Endometrial thickness in periods and pregnancy | What is Endometrium?| Normal Endometrial Thickness for Pregnancy | Endometrial Thickness Chart | Thin Uterine Lining Symptoms | How to Increase Endometrial Thickness in 2 Days? | Pregnancy के लिए Endometrial Thickness कितनी होनी चाहीए ?
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Dr. Heena Chawla
Dr. Heena Chawla
Endometrial thickness in periods and pregnancy | What is Endometrium?| Normal Endometrial Thickness for Pregnancy | Endometrial Thickness Chart | Thin Uterine Lining Symptoms | How to Increase Endometrial Thickness in 2 Days? | Pregnancy के लिए Endometrial Thickness कितनी होनी चाहीए ?
Endometrial Thickness for Pregnancy, In this video, Dr. Heena Chawla, Consultant Gynaecologist at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Hospital Chandigarh discusses about endometrial thickness and its role in sustaining pregnancy.
The endometrium is the innermost layer of the uterus. Its thickness may vary according to the age or status of periods if they are coming or not. Females in which periods are coming, or start coming, the thickness of the endometrium is 2-4mm. Then after the end of the periods during 4 -7 days, the thickness of the endometrium increases to 5-7mm. During 11-14 days, the endometrium thickness rises to 11mm. Following 14 days, the next half of the menstrual cycle or luteal phase, the endometrium thickness increases to 13-14mm. For females who are not having periods, with no or less hormonal stimulation, periods stop coming, and then the normal thickness of the endometrium is 4-5mm.
How endometrial thickness helps in sustaining the pregnancy ?
The normal thickness of the endometrium, its receptiveness, proper blood flow, and proper nourishment are very important. Usually, the 7-8 mm endometrial thickness is perfect for pregnancy. If it’s much more than that, then it is better. Otherwise, 7-8mm of thickness is optimum for pregnancy. Now patients have thin endometrium thickness. Thin lined endometrium is most common in the ultrasound reports. Thin-lined endometrial thickness might lead to many problems like abnormal bleeding patterns, less bleeding during periods or painful periods, or difficulty in conceiving. Sometimes the patient is asymptomatic, and Doctors diagnose less endometrial thickness during an ultrasound. There can be various things associated with it. If estrogen levels in the body are less, then the endometrial thickness is less. If the uterus blood flow is improper, or the female had D&C or taking 21 days of oral contraceptive pills, or the endometrial tissue is unhealthy. Its nutrition is inappropriate, and infections like tuberculosis or pelvic disease might lead to a thin endometrial lining. If any surgery of the uterus or if the female is on medicine to enhance fertility like Chlormphim, it can also lead to thin-lined endometrium.
What is the treatment ?
For its treatment, the first and foremost thing is diagnosis. Doctors do diagnosis by ultrasound. By ultrasound, doctors follow the growth of the endometrium, its thickness, its development during ovulation, and whether it is corresponding or not. The second thing is doctors do a hysteroscopy. Doctors insert a scope into the uterus and examine the inner lining of the uterus. Often due to the infection, there is the formation of adhesion, or inside the uterus, anterior and posterior walls may have stuck to each other, so doctors remove the adhesions in the same sitting, and then the endometrium starts growing normally. If there is an infection like tuberculosis or pelvic inflammatory diseases, then in these cases, doctors treat according to the condition. For tuberculosis, doctors prescribe treatment. For Pelvic inflammatory disease, doctors insert medicines. If the level of estrogen drops, estrogen tablets help in the treatment.
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