Depression and Dental diseases: Learn oral health hygiene and how to prevent tooth decay.

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Depression and Dental diseases: Learn oral health hygiene and how to prevent tooth decay.

In this video, Dr. Bimadeep Singh, Simplihealth expert and Senior consultant dental at Apollo Clinics, Chandigarh, explains about Depression and Dental diseases. 

These days we see that people are doing stressful work, they do not have any particular time to come home, and when they come home, they come with much stress. Especially during the COVID times, we have seen that most people have become unemployed, and some have stressful jobs. 

How does stress affect our oral hygiene? What is dental anxiety? 

Stress affects their mental health to a great extent. With intense assignments, work pressures, and deadlines, people usually neglect their diet and oral hygiene. And unemployed people are already in the phase of depression. All these situations have now become a significant issue in life. People with such problems come to us with the following presentations.

Due to irregular brushing, I would say again that people who do not regularly brush their teeth can have gums and tooth decay. Often patients come to us with improper oral hygiene, and they do not brush for 2-3 days. However, we advise people to brush their teeth at least three times a day, and these patients do not brush for three consecutive days.

How to prevent bleeding gums and tooth decay? 

Often, patients complain of bleeding gums while brushing and tooth decay along with gums decay. As a dentist, we all have to deal with our oral problems. I want to tell you that dental health is essential; Because it provides a way for food to reach inside the body, which makes us healthy. Therefore, it would be best to give your oral health first and foremost priority. And we should take good care of our dental health. To avoid dental diseases and the decomposition of enamel by germs, we must clean our teeth properly. By taking care of our oral hygiene, we can prevent dental problems like the decay of teeth or gums, bleeding gums, and sensitivity to hot and cold.

And secondly, if we don’t take proper care, it can lead to tooth decay or toothache, for which we will need to visit the dentist again and again. Taking good care of oral hygiene will prevent dental caries. It will further avoid frequent visits to the dentist from complaining of tooth pain. And we may require filing, which will add to the cost.

Bottom line 

I want you to take home the message that the body has no role in whatever job you are doing. If your body is not working correctly, then a job or no job will be useless. So please take care of your oral health along with your job.

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