Is Banana Good for Diabetes? | Can Diabetics Eat Bananas? | केले से शुगर बढ़ता है क्या? | डायबिटीज एक दिन में कितने केले खा सकता है? | क्या मैं मधुमेह के साथ केला खा सकता हूं?

  • 3.41K
  • 6 months from now
Dr. Rishi Mangat
General Physicians

Is Banana Good for Diabetes? | Can Diabetics Eat Bananas? | शुगर में केला खा सकते हैं क्या? | शुगर में केला खा सकते हैं क्या? | पके हुए केले को स्नैक्स के तौर पर खा सकता है?

Is banana good for diabetes?, In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Rishi Mangat, a Diabetes Specialist at Apollo Clinic, Chandigarh, is discussing whether the diabetic patient consumes bananas or not and answers questions like ‘Can diabetics eat bananas?’

  • According to my experience, I would tell you that diabetic patients can have bananas. Why? 
  • How much? 

What is Glycemic Index? 

That I will say to you in the following talk. We should consume bananas because it is one such fruit that comes under a low glycemic index. If the glycemic index is less than 55, it comes under low glycemic index fruits. The banana glycemic index is 51 if it is a medium-sized banana. 

  • What are the other benefits of bananas? 
  • Why do diabetic patients or any average person have bananas?


Highly nutritious | Is Banana Good for Diabetes?

It is very high in nutrients. It has vitamin B12, vitamin C, Manganese, Calcium, Potassium, and all these salts that I mentioned above give a lot of benefits. Like if we talk about manganese, it helps in nerves and the production of clotting factors and sex hormones. 

It helps in the synthesis of other tissues as well. 

Potassium | Is Banana Good for Diabetes?

Potassium maintains our fluid balance and aids in muscle contraction. It is a preferred salt; if anyone is hypertensive or diabetic, then we want its content to be a bit higher, which banana provides us. 

How many bananas can we have?

So we can have a banana of 6-7 inches in size, approximately small. And how much depends upon how much physical activity you do. If you have moderately good activity then you can have two times. 

Ideally, I would suggest you consume banana with protein or with unsaturated fats like you can club it with almonds, pasta or walnuts, and greek yoghurt. It would make your stomach complete for longer, you won’t need frequent snacking, and you will have the benefits of the nutrients. 

Hopefully it is clear that banana for diabetes is safe, and you can have a banana.

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