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  • 3 years ago
Dr. Preeti Jindal

IVF Center Near Me | The Touch Clinic | Fertility Centre Near Me | आईवीएफ कितने दिन में होता है? | IVF से कितने बच्चे पैदा हो सकते हैं?

In this video, Dr. Preeti Jindal, Senior Consultant, and Gynaecologist, Director at Touch Clinic, an advanced IVF, cosmetic, and High-risk Pregnancy Gynae Center at Mohali, is talking about facilities at The Touch Clinic, Best IVF Centre in Tricity, IVF center near me.

Harjot Kaur, welcomes all to the health Awareness program. Today, we will talk about those couples who wish to have a child but cannot conceive for some reason. 

How can medical science help infertile couples? | IVF Center Near Me

Today we will speak of infertility in couples, and we are very much delighted to have with us a Doctor who has 30 years of experience. Through her treatment, many couples got the good news of their child in their family. Today, we have the Director of Touch Clinic, Dr. Preeti Jindal. Before calling her, I would like to tell you something about her. She is a Senior Consultant Gynecologist with more than 30 years of practice at PGI and London, and she has international training in the same field. So you can see how soon these people must have got their treatment and now are happy with successful pregnancies. She is also the President of the Gyneac Society of Mohali. She is a specialist in Recurrent Miscarriages, and couples have children in these cases under her guidance. Also, she is the first to introduce Cosmetic Gynaecology. India’s first Advanced PGS-IVF  therapy in the IVF center. We will talk all about the new technologies in IVF available currently that can benefit infertile couples. First of all, I welcome you to our program. 

Dr. Preeti: Hello to all the viewers. 

Harjot: We usually talk about the types of treatment of IVF. What are the new techniques that are available in the field of IVF about common people do not know? | IVF Center Near Me

Dr. Preeti Jindal: Harjot, Today, people are very much aware of IVF by google or any other means. Hence, they have a basic idea about IVF. Couples who find difficulty in conceiving are mindful of the term IVF. However, there are still many things in IVF that people are not aware for example, advanced forms of IVF: ICSI, IMSI, PGS, and ERA, so the couples who come to me are not aware of what type of IVF was done to them.

We should discuss everything in detail so that people know what they are going through and what doctors will do with these techniques.

Harjot: As you talked about ICSI, IMCI-like terms, it is often seen that couples go ahead with their treatment. IVF is a common term, but if we talk about ICSI, they know that they are doing ICSI procedure, but they should also know the procedure of ICSI is in detail and what kind of treatment is this.

Dr. Preeti: In ICSI like,  as we see on TV or in movies, we take one egg, and we implant it with the best sperm inside the egg. In simple IVF, we place the female egg and the sperm in a dish. This is the procedure for simple IVF. The best sperm naturally fertilize the egg to form the embryo. It is a cheap procedure, but it has a high failure rate because the sperm cannot diffuse inside the egg or the lining of the egg is very thick, and the sperm is unable to penetrate so the whole process will fail. So most good centers don’t do simple IVF; instead, they prefer ICSI. In ICSI, we magnify the sperm by 400 times, and we use the best sperm to implant the best egg after making a suitable identification. So this increases the chances of formation of the good quality embryo, and the second thing is when we take good sperm, the chance of abnormal fertilization is significantly less. So this process is called ISCI.

In comparison to IVF, ICSI is costly as this procedure requires specialized equipment and a trained embryologist who can work efficiently on the ICSI machine. All the good centers nowadays perform ICSI. ICSI has a good indication in the cases where the sperm factor is the main problem. Under these circumstances, they should opt for ICSI rather than simple IVF. Because if they have abnormal sperm or low count, then under 400 times magnification, we can select the best sperm. The second advantage of ICSI is when we are instilling the best sperm with the best egg; then there is an increase in the chance of formation of fertilized embryos. Now how is this helpful, since we can transfer only one or two embryos inside a woman at a time. 

So after seeking their permission, we freeze the rest of the embryos for that lady. Since the success rate of IVF is not 100%;  if we freeze them and, by any chance, the process fails for the first time, we can use the frozen embryos. This eases our emotional, mental, physical, and, most importantly, financial trauma. Because we can transfer the frozen embryo at less rate, these are some advantages of ICSI.

Harjot:  As you told me before, ICSI is a relatively costly treatment. So if we usually talk, since many patients come to you, I would like to know their perspective; do they value the cost of the treatment, or do they think they should opt for the proper treatment. 

IVF Center Near Me

Dr. Preeti: Both things happen Harjot because when the couple visits us, they want to have a healthy baby. But at the same time, there is a cost factor in all these advanced treatments, so everyone can’t spend lavishly on this. So there is not much difference between IVF and ISCI. ISCI costs 20k-30k more as compared to IVF. But the problem is ICSI facility is not universally available. Only good centers have the facilities of ICSI. So the couples must know what they want. So when they visit any center, they should ask them about the type of IVF technique they will be using. Are you doing simple IVF or ICSI or using any more advanced technique. But new advanced methods certainly increase the success rate. 

Harjot: As you said it is more advanced and you said ICSI is already an advanced form of IVF. What is more advance than ICSI?

Dr. Preeti: Advancement depends on two things: if the sperm count is average, then which advanced technology we can use, and second is the advancement of IVF. If the sperm count is abnormal like there are many cases where men have abnormal sperm or have abnormal cont then we use a more advanced technique IMCI in which we can magnify the sperm 6000 times. And this process is called IMCI. The second thing is that if IVF and ISCI all went well, and the quality of egg and sperm was also good, the embryo was also good, but why the success rate is only 30-35% or 40% in young people. There are mainly two reasons for such kind of failure, like the embryo that was transferred was genetically abnormal,  the embryo seems fine, but the embryo’s genetic make-up is abnormal. So to detect an abnormality in the embryo we have PGS or Preimplantation Genetic Screening technique. The Touch clinic was the first in North Delhi to introduce this technique. The second reason might be that the lining of the uterus or the pregnancy bed was not ready at the time of embryo transfer. To detect this, we have the ERA technique Endometrial Receptivity Array, which tells about the time at which we should implant the embryo in the uterus so that it increases the chance of pregnancy. So these are all new techniques which we will discuss individually. 

Harjot: Since you’re talking about PGS, we would like to know more about it in detail. People are becoming aware of the treatment they are undergoing. So we are bringing all this information by this program so that everyone watching becomes aware of IVF and its advanced techniques. So I would like to know about PGS more in detail. What is the success rate of PGS in India?

 Dr. Preeti: First, we need to understand what PGS is? PGS is a Preimplantation Genetic Screening. Where does it come to play? It plays a significant role in improving the success rate of IVF because, as I told you before, sometimes the formation of an embryo is very good; however, when we transfer, it doesn’t result in pregnancy. The main reason behind this is the usage of genetically abnormal for transfer. Sometimes we transfer the embryo, which did result in pregnancy, but later women had an abortion in the first ten weeks. So all this usually occurs due to genetically abnormal embryos. But unfortunately, we can’t detect abnormalities in the embryo under a standard microscope. So to detect abnormality in the embryo, we have this new advanced technique PGS. In PGS, when the embryo is formed, with the help of a laser, a small hole is made in the embryo, and we extract one cell and study for its chromosomal setup. Hence we only transfer the genetically normal embryo.

So when we use PGS, it definitely increases the success rate of simple IVF by 15-20%. Now it comes to the mind that should everyone do PGS? Ideally, if there are no financial constraints, everyone should go for PGS. But since PGS is an advanced technique, we require special equipment, trained embryologists, and laser, which adds to expenses compared to simple IVF or ICSI. The cost of treatment is almost double. So we can use PGS where there is a recurrent failure in IVF or family who has an abnormal genetic baby before so we can detect that particular gene and can make sure that the next baby doesn’t have the same problem. 

The third thing is that we can see blood disorders like thalassemia or hemophilia in the embryo. So we should transfer only that embryo to females who don’t have genes for these abnormal diseases. So here, PGS plays an important role. One more important thing in PGS is that we don’t transfer the embryo instantly because we perform a biopsy of the embryo first. And till the biopsy report arrives which takes almost two weeks, so we freeze the embryos by unique technique. And when the report comes, in 30 or after 60 days, we transfer the embryos inside the women.

Harjot: Since you have been practicing it for the last 30 years and so many patients got healed, how much do you think these advanced techniques are brought awareness, and aced the treatment. 

Dr. Preeti: See, the technology always helps. When we talk about normal IVF. The success rate of simple IVF in which we place egg and sperm in a dish is not more than 20-25%, but when we perform ICSI, the success rate improves by 10%. In high sperm abnormality cases, we do IMSI. We were the first in the North to introduce this technique. We do IMCI in abnormal sperm count cases, increasing the success rate by 10%. Similarly, ERA and PGS increase the success rate by 15-20%. So when we talk about IVF, any technology that increases the success rate by a mere 5% so I think it is worth it.

Harjot: Since you talk about IMSI, we hear this term quite often, but we want to know about IMSI in detail. Since we spoke about ICSI and PGS, we must know about IMSI in detail. What is the significant difference between the two since their pronunciation is alike? We would like to know in detail.

Dr. Preeti:  In ICSI, we can magnify the sperm up to 400 times, but in IMSI, we can magnify the same sperm up to 6000 times. Nowadays, we observe in Punjab due to various reasons like pollution, especially drug usage resulting in low sperm count and increased abnormal sperm, so under these cases, IMSI plays an important role. In ICSI, we couldn’t find a good quality sperm under a standard microscope; however, here in IMSI, we magnify sperms upto 6000 times, so that we can easily pick a good quality sperm to fertilize the egg. Due to this reason, IMCI is not only helpful, and there is not much cost difference. But the problem is that IMSI technology is rarely available. 

As I already told you, we are the first in North India to introduce IMSI technology. However, it is present in some but still not readily available since it is a costly technology; it is not readily available. 

Harjot: The advanced techniques like IMSI and PGS are available at the Touch clinic, and whoever is watching our program, those who didn’t have success even after taking repeated IVF treatments, you need not feel sad; as all these techniques are available at Touch Clinic. Touch Clinic will make you believe in it once again if you are losing hope, and you can happily welcome your child into your family. Next, when you were talking about PGS we use the term ERA; we would like to know more about it. Since we talk about IVF, we have heard terms like ICSI and IMSI; however, we have little or no knowledge about PGS and ERA.

Dr. Preeti: IVF fails mainly because of two reasons either we have transferred an abnormal embryo, or during the transfer of the embryo, there were some problems in the formation of the uterus lining. To detect abnormal embryos, we have the technique PGS, but what can we do to detect the lining of the uterus. First, we can do an ultrasound to see the thickness of the lining, which everyone profoundly does. The thick lining doesn’t mean that it is ready to receive an embryo. In science, we have seen that the uterus lining has only 12 hours to accept the embryo, which might lead to a baby inside the body. And this 12 hr window varies in women. So we can detect this by ERA. In this, we perform Endometrial aspiration, a straightforward test, on the 17day of the cycle. Remember, this is the cycle where we are not doing IVF. We perform Endometrial aspiration, a straightforward test,  we use a very fine pipette, curette, or straw to extract the lining sample and send it for screening. We study 280 genes to know the exact time for a very high chance of pregnancy or successful embryo transfer. There is less chance of implantation failure, and the body will accept the baby. This is the procedure for ERA, and we were the first to introduce this technique in this region. We often perform  ERA on patients with multiple IVF failures and the couples who have opted for PGS, and it happens to be successful in many couples. Also, in a pocket-friendly and straightforward test. Those who are having multiple IVF failures; must go for this procedure. It is a good way forward. 

Harjot: Also, when I was reading about Touch clinic, I got this term PRP therapy. I couldn’t understand it by reading, but I may know by listening. So what is unique about PRP. Therapy.

Dr. Preeti: PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma. Nowadays, I feel primarily young girls are more familiar with this term, not for IVF but for facial. Nowadays we do perform PRP facials. So we must understand what PRP therapy is. First, we take the patient’s three cc blood and process it with a special technique to generate platelet-rich factor or platelet-rich plasma. We make a platelet concentrate in the blood so that the amount of platelet is 3-5 times higher than the normal blood. Also, they have growth factors that we instill in the uterine cavity by a fine tube. It is a painless procedure. It is helpful in cases where patients have some problems in the formation of the uterine lining during IVF or are having recurrent miscarriages. Secondly, we instill these on the faces of young girls for face rejuvenation, more commonly known as Vampire facials. Since it has a growth factor, it helps remove dead skin and regenerate new skin. PRP plays a vital role in many cases, like even we use this in our IUI cycle to achieve success. These are some latest technologies that help increase the success rate of IVF or IUI pregnancies.

Harjot: Earlier also thorough other videos and from Dr. Jindal’s informational talk, we are providing your information about the latest techniques and advancements, Dr. Preeti Jindal, every time she comes she tells us in what way medical science is progressing in the direction of available techniques. Today also we gained a lot of information from her.

I would also like to know, however, nowadays that many people are aware of IVF and other advanced things. But how much time do patients take to accept these advanced therapies.? Like they should have taken this test. 

Dr. Preeti: People are knowledgeable. They don’t make much time if we make them understand well. If we involve them in our treatment, they know what theory we are doing. Like in our center, we spend at least 30 minutes with every patient. We have a separate counselor to explain all these techniques to them, and we also give leaflets to read in English, Hindi, and  Punjabi. After that, we call them again and ask for their queries. So people are very wise these days. They know what is good for them, so they tell us that this technique will suit us better. We aim to involve the patients rather than saying they need this treatment. We don’t work in that manner because the most important thing to achieve pregnancy is to work coincides with the couples since no one knows which technique is best for them since there is no 100% success in any procedure. Our aim is for the couples themselves to see which technique will be more helpful to them, and without wasting their time and hard-earned money with the least intervention, we need to help them. Those who come to us, we make them understand all the procedures carefully and help us give treatment to them. They are part of the decision-making.

IVF Center Near Me

Harjot:  I would like to know what special machines are available at the Touch clinic. If we talk about IVF or other therapies, what facilities are available at the Touch Clinic since IVF requires different tests? What kind of labs is available at the Touch clinic?

Dr. Preeti: Touch clinic is one of the most advanced Gyneac centers in North India, and we have one of the best incubators for IVF IMSI, ICSI,  ERA, and PGS machines. Also, we have facilities for PRP therapy. Apart from this, we also perform alternative therapies like Em Sella. We only have this Em Sella chair that can give vibration equivalent to 30thousands kegel exercises to the pelvis area. It is an entirely painless procedure. It helps in two ways:  In males, it helps erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence in females. It helps in strengthing pelvis muscles. We also give it to infertile couples to improve pelvic blood circulation and strengthen the muscles. 

The Touch Clinic has a laser, and for vaginal rejuvenation, we have HIFU since we also focus on the beauty of women. Since we only have high-risk obstetriaticle delivery cases in these centers, we also treat stretch marks. We use Brazilian therapy carboxytherapy for stretch marks, and we have HIFU ultrasound technique is also available. The Touch Clinic is an Advanced Gyneac Pregnancy and Cosmetic Centre 

Thank you, Dr. Preeti Jindal, for all the information 

Thank You All the best. Stay healthy, stay young

Harjot: Allow me to leave as well. This is Harjot

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