Folic Acid Tablets Before Pregnancy | फोलिक एसिड का प्रयोग प्रेगनेंसी में? | क्या गर्भावस्था से पहले फोलिक एसिड लेने से मदद मिलती है? | फोलिक एसिड लेने के कितने समय बाद मैं गर्भवती हो जाऊंगी?
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Dr. Priyanka Sharma
Dr. Priyanka Sharma
Folic Acid Tablets Before Pregnancy | गर्भवती होने से पहले आपको फोलिक एसिड क्यों लेना चाहिए? | फोलिक एसिड की टेबलेट क्या काम करती है? | फोलिक एसिड प्रेगनेंसी में कैसे मदद करता है? | फोलिक एसिड कब खाते हैं?
Folic Acid Tablets Before Pregnancy, In this video, Dr. Priyanka Sharma, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Sekhon Nursing Home: The Birth House discusses the importance of folic acid tablets during pregnancy and during preconception period.
Folic acid is a type of vitamin B12. It is a vitamin B9, and it is also called folate. The folic acid requirement is very important during pregnancy because it plays a major role in the development of the baby’s brain. Those mothers who have deficient Folic acid, their children are likely to have impairment in brain development.
And it also leads to the formation of a few other diseases more commonly known neural tube defects or NTDs. The formation of the brain in the foetus is the first part of development. It starts developing during the first 28 days. Sometimes the females are unaware of their pregnancy condition, and if they are Folate deficient during that period, their baby will suffer from neural tube diseases.
Why do we need to start folic acid tablets before pregnancy ?
Hence females must start taking folic acid tablets before pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects. The preconception period is before conception or pregnancy. Hence, doctors always advise females who are trying to conceive that they must take the appropriate folic acid dose during pregnancy. The recommended dose is 5 mg daily, a single dose of at least three months before pregnancy. The mother must have the required folate levels, so the baby does not suffer from any neural tube defects.
What folic acid enriched foods? |
The most common folate-rich foods include dark green leafy vegetables like Spinach. These are healthy in the concentration of Folic acid. Also, pulses and peas are Folate rich. In addition, non-vegetarians have very good options for folate rich sources. Nonvegetarian diets like eggs and meat contain a high concentration of folate. So diet and folic acid are important for preconception. So do consider it as important as your meals. To know more, watch the full video and visit our website SimpliHealth for more information.
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