Prostate Cancer: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

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Prostate Cancer: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

In this video, Dr. Vijay Pal Singh, Consultant Urologist at Apollo Clinic, Chandigarh, has given a complete overview of prostate cancer, its signs, and its Symptoms. Also, he has shared information about its treatment.

It usually originates from the periphery or outer part of the gland. Initially, it doesn’t show any symptoms. Its signs are visible only when it has locally advanced or increased. 

Metastasis of Prostate cancer

It can extend its growth to the urinary passage or may reach the rectum. In a few cases, it may get the pelvis side wall. In adverse situations, it may metastasize into bone. One may have back pain or retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis. It may block the ureter and cause swelling in the kidney

How can we detect prostate cancer? 

We do screening if the asymptomatic patients fulfill the following parameters. The patient’s age is above 50 or may also have other problems. PSA or Prostate-specific antigen test. PSA is the most widely used test to suspect prostate cancer in patients. 

What are the other screening methods ?

In addition, doctors perform distal rectal examinations. In this, doctors examine the prostate via rectal for any suspicious growth. Various factors can increase PSA levels, including urinary infection, prostate inflammation, chronic inflammation, tuberculosis, or prostate cancer. So a high PSA level doesn’t always indicate prostate cancer. Hence we doctors consider all things. 

How does the PSA value sign cancer?

After ruling out other possibilities like UTI or prostate inflammation, the doctor analyzes PSA values. If the value of the PSA level is between 4-10, then we do make a suspicion. To further confirm, Doctors may opt for MRI, multi-parametric prostate test, and prostate health index.

How does Biopsy help in diagnosis?

To further confirm the suspicion, the doctor performs a Biopsy. It is usually a translationally guided ultrasound of the abnormal area. Further histopathological studies confirm the presence of prostate cancer and its grading and further tell us its adversity. 

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Various treatment options are available depending upon the patient’s age and cancer grade. Further, whether the cancer is localised to the gland or has advanced further or metastasized distantly affects the treatment choice. There are surgical modalities available for localised cancer, like prostate tactics. 

Other options of treatment:

Doctors prefer hormonal therapy and chemotherapy if cancer has spread further or is locally advanced. If the patient has developed bony metastasis, we must consider bone health. So there are multi modalities options available for this.

 Bottom line 

It is majorly a condition of aged people. It doesn’t show any early signs and symptoms until it has metastasized to the rectum or causing urinary problems. Doctors confirm the diagnosis by PSA, Biopsy, and prostate health index. however, treatment options are available with a high success rate

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