Laser Eye Surgery: Benefits or Risk, what to expect? | आंखों का लेजर ऑपरेशन कैसे होता है | चश्मा हटाने के लिए आंख ऑपरेशन | लेजर सर्जरी के नुकसान | Lasik Eye Surgery
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- 2 years ago
Dr. Anin Sethi
Dr. Anin Sethi
Laser eye surgery : Benefits and Risks | आंखों का लेजर ऑपरेशन कैसे होता है? | चश्मा हटाने के लिए आंख ऑपरेशन | लेजर सर्जरी के नुकसान | Lasik Eye Surgery
Laser eye surgery, In this video information shared by Dr. Anin Sethi.
What is Laser eye surgery?
It is an operation used to remove spectacles with the help of a Laser.
Is this lasik eye surgery effective?
Yes, it is very much effective. Many types of laser eye surgery are easily available nowadays. In this procedure, doctors alter the shape of the cornea and integrate the power of spectacles into the eye itself. By doing this, the need to wear glasses reduces and reaches almost zero.
Is Laser Eye Surgery Safe?
Regarding safety, it is a very safe procedure, but patient selection is a very important process here. Hence it is the responsibility of the eye specialist to choose the right patient for whom laser eye surgery is safe. For this, the eye doctor performs certain tests on the eyes before Lasik eye Surgery, like Penta cam and Orbscan, which analyses the curvature and thickness of the cornea. After that, an eye specialist analyses after considering the thickness of the cornea, glasses number, and curvature and decides whether the Laser eye Surgery is safe for the patient or not. In 90 -95% of cases, this laser eye surgery is secure, and the eye doctor tests out with the tests and filters the rest 4-5% of cases. It is also seen that in addition to Laser eye surgery, eye doctors need to give other treatments to make Laser eye surgery safer for the patient. Again, this decision depends upon the eye specialist. In broader terms, lasik eye surgery is safe for the eyes.
Is laser eye surgery painful?
It is a common doubt among patients that Eye Surgery is painful. Like every surgery, this also causes pain, but doctors take certain measures like anesthesia so that the patients don’t feel pain. In this procedure, doctors use an injection to sedate the eyes rather than eye drops. As a result, the patient doesn’t feel any sensation. The patient may feel a bit during bandage application, but it is definitely not painful.
How long does the operation take?
It takes only 10-15 seconds per eye. But if you include the process like lying the patient down and preparing for the operation, it may take up to 5- 10 minutes for both eyes.
What are the benefits of Laser Eye surgery?
The benefits of Lasik eye surgery are personal and subjective. One of the major benefits of the surgery is its main purpose, which is to reduce the dependency on the glasses. If the power of spectacles is more than a person is very much dependent on the glasses. The moment they wake up, they seek their glasses; otherwise, it would affect their daily activities. So under these circumstances, eye surgery holds a special significance. The second thing is cosmetic benefits. Often, patients feel low in confidence due to specs or social problems; they don’t want to wear it. Apart from this, certain professions do not allow spectacles, but Laser Eye surgery is permitted. There are certain armed professions like Police branches and commercial pilots. Laser eye surgery is allowed but not the specs. So if one is opting for Laser eye surgery for professional reasons, one must read your prospectus carefully and discuss all the criteria with the doctors, then only decide on Laser Eye surgery. But if you get eligible after seeking surgery, this procedure has additional benefits.
What is the minimum age for laser surgery?
The optimum time is the early 20s. After 18 years, one can opt for Laser eye Surgery provided one has stable eye power. Those with stable eye power from 6 months to 1 year can opt for Laser eye surgery. Those with stable eye numbers often yield good and long-lasting results from Laser Eye surgery, and they are more accurate. If you have an unstable number, you may delay the Laser Eye Surgery. This surgery yields the best results at 18-25 years old. The best part of this is that by this time, the power/number gets stable, and you don’t need to be dependent upon glasses for 10-15 years. Then, after age 40, one needs to wear spectacles due to age-related changes in the eyes. So it is free from glasses for at least 10-15 years.
Often patients ask whether this procedure occurs under anesthesia. This is a small surgery that requires less duration time. Doctors usually sedate the cornea, which needs this treatment with eye drops. Patients are fully conscious throughout the procedure, and doctors need patient cautiousness and cooperation. Also, doctors can’t perform this operation under unconsciousness effectively. The patient is fully awake and conscious throughout the procedure.
For which category of the patient is LASIK most effective?
All the structures of the eye must be normal. Apart from the power of the eye, one shouldn’t have any other eye problems. Suppose the patient has other eye problems like retina problems, weakness or glaucoma or safed motia, swelling, or any other eye problem. In that case, one is eligible for this procedure, but then the eye specialist needs to evaluate the situation and tell whether you qualify for the surgery. But if the person has weak vision due to safed motia, kala motia, or any other retina problem, then a doctor can’t improve the eyesight through Eye Surgery. Under these circumstances, the patient needs to seek appropriate treatment. So one must always consider these points. Apart from this, if the doctors found proper corneal thickness through PETscan and the curvature is also normal, you are eligible for this surgery under these circumstances. But eye specialists can only decide safely and how effective this surgery is.
What are the side effects of Laser Eye surgery?
The most common side effect of this surgery is dryness in the eyes, Though this effect is temporary. Ideally, Laser eye surgery is of two types: LASIK and SMILE surgery. In LASIK surgery, the length of the cut is a bit long. Doctors design the flap of the cornea; there is a possibility that a few nerves present in the cornea that take the sensation to the brain get cut, due to which tear film present over the cornea is affected. The tear secretion in the eyes reduces, causing dryness. A similar procedure is a SMILE: doctors make a small incision, and damages to the corneal nerves are less. In this, we have seen the chances of dryness are comparatively less than LASIK. If you have dryness before the LASIK or laser eye surgery, it may increase after this laser eye surgery. And if you have dryness, you may need to use eye drops as a lubricant for 3-4 months post Laser eye surgery. Dryness is the most common side effect of eye surgery or LASIK, but we prescribe eye drops that must be used post-operative to control dryness.
Another side effect is that it may take time to recover the eyesight post-operation. This is because the brain takes time to adapt. Because the quality of eyesight post-surgery is slightly different compared to eyesight received from eyeglasses. Since doctors are changing eye optics, the brain needs time to adapt to the changes. It may take from 1 month to 45 days. The third thing is patients feel a slight fade in the contrast of the sharpness of the vision. One may recover from this condition, but it may take time of 1 month to 45 days. The fourth thing is that only some patients may have night vision problems. After surgery at night, patients may see scattering heads or street lights, but after some time, the brain adapts, and patients are used to this condition. This problem ceases with time. So these are a few temporary side effects of Eye Surgery that one patient must know before.
Is this Laser eye surgery permanent?
It majorly depends upon which type of age the patient has opted for eye surgery. If you opt for it in your early 20s, you can be sure that its effects will last for at least 10-15 years. After that, there is likely less chance of eyeglasses for near and far-sightedness. It is a 1% chance that post-surgery, one may need eyeglasses for near or farsightedness. But after age 40, certain age-related changes to eye lenses may impact the power of eyeglasses. With age, the ability to focus on things, especially those near, reduces, so after 40, one needs eyeglasses to see items close to the eye. Apart from that, due to age-related changes, one may develop a number for far-sightedness; there are only 1-2% of chances of evolution in eye pupils with age that may require the need for power glasses. But the number starts from zero, and cases of coming back are very rare, So there are certain things that one needs to take care of before lasik eye surgery.
For more information, visit our website SimpliHealth.

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