Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Sleep Disordered Breathing | Sleeping Disorder in Children: Causes & Symptoms & Treatment

Sleep Disordered Breathing | Sleeping Disorder in Children: Causes & Symptoms & Treatment

Sleeping Disorder in Children,In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol talks about a common problem in children: sleep-disordered breathing. It is SDB in short form or sleep apnea. These children sleep but have disturbed sleep. Even they face difficulty breathing, and snoring while sitting is the second most common symptom. Also, there is a blockage in the nasal passage. As a result, their eyes close but not resting, so doctors address this problem as sleep-disordered breathing. 

Normally it’s two types, but the most common that doctors see is sleep obstructive sleep apnea. In this problem, there is a blockage in the children’s breathing passage. The nasal passage ranges from the tip of the nose to the lungs. Various reasons can cause nasal blockage. In almost 95% of cases, children suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. Only in a few cases, from 0-5%, is the cause central, i.e., in the brain. There is some abnormality in the brain that causes irregular breathing in children. So they have difficulty breathing, not because of obstruction; fortunately, these causes are rare. However, most cases, obstruction is the major reason for nasal blockage.  

Symptoms of Sleep apnea


Talking about the symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing, the children who suffer from sleep apnea are obese; Due to obesity, their breathing passage is narrow. So one thing is there are obese, have noisy breathing, and snore loudly. And often, parents notice that children move a lot during the night and try to breathe while sitting. And it is visible that children have difficulty breathing. So the process of being unable to breathe properly, followed by an apnea attack and then a forceful breathing cycle, continues during the night. Since it is a breathing problem, their brain has less oxygen, especially at night. So doctors often see septal changes in these children. Since they are not adults, they can’t express themselves. So they don’t show expressive symptoms. But normally, these children show symptoms like lack of concentration; are passive, reluctant to play or run, sleep, and have noisy breathing during day time, and they breathe while sitting. 

Parents can indirectly notice these symptoms. It is not so relevant to discuss central apnea because it is very rare, But it is often seen that there is a problem with nerves or in the brain that causes difficulty in breathing in children. And one must note that they are not mouth breathers. They are nose breathers only, but still, they have difficulty breathing. So these children need neurological doctor assistance to rule out the cause of nerves or the brain. 

How treat disturbed sleep and breathing?

Mostly these children have adenoids and nasal allergies with blockage in the nasal passage. Most children also have large tonsils, and since they are obese, they have narrow nasal passages. Due to this, they have difficulty breathing at night, and they snore. There is vibration in the breathing passage resulting in sleep disturbance. If we talk about the treatment and want to investigate their condition, then clinical examination is the best for the children. If the child doctor is aware of obstructive sleep disorder, they may see in the children the presence of adenoids, large tonsils, and allergies. So all these come under clinical examination.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

In addition, doctors can determine the size of the tonsils and adenoids by X-Ray. Those children who are uncooperative during clinical study do not open their mouths or nose enough. A doctor can do an X-ray to determine the size of the tonsils and adenoids and can draw inferences about this problem. Apart from X-Ray, CT-Scan, and MRIs having a role in adults, there is little to do with children. Another very important investigation into sleep apnea is a sleep study. Still, there is no need to do a sleep study in smaller children where the obvious reason is visible, like large tonsils adenoids. A sleep study is a challenge. It is a difficult procedure, and doctors require cooperation from children, but they are more restless and do not cooperate well; hence it is difficult to do. Talking about treatment in children with enlargement of adenoids, large tonsils, or obesity, doctors need to do surgical management. By surgery, doctors remove any obstruction at the nasal passage or throat. Recovery rates among children heal better after the removal of adenoids and tonsils. And by doing so, they sleep better. There is swelling in the nose for children with severe allergy problems, so we put them under anti-allergics treatment. Subsequently, by using syrups, medicines, and sprays, the allergies subside with time.

To know more, watch the full video and visit the SimpliHealth website for more information.


Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Red Bumps on Back of Tongue | जीभ पर लाल दाने होना | Red Spot on Tongue | What are the Red Bumps on the Tongue? | Are the Red Bumps Under the Tongue Normal? Can it be Treated?

Red Bumps on Back of Tongue | जीभ पर लाल दाने होना | Red Spot on Tongue | What are the Red Bumps on the Tongue? | Are the Red Bumps Under the Tongue Normal? Can it be Treated?

Red Bumps on Back of Tongue, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, SimpliHealth expert and ENT specialist talks about a very common problem that a lot of patients come in and complain about. They feel very anxious; they keep examining themselves in the mirror. And after self-examining, they come in complain about having small lumps or bumps underneath their tongue. 


Are the red bumps under the tongue normal?

This problem may be nothing serious, but it makes the people cancerphobic patients very anxious. So a lot of people who are worried come to us complaining about small red-colored bumps on the tongue

Most of the patients who come complaining about this are middle-aged or young, as the anxiety level at this age is higher. They do not have proper knowledge about it and come in the OPD in a panic. 


Can these red bumps be cancer? 

So it is very important to educate people about these lumps and stop them from assuming it is cancer. 

These small lumps are nothing but a normal structure and are mostly taste buds behind the tongue. These taste buds are 8-9 in a row and red in color; they do not form cancer. The normal size is 1-2mm, and in some cases can be bigger. And they can be seen when you protrude the tongue backward. 


Treatment for these red lumps? 

There is no treatment for this as it is very normal. There is no danger involved. You shouldn’t get paranoid and panic, as this is nothing to worry about. 

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

बच्चों में नाक जाम होने के कारण और उपाय | Nasal Congestion in Children | Baar Baar Naak Band Hona | How Do You Treat Nasal Congestion in Children? | How to Relieve a Stuffy Nose in a Child? | बंद नाक तुरंत खोलने के उपाय | रात में नाक बंद होने का क्या कारण है?

बच्चों में नाक जाम होने के कारण और उपाय | Nasal Congestion in Children | Baar Baar Naak Band Hona | How Do You Treat Nasal Congestion in Children? | How to Relieve a Stuffy Nose in a Child? | बंद नाक तुरंत खोलने के उपाय | रात में नाक बंद होने का क्या कारण है?

In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol discusses the most common reasons for nasal congestion in children during the day and night. 


Often ENT doctors tackle two types of nose blockage in children in their daily practices. One is those with constant nose blockage throughout the day, and they are mouth breathers. Another category is nose blockage among children only during nighttime. Parents often notice this behavior of nose blockage among children while lying down. The most likely cause in children aged 3-8 years have allergic problems. They complain about constant nose blockage or are mouth breathers. Because of an allergic reaction, the inner lining of the nose swells up, and eventually, the nasal passages narrow down. As a result, they often sneeze, with a runny nose and nose blockage. 

Children may also have adenoids, a mass present at the back nose adjoining the throat. The mass enlarges and leads to adenoids. Children with adenoids often complain of nose blockage during the night and snore more often. They are mouth breathers at night and stay normal during the daytime. A doctor’s visit is necessary. A doctor must examine the symptoms of an allergic reaction or enlarged nasal septum. Often children may develop enlarged nasal septum after injury. But in these cases, there is only blockage in one nostril, and the other is open. Most of the time, parents don’t notice their children’s condition. Children with allergic reactions have prominent symptoms like swelling, nasal discharge, runny nose, and itchy eyes and over the throat. They might also show coughing bronchitis and rapid breathing besides allergic symptoms. If your children have these symptoms, then most likely, children have nose blockage due to allergies. 

Nasal congestion at night among children:

There are no allergic changes in children with adenoids nasal examination, and the front nose appears normal. Still, upon minute inspection, doctors might see adenoids. These children require endoscopy if cooperative. Doctors diagnose their condition through radiological procedures if the children are not cooperative for endoscopy. In radiology, doctors do an X-Ray of the face and neck side view. The nasal pathway, if blocked, is visible in X-ray. In addition, doctors can see the presence of adenoid tissue. 


Treatment of nasal congestion :

The treatment of adenoids in children is cause-specific. If the child has allergies, then doctors advise specific allergic treatment. Anti-allergics treatment controls allergic symptoms in most children. Symptoms like sneezing, watering nose heals, and nose blockage also improve. Those children who have adenoids, allergic children require long-term anti-allergics for months. After that, they need an anti-allergic spray or tablets for longer, and eventually, healing occurs. These children heal completely but concerning their growth. Initially, children require medicine, but as they age 14- 15, the nose blockage clears.

Anti-allergics sprays and antibiotics are the most likely treatment for children with adenoids. This will shrink the extra overgrown adenoid tissue. If the parents are careful, they notice the children are not mouth breathers and less snoring. This treatment helps restore nose breathing. Doctors can continue the medical treatment, especially when they show symptoms; otherwise, there is no need for treatment. However, if the adenoid children don’t respond to treatment, they are mouth breathers, complain of snoring, and have sleep disorder breathing; then they need invasive or surgical treatment. Adenoids are removed surgically with the help of Laser technology. Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre use Laser-based coblation technology. In the coblation technique through the mouth, endoscopically, the bloodless doctor removes adenoids. Children heal completely in 7 -10 days. And eventually, their mouth breathing stops. 

For more information, watch the full video.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Pollen Allergy(पोलन एलर्जी ) क्या है | पराग या पोलन एलर्जी: कारण, लक्षण और उपचार | What are Symptoms of Pollen Allergy? How do You Stop Pollen Allergies? | आप पराग एलर्जी को कैसे रोकते हैं? Is Pollen Allergy Harmful?

Pollen Allergy(पोलन एलर्जी ) क्या है | पराग या पोलन एलर्जी: कारण, लक्षण और उपचार | What are Symptoms of Pollen Allergy? How do You Stop Pollen Allergies? | आप पराग एलर्जी को कैसे रोकते हैं? Is Pollen Allergy Harmful?

pollen allergy, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol ENT Institute and Research centre discusses Pollen allergies.

As you know, this season has a high pollen count in the air from Feb- April. The pollen is present in very high quantities, especially grass pollen, many types of tree and flower pollen, and dust from harvest. In this season, it is very common to develop allergic symptoms. Those who are allergic face the worst, especially asthmatic people or those who suffer from nasal allergies suffer from diseases quite a lot. 

Common symptoms of pollen allergy 

The most common symptoms often faced by people this season are outdoor allergy, outdoor sneezing and outdoor watering. As soon as they step outside, they start sneezing, watery nose and congestion with cough, and difficulty breathing, especially if they are moving towards more greenery or in the area of dense trees. They may have breathing problems. These patients come under seasonal worsening, especially when the pollen count is high. They develop these symptoms, and in between, they feel fine. These patients think they are quite incapacitated this season and have a loss of work hours. They feel ill and suffer from sore throats, burning eyes, and allergic conjunctivitis. So all these allergies are caused by the pollen. 

Does treatment vary for the types of pollen?

It is not fixed which type of pollen is causing allergy in a particular individual, but doctors can do allergy tests and find out which kind of pollen is causing more trouble. The good thing is that irrespective of the type of pollen allergy, the treatment is the same for all, and all respond well to the treatment. In therapy, doctors prescribe antihistamines maximum and one or two doses daily. Some patients require nasal sprays, inhalers, and Nebulizers, especially in children. These treatments must be done during the season because the need for medicine reduces after the season or when the pollen count is less, and they feel better with available treatment. 

How complicated is pollen allergy in Asthmatic patients ?

Few patients, like asthmatic patients, may get further complicated; their asthma may worsen and need hospitalisation. Old patients with low immunity may develop infection and hence require hospitalisation. But it is controlled with long term treatment, but, eventually, they heal. To prevent this, one needs to take an allergy test so that one knows which allergy causes this reaction. In addition Doctors can ask to remove the source of particular pollen causing allergy from the patient’s environment and then only we can think of prevention. 


For more information, visit SimpliHealth website.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Tympanoplasty Surgery (Eardrum Surgery) | कान के पर्दे का ऑपरेशन | टिम्पैनोप्लास्टी सर्जरी | Can a ruptured eardrum be treated? What is Tympanoplasty Surgery?

Tympanoplasty Surgery (Eardrum Surgery) | कान के पर्दे का ऑपरेशन | टिम्पैनोप्लास्टी सर्जरी | Can a ruptured eardrum be treated? What is Tympanoplasty Surgery?

In this video, SimpliHealth expert and ENT specialist Dr. Raman Abrol discusses a corrective surgery called Tympanoplasty Surgery. It is commonly known as eardrum surgery. 


Having a busted eardrum is not an unusual condition. A lot of people walk in with ruptured ear drums. It is a treatable condition, and sitting on it is not advisable. This can cause ear infections, discharge, and also hearing loss. 

How is a ruptured eardrum treated? 

The primary treatment for a ruptured ear drum is surgery. This surgery is called Tympanoplasty or Myringoplasty. Abrol ENT Centre and Research Institute is a specialized center for ear surgery, and all types of ear surgeries are performed. 


Tympanoplasty Surgery 

Let’s talk about tympanoplasty. In this surgery, the eardrum is replaced with the patient’s own tissue as a patch; then, over time, this patch heals. No artificial elements are used to patch the wound. 

This surgery is primarily performed under general anesthesia. But at some centers, this surgery is performed under local anesthesia, where the patient is aware of the surrounding but cannot feel anything, and the pain is zero to nothing. 


This surgery requires a small incision behind the ear or can be done from the inside. In any case, there is no scarring. So even cosmetically, it is convenient as, over time, there is no visible incision or scarring. 


What precautions should be taken after the surgery? 

After this surgery, there are a few precautions to take. There is a bandage over the ear for 7-8 days, and then there are stitches. So the patient would take 3-4 weeks to heal completely. 

In some cases, the graph used to repair the rupture is unsuccessful. This is called a failed tympanoplasty. Any sort of disruption caused by the patient during the healing process is the primary factor for this failure. In very few cases, it could be the surgeon, but mostly it is the patient factor. 

For example, if the patient has a nose problem or is prone to cold. If the patient catches an infection or cold during the healing period, it may lead to the failure of the surgery. 

In this case, the patient is to get a revision surgery done after a significant amount of time, almost 6-8 months or a year.  This surgery would only be performed when the previous surgery wounds have completely healed, which can also take a year. 


Are there any complications? 

Another minor complication is that, in 2-4% of cases, the hearing loss cannot be corrected. But in most cases, when the eardrum is repaired, the hearing loss is automatically corrected. 


Besides the ruptured ear drum, the other problem is the ear bone problem. This problem is realised later during the surgery. At our centre, we fix the bone problem to restore hearing. But not all surgeons touch the bone in one sitting. They fix the eardrum first and then fix the bone to restore the hearing to how it was. 


This was the overview of the complications during the surgery. The rest of the complications are minor, caused by anaesthesia, dizziness or sleepiness.  The patient recovery time is only 3-4 weeks.  The patient can resume their daily activities after the bandages come off. 

There are no restrictions to be followed after this period; only make sure to let water get into your ears for almost a month after the surgery. 


Our centre specialises in this surgery, and if you or anyone you know is looking for this treatment, please contact us and book an appointment. 

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Noise Induced Hearing Loss | बहरापन का कारण | Noise Induced Hearing Loss Audiogram | Can loud noise cause deafness? Can this Hearing loss be treated? What is noise induced hearing loss?

Noise Induced Hearing Loss | बहरापन का कारण | Noise Induced Hearing Loss Audiogram | Can loud noise cause deafness? Can this Hearing loss be treated? What is noise induced hearing loss?

In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Raman Abrol talks about noise induced hearing loss. He answers questions related to the treatment. 


What is noise induced hearing loss? 


The main cause of deafness or hearing loss is exposure to loud sounds/noise. This problem is majorly seen in people who are in sound-related professions like people who work at the studio, deejays, and people who work at the cinema/auditorium. It is also seen in people or teenagers who listen to loud music over headphones or earplugs. 


Hearing loss in these cases is called sound-induced hearing loss. One interesting thing about it is that it gradually increases. At the start,  the difference is only 1-2 frequencies, and then it goes up gradually. 


How is hearing loss diagnosed? 

Its diagnosis is not very simple. The patients in the early stages complain that there are certain sounds that they find difficult to hear. And also that they have difficulty understanding certain words. 

While diagnosis if you go through the history of the patient you will realise that loud noises/sounds usually sound these patients or have a high earphone usage. This is what is causing them hearing problems. 



Angiograms and hearing tests are important for these patients. The patient is made to listen to all the frequencies and the test is conducted. In the patient suffering from noise induced hearing loss it is seen that the 3,4 to 8 kHz frequencies are involved. 

Even high frequency sounds are included in the test and the patient cannot hear them, so it shows a dip in the curve in the audiometry test. Due to this dip at 4 or 8 kHz the patients have difficulty hearing these sounds. 


Risk Factors 

This problem is mostly seen in people in the music related profession, and also in people in the armed forces, or who work at the armoury, and even pilots and other people who work on ground with aircrafts. These people have difficulty hearing sounds which are 4-8 kHz at the early stage. And if they continue like this, the hearing gets even worse. 


Symptoms of noise induced hearing loss 

Overall the lower frequency hearing of the patient is intact. The patient faces no difficulty hearing the person sitting close to them. But they may face problems hearing sounds that come from far or have difficulty understanding certain words. 

A lot of patients complain about not being able to hear the doorbell or the phone ringing. All these problems are because the patient is unable to hear the high frequency sounds. 


Is noise induced hearing loss reversible? 

It is very important to know that noise induced deafness is a non-reversible problem. But if you go to a music concert and come back and experience discomfort in hearing then it is treatable or reversible since it is temporary. 

Damage caused by prolonged exposure to noise cannot be treated. Therefore it is recommended that people who work surrounded by loud noises, military people, gunners, etc. should always wear noise-cancelling ear muffs/defenders to protect their ears. 


Teenagers who listen to loud music over earphones are suggested to not do so, and reduce the exposure hours. Because this is an untreatable problem. If in future this problem persists and gets worse, then it is recommended to get a hearing aid. 

Bottom Line 

The take home lesson from this discussion on noise induced hearing loss is that one should use ear defenders when working with loud sounds. Reduce the earphones usage, do not listen to loud music for a long time. Avoid being on long and frequent long calls. 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Fertility in women: Does Age Affect Female Fertility? | Does it Affect the Woman’s Health? | Right Age to Get Pregnant | मां बनने की सही उम्र क्या है ?

Fertility in women: Does Age Affect Female Fertility? | Does it Affect the Woman’s Health? | Right Age to Get Pregnant | मां बनने की सही उम्र क्या है ?

Fertility in Women,In this video, SimpliHealth expert, Dr. Heena Chawla, Consultant Gynaecologist Laparoscopic Surgeon at Apollo Clinics and CHD City Hospital, Chandigarh talks about  fertility in women through the ages. 


Does age affect female fertility

Age is a very sensitive issue for every woman. Neither female wishes to disclose their age nor wants to discuss it. But if we talk about fertility, age is a prime and essential factor. 

If I talk about the lifespan of females, after 11 -12 years, periods start commencing. After 18-21 years, one can plan pregnancy. Biologically, females attain maturity at 18-20 years of age. Still, they are ready for pregnancy by 22-23 years. But if we consider social factors like financial factors and job security, the females reach 26 -29 years of age when they think about marriage and pregnancy. But I’d like to talk about all these factors. 

What is female fertility? 

The essential thing for females is that they are born with a fixed number of eggs. The female child is born with 1-2 million eggs. However, there is no further egg formation after birth. The number of eggs remains the same. As the periods start commencing, the eggs start decreasing with age, and the females have only 3-4lacs eggs. By 40, the egg count reduces to 5k -10k. And by the time of menopause, the egg count had reached to 1000. 

Critical factors 

There are two critical factors in this: one is the count of eggs, and the other is an ovarian reserve. At how much time we can maintain our eggs or fertility window. Often in females, the fertility ovarian reserve starts reducing by 30. And decrease in the fertility reserve increase the risk of miscarriage. In addition, by the age of 35, there is an increase in the chances of congenital malformation in babies.

Risk factors 

Another thing is that if there is no risk factor involved in females, one can easily plan the pregnancy after 30 years. One is the egg number, and the other is the quality of the eggs. One can determine the genetic quality of eggs during the time of ovulation. If we talk about the age of 25, the monthly pregnancy rate is 20-25% if the female is trying to conceive. This percentage of females conceiving in a month reduces to 15% by 30 years. By the age of 40, it drops to 5%.


We can do an ultrasound, a critical test to determine the ovarian reserve. In this, we do antral follicle count (AFC). In this, we see the reserve of eggs. We can also do blood tests to determine the levels of hormones like LH, FSH, and anti -Mullerian hormone. Estradiol levels are also used to assess ovarian reserve. If the female doesn’t have a good quality of egg reserve, the doctors try to improve it by using some medicine and dietary modifications. But still, I would like to tell you that age plays a significant factor while conceiving. 


If the female is planning a pregnancy over-aged, they must consult with their doctor first, and if they need any supplement, they must take them. Also, one should take a proper blood test and take medicine accordingly, thank you. 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Implantation Pain कब, कैसा और कहाँ दर्द होता है | Implantation Cramps vs Period Cramps | Is the implantation process painful? | How is the Pain Different From Period Cramps?

Implantation Pain कब, कैसा और कहाँ दर्द होता है | Implantation Cramps vs Period Cramps | Is the implantation process painful? | How is the Pain Different From Period Cramps?

Implantation Pain, In this video, SimpliHealth expert, Dr. Heena, Consultant Gynaecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Hospital, Sector- 8 Chandigarh, talks about the implantation process and answeres questions like: 

  • What is Implantation cramps or pain? 
  • Are these early signs of pregnancy? 
  • How can you differentiate it from cramps from periods? 


Where can one feel implantation cramps?

Implantation pain can occur in the lower abdomen as pain or cramps. By implantation, we mean the embryo travels through fallopian tubes to the uterus after fertilisation. Inside the uterus, it burrows towards the innermost layer of the uterus. By burrowing, fertilised embryo implants in the inner lining of the uterus. These pains may occur in the lower abdomen centre or may shift to the left or right side of the abdomen. If the female feels pain at the centre, it is probably implanting in the fundus or upper uterus. But if it’s implantation on the left or right sides of the wall, then the pain may shift to the left and right sides of the wall. Implantation may last for a few hours to 2 days. Mostly it heals on its own. Sometimes implantation pain may accompany spotting, which we usually call implantation bleeding.


Implantation bleeding 

There can be pinkish and brownish discharge during the time of implantation. It is not like severe pain. Instead, it’s mild cramps in the stomach. Avoid any painkillers during this time. Implantation cramps doesn’t cause any ill effects on the baby. 


How can we know that this pain is implantation cramps?

There is a specific time for this pain. It occurs after 6-12 days post ovulation. The embryo takes this much time from fertilisation to travel to implantation in the uterus. This whole process is 6-12 days. If the women’s cycle is 28 days and the ovulation occurs on 14 days, then most probably, the implantation pain will be at 20 -26 days. Or if the cycle is of 32 days, then ovulation would be on 18 days and the implantation pain 24-30 days. And in the prolonged cycles of 35 -40 days, the ovulation would occur near the 21st day, and pain would start in 27 to 33 days. 

Another crucial query that patients often ask is how we can differentiate implantation pain from period cramps.


How to differentiate between period cramps and implantation cramps


See, it is straightforward. Implantation cramps comes with early pregnancy symptoms, like tiredness, nausea, fatigue, constipation, mood swings, frequent urination, and lower back ache. And mostly, we are pretty familiar with periods of pain. Because we feel the same type of pain during every cycle, it also occurs before 1-2 days of onset. At the same time, the implantation pain starts from 6-12 post ovulation.


In contrast to periods, implantation pain occurs within five days. Also, period cramps mainly happen immediately on the onset of periods 1-2 days before. Also, period cramps are more severe since the uterus is a muscle structure. The contraction to shed up the muscle layer causes pain. It lasts for a long time. In addition, it is not necessary to have nausea, constipation, and fatigue during periods of cramps. Hence one can easily distinguish between period cramps and implantation pain.


Ultimately, in conclusion, being pregnant is another mode of meeting the love of your life. So enjoy this journey. Take care of your health. Be safe.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Burning Eyes: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment | आंखों में जलन और पानी आना | आंखो में जलन के लक्षण और बचाव के टिप्स | How Do You Get Rid of Hot Burning Eyes? What Helps Irritated Eyes in Summer? | How Can I Reduce My Eye Heat Naturally? How Do You Relieve Heat in Your Eyes?

Burning Eyes: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment | आंखों में जलन और पानी आना | आंखो में जलन के लक्षण और बचाव के टिप्स | How Do You Get Rid of Hot Burning Eyes? What Helps Irritated Eyes in Summer? | How Can I Reduce My Eye Heat Naturally? How Do You Relieve Heat in Your Eyes?

Burning Eyes,In this video,  Dr. Anin Sethi, Ophthalmologist from Mirchia Laser Eye Clinic : A unit of Dr Agarwals eye Hospital Chandigarh discusses what causes burning eyes and how to manage them. Many reasons contribute to burning eyes, but most commonly, it is caused by allergy or dryness. One can have allergies to the environment, especially during seasonal changes; the atmosphere has particles of plants and pollen which can cause swelling in the eye’s outermost layer. But it doesn’t affect all; only a few suffer from this allergy. As a result, patients often suffer from burning eyes, watery discharge, and itchy eyes. Some may even have minor swelling and stickiness in the eye. These are a few symptoms of this condition; the second most common reason is dryness.

How does dryness cause burning eyes?

Dryness is of many types, but in this, one may have dysfunction in tear formation, or if one is doing any focussed work for a longer duration or their profession requires focussed work like tailor or compute job which requires 7-8 hours screen time, one need to stare at the screen continuously. It reduces the frequency of eyelash movements. As a  result, the tear film on the eye surface evaporates, resulting in dryness. In this type also, patients may suffer from burning and pickiness. One may feel the need for frequent blinking, and one may even have blurring in the eyes. In severe dryness, one may develop sensitivity toward the light; under these circumstances, the muscles around the eye get stiff, resulting in headaches. So burning eyes is one of the symptoms that may result from many things. 

Why is it important to seek doctor advice for burning eyes ?

So it is very important to find the reason behind the burning eyes. If you are having burning eyes, then you must consult your doctor. They will properly examine the eyes and will be able to tell you the cause of the burning eye, whether it is dryness or allergy or there is another reason.

How to manage burning eyes ?

The treatment of burning eyes majorly depends upon the reason behind it. If you have an eye allergy, you may give antiallergic drops. If you are allergic to specific eye makeup, doctors may advise avoiding its use for a few days. You may ask to wash your eyes frequently. In addition to antiallergic eye drops, doctors may prescribe eye drops or lubricating eye drops. Also, cold compresses are recommended in this condition. Placing ice cubes in polythene or handkerchief and slowly addressing eyelashes gives immediate relief. Gently washing eyes with cold and clean water also helps. But one must ensure that it is drinking water. Don’t use hard water as it might irritate the eyes more.

How to manage device induced burning eyes ?

If you have dry eyes or computer vision syndrome in which you develop dryness because of doing focused work for longer, doctors may tell you to take a break for at least 5 minutes after every 1 hour – 90 minutes. This must be a device-free break, in which you close your eyes for 3-4 minutes. In addition, doctors may advise you to modify the environment. If the AC or heater airflow is pointed toward your eyes, it may also cause dryness. Another thing is one can use a humidifier and keep it in their room or table, increasing the moisture in the air and reducing burning eyes. Apart from that, you can even modify the brightness of the device (computer screen or mobile )that you are using. This helps in reducing the burning eye to some extent. If you have allergic symptoms or itchy eyes, avoid eye rubbing as it may rather increase the burning sensation in the eye or itchiness. If you are at home suffering from burning and itchy eyes, you can use an ice pack. Not only would it give immediate relief, rather it would be a safe treatment for this. In the end, I would like to tell you that many reasons contribute to burning eyes, but if you have a severe burning sensation in the eye, you must consult your doctor first and start any treatment. But for immediate relief, one can use an ice pack. Gentle washing the eyes with cold water may help, and consult your doctor soon. 

 For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website. 

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Antidepressant Side Effects | क्या डिप्रेशन की दवाई आपकी आंखों पर बुरा असर कर रहे हैं ? | Do AntiDepressants Cause Vision Loss? | Antidepressants for Mind Affects Eye | क्या एंटीडिप्रेसेंट आपकी आंखों की रोशनी को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं?

Antidepressant Side Effects | क्या डिप्रेशन की दवाई आपकी आंखों पर बुरा असर कर रहे हैं ? | Do AntiDepressants Cause Vision Loss? | Antidepressants for Mind Affects Eye | क्या एंटीडिप्रेसेंट आपकी आंखों की रोशनी को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं?

Antidepressant Side Effects, In this video Dr. Anin Sethi, talks about the side effects caused by antidepressants on the eyes. 

Many people are suffering from Depression and seeking treatment for the same. These medicines are essential for patients suffering from Depression, and they can’t easily leave them. But these medicines pose some side effects to the eyes. If the patients know their side effects, they can at least discuss them with their doctor. 

How does antidepressant medicine affect the eyes ?

The most common problem antidepressant medicine causes is dry eyes. Most commonly used antidepressants, like tricyclic antidepressants, including Amptripciline, reduce the secretion of tears produced by lacrimal glands. These glands maintain the protective layer over the eyes. As a result, patients may feel dryness in their eyes,  burning eyes, unable to tolerate bright light and watery eyes. All these are very common.


Certain eyes are at risk of developing glaucoma because of their development. As a result, pressure may increase on them. Such eyes are at high risk of Acute angle closure glaucoma. Tricyclic antidepressants and drugs of class selective serotonin inhibitors may dilate the pupil, increasing the risk of developing angle closure glaucoma and increasing eye pressure. Under these circumstances one must consult their eye specialist. Also, if the  psychiatrist prescribes these medicines, then the patient can consult them. They might tell you whether these medicines are safe for you or not. In addition to complications like angle closure glaucoma and pupil dilation, these drugs can temporarily cause  near vision loss. These drugs affect the muscles responsible for focusing, reducing the ability to see nearby objects.

How serious are the Antidepressant side effects ?

Only in a few cases, especially drugs of the SARC category, may cause an increased aggregation of platelets in the blood. However, this risk is only at the start of the treatment. There is an increase in the chances of blood clot formation. Under these circumstances, if the patients  are predisposed, there is a chance of clotting of blood in the central retinal vein leading to blockage, also called central ocular vein occlusion. But this problem is very rare and uncommon. Apart from that, there are other complications like it affecting muscle movements; likewise, it can affect your eye movements. This condition is called Dystonia. In this, patients feel trouble seeing things placed above; in a few cases. They might see double vision. Hence one must consult their psychiatrist. In psychiatry, there is a huge variety of antidepressants, and in every type, there are different side effects, and they can be tailored according to the patient.

If you have dryness in the eyes, are at risk of developing glaucoma, or are facing any other problem due to the usage of antidepressants, then you must consult your psychiatrist. 

For more information on eyes, visit our SimpliHealth website.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology Uncategorized

Tonsils Removal Surgery in Adults | Who can opt for Tonsil Surgery in Adults | टॉन्सिल का ऑपरेशन – Tonsil Surgery (Tonsillectomy) in Hindi | How Painful is Tonsil Surgery in Adults? | Is Tonsil Removal Safe for Adults? | What is the Best Age to Remove Tonsils?

Tonsils Removal Surgery in Adults | Who can opt for Tonsil Surgery in Adults | टॉन्सिल का ऑपरेशन – Tonsil Surgery (Tonsillectomy) in Hindi | How Painful is Tonsil Surgery in Adults? | Is Tonsil Removal Safe for Adults? | What is the Best Age to Remove Tonsils?

In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol ENT Institute and Research centre, Chandigarh discusses who is eligible for tonsil removal surgery in adults.  

Tonsil surgery, especially in children, is a very common procedure and is considered the most common method in ENT practices. If one sees the records, there is a long waiting list in Western countries, the UK, Australia, Europe and America. A very large number of tonsils surgeries are done per day. But most people want to know whether they should opt for tonsil surgery in adults. In addition, under what circumstances is it feasible? Tonsil surgery in adults is done at very specific indications. It is not done in all cases because, in adults, tonsil infections are relatively rare. Adults are prone to viral infection. Hence sore throat is not entirely suggested tonsil infection. This is a common misconception. They all think most sore throat infections are related to tonsil infections, but that is not quite true.

Who is likely to have tonsil surgery ?

Foremost are those patients who qualify for the surgery who have breathing problems like sleep disturbance because of their enlarged-sized tonsils and their breathing passage is blocked. Due to this, they have developed sleep disturbance. As doctors observe in the sleep study, they have severe sleep apnea levels. In addition, they have severe snoring, and they wake in the middle of the night. So patients with a mechanical blockage that occurs due to enlarged tonsils are the clear candidate for tonsil removal surgery. 

Can a suspicion of cancer make the person eligible for surgery ?

The second category of patients are those who are suspected of malignancy, and doctors believe it could be cancer. Then in these cases, too, doctors remove the tonsils and send them for testing as they need to perform tonsil surgery only in suspicious cases. The third type is the patients who suffer from frequent frank tonsil infections who qualify for the surgery. Only sore throat doesn’t suggest tonsil, but if any ENT doctor or nay doctor whom the patient is seeking for your condition diagnosed with you infection in tonsil or tonsillitis in which there are white spots on the tonsils, so if they are having this problem frequently like 4-5 times in a year, the patient is facing work loss, hospitalised or at home bedridden so this severe infection if the patient is having in their tonsils then the patients qualify for tonsils surgery. These patients get significant relief; the tonsil infection is over, and they fall less sick. 

Does having social problems make you eligible for tonsil surgery ?

The fourth category of patients who are candidates for tonsil removal surgery are those who have social problems like enlarged tonsils in which cheesy white debris is stuck all the time. Patients complain that the suspected white stone or paste type coming from their tonsils has a foul smell in the mouth. These patients’ friends or partners complain that they have a bad smell in their mouths. It could be the dental origin, but if their dental health is at its best, then if the doctor examines their tonsils, one will notice the white spots, more commonly called tonsils cheese or stones. These patients who are socially conscious or have faced social problems have an inferiority complex or depression, then these patients; if their tonsils are removed, their mouth odour clears, and they get healthy. 

What is so different about Adults tonsil surgery ?

In adult tonsil surgery, the method is the same; doctors do it with Laser these days. It is done through copulation or plasma knife surgery. It is bloodless and quick; the surgery ends in 5- 10 minutes. Abrol ENT Institute and Research centre is fully equipped to perform this laser surgery, and they do all the surgeries by Laser. The difference between the two is in adults, the nerve ending is fully developed, and during surgery, the removal of the tonsils is tough because repeated infections make the tissue not cut or burn easily. 

Are there any complications in the surgery ?

The second reason is that there is a high chance of bleeding during surgery which is not in children and is almost negligible. The third case is doctors need to use other techniques, like large bleeders that need cauterization, and sometimes need to burn them electrically. The next problem is that they feel more pain post-operatively; in children, they don’t feel much pain after 2-3 days because of improper development of nerve endings, but in adults, there are fully developed nerve ends. When they cut, it gets very painful. In adults, tonsils pain lasts longer, 10-12 days. They need to be on painkillers. They are likely to have a bad secondary haemorrhage and bleed from the mouth compared to children. In children, the incidence is negligible. It is 0.5-1% secondary haemorrhage in adults at almost 5%. Although it is managed easily because adults have a much higher reserve, there is a risk of bleeding or secondary haemorrhage that occurs in 6-7 days. Still, it can be managed adequately and treated.  

For more information visit SimpliHealth website.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Old Age Hearing Loss | Presbycusis Treatment | बुढ़ापे में कम सुनाई देने की समस्या – कारण और इलाज | What age does age-related hearing loss start? | What causes hearing loss in old age? | What is the most common type of hear loss that is age-related?

Old Age Hearing Loss | Presbycusis Treatment | बुढ़ापे में कम सुनाई देने की समस्या – कारण और इलाज | What age does age-related hearing loss start? | What causes hearing loss in old age? | What is the most common type of hear loss that is age-related?

Old Age Hearing Loss,In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol ENT institute and research centre discusses what leads to old age mediated hearing loss. 

As age progresses, there is wear and tear in the human body system, including the nervous system and eyes. Similarly, there is wear and tear in the ear. Likewise, one needs to wear specs with age, eyes get weak, people acquire cataracts in similar ways, and people tend to have hearing loss steadily because age causes wear and tear of ear muscles. Nerve cells die out or degenerate, resulting in hearing loss. Old age-mediated hearing loss is a particular type of hearing loss which is a high-frequency hearing loss in which a person finds it too difficult to hear low voices. This is the first stage, but as the patient gets old and he starts having hearing loss, the first and foremost symptom is that they can listen to the voice but can’t understand it. They develop discrimination towards certain words like they hear ram instead of sham; they miss words. There is a high-frequency loss in the first stage; lower voices are difficult to hear. But as the wear and tear progresses, all the frequencies get involved, and the time is reached when the patient can only hear near voices. They can’t hear voices distant from 10 ft. That is the worst and most advanced stage of old-aged hearing loss. 

How to treat Old age hearing loss ?

Old-age hearing loss is also known as presbycusis. As you all know, its treatment is not possible; doctors can’t reverse old aged wear and tear; since it’s nerve deafness or nerve loss, its treatment is not possible. In these patients, the most important thing is hearing assessment. After listening, the assessment should qualify, and quantify what type of hearing loss is.   An adequate hearing aid is the only treatment for this condition. Doctors often have seen that old aged patients feel reluctant to use hearing aids. But it is the job of an  ENT surgeon or an audiologist to convince them to use the right hearing aid. A competent audiologist can better persuade them with a better device which helps the patients.

How does hearing aid help ?

 In most patients, the hearing aid cannot provide as much assistance as it should, but a hearing aid doesn’t give you a new ear but helps. Psychological acceptance of the hearing aid will solve many of your problems. A hearing aid doesn’t give you natural hearing; rather, it provides mechanical hearing, but it corrects 90% of the problem. However, few patients still complain about poor discrimination. The most probable reason behind this, in addition to wear and tear in the ear nerve, is wear and tear in the brain itself; hence the sound signals are augmented through hearing aids, but due to fewer brain cells, they fail to provide signals or expression. As a result, they are not able to understand the sound. In this situation, nothing can be done in such a situation, only hearing aids can be used that it’s helpful to them. 

For more information, visit  SimpliHealth website.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Pink Eye | Eye flu Treatment | Conjunctiva – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | आई फ्लू कैसे होता है? | आई फ्लू कैसे ठीक करें? | क्या सिर्फ देखने से आई फ्लू फैल सकता है? | How do you get rid of eye flu?

Pink Eye | Eye flu Treatment | Conjunctiva – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | आई फ्लू कैसे होता है? | आई फ्लू कैसे ठीक करें? | क्या सिर्फ देखने से आई फ्लू फैल सकता है? | How do you get rid of eye flu?

In this video,  Dr. Anin Sethi, Ophthalmologist from Mirchia Laser Eye Clinic : A unit of Dr Agarwals eye Hospital Chandigarh discusses pink eye or eye flu

What is pink eye, eye flu ?

 In scientific terms, it is known as Conjunctivitis. In this condition, there is swelling in the conjunctiva, the outermost covering of the eye. Various reasons contribute to this swelling, but the most common reason that causes pink eye or eye Flu is infection. Like in throat infections, colds, or coughs in which consulting organisms cause infection; likewise, in this case, a few microorganisms cause swelling in the eye’s outermost layer. This condition is called Conjunctivitis, pink eye, or eye Flu. 

What are the symptoms of pink eye?

As the name suggests, the most common symptom of pink eye is red coloration in the eye. The second most common symptom is prickness in the eye or feeling of any foreign thing like sand in the eye. The third symptom is watering the eye or discharge from the eye. Apart from these, one may have a slight loss of vision. If the infection occurs in the cornea, the black part of the eye that allows white light to pass through the eye, it may also affect the eyesight.

What causes Pink eye ?

The main cause is the infection; these microorganisms that infect the eye may come from anywhere. So, for example, putting dirty hands in the eye without washing them might lead to infection. Otherwise, patients with eye flu constantly touching their eyes, the discharge from the eye comes in contact with their hands, so if they touch any surface like the chair, table, or doorbell, then very likely, another person may also get this infection if they touch the same spot in small intervals. 

Is the eye flu contagious ?

The major mode of its transmission is the contact with the discharge. So if the uninfected person comes in contact with the discharge from the infected one, then they may also develop pink eye. The eye flu does not transmit by watching the person infected eye while stinging close to the infected person or by communicating with them. The infected material from the patient must come to the uninfected one to initiate the infection. Its main mode of transmission is by contact only. If the discharge from an infected eye enters your eye through means, it will only infect your eye; otherwise, it will not. But it is not like that if you sit with an eye flu patient or their presence around will make you infected. If eye flu patients maintain proper hygiene, if they don’t touch their eyes regularly, then there are lesser chances of cross-transmission of infection to others,


How to prevent its spread ?


 By maintaining proper hygiene, and using separate pillow, towels, and handkerchief one can prevent its spread to others. Avoid touching the eye; if the patient is doing so, then they should wash your hands with soap to prevent the spread of microorganisms from their eye to another. Apart from this, if one has eye irritation or they are  sensitive towards light, then they may use sunglasses. It will reduce the irritation, prevent it from the air, and reduce patients’ tendency to touch their eyes. So these are a few precautions to prevent its spread among family members or in the office. 


What is the treatment for eye flu or pink eye?

The treatment of eye flu majorly depends upon the cause. Most commonly, it occurs due to the infection. But one must consult your doctor if they have the symptoms of eye flu, red coloration, or any discharge. Avoid the use of counter medicine through the chemist into the eyes. After proper Doctor examination, one can predict the cause : infection or allergy.

And further treatment will depend upon the cause.  If the cause is  infection, then the main mode of treatment is antibiotic and lubricating drops. In some cases, artificial tears are also prescribed, which help reduce the burning and prickliness in the eye, and antibiotics cure the infection steadily. If one is developing loss of eyesight due to Conjunctivitis, a rare case, then the doctor may modify the treatment accordingly. 

What is the recovery period ? 

It depends upon infection to infection and which organism is causing it. One may take one week to 1 month to settle. Further, it will depend upon the type of organism that has caused the infection and the type of treatment. However, under any circumstances one shouldn’t take over the counter medicine. If one is developing symptoms of eye flu, then they must consult your doctor. 

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Redness of eyes in children | बच्चों की आँख में खुजली और लाल होने के कारण | आंखों में एलर्जी क्यों होती है? | What Are The Reasons For Redness In Eyes In Children? How Can It Be Prevented?

Redness of eyes in children | बच्चों की आँख में खुजली और लाल होने के कारण | आंखों में एलर्जी क्यों होती है? | What Are The Reasons For Redness In Eyes In Children? How Can It Be Prevented?


In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Anin Sethi, talks about the causes of redness in eyes of children. alongside this he will be asnwering questions such as, What is the main cause behind the redness of eyes in children.


Age as a factor 

Let’s begin with the age. There is a chance of redness or infection in the eye of newborn babies. Any type of watering in a baby for less than one month is abnormal. If the newborn baby has watery eyes then we suspect some blockage in the tear duct that drains tears and spans from the eyes to the nose. 

Under this condition, there are only watery eyes; they don’t feel any pain, redness, or prick in the eyes. However, sometimes they might have sticky eyes in the morning. 

Watery eyes 

Watery eyes do not need to affect both eyes, it may occur in a single eye. If there are only watery eyes, and the patient doesn’t show any symptoms of redness, then this condition is congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction. In this condition, there is blockage of tear ducts that span from the eyes to the nose. One must visit their ophthalmologist for its treatment, who might prescribe some massage to open these ducts. If it is not relieved by massage, we inject water, commonly called syringing, which helps in opening the tear duct blockage.


Causes if redness in eyes in babies


There can be many reasons for redness in the watery eyes. If, after childbirth, in the span of 2-3 days, there is redness in the eyes, then we suspect some infection that may have transmitted from the mother’s birth canal to the baby’s eyes. 


Gonorrhea or gonococcal infection is the most life-threatening disease among birth canal-mediated infections. This bacteria can infect the baby’s eyes from the mother’s birth canal, and it causes severe conjunctivitis. Gonorrhea-mediated infection may lead to ulcer formations or may cause severe damage to the pupils of the eye. So under these circumstances, if the newborn baby has watery eyes with redness, it is a must to have an eye check-up by the doctor. 


The second reason could be Chlamydia infection, a sexually transmitted disease that infects the baby’s eyes from the mother’s birth canal. However, the onset of redness in the eyes is after 4-5 days of infection.


In addition, the baby is at high risk of pneumonia. Under these conditions too, we must take the baby to the ophthalmologist for an eye check-up. 


The third causative reason for causing eye infection in the newborn is Herpes, which usually transmits from the mother’s birth canal. For this, we need to administer anti-viral treatment to the babies. The mothers who are due for their delivery must visit their gynecologist for an internal examination of the birth canal and vagina. They must get examined for any discharge or infection transmitted to the newborn. 


If any symptoms of such infection are suspected, like Gonorrhea, which causes a severe infection in an infant’s eye, we can consider cesarean delivery under these circumstances. And if we suspect any infection, we must consult our gynecologists for their respective treatments.


Conjunctival glaucoma

Conjunctival glaucoma is another reason for watery eyes. In this condition, there is a blockage of the drainage channels for water inside the eye, or could be some fault in the formation; in return, the water starts accumulating inside the eyeball, leading to a rise in the eye pressure, the eye becomes enlarged. This condition is commonly known as glaucoma. If this Kala motiya or glaucoma develops at birth or after birth, this condition is called conjunctival glaucoma. 


Usually, this occurs when there is impairment during the formation of the eye. Under this condition, children may have watery eyes, and their eye size gets enlarged. The children will close their eyes at the exposure to bright light. It is essential to seek ophthalmologist advice in these cases because there is the risk of vision loss if not diagnosed in time.


Redness of eyes in 1-2 months of age 

The doctor explains various reasons for red eyes in newborns or 1 -2 months of age; now, let us discuss the possible reason for red eyes in children aged between 5-10 years. The most common cause in this age group is allergic conjunctivitis. We don’t suspect any infection; however, they suffer from environmental allergy, which leads to the sensitive eye; their eyes react to things present in the air, which results in itchiness, redness, watery eyes, and pricks eyes. 

Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis or Spring Catarrh

Often, allergic conjunctivitis in children is known as Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis or Spring Catarrh. It is named because it is more common in the spring season. During the spring season, when air is surrounded by pollen or any other plant material, this causes a reaction in the eye, resulting in an immune response causing redness in the eyes. 

Other symptoms are itchiness, watery eyes, irritated by bright light, and all these symptoms may occur depending upon the severity. 


What should you do?

We must avoid rubbing our eyes, and if you are having severe itching, you may apply ice packs on eyelashes or put a splash of water, or we can rub ice cubes wrapped in cloth over eyelashes.

Constant rubbing of the eyes may lead to the development of the power of the lens; there is an increased chance of having a cylindrical number and weakness of the pupil. The onset of allergic conjunctivitis may start coming at ten years or less. If it surfaces at this age, there is an increased chance of recurrent infection every season, and they might need medicine for every disease every year. 

What are the other causes?

These symptoms subside after the age group of 18 years and above, and allergic conjunctivitis starts receding. A second important reason is infective conjunctivitis. A touch of a dirty hand may cause this infection, followed by redness in the eyes. Antibiotic eye drops are the primary treatment, but it is communicable in the family or among children. We can avoid this situation with the proper hygiene of the child. We talked about the various reasons for redness in the eyes of children in this video.


Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

What is Posterior Vitreous Detachment or PVD? What are the symptoms of PVD? How can it be prevented?

What is Posterior Vitreous Detachment or PVD? What are the symptoms of PVD? How can it be prevented?

In tis video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Anin Sethi talks about PVD, the Posterior Vitreous Detachment, its symptoms, treatment and prevention. 


What is PVD?

Old-aged patients must have heard that they have abnormal jelly or jelly starts to crumble outside; or they have been diagnosed with PVD. So PVD is not a life-threatening disease. Instead, it is an age-related change. It’s one among age-related problems. The eye consists of a jelly-like substance called vitreous, which helps maintain the eye’s size. It is attached to the eye’s retina and is present at the backside of the eye. So this jelly is connected to the retina in many places. 


Is PVD age related? 

With respect to age, there is a change in the protein composition of jelly, and it starts liquifying. It crumbles from the retina during liquefaction or starts detaching itself from the retina. After a certain amount of liquefaction,  the jelly completely detaches itself from the retina, so this condition is called Posterior Vitreous Detachment.


 What Are The Symptoms Of PVD?

The main symptom of PVD is the occurrence of floaters. The patients with floaters tend to see tiny shadows roaming in the air; the second thing they may experience is flashes of light, also called photopsia. The patient may suddenly see a flash of light from any corner, but these light flashes are painless and last for only a few seconds. 

These two are the main symptoms, and the third thing is, however, scarce, but a patient may see a curtain in front of the eye. But it is significantly less and occurs mainly in severe cases.


PVD leads to what type of changes in the eye? 

 When this jelly crumbles from the retina, some protein releases further roaming at the back of the eye, casting its shadow in front of the retina, leading to the floater’s condition. The second thing is that the jelly might be very tightly attached to the retina in some places, so this crumbling, causes strain in the retina, which leads to the formation of flashes of light, or they suffer photopsia. The third thing, since its attachment is substantial, when it crumbles, the piece of the retina may come outside along with the vitreous. 

The vitreous crumbling might lead to the formation of tears in the retina, which further leads to the crumbling of retina or retinal detachment. 


What is in incidence of PVD?

PVD is a natural age-related problem, and it affects 60 % of old-age people within the age group of 60 years. With the advancement of age, its incidence increases. If the patient is more than 80 years old, then there is a 100% probability that they are suffering from PVD. 


Not all patients get the same symptoms of PVD. We usually diagnose this condition in the routine check of a patient’s eye. PVD may affect smaller age groups like myopic patients with enlarged eyes and negative lens power of more than 3.5-4.5. PVD may occur as a side effect of various eye operations like cataracts or glaucoma

Therefore, it may affect any age group. Laser operation of the retina in diabetic retinopathy where there is hemorrhage in the eyes so  all these conditions may induce PVD irrespective of age. Diabetic patients are at more risk of PVD or any injury to the eye may lead to PVD at a young age. 


Bottom Line 

To conclude, if you are above  60 years of age and observe symptoms like floaters or flashes of light, or there is an additional shadow in the eye, it is most susceptible that you have  PVD. Therefore, we need to visit our ophthalmologist for its treatment, which will dilate the eye by putting medicine and will examine the retina for any casualties caused by PVD like holes in the retina or a chance of retina detachment or bleeding. 


The occurrence of such conditions, however, is improbable to occur. But, still, the doctor will screen the retina. We hope this information is beneficial to you. 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Yoga in Pregnancy | Yoga in Pregnancy for Trimester | Yoga for Pregnant Lady for Normal Delivery | Yoga in Pregnancy First Trimester | Why is Yoga Important During Pregnancy? | गर्भावस्था के दौरान योग कितना अच्छा है? | क्या योग नार्मल डिलीवरी में मदद करता है?

Yoga in Pregnancy | Yoga during Pregnancy for Trimester | Yoga for Pregnant Lady for Normal Delivery | Yoga during Pregnancy First Trimester | Why is Yoga Important During Pregnancy? | गर्भावस्था के दौरान योग कितना अच्छा है? | क्या योग नार्मल डिलीवरी में मदद करता है?

Yoga in Pregnancy, In this video,  Dr. Heena Chawla, Consultant Gynaecologist at Apollo Clinics and CHD City Hospital Chandigarh discusses the benefits of yoga during pregnancy. 

These are a few questions that patients ask  whether they are in a nuclear family or joint family. Especially for those who reside in joint families, elders advise them to rest more and avoid excessive moments. But scientifically speaking, exercise and Yoga plays a vital role in pregnancy.

What are its benefits? 

First of all, doing any form of physical activity or Yoga uplifts your mood during pregnancy. It helps in reducing stress during pregnancy. As the body undergoes different types of stress during pregnancy, the mother’s health, baby’s health, and advice coming from every direction raise questions and anxiety. So Yoga and exercise will reduce this stress and anxiety to a much greater level. Yoga also helps reduce tiredness, weakness, and fatigue during pregnancy. It helps relieve lower back pain. It helps in improving the sitting posture to a much greater extent. In addition, it reduces leg swelling. And another thing often faced during pregnancy is constipation due to hormonal imbalance. Yoga helps in reducing the problem of constipation and Haemorrhoids that occur due to hormonal changes. Even regular Yoga helps in reducing nausea and vomiting.

Are pelvic floor muscles safe during pregnancy?

The issue of urinary incontinence, i.e., leakage of urine, is very common during pregnancy. Still, regular exercise, typically targeting pelvic floor muscles, reduces this problem to a much greater extent. In addition, in Yoga, during pregnancy, our muscles and ligaments get loose due to hormonal changes. As a result, their endurance and strength are compromised during pregnancy, but doing Yoga helps them bring them back. 

Does yoga help grow a foetus ?

Also, one significant benefit is blood circulation in mother and baby, which we call foetal-paternal circulation. Yoga improves this foetal placental circulation to a much greater extent. Also, the most significant advantage for any female is that it helps develop self-confidence and a positive attitude towards pregnancy.


Does yoga improve Sleep ?

Another significant complaint that often patients make is that they are sleep deprived during pregnancy. They develop a lot of sleep-related issues.  But Yoga helps restore the sleep pattern, and they may have a sound sleep at night. 

What is the recommended time for Yoga during pregnancy ?

Ideally, doctors recommend 30 minutes a day. However, if the females work or live in nuclear families can do less, that is also important. It increases the chances of normal delivery to a much greater extent. Also, in a few cases, doctors don’t recommend exercise, Yoga, or any form of physical stress during pregnancy to some patients. One must avoid physical stress if they have bleeding during pregnancy or a stitch in the cervix, which doctors mostly do for incompetent cervix. If the female has multiple pregnancies like twins or low-lie placenta which means the placenta is lying close to the mouth of the foetus or bursting water bags burst or if there is any other infection. So under these circumstances, doctors tell them to avoid Yoga, but yes, one needs to consult your gynaecologist and physiotherapist to start any form of exercise.

The baby also gains an essential advantage from Yoga. In mothers who are doing proper exercise or Yoga during pregnancy, the baby’s brain development is excellent compared to mothers who are not exercising or doing Yoga. However, one needs to take care of a few things like when we are doing some kind of exercise or Yoga, one shouldn’t go breathless during pregnancy. And one need to maintain good hydration one hour before, and must take our meals properly. And  must consult our yoga instructor or gynaecologist for exercise during pregnancy. 

For more information, visit SimpliHealth website.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology Uncategorized

Endometrial thickness in periods and pregnancy | What is Endometrium?| Normal Endometrial Thickness for Pregnancy | Endometrial Thickness Chart | Thin Uterine Lining Symptoms | How to Increase Endometrial Thickness in 2 Days? | Pregnancy के लिए Endometrial Thickness कितनी होनी चाहीए ?

Endometrial thickness in periods and pregnancy | What is Endometrium?| Normal Endometrial Thickness for Pregnancy | Endometrial Thickness Chart | Thin Uterine Lining Symptoms | How to Increase Endometrial Thickness in 2 Days? | Pregnancy के लिए Endometrial Thickness कितनी होनी चाहीए ?

Endometrial Thickness for Pregnancy, In this video, Dr. Heena Chawla, Consultant Gynaecologist at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Hospital Chandigarh discusses about endometrial thickness and its role in sustaining pregnancy. 

The endometrium is the innermost layer of the uterus. Its thickness may vary according to the age or status of periods if they are coming or not. Females in which periods are coming, or start coming, the thickness of the endometrium is 2-4mm. Then after the end of the periods during 4 -7 days, the thickness of the endometrium increases to 5-7mm. During 11-14 days, the endometrium thickness rises to 11mm. Following 14 days, the next half of the menstrual cycle or luteal phase, the endometrium thickness increases to 13-14mm. For females who are not having periods, with no or less hormonal stimulation, periods stop coming, and then the normal thickness of the endometrium is 4-5mm.


How endometrial thickness helps in sustaining the pregnancy ?

The normal thickness of the endometrium, its receptiveness, proper blood flow, and proper nourishment are very important. Usually, the 7-8 mm endometrial thickness is perfect for pregnancy. If it’s much more than that, then it is better. Otherwise, 7-8mm of thickness is optimum for pregnancy. Now patients have thin endometrium thickness. Thin lined endometrium is most common in the ultrasound reports. Thin-lined endometrial thickness might lead to many problems like abnormal bleeding patterns, less bleeding during periods or painful periods, or difficulty in conceiving. Sometimes the patient is asymptomatic, and Doctors diagnose less endometrial thickness during an ultrasound. There can be various things associated with it. If estrogen levels in the body are less, then the endometrial thickness is less. If the uterus blood flow is improper, or the female had D&C or taking 21 days of oral contraceptive pills, or the endometrial tissue is unhealthy. Its nutrition is inappropriate, and infections like tuberculosis or pelvic disease might lead to a thin endometrial lining. If any surgery of the uterus or if the female is on medicine to enhance fertility like Chlormphim, it can also lead to thin-lined endometrium. 

What is the treatment ?

For its treatment, the first and foremost thing is diagnosis. Doctors do diagnosis by ultrasound. By ultrasound, doctors follow the growth of the endometrium, its thickness, its development during ovulation, and whether it is corresponding or not. The second thing is doctors do a hysteroscopy. Doctors insert a scope into the uterus and examine the inner lining of the uterus. Often due to the infection, there is the formation of adhesion, or inside the uterus, anterior and posterior walls may have stuck to each other, so doctors remove the adhesions in the same sitting, and then the endometrium starts growing normally. If there is an infection like tuberculosis or pelvic inflammatory diseases, then in these cases, doctors treat according to the condition. For tuberculosis, doctors prescribe treatment. For Pelvic inflammatory disease, doctors insert medicines. If the level of estrogen drops, estrogen tablets help in the treatment. 

 For more information, visit SimpliHealth website

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Otosclerosis : Symptoms and Treatment | Symptoms of Otosclerosis | धीरे-धीरे बहरापन के लक्षण | कान से कम सुनाई देना उपचार | What is the main cause of otosclerosis? | What is otosclerosis symptoms and treatment? | Is otosclerosis Treatable?

Otosclerosis : Symptoms and Treatment | Symptoms of Otosclerosis | धीरे-धीरे बहरापन के लक्षण | कान से कम सुनाई देना उपचार | What is the main cause of otosclerosis? | What is otosclerosis symptoms and treatment? | Is otosclerosis Treatable?

Otosclerosis,In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, from Abrol ENT Institute and Research centre discusses Otosclerosis.  


What is Otosclerosis ?

 It is a disease in which a slow deafness is initiated in the patient, and it keeps getting worse with time. It is more commonly seen in ladies in their early 30s and even their late 20s. Doctors commonly see in this age category of patients with females are high in number. In a few patients, this type of deafness may start during pregnancy, and it eventually gets worse with time. Often doctors see that this condition runs in the family. It may occur to brothers or sisters, parents, and their first relatives at any age. There is a 30% incidence of this condition in the family. However, the specific reason behind this type of deafness is unknown. But it may occur independently, and various factors are associated with it; as I said before, it can be genetic. And it happens through an unknown cause in a few particular people. 

Other complications of otosclerosis

The specialty of this type of deafness is not only it gives deafness but also causes tinnitus. Very few patients may experience vertigo, but this disease primarily leads to deafness. This disease affects both ears, but the effect may vary. In one ear, it’s more and less in another. Hence the patient feels incapacitated. The basic cause of this condition is that every individual has three bones behind the eardrum responsible for hearing. They vibrate, and vibration motion is delivered to the brain and reciprocates into the sound. So the sound we receive from the ear to the brain starts from the eardrum and travels through these bones via nerves to the brain. In this particular disease, there is believed to be some dysfunction in the three bones, especially the third and most important bone. Stapes If this bone is stuck in place, if the calcium deposition occurs around it, or if any inflammation hampers sound waves’ vibration. As a result, the vibration mechanism gets dysfunctional, so sound through nerves doesn’t reach the brain; hence, no sound is produced. So this is the specific cause of this deafness. This type of deafness is treatable.


 Surgery may help. Medicine doesn’t play any role in the treatment, and only Surgery can treat this condition. In Surgery, doctors bypass the smallest bones that have fused. After the bypass doctor adds a material of piston in which specific inert material is used. They don’t react to the body, and certain types of metal are used. Hence the formulation of these materials makes a piston inserted intact or maintains the chain of vibration. So when the sound passes from the eardrum, it reaches two bones and a piston, and through the channel of nerves, it reaches the brain. This specific Surgery is called a stapedectomy, and this particular cause is called otosclerosis. It is a very precise Surgery and is only available in some of the centres. Any patient whose diagnosis or they have been told that their bones are fused must seek expert doctors for the treatment. 

For more information, visit SimpliHealth website.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology Uncategorized

Entropion Treatment, Causes and Symptoms | Eyelid Turned Inward | अंदर की ओर मुड़ी पलकों का इलाज | What is the best treatment for entropion? | What surgery fixes entropion? | कौन सी सर्जरी एंट्रोपियन को ठीक करती है?

Entropion Treatment, Causes and Symptoms |   | अंदर की ओर मुड़ी पलकों का इलाज | What is the best treatment for entropion? | What surgery fixes entropion? | कौन सी सर्जरी एंट्रोपियन को ठीक करती है? |

Entropion Treatment, In this video, Dr. Anin Sethi, Ophthalmologist from Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic : A unit of Dr Agarwal Eye Hospital discusses Entropion, treatment, its causes and most likely symptoms.  

What is Entropion?

It’s an eye disease in which eyelashes turn inwards and further rub against the eyeball or cornea. The rubbing action results in pain and watering in the eyes. In addition, it may damage the cornea and lead to the formation of spots in it.

How common is Entropion eye disease?

Its prevalence is 1% in the population who are above the age of 60. However, its severity may differ. Few may have mild conditions with fewer symptoms; on the other hand, it may get severe, so much so that it requires surgery.  

What are the symptoms of Entropion?

Since inward movement of eyelids causes it to rub against the cornea and eyeball. It may cause severe pain and a prick in the eye. Moreover, constant rubbing might lead to white spots on the cornea, corneal infection, and ulcer formation. In addition, due to the inwards movement of eyelashes, eyes are unable to close properly, and disturbance in tear film present on the eyes causes dryness. Also, pain and foreign body sensations can cause excessive watering in the eye

What causes Entropion?

Most commonly this condition surfaces in the elderly population who are above 60 years old. The most common cause of inward movement of eyelashes is depletion of fat. This condition is also called Periorbital Fat atrophy. As a result, eyelids start moving inwards. Other reasons include the weakening of muscles that help tighten the eyes, and as a result, the eyelashes aren’t able to maintain their shape resulting in inward movement of eyelashes. In addition, muscles supporting the eyelashes further weaken with age. As a result, it yields symptoms.

The second reason  especially in children is congenital or present from birth. There is developmental problem in eyelash growth and development, resulting in the abnormal structure causing inward movement of the eyelashes.

The third most important reason is drug allergy which leads to the formation of wounds in the interior of eyelashes. In addition, any chemical injury, acid attack, or alkali can cause the appearance of damage to the eyelashes. So when these wounds heal, they tend to pull eyelashes inside, resulting in inward movement.  

What is the treatment of Entropion?

The prime mode of treatment of Entropion is surgery. But if the patient wishes to delay the surgery for Entropion or if it is of mild grade, then the doctor can prevent the constant rubbing of eyelashes to the cornea by prescribing lubricating eye drops. The second thing is if the Entropion is in children and they don’t wish to have surgery early, then the doctor can temporarily tape the eyelid. Then, with the help of tape, the eyelids are turned outside. The third and main treatment is surgery. Further operation depends on the structure of the eyelashes or which component of eyelashes is loose or weak, and its strengthened by surgery. In this, doctors operate on the tissue of the eyelashes and tighten them a bit, and enhance their strength to prevent their inwards movement, so the treatment is mainly surgical only. For more information, visit our SimpiHealth website.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Sinus Headache Symptoms | Sinus Headaches V/S Migraine : Symptoms, Causes and Treatment | How to Get Rid of a Sinus Headache Instantly? | Sinus Headache Treatment

Sinus Headaches V/S Migraine : Symptoms, Causes and Treatment | Sinus Headache Symptoms | How to Get Rid of a Sinus Headache Instantly? | Sinus Headache Treatment

Sinus Headache Symptoms, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre discusses sinus headaches symptoms, and ways to get rid of sinus headaches instantly. 

Often patients complain of headaches, and they have this specific question: they have sinus headaches. Sometimes the patient believes they are having migraines. Both migraine and sinus headaches are very common.

Sinus headaches occur after an infection in the Sinus. Sinuses are the space between the skull bones of the face. There are not one or two; rather, there are many especially present beneath the eyes, each on both sides of the nose; bones between the eyes have sinuses beneath and back of the brain, and they are also present in the skull bones. They have specific advantages and uses, which are not necessary to know, but they may acquire certain infections. The inflammation of the sinuses only causes all colds, flu, and allergies. And it further reciprocates the symptoms. The sinus headache location is very specific. The site of the headache tells us which type of Sinus is involved. Sinus involvement causes pain at the site. The most important thing is to wake up with a headache; patients wake up with headaches in the morning. These patients have a history of colds; either it is ongoing, or they had a cold a few weeks before, which was not adequately treated. These patients have site-specific headaches with colds. And when these patients visit ENT doctors, the ENT doctor inspects the sinusitis or sinus infection. It is an easily diagnosable condition. The patient’s nose would have pus discharge with nose tissues red in colour. In addition, these patients may show signs of infections post-nasal drip and have specific sinus symptoms like nose blockage, nasal discharge, and headaches. An ENT doctor confirms the sinusitis condition in the patients by Endoscopy. And if needed, doctors do CT-Scan. The diagnosis gets very clear by CT-Scan. 

Can Sinus infection cause headaches ?

Sinus infection is causing headaches. If the condition is present in the cheeks and sinuses, then patients have cheek pain and the area above ear pains. It occurs specifically at one side where the infection resides. If the patient has an infection between the eyes or the back of the head, it occurs due to a specific sinus infection. If the patient has pain in the forehead above the eyebrows after waking, it is caused by frontal sinus headaches. Infection in these sinuses leads to headaches. Treating these patients like treating their sinuses is very easy. Those with untreated sinuses need antibiotics, decongestants, and medicine courses for 5-7 days. If needed, doctors may add any additional medicine.These patients need to take steam, increase water intake, hydrate the body, and decongest the nose, followed by the wait. In most patients, treating the sinus infection cures the headache too. This is a specific sinus headache. Now if one wishes to compare the sinus headache with the migraine headache, it is a definitive identity. Patients are suffering from headaches in the half side of the brain. It occurs without reason, and there is a cold, a history of cold, or any ongoing cold. Patients suffer from severe splitting headaches, vomiting with nausea, dizziness, and eye blurring.

How is sinus headaches different from Migraine ?

The headaches may radiate towards the neck or to the arm. They don’t complain of headaches daily. Rather, it is either stress-induced, once a week, or in 15 days. The diagnosis of migraine is made by X-ray of sinuses and CT-Scan. If they are normal, then all these symptoms indicate sinuses. All these symptoms indicate migraine. The treatment of migraine is medically possible. A medicine or group of medicine if taken for 2-3 months, a medicine or group of medicine may cure the migraine completely. A painkiller can be given in acute pain, and patients don’t need any special medication. There are certain foods that the patients must avoid. So following all these things can cure migraine. 

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website. 

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Blue Light Filtering Glasses: Do they actually work? | Blue Light Glasses के जानिये फायदे और नुकसान | How Effective Is Blue Light Filtering Glasses ?

Blue Light Filtering Glasses: Do they actually work ? | Blue Light Glasses के जानिये फायदे और नुकसान | How Effective Is Blue Light Filtering Glasses ?

Blue Light Filtering Glasses, In this video, Dr. Anin Sethi from Mirchia’s Laser Eye clinic :A unit of Dr Agarwal Eye Hospital discusses the benefits of blue light glasses.

What are blue light glasses?

These glasses have a coating that filters the blue component of the white light. As you know, white light consists of seven components that combine and make white light. So these glasses filter out the blue component of the white light.

What is the benefit of filtering the blue light glasses?

These glasses are marketed to reduce the strain on the eyes caused by the screen and devices. But there is no evidence regarding this; this notion is not entirely true. There is no evidence favouring that blue light damages the eye. The blue component of white light that comes from devices like computers or laptops has the potential to disturb the sleep cycle. Hence it is beneficial for those who need to use their computer, phone, or laptop at night. To prevent this, one can use them. It won’t cause sleep disturbance. Another alternative is to use their laptop or phone in the night mode so that the tone of the colours is modelled towards a bit yellow and warmer shade. In addition, the screen won’t emit blue light. 


If you know about anti-glare goggles from a good brand who have an anti-glare coating, blue light filtering glasses would be 10-15% costlier. But to know the exact pricing, one needs to search online on their level.

They do not help reduce eye strain caused by blue light but mainly save you from getting your sleep disturbed. Night use of devices may disrupt your sleep, affecting your sleep pattern and hampering sleep quality. So one can wear blue light glasses to prevent this condition.

If you wish to prevent eye strain, you can reduce your screen time. If you need to use a device as the demand of work profile, then you can use eye drops or lubricating drops and take breaks between work. One can even modify the environment to prevent eye strain and dryness. Also, other over use of devices can lead to computer vision syndrome and other problems. However, blue light filtering glasses are not that effective in reducing eye strain. For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Retinitis Pigmentosa : Causes and Symptoms | Night Blindness | अंधता की बीमारी रेटिनाइटिस पिगमेंटोसा: कारण, लक्षण, इलाज

Retinitis Pigmentosa : Causes and Symptoms | Night Blindness | अंधता की बीमारी रेटिनाइटिस पिगमेंटोसा: कारण, लक्षण

Retinitis pigmentosa, In this video, Dr. Parveen Sen, Retina Specialist from Agarwal Eye Hospital Chandigarh discusses Retinitis pigmentosa.

 It is an hereditary disease of the retina of the eye. By hereditary it means it occurs due to the presence of a genetic cause or any defect. There are almost 100 defective genes that can cause retinitis pigmentosa.

Symptoms of Retinitis pigmentosa :

Most of the patients who have this condition have troubled night vision. If they enter a dark room, unlike other people who can see a little or walk around, these patients can’t see anything. In addition they can see straight but have difficulty in side vision.These patients usually  see by tilting their entire face because they have poor side eye vision. Often they bump into things sideways. If one is observing these symptoms then they must visit a Retina specialist for Retinal examination. Since it is a hereditary condition parents may acquire it. But it may occur without any family history. 

Progression of Retinitis Pigmentosa:

Retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic condition affects rods cells of the retina. The retina consists of two types of cells, rods and cones. Rod cells are responsible for night vision; as a result patients have poor night vision. But as soon as the disease progresses it starts affecting cone cells that are responsible for vision in bright light. Under these circumstances this condition starts affecting the studies and reduces the 24-hour vision of the patient. Since it is a genetic condition doctors don’t have any treatment that can completely reverse the effect. But it is very important that one gets a proper diagnosis of this condition. 


After the examination of the retina by Retina specialists, doctors advise a few tests which is more commonly called OCT angiography or Fundoscopy and most important is electrophysiological test. Electrophysiological tests help us determine the function of rods and cones cells and how much cells are affected by the condition.  If the function of rod and cones cells is sub normal then the most usual cause is retinitis pigmentosa. Even one can opt for a blood test which helps in identification of genes i.e  out of 100 defective genes which gene is  causing this eye condition. In addition, with the latest advancement in science, there are a whole lot of treatment options. Newer treatments like gene therapy or Stem cell therapy are in the pipeline. 

Today doctors can’t give this treatment but in the near future they can tell about the exact gene causing this condition and about the latest technology. Also these latest technologies would help in predicting the risk of defective genes in future generations like children, family and counsel them accordingly. One must visit their Retina Specialist and have a proper examination. One may receive specs or any aid for reading and writing and studies and it may help in the existing vision. Always remember if you are having trouble in night vision then never ignore it and have retina check-up done.


For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website. 

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Band Shaped Keratopathy : Causes and Treatment | Removal of Calcium Deposits on Cornea | आँखों की सफेदी का इलाज

Band Shaped Keratopathy : Causes and Treatment | Removal of Calcium Deposits on Cornea | आँखों की सफेदी का इलाज

Band Keratopathy, In this video, Dr. Anin Sethi from Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic: A unit of Dr Agarwal Eye Hospital talks about Band Shaped Keratopathy or calcific deposits in the cornea. 

What is calcific band keratopathy or Band shaped keratopathy?

One can’t call it a disease; rather, it indicates many diseases in which calcium deposition occurs in the cornea. It starts from the black eyeball’s edge and reaches the centre. It reduces the clarity of the cornea or eyeball and can reduce eyesight. Various reasons can lead to band-shaped keratopathy. 

What are the causes of Band shaped keratopathy?

Certain bodily diseases may result in calcium deposition. When there is an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus inside the body, or if the concentration of calcium inside the body is more, irrespective of the reasons, or if blood has an over-concentration of calcium, it may deposit in different tissues. And among many is the cornea. In diseases like hyperparathyroidism, the parathyroid gland is overactive, increasing the calcium concentration in the blood. Eventually, it starts depositing in the cornea. The second reason is kidney failure or kidney disease. An imbalance of electrolytes like calcium, sodium, and potassium in kidney-related conditions results in calcium deposition in different tissues.

In addition, there is a form of arthritis in which there can be deposits of calcium in the cornea. Also, there are certain local causes and a few eye conditions that may cause deposition of calcium in the cornea, like Uveitis in which there is swelling in eye tissues. Apart from this, those who had retina operation in which doctors insert silicon oil in the eye may have calcium deposits in the cornea. The third cause is eye dryness; Chronic dryness can cause the deposition of calcium in the upper areas of the eyeball. Hence there are many causes of calcium deposits in the cornea.  

What is the treatment of calcium deposition or band-shaped keratopathy?

The first part of the treatment is to identify the cause; if there is any bodily cause, that might increase calcium concentration in the blood, like hyperparathyroidism, a few forms of arthritis or the presence of kidney diseases. So doctors can control deposition by controlling the disease. But it’s often seen that calcium deposits do not regress entirely. Rather some part of a deposition is left even after complete healing of the illness. Another mode of treatment is debridement. By debridement, doctors use an instrument to scrape off the calcium deposits, and further, apply a compound, EDTA over the cornea, which absorbs the calcium. So this is one of the beneficial treatments and is often known as EDTA chelation. Doctors remove calcium from the cornea through this procedure. But if any bodily disease or eye condition continues, these deposits may reappear even after the treatment. 

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Submandibular Gland Swelling | What leads to submandibular gland swelling? | Swelling Under Jawline | मुँह गाल के अंदर सूजन के कारण और इलाज | लार ग्रंथि कैंसर के लक्षण | लार ग्रंथि में सूजन का इलाज

Submandibular Gland Swelling | What leads to submandibular gland swelling? | Swelling Under Jawline | मुँह गाल के अंदर सूजन के कारण और इलाज | लार ग्रंथि कैंसर के लक्षण | लार ग्रंथि में सूजन का इलाज

Is Submandibular gland swelling serious ?

In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, from Abrol ENT institute and Research Centre discusses submandibular gland swelling or swelling under the jaw. 

Patients often complain with swelling under the jaw. It may occur as an acute onset suddenly, especially when they are chewing food. When they put food inside the mouth, there is sudden swelling beneath the jaw. It is very painful and recedes on its own after 30 minutes after you finish your food. But it may appear again when you have your next meal.

This swelling mainly occurs in the submandibular gland which produces saliva. They are on both sides of the jaw, and since they are present beneath, there are more chances of stone formation. If one is having this swelling while eating or swallowing food, it indicates the presence of a stone in their duct or in the gland itself. There is no clear reason behind the formation of stones in the duct. 

What causes Submandibular gland swelling ?

Often dryness in the mouth, or those who consume less water are more likely to develop stone formation in the gland. Those who stay dehydrated or have poor oral hygiene keep chewing something like tobacco or pan or any small thing they keep on chewing all the time. These patients tend to develop stones. Few patients have systemic diseases which cause calcium deposition or stones, but they come in different categories. Patients in which it occurs as an acute onset often result due to infection. 

How to treat these patients ?

Doctors examine these patients thoroughly with both hands and fingers to find the exact location of the stone. Most likely antibiotic therapy clears the swelling. In addition, these patients need to maintain good oral hygiene, drink plenty of water, and make regular gargles to prevent mouth dryness. Gargling, especially with antiseptic like Betadine, is also advised. In addition to antibiotics, doctors recommend taking ultrasounds to determine the presence and exact location of the stone. Sometimes because of their small size, stones can be extracted outside. Sometimes it is close to the mouth so that it may come out on its own, or manual removal heals the patients.

Under which condition one needs surgery for Submandibular gland swelling ?

In a few cases, the stones are deeply embedded and are bigger. In such patients, it is difficult to remove stones. Rather, it isn’t very easy. Hence in these cases, doctors need to remove the gland also. One needs not to be scared thinking that after the removal of the gland, it would affect saliva formation. Four big glands and a few minor glands present in the mouth produce saliva in the mouth. So removing one gland doesn’t cause much of an effect and doesn’t cause dryness in the mouth. So these patients need to be managed medically first. Still, if medical management is not giving relief or if it is repeatedly occurring like it heals but reappears in 15-20 days, and if the ultrasound or CT scan shows larger-sized embedded stones, then doctors advise surgery.

To know more, visit our SimpliHealth website.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Stye Treatment | How to Get Rid of a Stye Overnight? | What Causes Styes in adults? | Stye in Eye Treatment | आँख के अन्दर दाना होना | आँख में फुंसी क्यों होती है?

Stye: Causes and Treatment | How to Get Rid of a Stye Overnight | What Causes Styes in adults? | Stye in Eye Treatment | आँख के अन्दर दाना होना | आँख में फुंसी क्यों होती है?

Stye Treatment

In this video, Dr. Rajiv Mirchia from Mirchia’s laser eye clinic, a unit of Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital Chennai discusses common eye conditions: Stye, causes and its treatment. 

It is a common problem among children and adults. If your child is having a repeated stye infection which is just simply a boil anywhere on the body, one must visit a doctor for eye examination. Sometimes Refractive errors or less vision which require glasses, often lead to the recurrence of multiple styes in the eye


The common source of stye infection is the hair follicles and Streptococcus infections. Treatment is very, very simple. One should not touch the eye and hot eye fomentation helps in reducing the swelling. In a few cases, doctors may prescribe some local eye drops, or, any antibiotics for 2 to 3 days. It gets very painful because of the tight space in the eye, and the fluid collection leads to a lot of pain. Normally doctors can treat it with medicines and sometimes by drawing the fluid by pulling out the hair follicle.

Stye treatment:

The last resort Surgical removal of stye by incision. It is not needed normally but if there is formation of chalazion or if eye shuts down due to swelling, surgical incision is the most appropriate method. Doctors drain encapsulated pus with the incision. One must not panic and get a regular eye check-up from an eye specialist. The treatment of Stye is very easy without any consequences.

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Ptosis (Droopy Eyelid): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | पलकों के गिरने का क्या कारण है? | झुकी हुई पलकों को कैसे ठीक करें?

Ptosis (Droopy Eyelid): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | पलकों के गिरने का क्या कारण है? | झुकी हुई पलकों को कैसे ठीक करें? |

Ptosis (Droopy Eyelid) In this video, Dr. Anin Sethi from Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic: A unit of Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital, discusses the causes and treatment of Ptosis or drooping of the eyelid. 

What is Ptosis? 

It is an eye condition when the eyelids are unable to open completely. It is a medical term called Ptosis (Droopy Eyelid). Ptosis may occur in single or both eyelashes. In this condition, the patient cannot open their eyes completely. Its prevalence is in younger children or the older age group above 60-70. In both age groups, the cause of Ptosis is different.

Causes of Ptosis in Children and Elderly Population :

In younger children, there is impairment in the muscles responsible for eyelid movement, or they may even have an improper nerve supply, due to which they cannot open the eyelashes entirely. It may occur in different degrees. It can be mild in a few cases, but it may get so severe that eyelashes fully cover the eyeball. This results in a non-functional eye.

In younger children, there is impairment in the muscles responsible for eyelid movement, or they may even have an improper nerve supply, due to which they cannot open the eyelashes entirely. It may occur in different degrees. It can be mild in a few cases, but it may get so severe that eyelashes fully cover the eyeball. This results in a non-functional eye.

The second age is the old age group, in which the muscle responsible for eyelash movements weakens after 60 – 70 years of age. Subsequently, their attachment also weakens, and the detachment of the muscles from the eyelashes often results in eyelids drool. As a result, they are unable to move upwards. Apart from these, there are other bodily conditions, like Myasthenia gravis, in which the body’s muscle starts weakening. It is more likely to progress in a day; in the morning, Ptosis is not present in the eye, but as the day continues, the muscles weaken, and eyelids start drooping. In addition, the oculomotor nerve, or the third cranial nerve, also connects the eyes with the brain. Therefore, a third cranial nerve disease may also cause eyelids and movement dysfunction.

Furthermore, it may cause paralysis causing eyelids to droop. Another reason is facial nerve palsy which controls facial muscles. So all muscles around the eyelashes weaken, failing to open the eyelid.

Can Ptosis be an indication of any serious underlying condition?

Yes, it can be, especially when it is a sudden onset or has occurred recently. Sudden occurrences indicate neurological problems. The third cranial nerve palsy occurs for many reasons and is related to the brain. Hence doctors need to evaluate these patients thoroughly for any neurological condition. If it is old age, if it has occurred suddenly, and there is a restriction in eye movement; it is very important to discuss it with a neurologist, and sometimes one may need MRI imaging. So observing these symptoms, one can infer that it might indicate any serious underlying disease in a few patients.

But if in children ptosis condition is congenital or it has started progressing slowly, then they are not potential indicators of any diseases. The second reason is Myasthenia gravis, in which eyelids don’t droop in the morning but start drooping over the day. Under these circumstances, it is very important to consult a neurologist, as they might suggest a few tests to diagnose this condition more accurately. 


Ptosis treatment depends on the underlying causes. If it has occurred due to cranial nerve palsy, doctors ideally observe it for 4-6 months. In most cases, it self-heals. But if that’s not the case and it is congenital or has occurred due to weak muscles, one might need surgical help. In children, if Ptosis affects their eyesight, then only doctors suggest treatment. Suppose the eyelids entirely cover the entire eye and affect their vision. In that case, they require surgery because, in these cases, the eyesight doesn’t develop properly, resulting in lazy eyes. But if the child is very young, but their eyes are open, not entirely closed, then under these circumstances, one can postpone the surgery.

In the elderly population in which eyelids droop over due to muscle weakening, surgical treatment is the best option. But if it’s not an operable case, then certain specs with clips attached keep the eyelids open. So the main thing is that its treatment is surgical only. In minor instances, Ptosis is minimal surgery, but the type of surgery depends upon the severity of Ptosis. Suppose it is very severe, resulting in complete dysfunction of eyelid muscles. In that case, doctors do sling surgery in which they implant a silicone sling beneath the skin, which helps open the eyelid. You need to consult your ophthalmologist for different types of surgery.

Is there any exercise that helps in the treatment of drooping eyelids?

So there isn’t any exercise that may help improve this condition. Further, it depends upon the cause. Observation is key to treatment if it has occurred due to any nerve palsy. If it heals on its own, then well; otherwise, surgical treatment is the only option. But, there isn’t any exercise that can help improve the eyelid condition. 

For more information about the causes and treatment of eye diseases like ptosis , visit our SimpliHealth website.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology Uncategorized

Laser Eye Surgery: Benefits or Risk, what to expect? | आंखों का लेजर ऑपरेशन कैसे होता है | चश्मा हटाने के लिए आंख ऑपरेशन | लेजर सर्जरी के नुकसान | Lasik Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery : Benefits and Risks | आंखों का लेजर ऑपरेशन कैसे होता है? | चश्मा हटाने के लिए आंख ऑपरेशन | लेजर सर्जरी के नुकसान | Lasik Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery,  In this video information  shared by Dr. Anin Sethi

What is Laser eye surgery?

 It  is an operation used to remove spectacles with the help of a Laser.

Is this lasik eye surgery effective?

 Yes, it is very much effective. Many types of laser eye surgery are easily available nowadays. In this procedure, doctors alter the shape of the cornea and integrate the power of spectacles into the eye itself. By doing this, the need to wear glasses reduces and reaches almost zero. 

Is Laser Eye Surgery Safe?

Regarding safety, it is a very safe procedure, but patient selection is a very important process here. Hence it is the responsibility of the eye specialist to choose the right patient for whom laser eye surgery is safe. For this, the eye doctor performs certain tests on the eyes before Lasik eye Surgery, like Penta cam and Orbscan, which analyses the curvature and thickness of the cornea. After that, an eye specialist analyses after considering the thickness of the cornea, glasses number, and curvature and decides whether the Laser eye Surgery is safe for the patient or not. In 90 -95% of cases, this laser eye surgery is secure, and the eye doctor tests out with the tests and filters the rest 4-5% of cases. It is also seen that in addition to Laser eye surgery, eye doctors need to give other treatments to make Laser eye surgery safer for the patient. Again, this decision depends upon the eye specialist. In broader terms, lasik eye surgery is safe for the eyes. 

Is laser eye surgery painful?

It is a common doubt among patients that Eye Surgery is painful. Like every surgery, this also causes pain, but doctors take certain measures like anesthesia so that the patients don’t feel pain. In this procedure, doctors use an injection to sedate the eyes rather than eye drops. As a result, the patient doesn’t feel any sensation. The patient may feel a bit during bandage application, but it is definitely not painful.

How long does the operation take?

It takes only 10-15 seconds per eye. But if you include the process like lying the patient down and preparing for the operation, it may take up to 5- 10 minutes for both eyes.

What are the benefits of Laser Eye surgery?

The benefits of Lasik eye surgery are personal and subjective. One of the major benefits of the surgery is its main purpose, which is to reduce the dependency on the glasses. If the power of spectacles is more than a person is very much dependent on the glasses. The moment they wake up, they seek their glasses; otherwise, it would affect their daily activities. So under these circumstances, eye surgery holds a special significance. The second thing is cosmetic benefits. Often, patients feel low in confidence due to specs or social problems; they don’t want to wear it. Apart from this, certain professions do not allow spectacles, but Laser Eye surgery is permitted. There are certain armed professions like Police branches and commercial pilots. Laser eye surgery is allowed but not the specs. So if one is opting for Laser eye surgery for professional reasons, one must read your prospectus carefully and discuss all the criteria with the doctors, then only decide on Laser Eye surgery. But if you get eligible after seeking surgery, this procedure has additional benefits. 

What is the minimum age for laser surgery? 

The optimum time is the early 20s. After 18 years, one can opt for Laser eye Surgery provided one has stable eye power. Those with stable eye power from 6 months to 1 year can opt for Laser eye surgery. Those with stable eye numbers often yield good and long-lasting results from Laser Eye surgery, and they are more accurate. If you have an unstable number, you may delay the Laser Eye Surgery. This surgery yields the best results at 18-25 years old. The best part of this is that by this time, the power/number gets stable, and you don’t need to be dependent upon glasses for 10-15 years. Then, after age 40, one needs to wear spectacles due to age-related changes in the eyes. So it is free from glasses for at least 10-15 years. 

Often patients ask whether this procedure occurs under anesthesia. This is a small surgery that requires less duration time. Doctors usually sedate the cornea, which needs this treatment with eye drops. Patients are fully conscious throughout the procedure, and doctors need patient cautiousness and cooperation. Also, doctors can’t perform this operation under unconsciousness effectively. The patient is fully awake and conscious throughout the procedure. 

For which category of the patient is LASIK most effective?

All the structures of the eye must be normal. Apart from the power of the eye, one shouldn’t have any other eye problems. Suppose the patient has other eye problems like retina problems, weakness or glaucoma or safed motia, swelling, or any other eye problem. In that case, one is eligible for this procedure, but then the eye specialist needs to evaluate the situation and tell whether you qualify for the surgery. But if the person has weak vision due to safed motia, kala motia, or any other retina problem, then a doctor can’t improve the eyesight through Eye Surgery. Under these circumstances, the patient needs to seek appropriate treatment. So one must always consider these points. Apart from this, if the doctors found proper corneal thickness through PETscan and the curvature is also normal, you are eligible for this surgery under these circumstances. But eye specialists can only decide safely and how effective this surgery is. 

What are the side effects of Laser Eye surgery?

 The most common side effect of this surgery is dryness in the eyes, Though this effect is temporary. Ideally, Laser eye surgery is of two types: LASIK and SMILE surgery. In LASIK surgery, the length of the cut is a bit long. Doctors design the flap of the cornea; there is a possibility that a few nerves present in the cornea that take the sensation to the brain get cut, due to which tear film present over the cornea is affected. The tear secretion in the eyes reduces, causing dryness. A similar procedure is a SMILE: doctors make a small incision, and damages to the corneal nerves are less. In this, we have seen the chances of dryness are comparatively less than LASIK. If you have dryness before the LASIK or laser eye surgery, it may increase after this laser eye surgery. And if you have dryness, you may need to use eye drops as a lubricant for 3-4 months post Laser eye surgery. Dryness is the most common side effect of eye surgery or LASIK, but we prescribe eye drops that must be used post-operative to control dryness.

Another side effect is that it may take time to recover the eyesight post-operation. This is because the brain takes time to adapt. Because the quality of eyesight post-surgery is slightly different compared to eyesight received from eyeglasses. Since doctors are changing eye optics, the brain needs time to adapt to the changes. It may take from 1 month to 45 days. The third thing is patients feel a slight fade in the contrast of the sharpness of the vision. One may recover from this condition, but it may take time of 1 month to 45 days. The fourth thing is that only some patients may have night vision problems. After surgery at night, patients may see scattering heads or street lights, but after some time, the brain adapts, and patients are used to this condition. This problem ceases with time. So these are a few temporary side effects of Eye Surgery that one patient must know before. 

Is this Laser eye surgery permanent?

It majorly depends upon which type of age the patient has opted for eye surgery. If you opt for it in your early 20s, you can be sure that its effects will last for at least 10-15 years. After that, there is likely less chance of eyeglasses for near and far-sightedness. It is a 1% chance that post-surgery, one may need eyeglasses for near or farsightedness. But after age 40, certain age-related changes to eye lenses may impact the power of eyeglasses. With age, the ability to focus on things, especially those near, reduces, so after 40, one needs eyeglasses to see items close to the eye. Apart from that, due to age-related changes, one may develop a number for far-sightedness; there are only 1-2% of chances of evolution in eye pupils with age that may require the need for power glasses. But the number starts from zero, and cases of coming back are very rare, So there are certain things that one needs to take care of before lasik eye surgery.

For more information, visit our website SimpliHealth.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Computer Vision Syndrome Treatment | How to Reduce Eye Strain | आंखों का भारीपन कैसे दूर करें? | कंप्यूटर विजन सिंड्रोम का इलाज क्या है? | कंप्यूटर विजन सिंड्रोम से कैसे करें बचाव? | आंखों की थकान दूर करने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए?

Computer Vision Syndrome Treatment | How to Reduce Eye Strain | Eye Strain Treatment Home Remedy | Tips for Computer Work | आप कंप्यूटर विजन सिंड्रोम से कैसे छुटकारा पा सकते हैं? | कंप्यूटर विजन सिंड्रोम से कैसे बचें?

Computer Vision Syndrome Treatment, In this video, Dr. Anin Sethi from Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic : A unit of Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital talks about measures to prevent Computer vision syndrome and eye strain. If the screen is reflective, the light source will be reflected from the screen and cause eye strain. One can use a matt finish screen guard or anti-glare screen guard, which reduces the reflection. The second thing is one can alter the position of the light source which is directly getting reflected by the screen to the eyes. One alternative is to put it behind the laptop so that it doesn’t reflect on the screen. In addition, changing the position of the laptop screen so that the reflection doesn’t distraught the vision. Hence one can easily focus on the screen. The type of screen also plays a role in causing strain.

Earlier, there were low refresh rate screens with a refresh rate of 15-30 per screen. Such screen makes it difficult to focus on a particular word or alphabet. So it causes eye strain. High refresh rate screens like 50-100 Hertz can hep in reducing eye strain. One could modify the screen, and setting up the device or its position can help reduce eye strain. In addition, one can change their environment to reduce eye strain.

How does AC airflow cause eye strain | Computer Vision Syndrome Treatment

When the laptop/desktop screen is directly placed in front of AC airflow. its direct airflow is towards the eyes. One can either reposition yourself or change the directions of the AC vent. So that eyes don’t come in contact with direct airflow. During winters, if you use heaters, the room’s air humidity reduces, causing eye dryness, further heightening the symptoms. One can adjust lighting according to their eye and comfort. In addition, one must keep the screen brightness medium, not high or low, and use humidifiers also help. These days table humidifiers are also available, which you can keep in glass or any water-containing container. It will spread water vapors in the local environment. As a result, the moisture content in the air increases. Further it reduces the possibility of developing computer vision syndrome and dry eyes.

How does daily habit change prevent Computer Vision Syndrome ?

One can change their habits, like taking a break of 5 minutes after every 45 minutes of work. This break must be screen-free. One shouldn’t use any device, and one can sit with eyes closed and splash cold water on the eyes. If excessive screen use is causing headaches then after 30-40 minutes, look away for 10-15 seconds. Further seeing a distance of 10-15 ft relaxes eye muscles. By doing this, one can reduce their tendency of headaches.

Apart from these things, one should consider the computer screen position. Ideally, the computer screen must be positioned 15-60 cm from the eyes and a few cm below the eye level. By keeping the distance slightly below, so that the user will not focus straight but rather a bit down. In addition, the eye surface is covered a bit by eyelashes reducing the dryness symptoms. There is an increase in the probability of neck, head or back pain if the screen is placed in front of the eye level. Hence the computer screen position is also very important.

If you developed these symptoms while working on computers, then as you take a break. You may take 10-15 minutes for the symptoms to subside. After that, you can put a splash of cold water in the eyes. Even closing eyes for 5- 10 minutes also reduces the symptoms. And one takes medicine like lubricating eye drops if prescribed.


First and foremost, Consult eye specialist. They will examine the eyes and determine the need for specs. And in addition, further diagnosis can be made for other eye problems apart from dryness like allergies. After ruling out all these symptoms, doctors diagnose computer vision syndrome. If you cannot meet a doctor but are willing to take medicine, one can use artificial tears or tear supplements. These are kinds of eye drops that maintain moisture in the eyes. These are available to patients without a prescription in most drug stores. They don’t pose any serious side effects. But after using them one is not getting any relief, one must consult an eye doctor. In addition, one may need other medicines and eye drops. In addition, the effect of eye drops stays up to 2-3 hours, so one may need to use them repetitively. 

The use of devices has increased to a much greater extent in today’s world; all people use laptops, computers, and tablets for both professional and personal use. There are symptoms, and I have shared information with you on how we can avoid these symptoms and what precautions one can take to reduce eye strain, and we have seen that taking a break plays an important role in this. If you are using a computer for a longer duration, you must take a break. It would certainly increase work efficiency but reduce computer vision syndrome symptoms. 

For more information, visit our website SimpliHealth

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Computer Vision Syndrome Symptoms | आंखों की थकान व भारीपन के कारण? | कंप्यूटर विजन सिंड्रोम से कैसे बचें? | कंप्यूटर विजन सिंड्रोम में क्या होता है? | कंप्यूटर पर धुंधली आंखें कैसे ठीक करते हैं? | क्या आप कंप्यूटर विजन सिंड्रोम को ठीक कर सकते हैं?

Computer Vision Syndrome Symptoms | Does looking at your phone or laptop cause you Digital Strain? | कंप्यूटर स्क्रीन देखने पर मुझे चक्कर क्यों आता है? | कंप्यूटर से आंखों में खिंचाव क्यों होता है? | मेरा कंप्यूटर मेरी आंखों में दर्द क्यों कर रहा है?

Computer vision syndrome symptoms, Hello friends, I am Dr. Anin Sethi, and today I will tell you about computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain. 

What is computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain?

Often patients complain that when they use a screen for a longer duration, whether a computer, phone or iPad, or tablet, their eyes get strained, watery eyes, burning sensation in the eyes. Even a few may have neck pain accompanied by headaches. So these are a range of symptoms that people specifically associate with screen use. All these are diagnosed as Computer vision syndrome. Various reasons with different presentations can cause it. Most people with computer vision syndrome have watery eyes, a burning sensation in the eye, and headaches.

What are the most common symptoms of computer vision syndrome?

Whenever one uses a computer screen for a longer period, however, this long duration varies from individual to individual. Still, these symptoms may appear if the person works on a screen for more than 1 to 2 hours. The most common symptoms include watery eyes, burning sensation, or pain in the eyes. The main causative reason behind this is the dryness in the eyes; whenever we do any focused work, the frequency of blinking eyelashes reduces. As a result, layers of tears over the eyes evaporate, and the eye’s surface dries up. Dryness causes these symptoms. Other symptoms include headaches and blurry vision. In addition, few may have dizziness and shoulder and neck pain. So there are different reasons associated with them. For example, if we talk about blurry vision, headache mostly occurs when we focus on near things like a computer screen. Hence, eye muscles get active, resulting in muscle fatigue and fatigue. It causes headaches. Ciliary muscles get active when one focuses on nearby things for longer, resulting in fatigue. It may also cause headaches and blurry vision. Other symptoms like shoulder or neck pain depend greatly on the computer screen’s position. If the screen is slightly above eye level or has an uncomfortable sitting position, you tend to bend while doing work, which may cause pain in the neck, head, or shoulders. So all these symptoms are diagnosed as computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain. As I told you before, you are most likely to develop computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain if you have these symptoms. You must consult your doctor for this condition so that the doctor can give tips and do an eye scan to determine whether other reasons are causing this condition.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

What Happens if You Rub Your Eyes Too Much | आंखों को ज्यादा रगड़ने से क्या होगा? | अगर मैं अपनी आंखें बहुत ज्यादा रगड़ूं तो क्या होगा? | मैं अपनी आंखों को रगड़ना कैसे बंद करूं? | What Happens When You Rub Your Eyes Too hard? |

What Happens if You Rub Your Eyes Too Much ? | Can rubbing your eyes be dangerous? | What to do instead of rubbing your eyes? |  Does rubbing eyes cause damage?

What happens if you rub your eyes too much, In this video,  Dr. Anin Sethi, discusses what happens when you rub your eyes too much. 

What causes itching in the eyes?

There are numerous causes of irritated eyes. Dry eyes and allergies, commonly known as allergic conjunctivitis, are the two main causes. Over a number of elements affect dryness in the eyes. Like any other nasal ad skin allergy, allergies in the eyes occur through the same mechanism. Dust particles, animals—especially cats and dogs and seasonal allergies cause eye allergies.The most noticeable symptom of seasonal allergies is itching ;  when seasonal plants develop, their pollen drifts through the air and irritates the surface of the eyes.  Apart from these symptoms, as I mentioned, allergies mainly cause itchiness but may cause watering, blurry vision, and a burning sensation. In addition, continuous rubbing of the eyes may cause wounds in the eyelashes resulting in a burning feeling. Further, it depends upon the extent of the allergy, how much we are rubbing, and whether we are seeking treatment. In addition, it would also tell you which parts of the eyes are adversely affected.In addition to these signs, allergies can cause symptoms like moist eyes, fuzzy vision, and a burning feeling. Additionally, persistently scratching eyes might damage eyelashes, and give a burning sensation. It also depends on how severe the allergy is, how much we rub, and whether we are seeking medical attention. It would also describe the areas of the eyes that it will impact negatively..

What are the adverse effects of too much rubbing ?

If one frequently rubs their eyes because they are scratchy, they run into the risk of harming their eyes. Continuous rubbing may affect the power of eyeglasses or if someone might need eyeglasses. The trauma that might arise from rubbing the eyes can damage and change the eye’s shape. If an allergic reaction occurs in children, especially,if they wipe their eyes constantly, they may require power eye glasses.

Most often, they receive cylinder-shaped eye glasses because of the change in the alternation of eye shape. Second, there is a possibility of an increase in the power of cylindrical number eye glasses. The cornea could even become so fragile that it entirely changes its shape Furthermore, it becomes very impossible to increase eyesight. Medical terminology for this condition, which causes the cornea to appear conical in shape, is keratoconus. Under these circumstances, it is impossible to correct the vision. Such conditions require different assistance. Constantly scratching eyes can harm them permanently. Rubbing eyes with dirty hands can cause recurrent eye infection. Stye is a common eye infection one may develop from rubbing eyes with dirty hands. It causes swelling and pus to form in the eyelashes. Frequent eye rubbing can lead to conjunctivitis or eye flu.

How to avoid rubbing your eyes ?

One must avoid rubbing their itchy eyes. If you have itchy or allergies to your eyes, the first thing is to avoid rubbing your eyes. Your eyes will itch more when you massage them. The itching will subside, but soon it will return, creating a vicious cycle. It will provide relief, and you’ll rub it repeatedly, eventually damaging your cornea. Additionally, you can lightly rub through sideways if you want to rub. But it’s better to avoid rubbing in the eyes. In addition, one can splash water in the eyes, preferably drinking water, and even an ice pack for 5- 10 minutes will give relief. After that, you must consult your eye doctor; they might prescribe you some anti allergies medication, steroids, and lubricants. It would provide relief in 4-5 days. Although these allergies can happen at any age, even infants as little as two months old, they most frequently affect kids’ eyes under the age of 10. Most of the time, it is seasonal and happens at certain times of year. Since it is a recurring issue, one should consult a doctor and begin treatment. There is no permanent treatment for allergies, but one gets relief from the treatment.Most children with allergies outgrow them by the age of 17. In the end, one must refrain from rubbing their eyes and seek medical attention. One must avoid rubbing their eyes for healthy eye care.

Thank you so much. 

If you want to learn more information, visit SimpliHealth website.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Ear Keloid Treatment | केलॉइड के लक्षण, कारण व इलाज | क्या कान छिदवाना हानिकारक है? | केलोइड कब बढ़ना बंद हो जाएगा? | कान के पीछे गांठ क्यों होती है? | कान के पास गांठ हो तो क्या करें? |

Ear Keloid Treatment | कान छिदवाने के नुकसान, कान के पीछे गांठ? | कान छिदवाने के लिए कौन सी धातु अच्छी होती है? | केलॉइड से छुटकारा पाने के उपाय?

How To Get Rid of Keloid In the Ear?

Ear Keloid Treatment, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol ENT institute and Research Centre discusses ear keloid, a very uncommon ear condition in which pea shaped lump behind ear lobes, 

These days, it is a trend in children, and youngsters to do ear piercing, especially the younger generation. They  do multiple piercings in their ears. In addition, they wear various earrings or studs. 

There is formation of bumps on the inner or outer side of people’s ears or patients with multiple ear piercings. The location of the piercing.which is on bony structure leads to formation of these lumps. . This problem is rare, but who has it is a very serious problem. It can lead to serious cosmetic issues and is difficult to treat. In addition, these bumps behind the ear may enlarge in size or are commonly called keloids. It is a difficult problem to treat. Keloids pose dangerous situations. Doctors strictly  advise that except for the ear lobule, which is a boneless area, one shouldn’t pierce the soft bone area as it increases the risk of forming keloids. After their formation,  it becomes a serious cosmetic and social problem that is difficult to treat.

How to treat ear keloid? | Ear Keloid Treatment

The incidence of pear shaped lumps behind ear lobes increases with soft bone piercing.  There can be desperate situations as they may reappear even after surgery. For its treatment doctors  remove the patient’s pins or studs. Then the doctor administers steroid injections inside the bumps. Doctors repeat injections after every 15 days or in a month. Ideally 3-4 injections are sufficient to suppress keloid formation and inflammation. After they stabilise, bumps stop growing or soften with injections with a reduced level of inflammation allowing the doctor to excise or remove it. In a few cases, they may lead to deformity before or after the surgery. It may cause deformation in the ear’s pinna. It may be a serious cosmetic issue, especially for girls in India. Hence doctors advise them to restrain themselves from piercing the soft bone area of the bone. And do prefer gold or pure metal rather than silver metal studs, pins, rings, or any other material. It may cause serious reactions and increased keloid formation risk. The safest material that the body accepts is gold. So kindly use pure gold. However, the most important thing is to avoid soft bone piercing; if done on soft bone, use gold metal only. Use only gold material since it is an inert metal, and the body can tolerate it. 

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Reason for Nose Bleeding in Winter | नाक से ब्लीडिंग का उपचार | सर्दी जुकाम में नाक से खून आना? | नाक से खून आने का कारण और उपाय? | अचानक नाक से खून आना? | नाक से खून के थक्के आना?

How to stop nose bleeding in winter?| Nosebleed in Winter in Hindi | नाक से खून आना कब खतरनाक हो सकता है? | नाक से खून आने का मतलब क्या होता है?

Reason for nose bleeding in winter, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre discusses a common condition nosebleed in winter. It is not an uncommon condition. But its incidence increases especially in elderly population. Also there is variation in the concentrations and severity. Few people have mild bleeding or blood streaking which may occur due to dryness. However few may suffer from moderate blood flow with repetitive attacks. One needs to consider these patients seriously and provide the treatment. The most common cause of nosebleed in winter is dryness. Often use of heater or blowers increases during winters which makes the atmosphere dry. In addition, there is less consumption of water as a result the body dehydrates. Under these conditions there is formation of crusting in the nose which leads to injury when one tries to clean, blow or dry their nose.  As a result, blood streak or nosebleed starts occurring. 

Serious or moderate counts of blood streaking mostly occur in elderly patients because their blood vessels are compromised due to atherosclerosis. Mostly these patients are on anti-hypertensive drugs, and due to extreme weather their blood vessels get brittle. In addition, blood vessels shrink due to winter exposure, and rupture due to brittleness. Rupturing blood vessels leads to moderate amounts of nosebleeds. Often doctors observe that there is formation of small bleeding points in the elderly nose. These pressure points rupture when there is forceful blow, increase in pressure causing bleeding. 

How to prevent nosebleeds in winters?

One needs to hydrate their body adequately with water and increase the intake of fluids. If they are using heating devices then there must be a humidifier and if they don’t have a humidifier then they must clean their nose with water, or atleast put splashes of water inside their nose. This maintains moisture inside the nose. In addition,there are saline drops or sprays easily available in the market. Use of saline nasal sprays is very much beneficial during winters. Those who bleed profusely must seek treatment. ENT doctors can easily identify the bleeding points and seal off with the chemicals or with the cautery. This procedure is called cauterization. By this process, one can burn these points and can prevent them. If the patient does not have access to ENT doctor or if the doctor is unavailable then GP or general physician can also handle the situation and can do nasal packing, After doctor open nasal packing in 24 or 48 hours, bleeding stops to a much greater extent and if the bleeding doesn’t stop then they must seek an ent doctor. Ideally children also need to suffer from nosebleeds during winter. Most of the time nosebleeds in children occur due to trauma. Due to formation of crust, children tend to fiddle, use of fingers with big nails cause injury resulting in bleeding.

Nosebleed in winter among Children | Reason for Nose Bleeding in Winter

In children nosebleed in winter is not alarming and it stops after pinching their nose. Doctor advise the use of saline sprays or ointment to the children, ideally it heals with these measures in time but serious bleeding requires a visit to ENT doctor, as it is very important,in a similar way or either do cauterization or sealing and it heals and stops eventually. For more information,  visit our SimpliHealth website.

Thank you very much

Batth Dental Clinic Panchkula Dentology

Nobel Biocare Implants Based Dental Restorations | किस प्रकार का दंत प्रत्यारोपण सबसे अच्छा है? | क्यों प्रत्यारोपण सबसे अच्छा विकल्प है | दंत प्रत्यारोपण के साथ आम समस्याएं क्या हैं? | दंत चिकित्सक प्रत्यारोपण की सलाह क्यों देते हैं?

Nobel Biocare Implants: An innovative technology | Are Nobel Biocare implants good? | 

Nobel Biocare Implants, In this video, Dr. Jaspreet Batth from Batth Dental and Cosmetic Practices discusses their association with Nobel Biocare. It all started almost 17 years ago when it was first introduced in New Delhi. And after knowing about the concept; Batth Dental Clinic immediately procured for the clinic.

Dr. Batth Dental and Cosmetic Services were the first ones in the region to initiate with Sameer Bhatt, who introduced us to Nobel Biocare. From that day till the day, there has been no looking back simply. Because the ease of use, doctors’ comfort, and also patient ease in accepting the implant is very friendly. And, as a team, dentists work to provide care to the patients. It has been more or less if not 100% then very close to 100% success. This has been very rewarding and reassuring to our patients and it has scientifically proven. In addition, It has been a happy time for both patients, clinicians, and dental clinics. 

Particularly doctors would like to share one fine incident that triggered the reassurance within us to reassure our patients. Almost 15 years ago, Mr. Handa came to Batth Dental clinic complaining that he was not able to have food items like puff golgappe because of the denture in his mouth. It would get very uncomfortable. It intrigued the dentist at Batth Dental clinic so much that they began planning his treatment. The dentist plans an overdenture for him. From the time the overdenture was given, the consulting dentist and the patient went out to make him eat all things that he was missing, and seeing him having those was such a delightful sight for the dentist to see the happiness and pleasure that he was enjoying and from there on the dentists started providing this kind of care for any and many.

Today, after more than 16 years, Mr. Handa visits Batth Dental Clinic regularly and follows up with us every time. Such has been the journey, experience, and reassurance Batth Dental clinic has enjoyed with Nobel Biocare. 

Benefits of Nobel Biocare to the dentist:

The dentist at Batth Dental Clinic strongly recommends Nobel Biocare to the newer generations of dental doctors and even to postgraduates who are coming for training to benefit from and carry this benefit back to the patient for their care. One can provide the tooth in an hour. For the patient who has no tooth in a particular situation but wants it immediately in an hour, the dentist can install the implant, put the provision on, and send the patient back out of the office with a smile. Such is the ability to change the smile of the people that dentists have to serve in the community, and Nobel Biocare provides us this platform to carry this out every day in and day out. May Nobel Biocare be with all of us to benefit our patients.

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website. 

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

How to Get Water Out of Ear | कान में पानी कैसे बंद करें? | कान में पानी चला जाए तो कैसे निकाले? | कान में पानी आने का इलाज? | कान में भारीपन या कुछ हवा जैसा भरा महसूस होना? | कान में भारीपन महसूस होना?

How to get water out of ear safely ?| कान में पानी चला जाए तो कैसे निकाले? | Water stuck in ear? | कान खोलने के लिए क्या करें?

How to get water out of ear, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol Institute and Research Centre talks about possible outcomes of water in the ear and ways to get water out of the ear safely.

Patients frequently inquire about and complain about having water in their ears. Because every ear canal is curved, moisture doesn’t collect inside the ear. And if it’s there, one can easily shake it off by tilting their head. Patients with a feeling of water stuck inside the ear might feel ear blockage, primarily due to wax buildup in their ears. The wax expands as the water moves inside the ear, causing a blockage. A common misunderstanding is that ear obstruction results from moisture in the ear. But actually, the presence of a significant amount of wax present inside the ear causes ear blockage. One must consult an ENT physician for this condition. This wax grows when it comes into contact with water, leading to issues like ear obstruction. In such conditions, self-treatment or self-removal is not possible. Because eardrums are very fragile organs, damage to them can result in various problems, including hearing loss, ear damage, bleeding, and discharge. One must consult an ENT doctor for their removal and discourage self-removal.

What damage does water in the ear do ?

The doctor’s main goal is to preserve the eardrums because it is not advisable to remove earwax. When the wax has puffed up due to contact with water, there is a severe ear obstruction. In situations where the patient has no access to medical care, doctors encourage them to use wax drops. They are easily available over the counter. Earlier, doctors used to recommend Borospirit to patients. It causes the water to evaporate, keeping the earwax dry. It will keep the patient at ease till they see a doctor. Unfortunately, the previously accessible hydrogen peroxide solution is no longer available for ear usage. People used hydrogen peroxide to clear the buildup of earwax in the past, and its application would produce foaming that absorbed water. Swollen wax can be soft, making it simple to remove. 

Bottom line :

If you suffer from ear blockage after water seeps inside, consult an ENT specialist, as it indicates a sizable amount of wax inside the ear. Self-removal is not advisable as one can cause permanent damage like hearing loss.

For more information, watch the full video and visit our SimpliHealth website for more related information.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Excessive Use of Mobile Phones | मोबाइल के अधिक इस्तेमाल से होने वाली समस्याएं? | ज्यादा फोन यूज करने से क्या होता है? | मोबाइल फोन से क्या क्या नुकसान होते हैं? | मोबाइल ज्यादा क्यों नहीं चलाना चाहिए? | मोबाइल से क्या खतरा है?

Excessive Use of Mobile Phones | Does my cell phone can cause hearing loss? | Can over use of the phone cause hearing loss?|10 harmful effects of mobile phones (in Hindi)

Excessive use of mobile phones, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol discusses how excessive phone use causes hearing loss.There are various professions that require compulsory usage of cell phones for long hours. Among them few use phones excessively by their choice and others seek happiness in long talks or calls. As you are all aware that cell phones generate electromagnetic radiation. These are one type of  invisible rays that continuously contact the ear and its nearby surfaces. Prolonged use of cell phones causes constant release of electromagnetic radiation that results in changes in the brain. It also brings changes in the ears, nerves in the ear which if continued can cause further damage. It is more in patients, especially those who work in call centres or those who use phones for their business, they feel heat in the ear nearby surfaces, they feel their ears are heated up with the phone use. Few may develop a condition called tinnitus. If the patient is still continuing the excessive usage of the phone even after developing tinnitus then this results in changes in hearing. There is nerve damage or cell damage due to electromagnetic radiation. As a result one is not able to hear at certain frequencies. Another harm overuse of phones apart from hearing loss is pain over the ear and headaches. Further it has been proved by scientists that overuse of phones causes hearing loss and brain damage. Hence doctors advise excessive usage of phones especially by keeping on the ears is unsafe. It is dangerous especially for those who overuse their phones for hours.

How to use a phone to avoid hearing loss? 

Either use a speaker phone or ear phone rather than Bluetooth devices. Bluetooth devices also tend to emit electromagnetic radiation. Bluetooth earphones are equally harmful than wireless headphones. Rather one should use earphones with wires that connect to phones. It is harmful when we keep the source of electromagnetic radiation close to the ears. It helps in reducing the distance between the radiation emitting device and  brain and ears. So almost the radiating device is at least 1 inch away from the brain. 

Thank you very much.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Flu Vaccine Benefits | Influenza | फ्लू वैक्सीन के फायदे? | इन्फ्लूएंजा के टीके से क्या फायदा है? | फ्लू का टीका कब तक प्रभावी रहता है? | इन्फ्लूएंजा कितने समय तक रहता है? | Influenza Vaccine Price? | फ्लू वैक्सीन प्राइस?

Flu Vaccine Benefits | Influenza or Flu vaccine | What is the ideal time for this vaccine ? | Flu Vaccine Benefits and Side Effects? | Influenza vaccine price?

Flu vaccine benefits, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol discusses the effects of flu vaccine. Winters are at their peak, and you are all aware that flu is a very common problem in the winter. Flu or influenza is a very mild infection for common people but for vulnerable people like the elderly and younger children or those who are already suffering from any chronic illness, it can be a serious disease. The extent of complications in this category of patients is more. 

The flu vaccine is very important to protect yourself from influenza or serious flu infections. As you all know, flu vaccines update every year since influenza is such a virus that rapidly changes itself; hence, previous year vaccines are ineffective on the latest strain of influenza. Since virus modifies itself with the course of time, new vaccine manufacturing occurs. Therefore, doctors advise to take flu vaccine shot before the flu season. So every year, doctors recommend a flu vaccine before the winter season. Doctors recommend this flu vaccine for vulnerable people.

When to take the flu vaccine ?

The flu vaccine in India is not used universally. But doctors recommend it for vulnerable individuals, especially those suffering from respiratory infections like asthma or severe uncontrolled diabetes. In addition, doctors advise people who are travelling to flu-endemic areas to take the flu vaccine before travelling. Hence it is advisable to use before the winter. Therefore, one should take the flu vaccine 15 days before the winter season. Since it is an intramuscular injection, one must opt for the latest flu vaccine because it will only be effective on the prevalent strain. Therefore, doctors recommend that you take this vaccine 15 days before winter. In India, September or October is the ideal time. Because the incidence of flu or influenza in winter is higher; however, in India, there are multiple influenza seasons, but the most commonest and severest season is winter.

Which age is most suited for the flu vaccine ?

The recommended age for the flu vaccine is six months-65 years or above. It is safe. The effects of the vaccine, i.e., the formation of antibodies against a particular virus, start in 15 days. Once antibodies are formed inside the body, you are protected from the flu. 

The efficacy of this shot is between 50-80%.It prevents the influenza virus’s severity, and it doesn’t require hospital administration. Hence it is effective and advisable. Generally, doctors advise two doses of vaccine in younger children ranging from 6 months to 8 years in 4 weeks or six months if it is their first time. For those who have taken this before, doctors advise them to take the vaccine yearly if possible, especially for vulnerable children or those who are suffering from chronic diseases, doctors recommend yearly. In India, these vaccines are available in trivalent inactivated form or TIV or quadrivalent inactivated. So whatsoever seasonal vaccine is available; one must use it. 

What are the side effects of the flu shot?

One may develop mild flu symptoms with mild fever. The injection site may have pain for two days with a mild cold, cough, and low-grade fever for 1-2 days. It does not pose any serious side effects; hence these are safe. Hence it is available in the pre-packed form, filled in the injection with a thin needle, and it is less painful. It doesn’t hurt even on poking; this is a very small exercise.

What is the cost?

The cost of the vaccines varies yearly; hence it is difficult to discuss, but ideally, it is available for 1000-1500 rs. These are imported and easily available in chemist stores, and one should take them. For those who want to travel in influenza-infected countries, doctors advise them to take flu shots 10-15 days before travelling so that they don’t catch the flu, and even if it does, it would be a mild infection. It is effective only till flu season. Ideally, it is effective for 6-8 months. After that, the effect reduces and is altogether low. Moreover, it is not effective for the strain as it changes rapidly. For more information, visit SimpliHealth website.

Thank you very much.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

How to Cure Dry Eyes Permanently | आंखों का रूखापन कैसे दूर करें? | आप सूखी आंखों को कैसे ठीक करते हैं? | आंखों में सूखापन क्यों आता है? | सूखी आंखें कब तक रहती है? | सूखी आंखों को ठीक होने में कितना समय लगता है? | ड्राई आँखों का इलाज?

How to Cure Dry Eyes Permanently | Dry Eyes Treatment and Home Remedies in Hindi | आंखों की सूखी नसों का इलाज? | आंखों में सूखापन कम करने के लिए घरेलू उपाय?

How to cure dry eyes permanently, In this video, Dr. Anin Sethi from Mirchia’s Laser Eye Centre : A group of Dr Agarwal Eye Hospital has shared a few tips to prevent dry eyes. 

What are Dry Eyes?

The eye is a moist organ. In addition, to keep this hydrated, certain glands produce tears to lubricate and smooth the eye’s surface. Eye blinking also plays a very important role. Tears spread evenly on the surface of the eye when one blinks. Tears have many components like the lipid layer, aqueous layer, and mucin layer; hence their separate secretion leads to the formation of tears in the eyes. But if they are deficient, then there is dryness on the eye surface which  is called dry eyes. 

What are the symptoms of Dry eyes?

If you have dryness, you may look out for the following symptoms: one may have irritation in the eyes, especially outdoors with strong wind. Due to the wind, moisture evaporates from the eyes resulting in dry eyes. One may have a burning sensation followed by sudden eyes watering. In addition, there are indications like redness and itching. And if you have long-term dry eyes, you may have a headache. In addition, there is a possibility of blurring in the eyesight. Because due to dryness, there is a formation of mucus clots in the eye surface that floats, resulting in blurring of vision. One may need forceful blinking and rubbing of their eyes. So these symptoms indicate dry eyes.

What causes dry eyes?

Various reasons contribute to dry eyes. As I mentioned before, eye tear film has many components, and different parts of the eyes produce them. Certain conditions can cause dry eyes. The most common is computer use or studying or any focussed work for a longer duration, it eventually reduces the blinking frequency resulting in dry eyes. It is commonly known as Computer vision syndrome; Other symptoms include headache, eye-watering redness, and itching. It is also common in females over the age of 50, or menopause has set it, resulting in hormonal changes that reduce tear production resulting in dryness over the eye surface; contact lens wearers may also have dry eyes. Since the surface of the contact lens cannot hold water resulting in dryness.

Patients with allergies to dust, pollen, and seasonal allergies may cause dryness in the eyes. The tear film quality is disturbed, resulting in dryness. In addition, concerning age, tear production reduces, resulting in eye dryness. Few rare causes, like rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation of joints. It is an autoimmune disease that affects the joints and damages the eyes’ tear-producing glands, resulting in dryness in the eyes. Further, it depends upon the environment; if the house in which you live is centrally heated or you are using a heater often or have a fireplace, then it may cause dryness in the air resulting in the symptoms of eye dryness.

Diagnosis and treatment:

Mainly for the diagnosis, doctors look for dry eye symptoms if the patient has recurrent foreign body sensation in the eyes, burning sensation, redness in eyes, headache after work, and frequent blinking to feel comfortable. Hence by observing the symptoms, one can diagnose dry eyes. But if you consult a doctor, they may suggest a few tests. One thing is to measure the tear production of the Schirmer’s test. In addition to determining specific types of dry eyes, doctors do Meibography scans in which doctors  scan glands in the eyelashes to decide whether it is normal. Based on all these tests, doctors establish the diagnosis of dry eyes.

Is there a permanent cure for dry eyes, or is it a recurring problem?

Dryness is a recurrent issue. Doctors can’t cure it permanently unless conditions like arthritis cause it. If one can control that automatically, it would reflect in the reduced dryness of the eyes. But in most cases, it is a recurring problem. In addition, the type of environment, lifestyle, food habits, and type of job causes dryness in the eyes. By modifying lifestyle, one can reduce the effect of eye dryness, but lubricating eye drops prescribed by the doctor are needed regularly. Their frequency may vary, but in most cases, one needs to seek dryness treatment regularly. The second thing is treatment like laser therapy in eyelashes which is especially done for dry eyes. It may help reduce the medicines, but lubricating drops must be used regularly.

Are there any important vitamins to prevent eye dryness?

As far as dryness is concerned, reports suggest a few components’ roles in preventing dry eyes. But there is no concrete evidence. It has been seen that a tear’s lipid component requires omega three fatty acids, which are present in fish oil. Hence patients suffering from acute dryness in the eyes are benefited from taking fish oil capsules. But one must take these supplements under a doctor’s recommendation because long-term intake of fish oil capsules may affect blood cholesterol levels. Vitamins E, A, and C help keep the eye surface healthy. One may include them in their diet after seeking proper consultation from their physician or doctor.

Home remedies to treat dry eyes 

 If you face dry eye symptoms, you can use cold water to clean your eyes. But make sure it is drinking water, not hard or tap water. Splashing drinking water makes eyes feel better symptomatically. The second thing is one needs to take care of the work or home environment. For example, if you are close to the heater and AC and have dryness because of dry air, you must take care of it. As with dry air, eyes start losing moisture resulting in the symptoms of dry eyes.

Another thing is whenever one needs to do any focused work, like if someone is tailor or use a computer, you do reading or writing a lot, then you must take a break for 5 minutes after every 2 hours and close your eyes. Apart from this, you can take an ice pack for 5- 10 minutes, which would help reduce the symptoms. Also, if you are using computers for a longer duration, then, in addition to taking breaks, you may use humidifiers. They are easily available in the market, and they will reduce the symptoms of dry eyes.

Are there any medicines?

There are many medications available that are safe and can be used without a prescription. Among them are artificial tears; various types contain carboxymethyl cellulose, polyethylene glycol, and hypromellose. Eye drops are mainly available in these compounds. But you should consult your doctor first because if you ask over the counter, they might provide you with steroids that have serious side effects and may even cause blindness. Hence one must seek a doctor’s advice before taking these medicines.

For more information, visit our website SimpliHealth and thank you.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Child Care in Winter Season | सर्दियों में बच्चों की देखभाल कैसे करें? | ठंड में बच्चों को कैसे बचाएं? | मेरे बच्चे को हमेशा सर्दी क्यों रहती है? | छोटे बच्चों को एलर्जी हो तो क्या करें?

Child Care in Winter Season | How can I prevent my child from getting a cold in the winter? | How do I keep my baby healthy in the winter? | What is best for a childs cold? | शिशुओं में एलर्जी कैसे विकसित होती है?

Child care in winter season, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol ENT institute and Research Centre discusses how to take care of children during winter. Children are at a vulnerable age. They can have a cold, flu, or cough. 

All age groups are vulnerable to extreme cold, but young children are more susceptible to infection in harsh winters. These children commonly suffer from flu which has symptoms like nose blockage, cold, coughing, sneezing, watering eyes, losing breath, and coughing, especially while asleep. These are very common symptoms. In addition, these children are susceptible to being allergic, and its effect heightens during a cold. Due to this, there is an increase in the number of complications. As a result, these children may develop severe illnesses. 


What are the few things we need to consider this winters for children?

Keep the children well covered and avoid sudden temperature changes like walking from a well-heated room to a non-heater room. These children must eat a nutritious diet and avoid junk food. Those with known allergies; must avoid and keep their children safe. Children who have dust, pollen, etc. allergies must use a mask. Children must avoid crowded places because many have viral infections and are suffering from fevers. These children are more vulnerable and susceptible, so they must avoid crowded places like malls, buses, and transport. The school, however, needs to go. If anyone has a viral infection at home, refrain from them so they don’t catch them. However, the children acquire colds as they don’t listen to their parents, walk or run barefoot, and consider wearing caps or hoodies their enemy. Few are even asthmatics, so one can give antiallergics onset of the season itself. It will keep their symptoms in check. Suppose the children suffer from systemic diseases like juvenile diabetes or infection. In that case, they are more vulnerable, and one must take extra care of them, avoid crowded spaces, and they must take a healthy and nutritious diet. In addition, these types of children must also stay physically active as it enhances immunity. Doctors usually prescribe inhalers for allergic children due to excessive coughing, especially at night. Those who have nasal blockage may opt for steaming. And those who have any other problems like coughing and pain must seek a doctor’s advice. Self-medication is not advisable with children because of their high chances of complications; often, small children who suffer from colds or cough flu might reach their ears.

Winter and ear infection in children.

Often doctors observe children wake up with extreme pain at midnight and visit the doctor for the same. These children generally suffer from the flu that doesn’t heal in 3-4 days but continues for 5-7 days. These children are more susceptible to ear infections, and it becomes necessary to give these children antibiotics. Failure to seek treatment may damage eardrums and cause watery discharge from the ears. Hence it is essential to meet a doctor or visit a hospital for treatment. All this discharge and perforation of the eardrums are curable as soon as the medicine starts working. Pneumonia is a very common condition in children. If colds and flu are not accurately treated among children, they develop pneumonia, high-grade fever, and further complications.

To conclude, those children who are susceptible and vulnerable must seek a doctor’s advice if any winter symptoms appear.

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Otrivin Nasal Spray | बंद नाक खोलने का spray नुकसान व फायदे? | Otrivin क्या काम करता है? | otrivin के दुष्प्रभाव क्या है? | मैं otrivin कितनी बार ले सकता हूं? | क्या otrivin को रोजाना इस्तेमाल करना सुरक्षित है?

Otrivin Nasal Spray Side effects | नेसल स्प्रे का साइड इफेक्ट्स? | वयस्कों के लिए कौन सा नाक स्प्रे सबसे अच्छा है? | बंद नाक के लिए कौन सा नेज़ल स्प्रे अच्छा है? | ऑट्रिविन नेजल ड्राप की जानकारी?

Otrivin nasal spray, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, from Abrol Institute and Research Centre, Chandigarh talks about the side effects of nasal spray (Otrivin) and the harm its overuse can cause.

Winters come with headaches, flu, colds, and viral illnesses. People frequently self-medicate by using nasal sprays and over-the-counter medications. The doctor provided us with some fundamental facts on nasal sprays today.

Otrivin nasal spray is the most widely used nasal spray for colds. It is not as safe, though. Although it provides immediate comfort, one should limit how frequently One uses it. One must use a maximum of 1–2 drops twice daily in the morning and evening. The nostrils stay open for the full duration of its 12-hour action. But because of their excessive usage and fast relief, it becomes an addiction. ENT surgeons advise limiting their use to not longer than 4-5 days.

Effects of Otrivin over use

One of the side effects of Otrivin is it is very addictive; frequently, patients become dependent on these sprays and take them continuously for months. However, frequent use harms the nose permanently. It can significantly worsen nose problems like bleeding and dryness. In addition, long-term use could result in hypertension. Many individuals have had elevated blood pressure, palpitations, and irregular heartbeats. Overall, the abuse of otrivin has resulted in such systemic problems. Therefore, one must use Otrivin extremely cautiously under self-medication. It is advisable to use it only in an emergency. Other safe nasal sprays, like antiallergic sprays with corticosteroids, are available over the counter. These sprays are suitable for prolonged use. It is advantageous and eventually heals inflammation in the nose. It helps in reversing the inflammation of the nose. The nose also feels better. Therefore, it is best to use a steroid, antihistamine, or a mixture of the two. 

Bottom line:

In the end, the doctor wants to conclude that the prolonged use of Otrivin nasal spray or drops is not safe. One should use it within 3- 4 days. Don’t use it more than twice a day.

Watch the full video to learn more about nasal spray side effects.

Batth Dental Clinic Panchkula Dentology

How to Cure Bad Breath Permanently | मुंह की बदबू का कारण? | मुंह की दुर्गंध को हमेशा के लिए खत्म कैसे करें? | मुंह से बास आने का क्या कारण है? | सांसों में बदबू क्यों आती है?

How to Cure Bad Breath Permanently | How to prevent bad breath? | ब्रश करने के बाद भी मुंह से बदबू आए तो क्या करें? | सांसों की बदबू के लिए क्या करें? | मुंह में बदबू आने के कारण और उपाय

How to cure bad breath permanently, In this video, Dr. Jaspreet Batth has shared a few tips to prevent bad breath and to maintain oral health. 

Brushing, as we all know, is the best way to maintain oral health. But many of us don’t know or realise the timing of brushing. The best time to brush is night before going to bed and after having breakfast, in the morning. Is brushing alone the only way, or can we do something else? Well, one must use dental floss, which is one way to reach where the brush won’t reach. In addition it also helps in pulling out the food particles present between the teeth.

How to prevent bad breath and maintain oral health?

Is there only floss that works, or is there anything better? Yes, there is something called a water pick or water floss. A fine jet of water, when it switches between the teeth. It helps in pulling out food particeles adhere between the teeth. In addition, it helps us reduce bad breath. One of the very good ways is to chew on sugar-free gum like an orbit. If chewed between meals, it increases the saliva, and has a flushing action. It reduces the amount of bacteria and keeps checks on the microflora. Hence the bad breath is in check. It is also important to visit your dentist every 6-8 months to improve overall dental health. The dental health professional will help in getting rid of piles of plaque or tartar, which will again enhance breath and oral health. Now which is the food that allows us to check our breadth. Any food,like apples, and pears which when we chew once, get rid of and rub against our teeth in a cleaner, healthier and happier way. And what are we must avoid?

Any refined sticky food has the potential to get stuck in teeth and further produce acid and will cause foul breath. Hence one must avoid them. If you have them after a meal or mini-meal, then make sure to rinse the mouth with water, at least. Your water intake is important; not the amount of water you intake in a day but the interval of water you have spaced between every hour or hour and a half, whether you are thirsty or not, is very important. These things will help us reduce bad breath and improve our overall dental health.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Refractive Errors of Eye & Treatment | आंखों अपवर्तन दोष क्या है?, कारण लक्षण व उपचार? | What are four major types of refractive errors of the eye? | What is the most common refractive error?

Refractive Errors of Eye | What are different types of refractive error? | How is it corrected? | How serious is a refraction error?

 In this video, Dr. Rajeev Mirchia talks about the different types of refractive error (Refractive Errors of Eye) and it’s corrective surgery. 

What is a refractive error? | Refractive Errors of Eye

This condition is a refractive error when the person cannot see clearly without glasses and can see clearly with glasses. By Refractive error, we mean when there is some deficiency by virtue of which he is not clear with his distance, near, or intermediate vision. And once we correct that with glasses or artificial classes on top, he starts seeing clearly. 

Types of Refractive errors


Refractive errors are of different types, and out of all, the most prominent is myopia. By myopic, we mean that a patient is short-sighted. He can see near-sighted objects clearly but has an unclear distanced vision, or he cannot see things clearly that are far. 

Hyperopia | Refractive Errors of Eye

In hyperopia, patients are usually deficient in both distance and near vision. 


And the third error is Astigmatism. In Astigmatism, either the eyes or the cornea are not global. One axis is bigger than the other, and to compensate for the axis, one needs a small astigmatic number. 


The fourth thing is Presbyopia, when the patient has unclear vision or nearsightedness after age 40. So, various things are required, and one can rectify all of these things. 

The symptoms of refractive errors are unclear vision. To diagnose or if the person feels he has unclear vision, he should visit an ophthalmologist to get a vision check and see if he has any refractive errors. 

How to correct a refractive error? 

All the refractive errors can usually be rectified with proper classes at the appropriate time. 


Children often have myopic errors, but they do not complain or come to know till they go to school or teachers come back and inform the parents that their children can’t copy down from broad. So proper examination is a must. 

In myopic patients, the image so formed is focused in front of the retina rather than on the retina, which is a seeing portion of the eye. And for that reason, we need to give the patient minus glasses. 

By virtue of it, the image shift from front to either back or onto the retina, and the patient starts seeing clearly. 


In hyperopia, either the eyeball is small, and for that, they require a plus number to start seeing things.


In Astigmatism, it can be minus or plus on one axis, as on the other axis, it is usually normal. And they don’t require glasses, so the patient is either myopic or hyper with astigmatism myopic vision. 


So there are different types of combinations. And the last of all is Presbyopia, a normal aging process for all of us. And by the time you reach 40, you all require glasses. 

When do you need corrective glasses? 

If you are trying to stretch your arm to read, it indicates that you need a small number. The number usually starts with .5 diopters, which may increase to 2-3 diopters by the time you grow to 60 years of age from 40. 

It is a relatively easy and fixed rule that everyone will start at 40. Someone may begin at 42 or 45; it is an individual variation, but everyone will require glasses for near work after age 40. And usually, the number increases to 2.5 to 3 diopters by the time you reach 60-65. Unless you have a myopic number or any other number, usually this is the criteria they would start by 40 -45. 

All the refractive errors can be taken care of with the help of proper examination and glasses., There are various methods To get rid of refractive errors. As I said, the first simple way is to get artificial spectacles. The second is by the time the child is 18-17 years of age, the number and the growth are stable; you can think of getting a refractive error corrected by laser technology. 

Modern Surgeries to get rid of glasses 

There are different techniques today; they are very sophisticated, competent, and pain-free. It will not take more than 2-7 minutes, and the patient gets rid of glasses with either LASIK or a laser-like SMILE, a very advanced procedure. 

A healthy diet with lots of vitamin A and other substances like green leafy vegetables does help in the growth of the child and helps in check of their numbers. 

Thank you.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Mouth Cancer Treatment & Symptoms | मुंह का कैंसर कैसे ठीक हो सकता है? | क्या मुंह के कैंसर का इलाज संभव है? | गुटखा खाने से मुंह में क्या होता है? | कैंसर के चेतावनी के संकेत?

Mouth Cancer Treatment | Early Symptoms of Mouth Cancer | मुंह का कैंसर होने का मुख्य कारण क्या है? | मुंह के कैंसर की रोकथाम कैसे करें? | ओरल कैंसर टेस्ट? | मुंह के कैंसर का जल्दी पता कैसे लगाएं?

Mouth cancer treatment, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre discusses mouth cancer. 

Mouth cancer  is a severe and life-threatening disease. It usually effects young and middle age groups. The most crucial cause of mouth cancer is smoking, chewing tobacco, or pan masala. On various platforms, the side effects of tobacco and chewing gum are advertised. Consumption of tobacco or smoke for a longer duration tends to cause ulcer formation inside the mouth, and in the cheeks, especially in gums where teeth attach themselves. Gum slowly turns into ulcers that don’t heal. They eventually become nonhealing ulcers. As a result, these ulcers turn into mouth cancer. 

Signs and symptoms of mouth cancer

Treating mouth cancer is very difficult, and sometimes doctors must cut mouthparts. And when they join, their faces appear a little different. There is a high risk of recurrent infection. Hence if someone is consuming tobacco and has ulcers that are not healing with time then most likely it can be mouth cancer. Mouth ulcers may take a longer time to heal like  10-15 days or sometimes even 30 days. One is having problems with water, spices, or masala. Then you must seek a doctor’s advice. In addition, bleeding or splashing of blood in spit with severe pain in teeth or cheeks are a few common indications of cancer. If one tooth is moving without any reason or there is a formation of wounds or bleeding in the teeth, then one must seek a doctor for advice. If cancer develops, and one is  unaware of it, or not seeking treatment, it increases in size and eventually leads to other problems. 

Treatment of mouth cancer

Treatment of mouth cancer is very difficult because of its spread. In severe cases, one might need a replacement of a new cheek or jaw, which is a lengthy procedure. The patient may get disabled, change in voice, change in food habits, and have difficulty chewing. Ultimately life is modified by a lot of very means. One needs to be vigilant and cautious of any non healing ulcer in the mouth or anywhere, If they are not healing with the routine medicines; then you must seek a doctor’s advice. For examination, the doctor may take a small piece from the ulcer, and plans further treatment. If you have problems, stop consuming tobacco and pan masala and quit smoking. 

The third thing is that pan masala is harmful to health. One must stop having it. Prevention is better than cure. And if you will not take them, they won’t cause such problems. Next, not all doctors have cancer treatment. One needs to visit a cancer hospital and a cancer doctor. Because for Cancer treatment one needs a team of doctors like oncologists and radiologists available at Cancer hospitals only.

Always clear your doubts from the doctor.One must understand that life changes after cancer diagnosis. Life can be shorter, and change would occur. You must avoid consuming tobacco, pan masala and other related products. Even cigarette packets have a warning, and every platform, like tv and newspaper, about the signs. Mouth cancer is life-threatening and is challenging to treat. To care for yourself and your family, you must stop consuming cancer-causing agents. And if you develop mouth cancer, don’t take it to the last stage; seek treatment in whatever way possible. 

To know more, watch the full video and visit our SimpliHealth website for more information.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Retinal Detachment Symptoms, Causes & Treatment | रेटिना खराब होने के लक्षण? | क्या रेटिना का इलाज संभव है? | रेटिना डैमेज होने का क्या कारण है? | रेटिना की जांच कैसे की जाती है?

Retinal Detachment Symptoms | नजर कमजोर होने के क्या लक्षण है? | मुझे धुंधला क्यों दिख रहा है? | एक आंख से धुंधला दिखाई दे तो क्या करें? | रेटिना डिटेचमेंट सर्जरी?

Retinal detachment symptoms, In this video, Dr. Rajeev Mirchia talks about the causes and retinal detachment surgery. He also states रेटिना खराब होने के लक्षण. 

Retinal Detachment Causes 

It causes sudden vision loss. Normally detachments occur due to high biopic or myopic patients with a minus number of lenses or one with a big eye size more likely. Normally the chances of detachment are 1 in 10,000 population. And if it is seen in one eye and or it is there is a family, then there are chances of detachment of 1 in 10,000. 

Symptoms of Retinal Detachment रेटिना खराब होने के लक्षण

If you are looking in front, you may observe that you see through a muslin cloth, and secondly, you may see less from one side, or it starts appearing greyish from either side. So these are common symptoms, and you need to seek an ophthalmologist immediately. 

How is retinal detachment treated? 

During the initial stages, much of the treatment can occur by simple procedures like LASER treatment. And in addition, if we insert some gas with a laser, gas will also do its part in healing the retinal detachment. 

Otherwise, one needs surgery when the patient has developed holes in the retina or the later stages, or there is loss of vision to some extent. It’s surgery is very sophisticated; there is no need to worry until and unless you get treated by the doctor at the right time.

Types of Retinal Detachment | Retinal Detachment Symptoms

The detachment can be of two or three types. There are rhegmatogenous, tractional, and exudative. In this, we have, but the problem is when the retina gets weak, and there is a formation of holes in the retina or water is filled up, resulting in retinal detachment. 

Then to restore vision accurately, one needs to repair the detachment as early as possible. Lesser the time from it to reattachment of the retina, the better would be the results. 

How to Prevent Retinal Detachment?

To prevent retinal detachment, regular eye checkup is very important, and it is also essential that one spreads the eye pupil and examine the retina properly. It will ensure that there is no damage inside the eye. 

After proper examination, doctors may tell about weak areas in the retina, which may put the retina at risk of detachment, then doctors advise them for LASER treatment. And one shouldn’t ignore or avoid the suggestion. 

Never think that LASER can cause problems to the eye. Rather, this is a procedure that can save you from worse outcomes. LASER is just simple light that comes from a machine, and without even touching the eye, it works like a welding machine. It helps strengthen the weak areas, and it prevents this from those areas. 

So please stay healthy and go for regular eye checkups. And stay tension free.

Batth Dental Clinic Panchkula Dentology

Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief and Treatment | Third Molar Teeth | अकल दाढ़ दर्द करे तो क्या करना चाहिए? | अकल दाढ़ कितनी उम्र में निकलती है? |

Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief and Treatment | अक्ल दाढ़ का दर्द कब तक रहता है | अक्ल दाढ़ के लक्षण?

In this video, Dr. Jaspreet Batth at Dr. Batth’s Dental & Cosmetic practices discusses the causes of wisdom tooth pain and how to get pain relief. 

Wisdom molar eruption time varies from the age of 20, and it may keep trying to erupt until 25. Wisdom tooth molars can cause intense, unbearable pain and discomfort, ranging from pain radiating to the head or neck area. It may reach to ear and can also bother the adjacent teeth. Considering these molar teeth to keep inside the mouth under these circumstances is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to remove it for pain relief and especially if it is causing problems with adjacent teeth or insufficient space to erupt properly. If it partially erupts, and there is not enough space available, it would cause discomfort to the patient by either pushing the adjacent teeth or bone. 

Sometimes the space for the molar tooth is present, but the tooth itself is not current, and vice versa. The most likely explanation for this condition is the tooth is lying buried and pushing the roots of the neighbouring tooth. By pushing the bone, pain radiates to the adjacent tooth. This pain is unbearable to the patient. So all this pain becomes intolerable to the patient. Therefore, it is mandatory to remove pain-causing wisdom molar teeth permanently.

Wisdom tooth removal

The dentist gives a small incision to the gums, reflecting the gums to expose the molar. When the tooth is visible, doctors divide it into two halves and remove them separately. By doing this, the patient faces the least amount of discomfort and trauma, increasing the success rate of this surgery. Once the doctors get rid of that molar, the wound begins to heal. Next, a dentist surgeon gives stitches or sutures to the injury for better and proper healing. This process hastens the recovery. 

In a few days, the gums will completely heal and appear normal. This wisdom tooth removal relieves the patient from all types of discomfort, exposing a threat at all times. The earlier is better than waiting for the wisdom molar to cause excruciating pain to the patient if the problem has been identified or acknowledged. It is better to get rid of the wisdom tooth earlier rather than wait for the wisdom to bother the patient with unbearable pain. That is how we relieve the pain and comfort the patient by removing the offending wisdom molar.

To know more, watch the full video and visit SimpliHealth for more information.

Faith Diagnostic Centre Chandigarh Psychiatry

How to Stop Overthinking? | How to Overcome Overthinking? | ओवरथिंकिंग कैसे खत्म करें? | मन में बार बार आने वाले सोच को कैसे हटाये? | ज्यादा सोचने की आदत को कैसे दूर करें? | कैसे अधिक सोचना बंद करें और आराम करें?

How to Stop Overthinking? | How to Overcome Overthinking? | सोचना बंद कैसे करें? | दिमाग में फालतू विचार क्यों आते हैं? | ओवरथिंकिंग के नुकसान? | सोचने की बीमारी का इलाज?

In this video, Ms.Anjali Gulati, a Psychologist from Faith Hospital, Chandigarh, discusses ways to stop overthinking. 

How to Stop Overthinking? How to Overcome Overthinking?, Much medical science has come up with psycho-socio, biosocial factors, and even genetic factors that cause overthinking. So what are the chemical and physical factors? In medical terminology, some chemical factors are neurotransmitters in the body or brain. So when the concentration of the neurotransmitters reduces, or the level of neurotransmitters lessens, some imbalance occurs. This imbalance makes the person more vulnerable to thinking about negative things. And eventually, they keep overthinking. One of those neurotransmitters is a serotonin and with a similar spectrum is norepinephrine.

How upbringing causes overthinking in children?

Another factor is the body’s sympathetic nervous system. Studies indicate that the overdrive of the sympathetic nervous system increases anxiety. And with the increase in anxiety, there is an increase in negative thoughts and emotional weakness. Then there are social factors. Often, the upbringing of the child affects their mental balance. Most of the time, parents raise their kids in a very protective environment. Parents want the best for their children and don’t want to expose them to negativity. In this way, the parents are not telling their children about the obvious dangers of life. Obvious things that they should learn or experience, and learn to become resilient for it. But after they enter the world, it seems more dangerous to them. So when they go out, over-protective children will always be anxious.

What is consequential thinking ?

They get into consequential thinking. A lot of time, one becomes very calculative and believes that one thing would result in another. So because of this, exposure to obvious regular stimuli reduces. In the cognitive theory of overthinking, one overestimates the dangerous situation. If a small concern exists, you will create many scenarios and make it this big. So you overestimate the intensity and can’t estimate the situation’s calculative sense. 

How to stop overthinking?

The best approach that people have found is medicine and therapy. First, try to notice and acknowledge that you are an overthinker and that you have understood that there is science and ways you react far from the ordinary. Next is labelling it. I am overthinking because of this and because I am afraid of that. Because you are now giving yourself a reason for overthinking makes sense. The second is to be able to redirect yourself in the direction of healthy thinking. The third thing is to schedule your time for overthinking. Call for every scenario and whatever my mind can go through; cross the limit of overthinking, and when the alarm is off, you stop and get back to work. So what you are doing in this is redirecting yourself that this much time you will spend on overthinking. Now I am done.

Ways to cope with overthinking

The next thing is to shift from the negative to the present moment. You know the core of overthinking is negativity. What you can do in this situation comes to the present moment. Now negativity is where you are going, then come to the present moment. Focus on what you are doing now, about the good things happening around you. By doing this, your overthinking will disconnect. The next point is to go from fuzzy thinking to a more detailed review. You are defining your anxiety in a more generalized and vague form.

The last is thinking of two types, anxiety, deep thinking, and remuneration; people seek two types of approaches: problem-oriented or solution oriented. Overthinking would compel you to think of a problem to the extreme and why it is. What is happening, when it will happen etc. Here is what you are doing: stick to the problem, but a solution-oriented approach will give you a jump start. It will disconnect you from the situation; okay, now this is the problem; what can we do as a solution? You can talk to a person, speak to a professional, or take medicine; this will shift you from a problem-based approach to a solution-based process and help your brain work smartly, and the work can happen more healthily. 

To know more, watch the full video and visit our SimpliHealth website for more information.

Faith Diagnostic Centre Chandigarh Psychiatry

Overthinking Symptoms & Effects on Body | ओवरथिंकिंग के लक्षण? | ज्यादा सोचने से कौन सी बीमारी होती है? | ओवरथिंकिंग करने से क्या होता है? | ज्यादा टेंशन लेने से क्या होता है?

Overthinking Symptoms | What happens to your body when you overthink? | दिमाग में बार-बार एक ही विचार आना? | ज्यादा सोचने कैसे बंद करें? | मानसिक बीमारी के 5 लक्षण क्या हैं?

In this video,  Ms. Anjali Gulati, Psychology at Faith Hospital Chandigarh discusses overthinking.

Overthinking Symptoms, Doctors diagnose overthinking as Generalised anxiety disorder or GAD. Most of the time, the person who overthinks is being told by other people that it is his nature; overthinking is part of their personality.

Overthinking disorder’s main ingredient or condition, what we call medically, is pathological worry. If we try to understand pathological worry from a doctor’s point of view, doctors mean getting anxious about something, and pathologic implies something abnormal. If the normal person is overthinking then he would do it in a situation-specific way.

For example, he may think there is a test which might fail. But after that, they counteract thinking and say no, I will study more. I will prepare and pass the test. Overthinking in diagnosis is something that is away from normal or ordinary. Many people come with this concern that their mind never stops thinking. One thing leads to another, and another thing to another. And in this way they build a bridge of thoughts and emotions that leads to negativity. The second ingredient of overthinking disorder is recurring thoughts that direct towards negativity.

Negativity and overthinking are future-oriented. For example, let’s say that one is going for a job interview. If someone is overthinking to the core, he would think that if I go to the interview, there would be many people, I would not be able to compete. Also he may think somebody would be better than me, my body language would be poor, and I would fail terribly in the interview. 

What are they doing? 

They are cooking scenarios in their head that have not happened yet. And there is no guarantee that things will happen according to their thoughts. And everything goes to the extreme, and that is another ingredient of overthinking, which is extreme worry. So most of the time, GAD or overthinking, which we use as synonyms. 

Symptoms of overthinking

What are the common symptoms of overthinking? First, it is difficult for them to relax physically. People would say that they are never tension free, their body seems stiff, and they are always tired and lethargic. Also, they complain about not being able to concentrate properly. They will start with one thing and start worrying about a situation that will happen ten days later or in the near future. 

They can’t concentrate and focus over things properly. Another common symptom is muscle tension. This is also something that overthinking thinkers will experience at some point. They feel tired, exhausted, agitated, and irritated in their own body. They will complain about severe headaches and neck pain or knee pain. Hence, body pain complaints are very common in overthinkers. Next, sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbance, lack of sleep, or poor sleep is core to the overthinkers. They wont able to sleep even when they get in bed in time and but wake up tired with inadequate sleep. Overthinkers tend to daydream alot.

To conclude, symptomology and signs occur excessively and with persistence. And most of the time, it is unreasonable.

If someone catches you and asks why you’re taking so much tension, there is no need to overthink that. You will know. There is, logically and rationally, no reason for me to overthink. But it is difficult for you to stop. That is when you think it requires medical attention. It is when you feel you are; you should need attention. And another last important thing is that it interferes with your daily life. It also interferes with your social life, health, work, and routine.

To know more about how to overcome overthinking, watch the full video and visit SimpliHealth for more information.

Gynecology Sekhon Nursing Home

Folic Acid Tablets Before Pregnancy | फोलिक एसिड का प्रयोग प्रेगनेंसी में? | क्या गर्भावस्था से पहले फोलिक एसिड लेने से मदद मिलती है? | फोलिक एसिड लेने के कितने समय बाद मैं गर्भवती हो जाऊंगी?

Folic Acid Tablets Before Pregnancy | गर्भवती होने से पहले आपको फोलिक एसिड क्यों लेना चाहिए? | फोलिक एसिड की टेबलेट क्या काम करती है? | फोलिक एसिड प्रेगनेंसी में कैसे मदद करता है? | फोलिक एसिड कब खाते हैं?

Folic Acid Tablets Before Pregnancy, In this video, Dr. Priyanka Sharma, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Sekhon Nursing Home: The Birth House discusses the importance of folic acid tablets during pregnancy and during preconception period. 

Folic acid is a type of vitamin B12. It is a vitamin B9, and it is also called folate. The folic acid requirement is very important during pregnancy because it plays a major role in the development of the baby’s brain. Those mothers who have deficient Folic acid, their children are likely to have impairment in brain development.

And it also leads to the formation of a few other diseases more commonly known neural tube defects or NTDs. The formation of the brain in the foetus is the first part of development. It starts developing during the first 28 days. Sometimes the females are unaware of their pregnancy condition, and if they are Folate deficient during that period, their baby will suffer from neural tube diseases.

Why do we need to start folic acid tablets before pregnancy ?

Hence females must start taking folic acid tablets before pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects. The preconception period is before conception or pregnancy. Hence, doctors always advise females who are trying to conceive that they must take the appropriate folic acid  dose during pregnancy. The recommended dose is 5 mg daily, a single dose of at least three months before pregnancy. The mother must have the required folate levels, so the baby does not suffer from any neural tube defects. 

What folic acid enriched foods? |

The most common folate-rich foods include dark green leafy vegetables like Spinach. These are healthy in the concentration of Folic acid. Also, pulses and peas are Folate rich. In addition, non-vegetarians have very good options for folate rich sources. Nonvegetarian diets like eggs and meat contain a high concentration of folate. So diet and folic acid are important for preconception. So do consider it as important as your meals.  To know more, watch the full video and visit our website SimpliHealth for more information.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

How to Help a Child With Seasonal Allergies Naturally? | बच्चों की एलर्जी से कैसे छुटकारा पाएं? | मौसम की एलर्जी होने पर क्या करें?

How to Help a Child With Seasonal Allergies Naturally? | बच्चों को त्वचा की एलर्जी क्यों होती है? | एलर्जी को जड़ से खत्म करने के लिए क्या करें?

How to help a child with seasonal allergies naturally, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol  from Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre has shared a few common reasons for allergies in kids and what we can do to protect our children against these allergies.

Allergies in kids are very common. There has been a drastic increase in the incidence of allergies in children. Children show symptoms of runny nose, nose blockage, and coughing, especially more at night, for months. Doctors call this condition a childhood allergy. It occurs mainly due to dust, pollen, food products, cat hairs or pet hairs, and old cotton clothes. The toddlers have a constant runny nose that doesn’t heal. Many things can trigger these reactions among children. 

It is very common for children to develop allergies, especially seasonal ones. Children need long-term treatment for such allergies. Also, due to the increase in pollution, children are on the verge of having asthma, especially school-going children. Since nose and ear allergies reach the chest, they may develop bronchitis. They get coughing while running or walking. Since bronchitis is seasonal, but children may develop allergies annually, they are more prone to developing asthma. 

Treatment for allergies in kids 

In these cases, Doctors recommend early treatment and seek the cause of the allergy. There are various tests available that can help in determining the allergens. One must take them to find the culprit. Parents and children need to be cautious and avoid trouble-causing allergies. It is one way to reduce the risk of asthma among children. These allergies cause runny noses, white discharge among children, itchy eyes, and coughing. In addition, often, children who have allergies have enlarged adenoids. An adenoid is a mass between the nose and throat, enlarging with allergies. Children with adenoids show symptoms like snoring, mouth breathers, and nose blockage. These allergies require long-term anti-allergic treatment. Few may need steroids. Hence one should never ignore allergies in children as they might develop the risk of asthma. This chronic asthma allergy needs long-term treatment and constant doctor advice. To avoid such conditions, one must recognize and diagnose them as the earliest. One must avoid allergens that are causing allergies. 

Children must avoid junk food as much as possible. Children need to have a  good, nutritious diet to develop immunity. Children’s caretakers must stay alert if the children show any allergic symptoms. Then they must find the causative reason behind it and the food allergens, if any. Most of these children develop ear problems; they have sticky discharge and perforated ear drums. They may have reduced hearing ability and a persistent cough and tonsil infection. Hence they require proper treatment on the doctor’s advice to prevent its severe effects. To know more, watch the full video. Then, visit the SimpliHealth website for more information.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Blocked Nose at Night | बच्चों में रात में बंद नाक को कैसे खोलें? पूर्ण उपचार | सोते समय मेरी नाक क्यों भरी जाती है? | सिर्फ एक नाक क्यों बंद हो जाता है?

Blocked Nose at Night | Causes & Treatment | बच्चों में नाक बंद होने का कारण? | बिना जुकाम नाक बंद होना? | बंद नाक खोलने का आसान तरीका? 

In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol  from Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre discusses some common reasons for blocked nose at night. 

Blocked nose at night, Patients, especially adults, often complain about blocked nose at night when lying down. This condition is postural nose blockage. It mostly occurs at night. And it is more likely to occur in adults with allergic reactions. Obesity can also lead to a stuffy nose. In addition, if the adult is on anti-hypertensive or blood pressure medicines, then when they lie down, there is swelling in the nose tissue, causing a blockage. Upon examination, the ENT doctor can see a few things, like deviated nasal septum or enlarged turbinates. Most of the time, the turbinates and tissues around the nasal bone enlarge. These are like balloon tissues, one on each side, swell up when the patient lies down. It mostly occurs as a response to allergies. Most of these patients have dust mites allergies. Hence they observe blocked nose at night. These patients may show symptoms like watery discharge and sneezing, but most complain only about nose blockage. Chronic smokers may have developed postural nose blockage.

Treatment of blocked nose at night | Blocked Nose at Night

Doctors can diagnose these patients with an examination. Otherwise, if we cannot diagnose properly, we can do CT-Scan. These patients must go for sinus CT. In this, we can visualize the turbinates enlargement and analyze whether they have sinusitis or have deviated nasal septum. These patients need to breathe from their noses because these patients can have sleep apnea as a complication. To open nose blockage in these patients, we might prescribe medicines, especially anti-allergic, nasal spray, and topical decongestant drops, for a short period. Most of the patients improve by taking these treatments. However, if there is no sign of improvement, then most likely, these patients have chronic allergies. Chronic allergies may linger for many years. Hence it can’t be improved by medicine. Therefore in these cases, we do a surgical intervention and reduce turbinates with a Laser. If there is deviated nasal septum, then we do a procedure to straighten the nasal bone to restore the breathing passage. Eventually, their postural nose blockage relives at night. Anti-allergics play a very important role in these patients. So these patients heal after taking long-term anti-allergic.

To know more, watch the full video and visit SimpliHealth for more information.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Early Stage Diabetes Eyes Symptoms | Diabetic Retinopathy(डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी)| क्या शुगर से आंखों की रोशनी कम हो जाती है? | रेटिनोपैथी का इलाज क्या है?

Early Stage Diabetes Eyes Symptoms | Diabetic Retinopathy | मुझे धुंधला क्यों दिख रहा है? | क्या डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी अंधापन का कारण बन सकती है? |

Early stage diabetes eyes symptoms, In this video, Dr. Parveen Sen, Retina Surgeon working at Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic- A unit of Agarwal’s Eye hospitals based in Chandigarh shares about the effect of diabetic retinopathy  on the eye. 

The incidence of diabetes is increasing at a much faster rate. Almost 10% of the population has a condition of diabetes. And once a person has diabetes, it gets complex with time. As you all know, diabetes affects in two ways: either the body is not able to produce insulin, or the body is unable to synthesise insulin. As we all know, what we eat is processed in the form of the simple sugars glucose that the cell absorbs for nutrition and functioning. So during diabetes, when insulin production by the body is less, ample nutrition is unavailable to the cells. As a result, the body weakens, and blood sugar levels rise. It is the most crucial feature in diabetic patients. Evidently, their sugar levels are very high. These high blood sugar levels may pose a severe risk to body organs like the heart, kidney, and other parts. In addition, high blood sugar can pose a serious threat to the eyes. 

Diabetic Retinopathy | Early Stage Diabetes Eyes Symptoms

The blood vessels that supply blood to the eyes are very thin and delicate. High blood sugar levels damage, and weaken these blood vessels. Due to blockage in the vessels, the blood vessels start leaking due to retina damage. Also, the retina has a direct channel with the brain. Since the retina is not having enough blood supply, retinal swelling leading to vision loss. As a result, the body develops its protective mechanism against this condition. They start producing new blood vessels to compensate for the damaged blood vessels. These new blood vessels are more acceptable and delicate and often rupture. Due to rupturing, the eyes get pooled up with blood. So on one side, the retina is swelling because of poor nutrition and insufficient blood supply; on the other, new vessels are rupturing, causing bleeding in the eyes.

Symptoms of Diabetic retinopathy

The most common symptom of diabetic retinopathy is the patient’s sight becomes hazy. They see floaters. In the adverse condition, it leads to the retinal detachment that causes irreversible blindness. Hence, it is essential to consult a retina specialist as soon as one has a diagnosis of diabetes. Also, one must follow a routine eye-check up almost once in three or four months. And if the doctor says that you need to test frequently, you must take their advice seriously. One can prevent the adverse effects of diabetes by routine eye-check up.

To know more, visit our SimpliHealth website.