take care of milia at home?

You can use certain products at home if you have milia. First, as I told you, use a salicylic acid-based or alpha-hydroxy-based cleanser. The second thing is you can use any retinol-based cream. And the third is to add any chemical exfoliant to your routine. 

Procedure to extract milia

One can visit a dermatologist. They extract Milia manually with either needle or a comedone extractor. Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Urology

Benign prostate Enlargement: Symptoms and Treatment

Benign prostate enlargement: Symptoms and Treatment

In this video, Dr. VijayPal Singh Consultant Urologist Chandigarh talks about the condition of benign prostate enlargement. It is called prostatomegaly, or an increase in prostate size. 

What is benign prostate enlargement?

The prostate is mainly present in the male sex. Typically it’s a 20 gm walnut-size gland. Basically, it encircles around the urethra behind the urinary tract. Besides, this gland can cause many diseases like benign prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. Above all, it can cause prostate inflammation and prostate infection. 

What are the common symptoms of benign prostate enlargement?

Besides, it affects after the 50 years of age group. Basically, the prostate gland’s size increases after 50-70 years of age, narrowing the urinary passage. The patient develops symptoms. We can divide symptoms into two subgroups: voiding  and storage symptoms.

Indication of storage symptoms

Storage symptoms occur due to changes in the urinary bladder. Voiding symptoms include hesitancy in initiating urination and poor flow of urine. Evidently, patients may need to push themselves to pass urine. Altogether, the urinary bladder doesn’t get empty. There is always some residual urine left in the urinary bladder. Altogether, the storage symptoms bother the patients more. They are pretty irritating, like frequent urination and urgency.

Complications of prostatomegaly

Some complications of benign prostate include recurrent urinary tract infections and hematuria. As a matter of fact, there are bladder stones due to urine blockage.


The clinical examination of the patient is critical to diagnose the condition. The most important in this is distal rectal examination. First, doctors assess the prostate’s approximate size. Altogether, doctors check for the presence of any nodules or suspicious malignancy and rectal tone. Then comes the urine examination and culture.

Imaging techniques for diagnosis

Ultrasound of the urinary bladder determines the residual urine. It explains how much residual urine is present in the urinary bladder. In addition, doctors examine the prostate size and changes in the urinary bladder. Depending on the patient’s condition, one can also opt for uroflowmetry and cystoscopy.

Who needs a PSA test?

Sometimes doctors recommend PSA tests for prostate cancer screening. 


General category

The planning of the therapy is majorly on the patient’s symptoms and the complicating factors. In most cases, doctors suggest behavioural therapies and management. Additionally, doctors recommend pelvic floor exercises.

Moderate category

For bothersome symptoms, doctors give medical management. It includes alpha-blockers, bladder relaxants, and anticholinergics. 

Surgical treatment 

Doctors suggest surgery when medical management fails, or the patient cannot tolerate the medicines. In addition, complications like recurrent UTI, recurrent haematuria (blood in urine), or formation of stones require surgery. Altogether, an increase in prostate size and changes in the bladder require surgical treatment. There are lasers,HoLEP and HoLAP. 

What is TURP?

The gold standard of treatment is TURP. There are minimally invasive surgical therapies (MIST),UroLift, and bladder neck incision or bladder neck resection. However, it is opted only after analysing the patient’s condition, complicating factors. Sometimes it also depends upon the comorbidity and gland size.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Endometrium Thickness In Pregnancy | Symptoms | Treatment | अन्तःगर्भाशय | कारण, लक्षण और उपचार

Endometrium Thickness In Pregnancy : Causes, symptoms, and treatment 

Endometrium thickness in pregnancy, In this video, our SimpliHealth expert Dr. Heena Chawla, Consultant Gynaecologist at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Hospital at Sector 8 Chandigarh, is talking about endometriosis, its diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment. 

What is Endometriosis(Endometrium Thickness In Pregnancy)?

The endometrium is the innermost lining of the uterus. Endometrium thickness in pregnancy, This condition is called endometriosis when endometrial implants outside the uterus and start growing. Usually, during periods, the thick endometrial lining sheds off. But if the endometrial lining starts growing outside the uterus on a nearby organ, it doesn’t get any outlet. Due to this, the lining didn’t shed properly. Consequently, it causes pain, inflammation, and swelling. In addition, there is the formation of adhesion.

Causes of endometriosis:

The most common cause of endometriosis is retrograde blood flow (flow backward). The blood flow collects in the tubes or pools down in the ovaries. When it pools in the ovaries, it leads to the formation of an ovarian cyst. Sometimes the color of blood turns into a chocolate cyst. In a few cases, we see bluish-colored patches in the abdominal cavity. 

Symptoms of endometriosis

Painful periods (Endometrium Thickness In Pregnancy)

The most common symptom of a chocolate cyst or endometriosis is painful periods. As a result, it leads to severe dysmenorrhea or pain during periods.


Patients may feel pelvic pressure with a bloating sensation. However, few may have severe pain while passing urine and excreting out. 


Adhesion ruptures the relationship between ovaries and fallopian tubes. After eggs are released, it fails to reach the tubes. The second most crucial thing during endometriosis is that the egg’s quality is disturbed compared to normal women.

How to diagnose this condition?

Doctors may take the history and keep the symptoms’ records for proper diagnosis. Through clinical study, doctors get a lot of information about the condition. For example, during the ultrasound, ovarian cysts are the most common finding of endometriosis. Doctors draw definitive diagnoses by laparoscopy. However, deep filtration of endometriosis can also be seen in MRI. 


The treatment of endometriosis dramatically depends upon the symptoms. If you only have pain, then doctors prescribe painkillers. In case of heavy bleeding, doctors may give medicines to control bleeding. If the patient isn’t getting help from other treatments, we use 21 or 24 days of contraceptive pills. Under adverse cases, doctors prescribe Gonadotropin GnRH analogs to suppress endometriosis. 

Hysterectomy: Yes or No

If the patient desires fertility, doctors only remove the ovarian cyst and restore the relationship between the tubes and ovaries to help the pregnancy. Also, doctors separate the adhesions and burn the endometrial patches. And if the patient doesn’t want to get pregnant or is overaged, doctors advise a hysterectomy or removal of the uterus. 

Bottom line:

If you have this endometriosis condition, don’t feel hurt; seek a doctor’s advice. Discuss with the doctor your symptoms and plans for pregnancy accordingly; the doctor can plan the treatment. 

Thank you

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Hole in Eardrum Surgery | Tympanoplasty Surgery | Ear Operation | टिम्पैनोप्लास्टी कितना सफल है? | कान का ऑपरेशन कैसे होता है

Hole in Eardrum Surgery | Tympanoplasty Surgery | Ear Operation | कान के पर्दे की सर्जरी कैसे होती है? | कान की सर्जरी कैसे की जाती है? | कान का ऑपरेशन कहां होता है

Hole in eardrum surgery, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, ENT specialist from Abrol ENT institute and Research Centre, Chandigarh, discusses  eardrum surgery : a common mode of treatment for safe discharge from the ear.  It is widespread in our Indian population.

Who needs Eardrum Surgery ?

Discharge from the ear is very prevalent in every state, district, or community. Discharge from the ear is of two types: safe and unsafe discharge. Mainly the mode of treating safe ear discharge is by surgery. Doctors may prescribe antibiotics for drying ears, but to completely cure this condition, doctors perform surgery. 

What is eardrum surgery or Myringoplasty?

In this surgery, doctors insert a new eardrum by Myringoplasty surgery. This surgery gives perfect results. The eardrum surgery lasts for 30-40 minutes. 

What is the procedure for eardrum surgery?

Doctors don’t use artificial drums; instead, they take a graft from a nearby area of the ear. Besides, the gel-like material around the head is perfect for grafting. 


In this, doctors make a small incision that requires 1-2 stitches. Eventually, it gets invisible after some time. Doctors discharge the patient by the evening. 

Do we need anaesthesia for the eardrum Surgery?

Doctors can do this surgery with local anesthesia if the patient is cooperative; otherwise, doctors perform this surgery under complete anesthesia. 

What is the recovery rate after this surgery?

The eardrum repairs simultaneously during surgery, whereas the new eardrum requires 4-6 weeks to take complete shape and become fully functional. As a matter of fact, the patient may completely forget that they have ear drum problems.

Precaution one need after surgery

One can drive after he is fully awake. Altogether they can resume their normal routine activities, like washing their hair and sleeping over the ear, and following precautions like avoiding water or sweat inside the ear. One needs to make sure that the dressing doesn’t get wet. Doctors advise you to take precautions for 2-3 weeks. Furthermore, the patient can sleep after one week and after removing sutures and dressing. 

What are the side effects of this surgery?

There is an infrequent complication of the surgery. The patient may have perforation again after some time. Furthermore, the patient may have a residual perforation. Some patients may have slower recovery. Some predisposing diseases or age factors may fail to take graft uptake. And as a matter of fact, the eardrum doesn’t heal completely. Indeed, patients may have perforation at the same place again after two or three, or six months. 

Can infection affect recovery after surgery?

There might be a possibility of infection resulting in a perforation. It is a rare possibility, but it’s there. In addition, the hearing ability may not improve in a few cases. There is a rare possibility of hearing worsening, which may occur. 

Bottom line

Myringoplasty is a standard and classic procedure to treat CSOM safely. It is a very successful surgery with minor complications. Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre is well equipped with experienced surgeons to provide a good experience. 

Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Treatment For Cervicitis | सर्विसाइटिस क्या है | Symptoms | Treatment

Treatment For Cervicitis: Causes, Symptom and Treatment 

Treatment For Cervicitis, In this video, Dr. Heena Chawla, Consultant Gynaecologist at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Hospital Chandigarh discusses cervicitis. The mouth of the uterus is called the cervix. It is a condition with an infection or swelling in the mouth of the uterus or cervix. It may vary from acute to chronic infection.

What are the probable causes of cervicitis?

Bacterial and chlamydial are two main infection reasons for cervicitis. In 40% of the cases, chlamydial infection is a causative agent. Treatment for cervicitis, Besides, gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis, and Herpes Human Papillomavirus also contribute. In addition, specific non-infectious reasons like allergy to tampons and douching might cause itching. Generally, contraceptives (condoms and Copper-T) can lead to inflammation.

What are the common symptoms of cervicitis ? 

The first and foremost symptom is vaginal discharge. Its color may vary from white and grey to yellow. Above all, there is itching. Often patients complain of excessive and persistent itching. Few may have lower abdominal pain or backache. There is a possibility that one may not have any of the above symptoms. Contrarily they might feel pressure in the pelvis. Lastly, severe infection can cause fever.

How to diagnose it(Treatment for cervicitis)?

First, doctors perform clinical examinations of the patient. The clinical study includes a type of discharge and may recommend a few tests. A microscopical examination of discharge clearly gives the clear picture of causative agent. The doctor may advise Pap Smear Test. If the patient has a chronic infection, then doctors do a vaginal culture swab test.  It identifies the type of infection and suitable antibiotic.


Depending upon the type of infection, the doctor gives treatment. Doctors prescribe antibiotics for bacterial infections and medicines for viral infections. Medicine can cure this.


If left untreated acute cervicitis  might turn into its chronic form. If it stays, then the infection of the mouth of the uterus may ascend to the upper areas of the uterus like fallopian tubes which we call salpingitis, or may come inside the uterus. This syndrome is called PID or pelvic inflammatory disease. This might lead to difficulty in conceiving and may lead to infertility.

Bottom line 

If you have any of these problems like unusual discharge or itching, you must consult your doctor and seek treatment. 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Earache(कान दर्द): Causes and Management

Earache(कान दर्द): Causes and Management

In this video, Dr. Sushmita Gupta, Consultant ENT at Apollo Clinic and CHD city Hospital, talks about earache: its common causes and how to manage it at home.

What is earache?

Ear ache is widespread. Often children suffer from earaches during cold or cough. There can be many reasons behind earache. We can divide the ear into outer, middle ear, and inner ear. Infection or inflammation in the outer or middle part of the ear may result in earaches. Apparently, earaches can occur due to tooth or gum infection, nose blockage. Water accumulation behind the eardrum, neck pain, impacted wax, or any injury or presence of the foreign body in the ear, may result in ear ache.

Why does my earache more during the night?

When we lie down, there is a blockage in the eustachian tube, or the ventilation tube. It reduces in the ventilation tube or is unable to drain properly. Also, if one has a cold, then it may result in blockage, building pressure, and thereby earache.

How to treat earache at home?

Painkillers are the best option for immediate relief. One can give paracetamol or ibuprofen to small children, if they are not allergic. Avoid straight lying down, and take steam. Besides, one may sip fluid like water or juices and milk.  It would help release the pressure and reduce the pain. Heat pads also are a good option to relieve ear pain. 

Why not use earbuds?

The most important thing is to avoid self medication and consult a doctor before opting for ear drops. Earbuds are a big no as rather than cleaning they put wax more inside. Doctor advise to take proper medication and reduce the complication.

Symptoms of earache

Let’s talk about those symptoms whose presence requires the doctor’s immediate attention.

Usually, we ignore ear aches thinking that they will heal. However, if the usage of medicine cannot control ear pain. And if there is fever with swelling in the ear or nearby areas, then it is a matter of concern. Adverse cases it may affect hearing ability, and lead to infection. 

Discharge from ear

Discharge from the ear is a common reason for earache. In particular, if the discharge is stinky or pink or there is blood, you should immediately seek your doctor. One requires proper treatment for both infection and inflammation. You will receive treatment depending on whether it’s a common cold or any other problem. Once we identify the root cause, the doctor will sort it, and one can be safe from its complications.

Water in the ear

Another prevalent problem is water in the ear. Often patients ask what we can do under this condition. Water may often go inside the ear during a bath or swimming. Usually, water drains on its own, but if it doesn’t, it might lead to fungal infection. 

How to manage water in the ear ?

One can tilt their head towards one side, and pull their ear outside, which will straighten out the ear canal, and water will come out. Do clean water with a towel or tissue. Avoid the use of earbuds. Earbuds may cause injury to ear skin or eardrums. If these aren’t helpful, then you must consult your doctor. They may use suction or dry mopping to remove water from the ears.

Can we use hydrogen peroxide for ear cleaning ?

Hydrogen peroxide helps in the removal of wax by relatively softening it. Therefore, doctors commonly use it in a very diluted form. However, its repeated use or high concentration may cause inflammation in the skin of the ear. As a result, it causes swelling or pain in the ear. Avoid the use of hydrogen peroxide without seeking a doctor’s advice. 

Bottom line:

We are available at Apollo clinic if you have any of these symptoms or are suffering from any ear-related problem for which you wish to have detailed knowledge. You can meet us or contact us. Till then, stay fit, stay happy. Keep your ear dry and clean.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Discharge from Ear | Myringoplasty | कान बहने कारण, लक्षण और उपचार | कान बहता है तो क्या करना चाहिए? | कान से पानी आ रहा है तो क्या करें?

Discharge from Ear | Myringoplasty | मायरिंगोप्लास्टी कब करवानी चाहिए? | कान का बहना बंद कैसे करें?

In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, ENT specialist from Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre, talks about a common condition of discharge from the ear(Myringoplasty). In addition, he has discussed the types and treatments available to manage it, Discharge from Ear 

What is Discharge from the ear?

Chronic suppurative otitis media is a condition of the ear with watery or fluid discharge oozing out from the ear. It can be foul or colourless. 

Types of discharge from the ear

Broadly, there are two types: one is safe and unsafe ear discharge. 

What is Safe Ear discharge?

In this category, patients suffer from discharge intermittently. Then, after seeking treatment, the discharge stops. Besides, the antibiotic dries up the ear till the next episode. 

Symptoms of Safe ear discharge

Another key point is on examination by an ENT doctor, the most common finding is a perforation in the eardrum. The perforation can vary in size; perforation may differ from one pinhole to the entire complete eardrum.

How is medicine useful in unsafe CSOM ?

Antibiotics dries up the safe ear discharges  until the next time. These patients suffer from a lot of discharge, but it’s odorless. If left untreated might lead to hearing loss.

What is an unsafe ear discharge?

The second type of suppurative chronic otitis media is the unsafe type. It is a type of disease in which a patient’s bone starts melting.

Complication of unsafe CSOM

There can be a defect (perforation) in the eardrum. The eardrums may stick inside in a few cases, resulting in steady bone melting. Afterwards the situation may get complicated further as the vital organs are nearby. 

Clinical symptoms of Unsafe ear discharge

Unsafe ear discharges have a foul smell. All in all, the foul smell discharge commonly indicates bone is melting and infection.

Do antibiotics cure unsafe CSOM?

Antibiotics rarely dry up these patients’ ear discharge. As a matter of fact, the release occurs for a longer duration the second time. Therefore, these patients’ examinations and treatments are essential. Otherwise, the rate of complications is very high. 


Most of the time, doctors treat unsafe discharge conditions by surgery. It is a time-consuming and complicated surgery. Also, patients take time to recover. But the surgery is critical, as we need to shift the ear from unsafe to safe as it is mandatory. The risk of complications might be life-threatening. 

The complications of Unsafe CSOM

It may lead to problems like facial paralysis, dizziness, hearing loss, or permanent hearing loss of nerve, which is incurable.

Treatment of Safe CSOM

In these conditions, there is perforation in the ear drum. However, these patients need to have an antibiotic course for drying the ear thoroughly. And take up the procedure for surgery.

What is Myringoplasty?

It is a procedure in which doctors graft a new ear drum to restore hearing. After complete drying of the eardrum, this procedure is done after 1 -2 months of span.

What is the success rate of myringoplasty?

The success rate of this surgery is very high, and there is no misconception. Trained ENT surgeons can efficiently perform this surgery, and it is a relatively short surgery. Therefore, there are good results, and the chances of complications are significantly less. 

Bottom line 

One should not avoid any kind of ear condition. Consulting an ENT doctor for correct diagnosis and treatment is the only way to treat it. Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Calf Muscle Pain Causes and Management | काफ पेन | पैरों की पिंडलियों में (मांसपेशियों) में दर्द के कारण और प्रबंधन

Calf Muscle Pain : Causes and Management

In this video, Dr. MS Narula, Senior Consultant Orthopaedic Spine, and joint replacement Surgeon at Apollo Clinics and CHD City Hospital, Sector 8 Chandigarh, talks about common reasons for calf muscle pain or swelling. 

What are the probable causes of calf pain? 

The most common reason for calf pain is muscle cramps in the calf area. And usually, it occurs during some sports activity or any other activity, which leads to dehydration or electrolyte loss. In addition, one may have muscle strain after doing any uncustomized exercise. All these activities might cause soreness in the leg resulting in cramps. 

Nocturnal cramps are one type of calf muscle pain.

Sudden and inclining pain at night is one of the most common indications of calf pain. Under these situations, one should get up from bed and stand. Otherwise, it would take a lot of time to heal. 

Other reasons 

Deep vein thrombosis is also one of the reasons for calf muscle pain. It often occurs in prolonged postures, like on flights. There are clots in the legs, which leads to swelling and pain. In atrial claudication, the arteries carrying blood narrow. It affects smokers more. 

Neurogenic defects:

Another reason is neurogenic claudication. Pressure on spinal cord nerves or in the back causes narrowing of the diameter of the nerve. 

Can diabetes lead to pain in legs?

During diabetes also, nerves get weak, resulting in muscle pain and swelling. In addition, due to chronic compartment syndrome, insufficient blood supply fluid accumulates and causes pain and swelling. 

Which supplements can help in relieving  pain?

Vitamin E in Evion or levocarnitine can help reduce nocturnal cramps. One must keep themselves hydrated, especially during workouts. 

How do you manage acute pain and swelling in the calf?

PRICE is the most effective mode of treatment. P P is protection, and as rest goes like RICE (Rest, immobilise, cold compress, and elevation), Bandage will soothe a bit. With anti-inflammatory medicines, a simple icing, 15-20 minutes 3-4 times daily, can work wonders.

Which type of exercise helps ?

Gentle calf stretching exercises help in relieving the soreness of the calf muscles pain. If you have a tear or soreness in the calf muscles, let it heal, alleviate your leg a bit, consult a doctor, and take some anti-inflammatory medicines.

Reason for leg pain during walking

If you have more calf muscle pain while walking, one needs to rule out the Achilles tendon, the tendon of heels that sometimes gets inflamed. 

Bottom line :

It is a prevalent condition of pain and swelling in muscles. Usually, sports people or people during strenuous activity face this condition. One should always keep themselves hydrated. Lastly, one may follow PRICE treatment.

To know more, watch the full video.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Lump in Throat Feeling | Globus Sensation | गले में अटका जैसा क्यों लगता है? | गले में अकड़न क्यों होती है?

Lump in Throat Feeling | Globus Sensation | जब आप अपने गले में कुछ अटका हुआ महसूस करते हैं तो यह क्या होता है? | गले में अटका हुआ कैसे निकाले? | आपके गले में कुछ महसूस होना?

Lump in throat feeling, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, ENT specialist from Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre, talks about a condition of the Globus: a feeling when something is inside the throat.

What is Globus?

These patients usually complain they have something stuck inside their throat. After repetitively trying to clear their throat, the lump remains. It is more common in ladies, especially in the middle age group. It can be painless or painful. Acid reflux, and post nasal drip cause painless lump in the throat. However, thyroid inflammation and cancer can lead to painful sensation.

The common reason for Globus: 

The main reason behind Globus is psychological. Some patients have other symptoms like stress, improper food habits, and acid problems. Some may even have spasms. So it is more in the brain than what is actually inside the throat. 

How Acid reflux  causes globus?

Often these patients complain of acidity or reflux. The acid backflow from the stomach to the throat touches a particular point that triggers an intense sensation. Another thing doctors need to reassure the patients is that it is not cancer.

Treatment | Lump in Throat Feeling

Apart from treating their cancer phobia, these patients require treatment for acidity and anti-depressants if required. Taking treatment for post nasal drip can help in this condition. Also, physiotherapy for the muscles around the throat and reducing stress also helps. Quit smoking also help in this condition

How to manage it ?

Exercise and keeping their body active help reduce acidity and improve overall health, mind, and soul. Next is improving lifestyle and releasing stress. In addition, patients might need psychological therapy or treatment.

Bottom line

Lump in the throat is a prevalent condition and may not heal on its own. Often acid reflux triggers this sensation. Hence one must seek a doctor’s advice for treatment rather than jumping to conclusions like cancer. 

Thank You.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Urology

Hematospermia(Blood in Semen): Causes , Diagnosis & Treatment

Hematospermia(Blood in Semen): Causes , Diagnosis & treatment

Dr. Vijay Pal Singh, Consultant Urologist at Apollo Clinic Chandigarh, discusses the causes, diagnostic methods, and treatment of hematospermia: 

What is blood in semen or hematospermia?

It is a condition in which blood is present in semen or during ejaculation. 

Why does it affect men badly?

It is a problematic and anxiety-provoking condition for the patient as they believe it would affect their fertility or impair their erection. Hence, it causes significant anxiety in the patients.

Incidence of blood in semen

It is not that common. However, out of 1% of urological patients, 1-4% have blood in the semen.

What are the common causes of hematospermia?

Blood in the semen is benign and self-limiting. However, their course or blood may come up in weeks. Usually, it’s STI or inflammation if it starts commencing after the age of 40. But there may be other causes, like inflammation in minor vesicles or male reproductive organs. The stone formation can also lead to blood in the semen.

Other causes of blood in semen

There can be an obstruction in the ejaculatory duct or any vascular malformation like AV fistula, mucosal vessel, or hemangioma. After age 40, there is a suspicion of benign or malignant tumors in the prostate or urethra, but these are rare phenomena.

How to diagnose hematospermia?

Knowing patient history is the initial mode of diagnosis. It includes the amount of blood in semen and its frequency or quantity. In addition, urine condition, presence of any underlying conditions, and blood in the urine. Also, if the patient is on blood thinners or suffering from any hemolytic diseases, there are more chances of bleeding.

Physical Examination

In physical examination, the doctor checks vitals, temperature, sepsis or infection, and abdominal palpation. The doctor even performs an external genital analysis by evaluating testis, vas deferens, and epididymis. In addition, doing a penile urethra, palpitation is essential to detect abnormalities like stones or any tumour if present. 

Distal rectal examination

It is essential to opt for a distal rectal examination. One can detect giant tumours, stones, or distention in seminal vesicles. Also, prostate gland palpitates to inquire suspicious nodules that may indicate prostate cancer. 

Lab Test

Doctors ask for urine analysis, mandatory urine culture semen analysis, semen culture, and blood tests to diagnose this condition. To detect blood thinning and bleeding tendencies, doctors do PTI test

Do imaging techniques help in diagnosis?

Transrectal ultrasonography, pelvis MRI, and Vasography help better understand the condition. So doctors can use these individual tests or, in combination, make the proper diagnosis. 


Treatment includes anxiety relief, essential reassurance, and wait and watch. Apart from that, there are certain culture-specific antibiotics if there is an STD infection, like chlamydia or gonorrhoea. So they require different types of treatment and are beneficial.

Other Treatment Include

Doctors do ultrasound-guided aspiration if there is an underlying cause, like a seminal vesicle cyst or ejaculatory duct obstruction. It is one modality through which we can treat them. Patients suspected of Seminal vesicle stones or tumours need specific treatment according to the cause. If there is a tumor, doctors opt for surgical procedures and therapies. But this depends upon the patient’s condition and diagnosis.

Bottom line 

In most cases, it is self-limiting and heals on its own. However, if it starts at the age of 40, it is probably STIs for which one can easily take an antibiotic course. But if it persists for longer, accompanied by pain, then one must seek a doctor’s advice. 

Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Water On The Knee Swelling and Pain | घुटने में पानी भर गया है? कारण, प्रबंधन और उपचार? | Fluid on Knee Cap

Water On The Knee | Swelling and Pain | Fluid on Knee Cap | घुटने में पानी सूजन और दर्द?

Water on the knee, In this video, Dr. MS Narula, Senior Consultant Orthopaedic Spine and Joint replacement at Apollo Clinic and City Hospital Sector 8 Chandigarh discusses some common reasons for knee swelling and ways to manage it. 

What is knee swelling?

It is a condition where there is an accumulation of fluid around the knee which we call knee effusion in medical terminology. It is a common problem that affects all age groups. 

Most common reasons for knee swelling | Water On The Knee

Injury is the most common reason for knee swelling. It can be acute trauma or a chronic overuse injury. In addition, an underlying condition like arthritis or bleeding disorder is possible. In some cases, there can be a fracture or internal bleeding disorder. Hence, the damage which occurs because of injury causes swelling. 

Reasons for knee swelling without injury | Water On The Knee

If there is no injury, there is always a possibility of over-repetitive damage, like sitting in the wrong posture for a long time. Such conditions lead to microtrauma or minor injuries to the knees. 

What leads to fluid accumulation in the knees?

Continuous minor injuries lead to the pooling of fluid. One indication of any lingering micro-injury is whenever fluid accumulates in the knee. In some cases, there are underlying conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or type of arthritis in young people or middle age. 

Osteoarthritis | Water On The Knee

One type is osteoarthritis in aged people, in which the inflammatory swelling occurs due to a tear of knee joints. It might come at the backside of the knee or Becker cyst in a few cases. 

Can poor clotting mechanisms lead to knee pain?

Bleeding disorder or poor blood clotting mechanisms can lead to knee pain. So in these cases, there is blood somewhat then fluid around the knee, which causes swelling. 

How do we manage knee swelling? | Water On The Knee

Of course, when there is an underlying condition, like on diagnosis, if one has arthritis or injury, doctors need to address it.

Steps of RICE treatment

Standard and immediate RICE treatment helps relieve pain in knee effusion. In this, doctors’ first advice is to take a rest. Then, immediately stop the exercise causing this knee swelling. The second is to immobilise or elevate it by keeping two pillows below. The third provides compression; one can apply light bandages to protect it and elevate it. By elevating, one can use a pillow; lastly, icing is an essential part. Icing for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times daily, helps reduce inflammation. 

How to diagnose knee Swelling?

It’s essential to diagnose this condition. Specific blood tests and X-ray helps to diagnose any injury. However, in a few cases, MRI helps to understand the texture of fluid and the presence of any cartilaginous or ligament damage.

Is this a serious condition?

If this is a transient swelling and it’s not painful, then there is nothing serious in it. It’s just that one should diagnose it. But it’s serious if there is redness or infection with a fever. However, one always seeks a proper diagnosis from the doctor. 

So can we exercise or massage? 

Apart from RICE treatment, anti-inflammatory medicines also help in reducing inflammation. One can do gentle exercises like walking or leg stretching. Doctors advise doing only light activity. Avoid excessive folding of knees like sitting cross leg on the floor, gently locking—gentle massage, not deep tissue massage. One can always opt for a soft massage with icing.  

Will it go away on its own?

It would go away on its own. See, this is the most common query among the patients. But, if there is swelling because of increased uric acid or gout, then if we reduce uric acid, swelling will reduce automatically. So if we treat these underlying conditions, this swelling will subside. But it will heal in time with anti-inflammatories. 

What is Joint Aspiration?

It is a procedure to aspirate out the fluid in the knees. Doctors perform this procedure when the swelling is very intense and painful. It is also known as arthrocentesis. But repeating the needle for aspiration is not advisable.

How often can one go for Joint aspiration?

Often, we see patients say that they have their swelling every 2 or 3 months, and the doctor aspirates the liquid out with the needle. But this is not advisable. It increases the chances of inducing infection. So in this procedure, doctors only reduce the symptomatic pain, remove the fluid, and apply a compression bandage.

Advantages of joint aspiration

It has two advantages: the extended joint capsule gets relaxed, and the pain is gone; secondly, we can test the fluid for any infection, like uric acid or arthritis. So this joint fluid examination also gives a clue about the knee condition. 

Which treatment is better: Icing or heat compression?

When there is acute swelling, especially during injury, a swollen joint, or a fall, you must do icing for the first 2 -3 days of RICE treatment. After that, it would significantly reduce the swelling and, therefore, the pain. Icing for 15-20 minutes, 4-5 times daily, reduces swelling and pain. 

Heat compression | Water On The Knee

If there is a chronic injury that irritates you and there is stiffness there, hot treatment helps because it will increase blood flow in the injured area, healing will be better, reduce the pain as more blood will flow, and reduce the stiffness. So for chronic problems where you want more healing hot compression helps, and if you have pain and swelling, then we must do the icing. So both treatments help, and please don’t get confused over icing or hot compression.

Bottom line : 

Various reasons may contribute to knee swelling and effusion. But one must always seek doctor advice to diagnose this condition properly. Also, RICE treatment with icing helps reduce pain and swelling around the knee area. But if it’s repeating and there is an accumulation of fluid in the knees, one must immediately concern the doctor. 

Thank you

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Dermatology

Prickly Rash Causes, Types of heat rash, and Heat Rash Treatmet (घमोरियों का ईलाज)

Heat Rash: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dr. Jayanti Singh, Consultant Dermatologist at Apollo Clinic, Chandigarh talks about a common problem that affects all ages: heat rash. We  commonly call this Ghamori, prickly heat, or Sweat rash. Such rashes usually occur during warm and humid climates, especially during the rainy season. 

What causes a heat rash ?

There is blockage of sweat glands due to excessive perspiration from the body. This blockage results in inflammation beneath the skin, causing a rash.

Other reasons of rash

Apart from the seasonal, wearing fitting clothes or synthetic wear which prevents sweat drying. In addition, any strenuous physical exercise or a high fever that recedes with sweat may lead to rash. Certain medicines can increase the sweat production in the body. 

Types of Heat rash

Depending upon the level of blockage of sweat glands, it presents itself in three ways: If it appears on superficial skin, then we call this miliaria crystallina. The miliaria crystallina rash looks like water droplets and recedes on its own if you shift to colder environments. 

What is Miliaria rubra?

If the blockage of the sweat gland is at mid-level, then we call this condition miliaria Rubra. Miliaria rubra presents itself as a red colour rash. 

What is Miliaria profunda?

We see miliaria profunda rash when the blockage of sweat glands is at deeper layers. In this, there can be the formation of lumps. 

Which type of rash needs treatment?

We need to take treatment for both miliaria rubra and profunda. Consequently these miliarias may acquire an infection. Hence their treatment is necessary. 

 When can you have a heat rash?

One may have a prickling or itching sensation after staying in a very hot and humid climate. Physical exercise also results in sweat. Additionally few types of fever recedes with sweat. So all these can lead to heat rash in the body.

Can viral infection lead to these ?

Viral heat rash appears after high fever. Subsequently it may also occur as an allergy to medicines.  Additionally, few fungal or bacterial infections may also cause this.

How to prevent it?

Shifting to a colder environment is essential to prevent or treat such skin conditions. Opt for breathable cotton clothes. And try to take a bath with soap after excessive perspiration.

How to treat it?

Applying cold compressors or cold water to the rash helps in receding. Application of calamine lotion or talcum powder to absorb excessive sweat is also helpful.

Bottom line

If the rash on skin is not healing or you had a fever before the rash, you must consult your dermatologist. Not every rash is a heat rash. So if it isn’t healing, you must consult Dermatologist. Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Allergic Rhinitis(एलर्जिक राइनाइटिस)

Allergic Rhinitis(एलर्जिक राइनाइटिस)

Dr. Sushmita Gupta, Consulting ENT at Apollo Clinic Chandigarh, talks about allergic rhinitis in this video. In light of various nose infections, how difficult is it to handle nose allergies? Also, how can we cure it permanently? 

What is Rhinitis?

It is the inflammation of the nasal lining of the mucosa. Thereafter, resulting in watery dripping from the nose. It might irritate the nose resulting in blockage. 

Types of allergic rhinitis

It can be infectious, allergic, nonallergic, and non-infectious. It is widespread. In India alone, 20-30% of the population suffers from this condition. And there is a sudden urge for allergic-mediated problems. 

How do allergies affect it?

It is an atopic disease. It is Ig mediated type 1 hypersensitivity reaction to allergens. Allergens like pollen, hairs of animals or pets, fungus or mold, fumes, and gases cause these reactions. They come inside the airway tube with air and initiate a response. In particular, people have this problem seasonally.

Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment of  Seasonal allergies(Allergic rhinitis) 


Common symptoms of seasonal rhinitis are sneezing, running nose, and itchy eyes or nose. This condition may get chronic and last for an entire year. The most common symptom of nasal congestion is post-nasal drip. Also known as liquid discharge from nose to throat. 


Allergic rhinitis is a clinical diagnosis. Furthermore, specific tests are available to determine the type of allergens causing the reaction.


Doctors prescribe oral decongestants or antihistamines to treat seasonal allergies. Meanwhile, intranasal corticosteroid therapy can also be used. What is intranasal corticosteroid therapy ?

Intranasal corticosteroid therapy includes corticosteroids in the form of nasal spray. Besides, they are safe. Eventually, it also depends upon the patient’s symptomatic condition. Doctors prescribe nasal spray alone or in an antihistamine combination. In addition, they may prefer the saline nasal spray. It helps in clearing out or cleaning nasal secretions. Moreover, it helps in alleviating the symptoms early.

Can this be permanently cured? 

There is no permanent cure for allergic rhinitis. However, we can reduce the prolonged episode and symptoms by using medicines. Unquestionably, immunotherapy is beneficial for long-term relief.

Bottom line

If you have any of these symptoms, seek your ENT doctor’s advice because untreated allergic rhinitis can lead to sinusitis, asthma, or bronchitis.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Urology

Prostate Cancer: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

Prostate Cancer: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

In this video, Dr. Vijay Pal Singh, Consultant Urologist at Apollo Clinic, Chandigarh, has given a complete overview of prostate cancer, its signs, and its Symptoms. Also, he has shared information about its treatment.

It usually originates from the periphery or outer part of the gland. Initially, it doesn’t show any symptoms. Its signs are visible only when it has locally advanced or increased. 

Metastasis of Prostate cancer

It can extend its growth to the urinary passage or may reach the rectum. In a few cases, it may get the pelvis side wall. In adverse situations, it may metastasize into bone. One may have back pain or retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis. It may block the ureter and cause swelling in the kidney

How can we detect prostate cancer? 

We do screening if the asymptomatic patients fulfill the following parameters. The patient’s age is above 50 or may also have other problems. PSA or Prostate-specific antigen test. PSA is the most widely used test to suspect prostate cancer in patients. 

What are the other screening methods ?

In addition, doctors perform distal rectal examinations. In this, doctors examine the prostate via rectal for any suspicious growth. Various factors can increase PSA levels, including urinary infection, prostate inflammation, chronic inflammation, tuberculosis, or prostate cancer. So a high PSA level doesn’t always indicate prostate cancer. Hence we doctors consider all things. 

How does the PSA value sign cancer?

After ruling out other possibilities like UTI or prostate inflammation, the doctor analyzes PSA values. If the value of the PSA level is between 4-10, then we do make a suspicion. To further confirm, Doctors may opt for MRI, multi-parametric prostate test, and prostate health index.

How does Biopsy help in diagnosis?

To further confirm the suspicion, the doctor performs a Biopsy. It is usually a translationally guided ultrasound of the abnormal area. Further histopathological studies confirm the presence of prostate cancer and its grading and further tell us its adversity. 

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Various treatment options are available depending upon the patient’s age and cancer grade. Further, whether the cancer is localised to the gland or has advanced further or metastasized distantly affects the treatment choice. There are surgical modalities available for localised cancer, like prostate tactics. 

Other options of treatment:

Doctors prefer hormonal therapy and chemotherapy if cancer has spread further or is locally advanced. If the patient has developed bony metastasis, we must consider bone health. So there are multi modalities options available for this.

 Bottom line 

It is majorly a condition of aged people. It doesn’t show any early signs and symptoms until it has metastasized to the rectum or causing urinary problems. Doctors confirm the diagnosis by PSA, Biopsy, and prostate health index. however, treatment options are available with a high success rate

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Urology

Foods to avoid with enlarged prostate

Foods to avoid with Enlarged prostate

In this video, Dr. Vijay Pal Singh, Consultant Urologist at Apollo Clinic, Chandigarh, talks about foods to avoid with an enlarged prostate.

What are the foods to avoid with an enlarged prostate ?

A healthy prostate is devoid of any prostatic diseases. A few examples of prostate diseases are prostate enlargement or BPH, inflammation, chronic prostatitis, and prostate cancer. Too much protein, especially red meat like beef, pork, and lamb, is consumed less for a healthy prostate. The second thing one should do is to consume fats, especially trans fat, that are abundant in street food. The third thing is one should limit their salt intake in the diet.

Do too many sweet drinks affect the prostate?

One should avoid consuming sweet drinks supplemented with artificial sweeteners like cold drinks, energy drinks, or packed juices. They all are a bit high in sugar content.

Which foods are healthy for an enlarged prostate?

Green leafy vegetables and fruits enriched with antioxidants improve prostate health. Therefore, one must have them in abundance. Second, instead of white bread, we must use whole grain or brown bread; they are high in fiber and further improve enlarged prostate health.

Instead of a commercial kitchen oil, one should opt for healthy fats like olive oils, avocado, and almonds. 

What common lifestyle modifications improve enlarged prostate health?

Smoking, obesity, stressful life, and sedentary lifestyles harm prostate health. One should adopt a habit of physical and active life. Irrespective of work and stress, men should take 15-20 minutes from their schedule and dedicate it to any form of physical activity. Light yoga, brisk walking, and aerobics promote a healthy prostate. A sedentary lifestyle makes space for other diseases too. In addition, smoking may affect other body organs too.

Risk factors of prostate cancer 

Prostate cancer develops after the age of 50. In addition, Africans and Americans ethnicity are more prone to developing prostate. Specific mutations like BRCA1 and BRCA2 may cause an unhealthy prostate. Obesity and metabolic syndrome are other common risk factors affecting prostate health. Patients with underlying conditions of diabetes or hypertension may acquire prostate problems in the later stages. In addition, there are certain chronic inflammatories and STDs linked to prostate cancer. 

Bottom line 

One can improve their body’s health, including the prostate, by doing a few lifestyle modifications. Keeping tabs on BMI to avoid obesity and quit smoking. Improving eating habits, eating more fruits, green leafy vegetables, and avoiding unhealthy oil and too much of a protein diet may increase the lifespan and improve the quality of life. One must avoid smoking and keep tabs on BMI. Young people may adopt pelvic floor exercises and kegel exercises to improve lower urinary tract symptoms

Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh General Physicians

Liver Disease Symptoms, Causes & Treatment | लिवर का रामबाण इलाज | लिवर खराब होने के क्या लक्षण होते हैं? | क्या लीवर ठीक हो सकता है?

Liver Disease Symptoms | लिवर की बीमारी की पहचान कैसे करें? | लिवर खराब होने से पहले क्या संकेत देता है? | लिवर खराब होने का संकेत क्या होता है?

Liver Disease Symptoms, Often, people know that their habit is causing liver damage, but they continue to do so. Our Diabetologist expert from Apollo Clinic, Chandigarh, Dr. Rishi Mangat, has given an insight into the common causes of liver diseases, their diagnosis, and treatment options available.

Why is the liver an essential organ of the body?

The liver is the body’s second-largest organ. It is approximately the size of a small football. After skin, it is the second-largest organ, and its factory that contains all our digestive food retains nutrients from them and releases waste products and toxins through bile out of the body. So basically, it is a centre where the body’s all metabolic activity is like a factory where energy is released from the food and utilised.

Common causes of liver diseases:

The reasons include infection of Hepatitis A, B, C, and D. Unclean food like infected water leads to Hepatitis A infection. Any sexual contact or use of unsterilized needles during blood transfusion can cause Hepatitis B, C, and D infection. 

Are liver diseases hereditary?

Hereditary diseases like Wilson’s, hemochromatosis, and autoimmune processes cause an inflammatory change in the liver. Also, it can cause primary cholangitis.

How does alcohol intake affect the liver?

We can diagnose all these infections by some specific test. Another reason for liver diseases is due to high intake of alcohol. 

How life-threatening is liver cancer?

Cancer from anywhere can metastasize to the liver. Injury and scarring in the normal liver tissue resulting in zero activity. And scarring increases due to the repeated impact of harmful things, and the activity of the liver goes down. Eventually, it leads to liver cirrhosis, which is visible in the blood. And liver damage restricts one’s routine activities. 

What are the symptoms of jaundice?

Jaundice is one condition of liver disease with yellowish coloration in the body. The body’s skin, the eye’s white portion, urine, and stool all change to pale yellow. 

What are the other symptoms of Liver diseases?

Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, swelling of arms and legs, and loss of appetite are a few common indications of the onset of liver diseases.

 How to diagnose liver diseases? | Liver Disease Symptoms

The liver function test (LFT) is the most common test to determine the quantity of bilirubin and enzymes. In addition, viral tests and ultrasounds to study the texture and structure of the liver also aid in diagnosing the liver condition. For a definitive diagnosis, doctors may opt for CT-Scan, MRI, or biopsy test.

Treatment of liver Diseases:

Generally, the treatment of liver disease is long-term. Medicines can cure liver infections, but continued scarring to the tissue makes it difficult to repair. Hence one must avoid alcohol.

Tips for healthy liver

Doctors advise a healthy diet with a high carbs and medium protein diet so that the liver comes into the resting phase and eventually recovers. In addition, one must avoid alcohol intake and opt for lifestyle modifications like regular exercising also helps increase the liver’s life. If the liver has reached the cirrhosis stage, the only alternative is to have a liver transplant. But liver transplant is very much responsive and is a risky operation. 

Can drug overuse affect the liver?

Also, one must avoid medicines over the counter as it is one of the reasons for liver diseases. For example, overuse of paracetamol and crocin causes liver injury. Therefore, one should always take medication from a doctor at the proper dosage and time.  

 Bottom line: Liver Disease Symptoms

 To keep the liver healthy and active, one must follow a healthy and nutritious diet. Continuous exercise keeps the body active. In addition, one must avoid the consumption of alcohol as it leads to liver tissue scarring.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Viral Fever Symptoms & Treatment In Monsoon | मानसून में होने वाली बीमारियां का पूर्ण इलाज | बरसात के मौसम में कौन कौन सी बीमारियां होती हैं?

Viral Fever Symptoms & Treatment | बरसात के मौसम में बीमारियों से बचाव कैसे करें? | बारिश के दिनों में लोग बीमार क्यों पड़ते हैं?

Viral Fever Symptoms & Treatment, With the onset of the rainy season, comes the wave of viral infection and viral fever. It affects all the age groups. Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol Ent Institute and Research  Centre has shed some light over viral fever among children and the general population.

What is Viral Infection ?

Viral infections are benign infections that last 2-4 days. These are contagious and slowly affect all family members. One must take a few precautions during the rainy season to avoid viral infection. 

How to avoid viral-mediated fever ?

Those who are susceptible to viral infection during the rainy season must take care of their immunity. Healthy food and avoiding coming in contact with people with fever, viral or cold-like symptoms aids in preventing its spread.

What is Viral Fever?

 On the first day of exposure, one may feel a blockage in the nose; a few may have problems with sneezing. Other common symptoms include a low-grade fever, and a mild sore throat

How does viral infection commence?

The severity of viral infection is more on the first and second day. In a few patients, fever may rise to 101-102 °C. One may suffer from frequent body aches and tiredness episodes, and even shivering. After two days, these symptoms start gradually reducing. And after two days, Followed by improvement on the fourth day. 

What is Superadded bacterial infection?

Patients with low immunity, like old-aged people or toddlers, or ones with other diseases like diabetes, may have superadded bacterial infection after viral infection. The bacterial infection mostly affects the sinus, chest, throat, or lungs. So we need treatment for the same.

Diagnosis of Viral fever:

Doctors examine the history of fever commencing, mild cold or sore throat, headache, body aches, and sudden exposure. All these symptoms point towards viral infection. In a few cases there can be light congestion in the nose or throat. One may have a low-grade or high-grade fever. 

Treatment of viral infection

Usually, the viral infection doesn’t require any special treatment. Only vitamin C, with lots of water, Crocin, or Dolo, helps reduce viral fever. Since viral infection is a self-limiting condition, it fades away in a day on its own. 

Who needs antibiotics ?

Only a few patients, like those who suffer from pre-existing conditions or are children, may suffer from additional superadded bacterial infections. Such patients may have fever for additional  2 -3 days, a nose may have yellowish discharge, a severe sore throat, coughing, and asthma attacks. Hence all these patients require antibiotics. In addition to antibiotics, doctors prescribe decongestants, and anti-allergics. Asthmatic patients require asthma treatment. Eventually they heal in 2-5 days. 

Bottom Line 

Viral fever is a very common problem and is highly contagious. Hence one must take adequate precautions. Those with viral infection should maintain a distance from the rest of their family members. Have a healthy diet, keep yourself hydrated, and avoid community gatherings till your viral infection is gone.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh General Physicians

Can Stress Cause Diabetes? | क्या टेंशन से शुगर की बीमारी होती है? | क्या डायबिटीज के कारण घबराहट होती है? | क्या मधुमेह हमेशा के लिए ठीक हो सकता है?

Can Stress Cause Diabetes? | What causes stress or depression in diabetes patients? | Does stress increase sugar levels? | मधुमेह को कैसे नियंत्रित किया जाये? | शुगर बढ़ने पर क्या महसूस होता है?

Can stress cause diabetes, Unable to manage diabetes can be very  stressful. In this video, Dr. Rishi Mangat talks about common symptoms of stress or depression in diabetes patients . Often diabetic patients whether old or newly diagnosed suffer from the initial phase of anxiety, fear, nervousness, and lack of control. And all these feelings push stress. 

What happens during stress ?

There is an overflow of stress hormones like cortisol or adrenaline in the body during stress. These chemicals usually are present as fright and fight in everybody irrespective of diabetes. However, due to reduction in insulin activity in  diabetic patients, it leads to rise in blood sugars. That’s why doctors take stress for diabetic patients, and ask them not to take it. Because whenever the body is under pressure, there will be a rise in the body’s sugar levels.

Other common reasons for depression during diabetes 

Stress can occur for any reason like work-related or  meeting with a boss. Attending marriage for introverts can also cause stress. Stress about health or children. Every individual has a different threshold to whom they give more importance. 

How do we know we have stress? | Can Stress Cause Diabetes? 

One may have increased heart rate, palpitations, and respiratory rate, and some may even have diarrhoea. So these are all symptoms that convey that we are stressed about something in our lives. 

 How does relaxation exercise help in combating stress?

Relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, and various modalities help in relieving stress. In addition, keeping a healthy health pattern and scheduling your eating habits will automatically reduce your stress level. Exercise is an essential measure to relieve stress. It increases the release of positive hormones, which reduce the level of stress. In addition,  there will be an increase in the level of dopamine in the blood.

How important is it to share the stress ?

Sharing stress with family friends or any one close automatically reduces. So all these little steps help you to relieve stress. However, if they are taking stress for a more extended period, especially those who are highly sensitive, it may lead to depression.

What are the signs and symptoms of depression?

They like to stay alone. Neither they don’t talk to anyone nor feel their worth. In addition, they may have insomnia. One might disconnect from the outside world. So these are some symptoms of depression.

When to seek doctor’s advice? | Can Stress Cause Diabetes? 

 Under these situations consultation from a Psychiatrist for counselling is a must.  Medicines are also very safe. These medicines are not addictive. People think they would be considered as mentally unstable hence they are nervous to talk about it. But, one must seek a doctor’s advice.

How relaxation and counselling help in diabetes ?

Relaxation and counselling also yield beautiful responses. And the best thing about diabetes is that they will respond much better to treatment if they can control stress and depression. What is stress eating?

Usually, it becomes a vicious cycle like they take stress. They don’t care much about their food, and don’t exercise. Hence stress eating. This leads to disturbance in sugar levels which ultimately leads to an increase in stress. And the patient keeps revolving in this vicious circle. 

What other activities help in relieving stress?

Diabeteic patients are advised to do  exercise and meditation. Do anything that makes you happier, it could be painting or dancing. It can be any activity; take it as therapy for one hour a day, do what you wish, walk on the road, or drive. There is no condition that you need to do anything in particular. 

Bottom line | Can Stress Cause Diabetes? 

Doctors advise you to let go of your stress as stress will only give negative results. For positive action, diabetic patients need to take decisive action to control their diabetes and overall health.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

C Section Delivery | Cesarean Delivery(सीज़ेरियन सेक्शन डिलिवरी का कारण)

What are the common reasons for C-section delivery?

C Section Delivery, In this video, Dr. Heena Chawla discusses reasons for cesarean delivery). She has raised all the curtains from the myth about C Section Delivery. People are always in a dilemma about C-section delivery and blame the doctor. But there are certain indications or reasons for C-section delivery. One of the medical conditions that doctors often face in females is structural deformity or presence of short bone.

What is a short bone in females?

 Presence of short bone called cephalopelvic disproportion, or when the doctors don’t see the baby’s head or crowning. It serves as one of the common reasons for.

What is the baby’s indication of a reason for C Section Delivery ?

Sometimes the baby is in a breech position, like the baby’s head is upwards. And sometimes ultrasound finding reports the baby is in stress. Under these conditions, doctors don’t opt for normal delivery.

How does placenta position affect delivery?

Few females develop medical conditions like low-line placenta. In a few cases, the placenta almost completely covers the mouth of the uterus or cervix. So doctors don’t take chances of normal vaginal birth as it may pose a risk to mother and baby.

Other reasons for C Section Delivery.

In a few cases, doctors take chances for normal delivery. For example, under conditions of non-progress labor where the cervix is not open sufficiently, doctors opt. 

What if the baby passes meconium in fluid?

In case the baby has passed meconium or has a problem with the baby’s heartbeat. Also, it makes the baby difficult to breathe. Due to the meconium, there is less oxygen in the fluid.

So these conditions also compel doctors to opt for Cesarean Delivery).

How do multiple pregnancies become a reason for C Section Delivery ?

Multiple pregnancies like twins or triplets, are also indications for caesarean or C-section. What is induced labor?

Doctors’ plan induced labor when the female is overdue or there is a fluid leakage due to circumstances. Even with any kind of bleeding, doctors induce labor pain in the patient. But this is an artificial method, and the female’s body doesn’t respond to these artificial medicines. Hence there is not enough dilatation in the uterus to support vaginal birth. So under these circumstances, doctors opt for cesarean delivery) to save the baby’s life.

How does the medical condition in women become the reason for C Section Delivery ?

Sometimes a mother’s underlying medical condition like heart disease or diabetes, also indicates cesarean delivery). Even a condition of bp might lead to C-section.

Must one be scared of Cesarean Delivery?

C-section deliveries are very safe. Doctors do these by keeping in mind the safety of both mother and the baby. 

What is the recovery time for Cesarean Delivery?

It takes almost six weeks for the internal stitches to heal. Skin stitches may heal after 7-10, and sometimes doctors remove them within a week. And if the stitches are dissolvable, they heal, but the internal stitches require at least six weeks to heal.

Bottom Line 

 So during this period, females need to take utmost care of themselves. Take bed rest. Take medicines correctly, as six weeks is crucial for healing internal stitches.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Thyroid Nodules Treatment & Symptoms | गले में गांठ का इलाज व कारण | गले में गांठ होने के क्या लक्षण है? | गांठ कैसे खत्म करें?

Thyroid Nodules Treatment & Symptoms | मेरे गले में गांठ जैसा क्यों लगता है? | गले में कैंसर की गांठ कैसे होती है? | गले में गांठ का ऑपरेशन? | गले के अंदर गांठ होने का क्या कारण है?

Thyroid nodules treatment & symptoms, In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Raman Abrol is talking about thyroid diseases(thyroid nodule), particularly thyroid nodules or swelling in the neck or mid-line neck. So in this video, he will be discussing thyroid nodules.

What is a thyroid nodule?

It is a small lump often inside the thyroid gland and is more common in females than males. It is mainly related to pregnancy and usually commences at an early age. And the examination of lumps is necessary because, in time, it enlarges so much so that the shape is visible.

Diagnosis of thyroid nodules

We can diagnose this condition in different ways. Hence, a doctor’s examination is necessary. One can self-diagnose these lumps as they move up or down. If you hold this lump and try to swallow something or have a gulp of water, you may observe these lumps. 

Therefore, we can infer that the lump is present inside the thyroid gland. If left untreated, it may get enlarged and bring unavoidable problems.

How can we tackle it further?


After examining the mouth and neck, the doctor advises the patient to go for a thyroid ultrasound. By ultrasound, doctors gain information about the size of the nodule and whether it is solid or there is water. Also, it tells us about the number of nodules present. It is  essential to investigate all these things. 


If the doctors see fluid or liquid inside nodules, there is a high risk that it could be benign but not cancerous. But it’s unnecessary, so one must opt for a complete diagnosis. Solid nodules with no fluid inside are prone to be more cancerous. Their ultrasound findings are also a bit different from the water-filled nodules.


Further, we do FNAC of solid nodules. We insert a small needle and extract a sample for pathological examination. And we rule the probability of cancer.

What is thyroid cancer? 

Thyroid cancers are of many types. However, the most common type of thyroid cancer in the general population is Papillary carcinoma. It is a low-grade malignancy. It is curable if the doctors remove it in time. 

Then, with the help of medicines and treatment, one can lead a happy life. Thyroid cancer is more commonly present in females and at an early age.

Signs and Symptoms of thyroid cancer

In its early stage, it appears to be a hard nodule, whereas the benign nodule isn’t that hard and relatively soft. The cancerous nodules are hard, and we often see multiple neck nodes. So the presence of multiple nodes in the neck is the most common sign of papillary carcinoma. 

Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer

We need to do an ultrasound, FNAC and even CT-Scan for thyroid cancer to plan further treatment. 

Treatment of thyroid cancer

After the diagnosis of thyroid cancer, the primary treatment is surgery. But, first, we need to remove thyroid cancer entirely. In addition, we need to remove the nodes present in the neck.

After the patient heals, the surgery effect completes, and their wound heals, we further run some tests on the patients. In addition, we keep tabs on specific tumor markers that often circulate in the blood, and we detect their recurrence by tumor markers. In a maximum number of cases, we don’t witness the recurrence of thyroid cancer, which is curable. 

However, if we don’t obliterate the thyroid entirely or if there is a presence of small nodules, we prefer radiotherapy or giving radioactive iodine to remove the residual tumor. This was all about thyroid cancer. 

Bening Nodules

Apart from thyroid cancer, there is another common problem of thyroid, which we often call benign nodules, more commonly known as a colloid in everyday language. We mostly see this in older ladies with large necks. 


The most common reason for this is iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency leads to the formation of the excessive thyroid gland, and it causes a significant mass effect on the neck. 


It eventually grows large, but we shouldn’t let goiter grow to such a large size. We should treat goiter at an early stage, and as far as treatment is concerned, we need to operate it only. However, goiter is a very slow-growing tumor; if the patient wishes, they can permanently remove it. 

Some doctors treat this like low-grade thyroxine or low-grade potassium hydroxide liquid. After treatment, it gradually shrinks. But if it has grown large, we must ultimately remove it. 

Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh General Physicians

Is Banana Good for Diabetes? | Can Diabetics Eat Bananas? | केले से शुगर बढ़ता है क्या? | डायबिटीज एक दिन में कितने केले खा सकता है? | क्या मैं मधुमेह के साथ केला खा सकता हूं?

Is Banana Good for Diabetes? | Can Diabetics Eat Bananas? | शुगर में केला खा सकते हैं क्या? | शुगर में केला खा सकते हैं क्या? | पके हुए केले को स्नैक्स के तौर पर खा सकता है?

Is banana good for diabetes?, In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Rishi Mangat, a Diabetes Specialist at Apollo Clinic, Chandigarh, is discussing whether the diabetic patient consumes bananas or not and answers questions like ‘Can diabetics eat bananas?’

  • According to my experience, I would tell you that diabetic patients can have bananas. Why? 
  • How much? 

What is Glycemic Index? 

That I will say to you in the following talk. We should consume bananas because it is one such fruit that comes under a low glycemic index. If the glycemic index is less than 55, it comes under low glycemic index fruits. The banana glycemic index is 51 if it is a medium-sized banana. 

  • What are the other benefits of bananas? 
  • Why do diabetic patients or any average person have bananas?


Highly nutritious | Is Banana Good for Diabetes?

It is very high in nutrients. It has vitamin B12, vitamin C, Manganese, Calcium, Potassium, and all these salts that I mentioned above give a lot of benefits. Like if we talk about manganese, it helps in nerves and the production of clotting factors and sex hormones. 

It helps in the synthesis of other tissues as well. 

Potassium | Is Banana Good for Diabetes?

Potassium maintains our fluid balance and aids in muscle contraction. It is a preferred salt; if anyone is hypertensive or diabetic, then we want its content to be a bit higher, which banana provides us. 

How many bananas can we have?

So we can have a banana of 6-7 inches in size, approximately small. And how much depends upon how much physical activity you do. If you have moderately good activity then you can have two times. 

Ideally, I would suggest you consume banana with protein or with unsaturated fats like you can club it with almonds, pasta or walnuts, and greek yoghurt. It would make your stomach complete for longer, you won’t need frequent snacking, and you will have the benefits of the nutrients. 

Hopefully it is clear that banana for diabetes is safe, and you can have a banana.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Fungal Infection in The Ears | मानसून में कान के फंगल इन्फेक्शन का इलाज | कान में फंगल इन्फेक्शन के लक्षण | कान में फंगल इन्फेक्शन हो तो क्या करें?

Fungal Infection in The Ears | फंगल इन्फेक्शन को जड़ से खत्म कैसे करें? | कान में फंगल इन्फेक्शन क्यों होता है? | कान में इन्फेक्शन के उपाय

Fungal infection in the ears, In this video, SimpliHealth expert, Dr. Raman Abrol is talking about the treatment for fungal infection in the ears during monsoon season and how it can be treated. 

Fungal Infection during Monsoon 

The monsoon season is just around the corner. Hence it is essential to take care of your ears. So let’s talk about this important topic: Fungal infection in the ears, which is most likely to come during the rainy season.

Since there is moisture in the atmosphere, it results in fungal growth over the skin. As a result, there is the formation of fungal spores, resulting in fungal infection.

What are the symptoms of fungal infection?

During the initial stages, the patient’s ears itch significantly with the light release. Using earbuds causes mild injury resulting in swelling and pain in the ear. These patients must visit the doctor and avoid putting mustard oil in their ears. 

You must consult your doctor for symptoms like:

Treatment of fungal infection in ears:

In these cases, doctors cleanse the ear properly, and after that, doctors advise patients to put powder or ear drops. If there is swelling in the ear resulting in the narrowing of the canal, then the doctor may have to insert a bandage for 2-3 days to put antibiotic drops to reduce swelling. 

Doctor’s advice 

We advise patients whose ears are prone to fungal infection or swelling every rainy season to put Borospirit drops. Avoid water in the ear. Those who do swimming or have a job of staying in water should use ear plugs to avoid the influx of water in the ear. 

These infections are not widespread. Only a few people have the frequency of having a mild disease on the ear’s skin. Also, dandruff on ear skin or skinny elements is more likely to have frequent ear infections. 

So these patients must care for their ears at the onset of the rainy season. Avoid water influx and itching, and use antifungal drops if available. 

Thank you

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Removal of Foreign Body | बच्चों की नाक में कुछ फंस जाए तो क्या करे?

Removal of Foreign Body | How does ENT remove object from nose? | Is nasal foreign body emergency? | What is foreign body in nose?

Removal of foreign body, In the previous video, SimpliHealth expert, Dr. Raman Abrol discussed foreign objects in the nose of children and their symptoms. In this video, He will be discussing Foreign Body Nose Removal procedure. 

  • What can we do for these critical bodies? 
  • How can we manage this condition?
  • What do we do when our children present such symptoms?

How to remove the foreign object out of the child’s nose? 

If these foreign bodies are in the nose for extended periods, pulling them out at home can be very dangerous. First, we don’t have proper instruments at home, and second, we are unaware of the technique.

What are the risks involved? 

If we attempt to pull this foreign object out, there is a possibility that the foreign object may move further back towards the nose and reach the children’s throat. And if it goes to the throat, the most dangerous condition is when it gets to the airway pipe. Then this condition can be hazardous. 

What will the expert do?

We shouldn’t manage this condition in children at home. You must consult your doctor immediately if you are suspicious or suspect any foreign body in the nose by torch. Because this is an emergency, it is very important to extract this foreign object out in an emergency. If the foreign thing is not visible, the doctor may ask for an X-Ray. 

We can easily visualize any metal or silver foil balls or foreign bodies in X-Ray. But the most critical thing is to find the foreign object by endoscopic procedures. If we cannot find a foreign object, but the child shows pus, nose blockage, or bleeding symptoms, there is a very high possibility of a foreign object. Then under these circum stances, we may have to search for it through endoscopic procedures.

What is the procedure?

There are various ways to remove the foreign body; if it is very fresh, like a foreign object that is one day old or has only been inside for a few hours, then the nose doesn’t change. The consulted doctor may remove this object using the required instruments in the OPD. 

We must tie up the child and keep him still since we don’t operate on them. We may insert a small metal hook and extract the foreign body without morbidity and difficulty.After this, the child may go home immediately. 

How to rule out chances of infection? 

However, if the foreign body is old, it might get stuck inside the nose. There might be an infection in nearby areas of the foreign body; some tissue may outgrow near the foreign body. Due to this, the foreign body is stuck inside and doesn’t come out quickly. In these cases, we must remove the foreign body following proper procedures under anesthesia. 

Wash nose thoroughly | Removal of Foreign Body 

We must wash the nose thoroughly, and sometimes, we may require nose packing. And if not nose packing, we may insert a jelly or any ointment in the nose, and the child may go home. The child may have to undergo treatment after removing such a foreign body. 

Saline drops 

Treatment measures include saline drops, washing, and saline sprays, and there is healing in the child’s condition. The most dangerous foreign object is small button cells. The usage of these cells is very common these days. 

Children find these small cells very interesting and put them into their noses. Since this foreign body is alkaline, it has a chemical that may sip out from cells slowly. These chemicals cause damage to the nose, and if the button cell is lying in the nose for 10-15 days, then the bone in the nose melts, and there is the deterioration of mass inside the nose, which might lead to severe problems. 

Immediate attention | Removal of Foreign Body 

These children who have button cells as foreign bodies require immediate attention. We need to remove the foreign body under anesthesia immediately, and they require hospitalization to analyze and quantify the damage and how we can manage it. 

These foreign bodies can be hazardous; hence we shouldn’t attempt their removal at home. We must seek a doctor to remove this foreign body and prevent its recurrence; parents need to counsel their children or be a little strict with them over this issue so that we can avoid this dangerous problem. 

If you are listening to this video and in Chandigarh, you must visit our clinic, which is well equipped to handle these situations. We will welcome you. Thank you very much.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo | BPPV Symptoms | वर्टिगो कितने दिनों में ठीक होता है? | सोते समय चक्कर आना? | करवट बदलने पर चक्कर आना?

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo | BPPV Symptoms | लेटने पर चक्कर आने का क्या कारण है? | सोते हुए चक्कर क्यों आते हैं? | सिर में चक्कर आना कौन सी बीमारी के लक्षण है? | जब मैं लेट जाता हूं तो मेरा सिर घूमता है?

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, In this video, SimpliHealth expert and ENT specialist Dr. Raman Abrol is talking about Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. 

What is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo?

It is a common disease of dizziness. Among those who suffer from dizziness, 80 percent have Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. We call this BPPV, which greatly irritates the patient. People may fear this as this dizziness is very severe and fast. This patient feels everything around is moving. Everything around the patient rotates for a few seconds, and then it heals automatically. 

Vertigo is a very common condition, but the main thing here is there is nothing to fear as there is no danger. We can easily manage this condition, but the patient needs to keep their fear at one aside and must visit the doctor. 

Causes of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

First, let’s talk about its causes, presentations, and what are its common symptoms. 

Degenerative changes 

Humans have their balance organs in the ear. The main reason behind BPPV is some degenerative changes on one side of the balance organ, due to which, there is the release of small particles. These particles, when eroded on nerves, the patients experiences dizziness. 

Why does this degeneration occur? 

There has been no reason for this up till now. But it is more common in middle-aged people and old aged. It is not present at a young age or in children. 

Symptoms of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

And in this, the symptoms that often patients suffer is that BPPV is first is rotation. 

They feel like everything is rotating around, which is severe and most commonly occurs when the patient changes their neck or head position. If the patient is walking straight or sitting upright, he won’t feel these types of dizziness. They face this type of dizziness when they lie down at night or turn towards one side, left or right. Then they suddenly feel like everything around is rotating. 

They have severe dizziness whenever they lie down, whether in the afternoon or night when they turn left or right. 


Another characteristic of this dizziness is that they last for a brief time. 

They stay in dizziness for 10-15 seconds maximum and may vomit, feel tense, and precipitate a lot. We mostly observed that when they sit, the dizziness is gone instantly for those who have this dizziness. 

So many times, the patient will turn towards that side, or if they turn on either side, they would have dizziness. So it is mainly seen that these patients spend their entire night sleeping in the opposite direction. So they feel dizzy all the time, especially when they are about to get up from bed, lie on a bed, or turn sides. We call this condition benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and can easily treat this. 


Benign Positional vertigo if you have this problem and want help, you may visit our Abrol ENT Institute and Research Center. Our Centre has well-trained staff and doctors who might help you in this condition. Thank you very much

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Treatment | BPPV Treatment | How To Prevent BPPV From Recurring? | बीपीपीवी के लिए सबसे अच्छी दवा कौन सी है?

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Treatment | बीपीपीवी को बार-बार होने से कैसे रोकें? | वर्टिगो कितने दिनों में ठीक होता है? | सोते समय चक्कर आना? | वर्टिगो के लक्षण?

benign paroxysmal positional vertigo treatment, In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Raman Abrol is talking about Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Treatment. As you just have seen in the previous video, those who have a condition of posterior vertical vertigo in which they often suffer from chakkar ana. 

How to treat this condition? 

We will also talk about the treatment in this video if you have not seen it. It will be very informative to you. The best way to treat benign positional vertigo is a particular maneuver performed by doctors. 

Diagnosis | Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Treatment

In this, the doctor tilts the patient’s head. We call this the Epley maneuver. But before performing this maneuver, the doctor needs to run some diagnostic tests to confirm that the patient has benign positional vertigo. In this, the most important thing is we check when we tilt the head, the patient may feel dizziness

And it is pretty visible in the eyes; when we tilt the patient’s head in a particular direction where they have dizziness, then their eyes start rotating, and if the doctor can detect the rotation of eyes while tilting the head, then it can confirm a diagnosis. 

Epley Maneuver 

After establishing this diagnosis, we do the Epley maneuver. In this, we tilt the head and body at a particular position. The purpose of this movement is to establish the small things that have been dispositioned from the balance organ of the ear. 

With the help of the Epley maneuver, we reposition small things in the balance organ of the ear, and the patient may not feel dizzy anymore.  


Apart from this, if still the patients feel dizziness then we prescribe medicines to the patients like antihistamines like cinnarizine or betahistine. 

Do not panic | Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Treatment

Another thing is that the patient should reassure himself that it is not a life-threatening disease, so one need not panic. We see the patient have severe dizziness, and due to the severity, the patient feels it’s a life-threatening disease. 


The patient may go into depression, have anxiety issues, and are mostly disturbed. So my advice to these patients is don’t panic. This is treatable. It is not a serious problem. We can easily manage it.  

Our center is well equipped to treat such types of dizziness, and if you need help, please visit us. We might help you in coping with this condition.

Thank you very much.

Gynecology The Touch Clinic

Egg Freezing Process | महिलाएं अपने एग फ्रीजिंग कब तक रख सकती है? | Is Egg Freezing Painful?

Egg Freezing Process | क्या एग फ्रीजिंग दर्दनाक है?

In this video, SimpliHealth expert gynecologist Dr. Preeti Jindal is talking about Egg Freezing (एग फ्रीजिंग) Process. Also she is answering some questions that people usually ask like: Egg Freezing Process

  • क्या है एग फ्रीजिंग प्रक्रिया?
  • एग फ्रीजिंग के लाभ

What is egg freezing? | एग फ्रीजिंगक्या है?

Life has become very hectic. Our biological clock and our professional clockwork go in opposite directions. That is the time or the age of 20 to 40 years is when we  establish ourselves professionally, and this is the same time to complete our family life, because our biological clock is ticking. 

So can we do something about it?. 

Yes, we can do many things to plan our family and delay our childbearing. First of all, we need to understand why we need fertility preservation. Once a woman is born, there are two billion eggs. 

Which age is perfect for egg freezing? 

These eggs carry on for life and are not formed again and again. It is seen that only 500 eggs are of use; the rest are destroyed.  This egg destruction process increases with age. At the age of  35, this egg destruction process speeds up. And after the age of 40 years, one cannot use its egg to give birth to a healthy baby. It’s not like we cannot do it at all. Babies are being born to women of age 48, 49 and even 50. 

But the chances of having an abnormal child increases with age. And fertility decreases rapidly after 35 years of age. Still, at the same time, we are establishing ourselves professionally at the age group of 35 to 40 years, that is a  prime time for us to establish ourselves professionally. 

We don’t want to give our career a break. The second point is that we don’t just have to produce the babies. We have to look after them and give them a better life, so it is essential to be financially strong. 

IVF and Egg Freezing 

It’s not like the old times where we could get married, have kids, and then everything is chaotic. Now people like to plan their lives well in advance, plan their profession, and plan their family and have children when they feel they are fit enough in all the ways to bring them into the world. So the technology can help you do this. 

As the age advances, the quality of the egg is affected, so can we do something like freeze the egg so that we can use them in later stages. Yes, it is possible, and this is known as egg freezing or embryo freezing. It is the process that consists of doing IVF in women and then freezing the egg or embryo as per  her choice. 

From the second day of the period, injections are given to the patient so that  8-10 eggs are formed in the ovaries. And we make sure that more than seven eggs are not created, as that can be harmful to you. These eggs are extracted vaginally without any cut procedure under anesthesia. 

Is Egg freezing painful?

It is a painless procedure. If you are married, then the egg can be fertilized with the sperm of your partner, and the embryo formed can be frozen. If you are single and you are not sure which partner to use for the process of making babies, in that case, only the eggs can freezed. This process is known as egg freezing. 

How many years can we freeze these eggs? 

It can be done lifelong, and it will not affect the quality of the egg or embryo. If you want to use the embryo, they are thawed first, and they are instilled in the women after the preparation of the lining. And if a woman’s eggs are frozen, they are fertilized with your partner’s sperm, and whenever you wish, they can be transferred into the woman’s body. 

  • Is this process painful? 

          The answer is no. 


  • Is this process viable? 

          Yes, and it is happening. 

Where does the use of this process start? 

Unfortunately, it began in cancer patients or young kids who had cancer. They have to undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy. So, in that case, we advise the patients to freeze their eggs or sperm before undergoing any therapy. 

Now, when women are moving forward in their careers, they are delaying childbearing. We advise them to freeze their eggs. The earlier you freez the eggs, the better the quality of the egg would be. . If you are married and don’t want a child presently, you can freeze your embryo. These are new technologies available to help you and use them to plan your family. 

Take care. Stay safe. Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

How Many C Sections Can A Woman Have ? | सीज़ेरियन सेक्शन | Is It A Safe Procedure ? Recovery Time ?

How Many C Sections Can A Woman Have ? Is it a safe procedure? And recovery after C Section 

How many c sections can a woman have? In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Heena Chawla, Consultant Gynecologist at CHD City Hospital, Chandigarh, is talking about the risks involved in C sectio. She aslo answers common questions like: 

  • How many cesarean sections are possible for women? 
  • What is the maximum number of cesarean possibilities? 
  • What are the risks associated with cesarean section? 

How many C section can a woman have?

It’s very difficult to say how many C-sections a woman can undergo. Many females have undergone five to seven cesarean sections, and few have complications after one cesarean. 

So every patient is different; hence we need to individualize it for everyone. 

For every patient, we need to set other criteria. Like this patient can undergo a cesarean or not. 

Risks involved in C section 

The incidence of cesarean was 15% in early times; then, it gradually increased to 25%. Increased maternal complications and fetal risk are the most probable reasons for the rise in cesarean delivery. However, every cesarean comes with few risks. 

Adhesions (How Many C Sections Can A Woman Have ?)

Adhesions form after every surgery, like the anterior abdominal wall or the intestine sticking to each other, and the omentum may stick together. 

Injury to nearby organs 

Whenever we do any operation, there is an increase in the operative time, and the risk of injury to the nearby structures also increases. 

Damage to urinary bladder 

Damage to the urinary bladder is always one of the risks during a cesarean, and this risk factor increases with every cesarean. 

Stitches and chaces of rupture 

Also, we make a scar or incision in the uterus during a cesarean and then stitch. Eventually, these stitches heal, so there is a probability of developing weakness in these areas. As the pregnancy increases as the baby grow, it puts pressure on the weak spots, resulting in more weakness and increased chances of rupturing. 

Mothers are at very much risk if there is suppuration in the uterine layer. 


Apart from this, often placenta may stick to the scar area and may start growing there, this condition is known as accreta, which may invade the uterus wall and start growing there, or it may come out and start growing in the bladder. 

Post Partum Hemmorhages 

And there is a probability of a low-line placenta which means it is more towards the lower side. So this situation may result in excessive bleeding in the next cesarean. As a result, there are more chances of bleeding and PPH. 

There is an increased risk of blood transfusions. If we cannot control bleeding in the patient on the table, irrespective of trying all methods to save the patient’s life, we might need to perform a hysterectomy.

The risks depend on the previous pregnancy. 

So these are a few risk factors associated with recurrent cesarean section. 

  • As the number of cesarean sections increases, these complications also increase.
  • Apart from this, it also depends on the condition of the previous pregnancy. 
  • If in the last pregnancy, there were complications in the wound. 
  • Or the stitches did not heal well correctly. 
  • Stitches came out before the time or duration of hospitalization. 

Risk of Hernia 

Was there any bleeding or injury to the nearby structure, or did some patients develop a hernia? 

Suppose someone has undergone more than two cesareans, then the probability of developing hernia increases to three times. 

If someone has six cesarean sections, there is six times more risk of developing a hernia. Also, it largely depends upon the type of incision made to the uterus. Some may provide vertical incisions. 

How to decide for a C section 

In such cases, we don’t decide to do cesarean delivery for the second time easily. So all these factors are taken into consideration. If the current pregnancy is high-risk, we count all the factors to consider whether to opt for a cesarean section in the following delivery or not. And if you don’t have a high-risk pregnancy, it is a low-risk pregnancy. 

You didn’t have any problems the last time; the previous cesarean was uneventful, recovery was good, and there was no problem healing the stitches then. We can easily decide on a cesarean section for the subsequent pregnancy.

How many C sections are safe? 

 If I have to say a standard figure, then I would say three cesareans are very safe, but therein is an increase of risk with each passing surgery.

 Thank you 


Sekhon Nursing Home

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Treatment For Blocked Fallopian Tubes | अवरुद्ध फैलोपियन ट्यूब के लिए उपचार

Treatment For Blocked Fallopian Tubes | Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Treatment for blocked fallopian tubes, In this video, SimpliHealth expert, Dr. Heena Chawla, consultant gynecologist at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Hospital is talking about the treatment for blocked fallopian tubes. 

What are the treatment options available for blocked tubes?

When we do HSG, it helps open any proximal blockage of tubes. Apart from this, if the tubes are healthy, we try to open them by laparoscopic procedures. More commonly known as tubal cannulation. 

Tubal cannulation is a very easy procedure. 

Factors to assist before surgery : 

But before doing this surgery for fallopian tubes, it is very important to assess the other factors. Like ovaries are functioning correctly or the husband has normal sperm counts. 

If there is a problem in the husband’s sperm count, or if I say there is impairment in the formation of eggs in the ovaries; then instead of going for laparoscopic procedures for fallopian tubes. We must directly opt for IVF which is In-vitro fertilization. 


If there are other factors also contributing to infertility, then in these cases, IVF helps a lot. But if there is water filled in the tubes, then the success rate of IVF is reduced to 50% in the hydrosalpinx condition. 

So under these circumstances, we either remove the tubes or clip them off. Or chip off their communication with the uterus. By doing this, we can increase the success rate of IVF to a great extent. 

If you have any questions regarding this topic, please write in the comment box.

 Thank you 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes | अवरुद्ध फैलोपियन ट्यूब के लक्षण | कारण एवं उपचार

Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes | कारण एवं उपचार

Symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes.In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Heena Chawla, Consultant Gynecologist at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Hospital, Chandigarh is talking about the causes and diagnosis of blocked fallopian tubes. 

Where are fallopian tunes situated?

We will understand where fallopian tubes are situated. Along both sides of the uterus are two thin tubes we call fallopian tubes. 

Function of a fallopian tube 

Symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes,Their function is to carry the egg released by the ovary. Inside these fallopian tubes, a brush-like cilia helps move eggs inside tubes from the ovary, and sperm travels into tubes. They both fuse in fallopian tubes and undergo fertilization. After the fertilization, the embryo travels to the uterus and implants itself.

Importance of an open fallopian tube 

Healthy and open fallopian tubes are two important parameters for pregnancy to sustain. Unfortunately, often due to some reason, there is a blockage in either one or both fallopian tubes. For any couple trying for pregnancy but cannot conceive, one-third are affected with blocked tubes.

Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

STDs (Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes)

Any pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or one with a history of tuberculosis or sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea or chlamydia may result in blockage of tubes. 

Surgeries (Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes)

Any previous surgery could be ectopic, or other surgery on tubes might also lead to blockage. Often different things like during endometriosis, the layers stick to each other, and there is the formation of adhesions, which blocks the lane; hence the egg doesn’t find its way out in tubes. 


Apart from this, we often see some infections that may result in the blockage of tubes after any surgery like abdominal surgery or miscarriage, or DNC.

Can the woman conceive with one blocked fallopian tube?

Another common question patients ask is whether we can conceive with one fallopian tube as there is a blockage in the other.

See if there is a blockage in one tube, but the other is open and healthy. There is no other reason for not having a sustainable pregnancy. Like egg formation is good in ovaries, the egg is of good quality, there are no further problems in the uterus, and the husband’s sperm count is average; then, under these circumstances, the patient may have sustainable pregnancy with one fallopian tube. 

There are no decreased chances. The patients have relatively the same chance of having pregnancy compared to those who have both healthy fallopian tubes if other parameters are normal.


Now we will understand how we can diagnose this condition. 

Ultrasound test

Often in ultrasound, you might have come across the term hydrosalpinx, which is the condition of water filled in tubes. Usually, patients do not show any symptoms of blocked tubes until and unless they start trying for pregnancy. Then only doctors do some test that shows blockage in tubes. 

Those with hydrosalpinx conditions may also have vaginal discharge, or we make an ultrasound diagnosis and start their treatment. If they respond to the treatment, it is a very good thing. 

HSG test (symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes)

For couples with blockage in tubes or who are trying for pregnancy under these circumstances, we recommend a simple OPD test, hysterosalpingography, or HSG test. We usually do this test 5 -10 days after periods. 

We count the first day of period onset as day 1; then, we do it between 5-10. In addition, we do it in the first half because there might be a chance of pregnancy after conceiving. So that’s why we conduct this test in the first half.

How does an HSG test work? 

Usually, we insert a dye in the uterus, and via tubes, it comes out. It gives us a clear picture of whether they are healthy or not, open or closed. 

Often females may experience mild cramping in this, so we prescribe pain killers to them in advance, and simultaneously we take an X-ray film so that we have a complete picture clear about the status of the tubes. It also gives information about the uterus. Often, when there is very much blockage in tubes; then this test can be very painful since the dye can’t move forward because of the blockage. 

Since fallopian tubes have many parts, if there is a small blockage in the proximal region, it might get open because of the dye. Therefore, the HSG test is a very useful and informative test that we usually conduct in infertile couples. 

Sonosalpingography test 

Apart from this, there is another test, sonosalpingography, in which we do an ultrasound simultaneously when injecting the dye inside. We can visualize any fluid, if it is coming with dye or not while conducting the test.

Chromopertubation test 

Apart from these, we have another test, laparoscopic confirmation or Chromopertubation. We visualize through the stomach, insert the dye through an endoscope, and check whether the dye is coming out or not from the tubes. If the dye comes out, then the tubes are open; if not, there is a blockage somewhere. 

We perform this test under anesthesia, and it’s a daycare procedure; if we do it in the morning, you may leave by the evening. By laparoscopic examination, we can see the other things like ovaries and uterus in the same sitings. 

Which test is the most accurate? 

Often patients see tube blockage in HSG, but it is essential to reconfirm it further. Because when we do HSG or laparoscopic for the second time, around ten patients were previously diagnosed with blocked tubes. Six may have open tubes after doing laparoscopy and HSG

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Urology

Urinary Tract Infection Treatment and Prevention

Urinary Tract Infection Treatment and Prevention  

In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Vijaypal Singh is talking about Urinary Tract Infection Treatment and prevention.


We plan the treatment of patients based on the type of UTI, complicated or uncomplicated. We can easily manage uncomplicated UTIs with 3-5 days of antibiotics. 

Most of the time, we give oral antibiotics to them. In addition, we ask them to follow good hydration and maintain local hygiene practices. If it’s a complicated UTI, we find the underlying cause and address it after antibiotics. 


  • How can we prevent Urinary Tract Infection? 
  • Does the patient become more susceptible to Urinary Tract Infection during summers? 

Yes, since during summers, our urine output is less because there is an increase in our insensible losses like sweating and perspiration. As a result, the kidney comparatively filters less urine. 


So we must hydrate our body frequently, especially in the summer, with a glass of water, a cooler, or a drink every 2-3 hours. You can take lemon water, but the purpose is to hydrate the body every 3-4 hours so that the body’s urine output is adequate. 

Do Not Hold In Your Pee 

Also, it does not allow the urine to store in the bladder; voiding is also very important. We must avoid it after every 3-4 hours so that urine doesn’t stay in the bladder for a more extended period if we hold the urine for a longer duration. It further increases the risk of UTIs.

This was all about urinary tract infection. Thank you for watching this video. Please visit Apollo Clinic Chandigarh in case of further inquiries or any other information. I am available at Apollo Clinic from 9-11 every Tuesday and Friday. Stay Healthy, Stay Happy.


Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Urology

What is UTI? Its Types and Diagnosis

What is UTI? Its Types and Diagnosis

In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. VijayPal Singh, Consultant Urologist at Apollo Clinic, Chandigarh, is talking about Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). 

What Is UTI?

UTI is a very common disease, primarily seen in young females and diabetes. Diabetic patients frequently visit us with a complaint of UTIs. 

  • What are UTIs? 
  • What symptoms does the body show? 
  • Which test holds importance in diagnosis? 
  • What are the treatment options available? 

We will cover all these topics in today’s discussion.

Cause Of UTI

What are the most common causes of Urinary Tract Infection?

Many factors contribute to UTIs. 

Frequent in Females 

Young females are the most predominant group which mostly gets affected by UTIs. 

Diabetes patients 

Apart from them, diabetic patients are more prone to Urinary tract infections.

Anatomical abnormalities 

Then there are certain groups of people with specific anatomical abnormalities like a blockage in the passage of urine so they are more at risk of having Urinary Tract infections.

Why does UTI occur? 

Usually, Urinary Tract Infection occurs when urine stays in the bladder for a longer duration. Urinary stasis occurs and the urine is unable to move forward due to stress. Pooling of urine in the bladder causes infection. 

Risk factors 

The risk factor or condition in which UTI is more prone to occur in females, diabetes, presence of kidney stone, bladder stone, ureteric stone, or any stone disease may serve as a nidus for bacterial infection. 

In addition, specific congenital abnormalities might lead to urinary tract infections like VUR (Vesicoureteral reflux) or Posterior urethral valve in males. So they are at higher risk of having UTIs.

Types of UTI 

We can divide Urinary Tract Infections into uncomplicated Urinary Tract infections and complicated Urinary Tract Infections. 

Uncomplicated UTI 

Young females generally have uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections. They are not associated with complex risk factors like comorbid conditions, diabetes, or anatomical defects. They don’t have any stone diseases. 


Their symptoms are also mild. Patients usually suffer from burning micturition, storage symptoms, frequent urination at small intervals, and urgency symptoms, like patients who feel that they need to use the loo or washroom at a particular moment. So we club all these factors into uncomplicated UTIs. 

Usually, these patients don’t show any signs of fever, and there is less chance of kidney infection. Within 3-5 days, they get settled by taking the antibiotic course. There is another sub-group which we call complicated UTI.

Complicated UTI 

In this condition, certain underlying defects or any comorbid condition like diabetes or UTI progress early in such patients; fever may commence early; bladder infection (cystitis) may spread to the kidney resulting in pyelonephritis. 

It might result in kidney infections. Patients with a stone problem or elderly, immunocompromised patients like cancer patients, HIV, or other related diseases whose immune system is low then these patients usually suffer from complicated UTIs. 

Men also sometimes come in the sub-category of complex patients. Uncomplicated UTIs are rare in men. Typically there are some underlying causes of Urinary tract infection in men like enlargement of the prostate or any stricture diseases or stone disease. So these causes lead to Urinary Tract Infections. 


So the symptoms of these patients, as I told you before, are burning micturition, frequent urination, frequent will to go to the bathroom, and urgency. Apart from that, some may suffer from Spurapubic pain and blood in the urine. And if there are complications, this may result in pyelonephritis that may accompany flank pain. 

Diagnosis of UTI 

Urine examination 

So next is the evaluation of Urinary Tract Infection and documentation of UTI in patients. So the most basic and preliminary test is a complete urinary examination, a microscopic examination in which we see the presence of pus cells or blood in the urine, pH of the urine, and presence of any crystals that further signify the presence of stone diseases. 

Urine culture 

Next is a urinary culture which is mandatory. We do urine culture for mainly two reasons: one is for documentation that this organism is growing and causing UTI, and with the culture, we do antibiotic sensitivity test, which guides us on which antibiotic we must give to patients. 

X-Ray KUB, and CT KUB

If we suspect any underlying anatomical defects or the presence of stone, we do imaging techniques like ultrasound, X-Ray KUB, and CT KUB. These are some of the additional tests that help in the evaluation of Urinary Tract Infection.