Nutrition in pregnancy

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  • 6 months from now
Dr. Rachna Abrol

Nutrition in pregnancy 

In this Dr. Rachna Abrol, Consultant obstetrician and Gynaecologist discuss a very common and important topic: Nutrition in Pregnancy. 

Why do we need to take care of nutrition in pregnancy?

During pregnancy, one must follow regular nutritional habits. They must consume fresh fruits and vegetables. They may also include complex carbohydrates.

Hydration in pregnancy

In addition, one must keep the body hydrated with 10-12 glasses of water. Having small, frequent meals helps. Avoid junk food. 

Misconceptions about nutrition in  Pregnancy

One common misconception is that the nutrition requirement is doubled during pregnancy. The mother needs to have nutrition for two lives. There is an increased intake of calories, approximately 300-350 calories. 

What to include in a diet ?

These extra calories must come from excellent and healthy sources.One can have fruits, vegetables, pulses, and protein. Avoid  carbohydrates and fats. 

Nutrition in the First trimester

Let’s begin with nutrition requirements in the first three months. During the developmental stage, there is a baby’s development. 

What do we need in the first three months?

There is a high requirement for folic acid and vitamin B. These are naturally available in dark green vegetables and nuts etc. 

Can we take supplements ?

But that is not enough in the diet. One needs to take supplements of folic acid and vitamin B.

Can we take iron supplements prior ?

Females who are trying to conceive may take these supplements of Vitamin B, Vitamin B12, and folic acid prior.

Why is nutrition important during pregnancy?

Nutrition in pregnancy is important as it aids the baby’s growth and development and ensures that the mother also has no deficiency.

Nutrition in the Second or third trimester

In the second or third trimester, especially from the starting of 4 months, there is an increase in the requirement for calcium, iron, and vitamin D. One can take Calcium from milk and milk products.

Can we take supplements for Calcium ?

But we also take supplements for this as we require 1 gm of Calcium which can only be fulfilled from supplements. 

Iron requirements :

To avoid iron deficiency or anaemia in the baby and mother, we advise taking supplements for iron for optimum baby growth. 

Protein intake :

Also, there is an increase in protein requirement. Non-vegetarians have eggs or chickens, and vegetarians can consume more pulses.

Are protein supplements safe ?

And if we need additional protein requirements, we advise them to take additional protein supplements. 

What to avoid during pregnancy?

So one must avoid smoking and drinking during pregnancy. as it harms both mother and baby. 

Bottom Line:

Nutrition in pregnancy is very essential. It helps in the baby’s growth and mother from any deficiencies.

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