Nose Bleeding in Summer | Q&A | गर्मी में नाक से खून आने का कारण क्या है? | गर्मी में अपनी नाक से खून बहने से कैसे रोकें? | गर्मी में बढ़ सकती है नाक से खून आने की समस्या, एसे करें बचाव?
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Dr. Raman Abrol
Dr. Raman Abrol
Nose Bleeding in Summer | Q&A | नाक से खून आने पर क्या करना चाहिए? | गर्मी में नाक से खून आना घरेलू उपचार
Nose bleeding in summer, In this video, SimpliHealth expert and ENT expert, Dr. Raman Abrol, is answering all the questions related to nose bleeding in summer. Click on the link to know more!
How to control nose bleeding in children during summers?
The doctor advises to make your children learn the pinch technique. Instead of lying down or having cold water or anything like that, he recommends that children pinch their nose by keeping their nose between the finger and thumb. Then, after tweaking the nose, sit calmly and wait for 4-5 minutes; the nose bleeding will stop.
Why do I always get nose bleeds in summer?
You are not cautious enough. Your nose gets dry every year. You must lubricate and wash it with saline water to keep it moist. You need to cut your nails. If you have any allergy that leads to itching and you constantly rub your nose, you need to take treatment for the allergy. If you follow all these things, you won’t face this problem frequently. Otherwise, there is always a probability.
When should you worry about your nose bleeding? When should we take this seriously? or When should we start worrying about nose bleeding?
The doctor wants to say that no matter whether the nose bleeding is severe or mild, one should always go for treatment. You must visit an ENT specialist because you can’t leave it like that for the long term.
But suppose if you don’t have access to a doctor or manage on your own. So in that situation, you must visit the hospital when you have excessive bleeding. If you are having mild or moderate bleeding.
Mild bleeding is only spotting, you are blowing your nose and you notice spotting, so this is a minor bleed, you might not need a hospital visit. You can manage moderate spotting at home by doing proper lubrication, but if you have to bleed in the form of franks, drops, or streams, or it is continuously running.
You tried everything like nose pinch, so that’s problematic. If you have significant bleeding then you take the patient to the hospital and seek a doctor for immediate treatment.
But one thing he say is that, nose bleeding is an easily manageable emergency. You must visit a competent doctor who has a capable clinic; We can manage nose bleeding easily. There is nothing to be scared of in this condition. And many people believe that nose bleeding comes from the brain. But I would like to say there is a scarce possibility of blood coming from the brain.
Maximum time there is a problem in the nostrils which causes this nose bleeding. There may be dryness, prominent blood vessels, or blood vessel malformation usually seen in the nostrils and nearby areas.
So the nose bleeding is due to the nose not coming from the brain. It is very important to clear this misconception because some residual blood must go to the brain if the blood is coming from the brain. So 99% of nose bleeding is an easily manageable emergency; you can visit a doctor for its treatment.

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