Can Diabetic Retinopathy be Reversed | Diagnosis and Treatment | डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी का सबसे अच्छा इलाज क्या है? | क्या धुंधली दृष्टि ठीक हो सकती है? | आंख की रोशनी कैसे वापस आएगी?

  • 821
  • 9 months from now
Dr. Parveen Sen

Can Diabetic Retinopathy be Reversed | Diagnosis and Treatment | क्या डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी अंधापन का कारण बन सकती है? | डायबिटीज में आंखों की रोशनी कैसे बढ़ाएं? | मैं मधुमेह से अपनी दृष्टि कैसे सुधार सकता हूं?

In this video, Dr. Parveen Sen, from Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic- A unit of Aggarwals Eye Hospital talks about the treatment of diabetic retinopathy treatment and diagnosis.

Can diabetic retinopathy be reversed? There is a sharp increase in the case of diabetes with an effect on the eyes. First, the eye starts showing signs of diabetic retinopathy like reduced, blurry, and fluctuating vision. Like for seconds before, the vision was good, and after some time, it worsens. The worst effect is when it starts showing its impact on the retina. One may see floaters, and observe bleeding in the eye. In an adverse scenario, retina starts detaching causing loss of vision. As soon as these symptoms surface, that means the condition is much worse. Considering the fact that by the time this disease shows symptoms the damage is already done. Hence it is always advisable to diabetic patients that they should take eye-checks. Don’t wait for the signs of diabetic retinopathy to appear. They should go for a retinal checkup at least once in 3 or 4 months. It is important because if high blood sugar has started affecting the eye then, preventing the adverse effects is challenging. 

 Diabetic retinopathy Treatment & Diagnosis

During checkups, the retinal specialist puts drugs into the eyes, checks the pupil and retina. Doctors scan the eye to identify the impact of diabetes on the eyes. What are the treatment options for diabetic retinopathy ? Its treatment includes Laser or eye injections and operations. The Laser seals new blood vessel formation to prevent frequent bleeding. Hence early eye check ups help in detecting signs at the beginning itself. If you have high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels and are a chain smoker, then diabetes would have an accelerated effect on the eyes. It can also cause permanent vision damage. So it’s essential to control blood sugar, and in addition to blood pressure, cholesterol. One of the most important things is to adopt a healthy lifestyle with healthy fruits and vegetables. Cut on sugar and carbohydrates, and sweets. One can control the effects of blood sugar levels on the eyes by controlling normal parameters. In these cases, it’s essential to say that prevention is better than cure as far as diabetic retinopathy is concerned.

To know more, watch the full video. 

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