Treatment for Urinary Incontinence In Elderly Female | Emsella Chair | यूरिन लीकेज कैसे ठीक करें बिना सर्जरी के ?
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- 3 years ago
Dr. Preeti Jindal
Dr. Preeti Jindal
Treatment for Urinary Incontinence In Elderly Female | महिला में मूत्र रिसाव को कैसे नियंत्रित करें? | Can urinary incontinence be treated without surgery?
In this video, Dr. Preeti Jindal, Director at The Touch Clinic at Bestech Business Tower, Mohali, is talking about Emsella Chair, the urine incontinence treatment at The Touch Clinic. Treatment for urinary incontinence in elderly female.
What is Emsella chair? | Treatment for Urinary Incontinence In Elderly Female
The Touch Clinic is a very advanced IVF center. We are delighted to announce that we have launched India’s first non-invasive center for managing stress urinary incontinence. India’s first noninvasive treatment of uncontrolled urinary leakage or involuntarily leakage. It is one noninvasive center means without any surgery in India. We have introduced a new machine which is known as Em Sella. It works on the principle of highly focused electromagnetic vibration principle, and it is a very convenient system.
How does it work?
In this, you will have a patient. For this you don’t require changing of clothes, you just need to sit on this. However, you need to remove all your jewelry. You can easily take tea or read a magazine while sitting on an Em Sella chair. This machine gives highly focused electromagnetic vibration to the pelvic area, which helps strengthen pelvic muscles. So we start with the protocol. How are you feeling right now? We have not started the machine yet. Is the chair comfortable for you? Is it hot or cold? They have a problem of Leakage of urine while coughing, which is very common at this age in females. Now we will start increasing the intensity. How are you feeling now?
I am feeling a slight vibration.
Doctor: Are you comfortable?
Patient: Yes.
So now we have reached a good intensity, and one needs to sit on this for 30 minutes. According to the patient’s problem, we recommend two sittings in a week, and it may vary to 3 weeks, or we may give one sitting weekly for six weeks. So these are a few protocols by which we can control stress or urinary incontinence or those with a minor prolapse. We can also give to women who feel looseness after delivery or pregnancy or with a loose vagina. In these cases, the success rate is more than 80%.
Advantages of Emsella | Treatment for Urinary Incontinence In Elderly Female
So it is a nice technique, and we don’t require to make a cut or they dont feel pain. And we recommend it to all women who are suffering from urinary incontinence.

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