Ayurveda HIIMS – Hospital & Institute of Integrated Medical Sciences

Navratri Fasting Rules | Health Benefits in Hindi | नवरात्रि उपवास के नियम

Navratri Fasting Rules Health Benefits (नवरात्रि उपवास के नियम)

Happy Navratri to everyone. Navratri fasting rules, Navratri Fasting Rules, Navratri is about to begin. Navratri is a Sanskrit word, which means nine nights. In these nine nights and ten days, the nine goddesses are worshiped. And the 10th day is famously called Dussehra. Navratri comes four times a year. Paush, Chaitra, Ashad, and Ashwin. A majority of Indians do Navratri fast. But some people think of it as pomp. 

If we look at it from a scientific point of view, then fasting is very beneficial for our bodies. This is because fasting helps clean and detoxify our bodies. And even Ayurveda says, ‘langhan param aushadh’. Which means fasting is the best medicine. 

The Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi won a Nobel Prize in 2016 for his theory that fasting helps with diseases like cancer, hepatitis, liver failure, etc. 

There is another scripture in the Ayurveda that says, ‘sarveshanam roganam nivedanm krupita mala.’ This translates to, ‘the cause of every disease is the toxins in our body.’ 

And fasting during Navratri is the best way to get rid of this toxin in your body. So during this Navratri, you must try and fast as well. 

The Correct Way of Fasting 

Navratri Fasting Rules, This will help cleanse your body. But it is very important to know how to fast correctly. Fasting does not mean that you can eat fried potato chips and rice. In our research, we have observed that people tend to make various food items during fasting, and plates are handed out at restaurants. 

Fasting means you only have to eat fruits, salad and drink fresh juice and coconut water. This will help detoxify your body and boost your immunity. Eat the food that does not spend energy to get digested instead, eat food that helps clean the body. Navratri is directly linked to Ayurved. Now I will tell you how Navratri and Ayurved are connected. Let’s celebrate Navratri the correct way and learn more about it. 

In the end, I would like to say that you should fast, keep your body clean and be, and get rid of diseases. And boost your immunity along with it. The best way to boost your immunity is to fast. If we fast and keep our stomachs empty, then the production of antibodies or good bacteria. These favorable bacteria help fight diseases. Thank you. 

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

IRPL Treatment for Dry Eyes | Dry Eye Treatment | Dry Eye Disease | Therapy

IRPL Treatment for Dry Eyes : Dry Eye Treatment

Hello, I am Dr. Anin Sethi and I will be talking about dry eye treatment therapy today. Mainly we would be focusing on IRPL treatment. IRPL is Intense Regulated Pulsed Light, this is an effective therapy for dry eyes. We would be getting into details further in the video. 

What is dry eye disease(IRPL Treatment)?

Dry eye disease is very common and can happen to a person of any age group. Dry eye disease is very common in people who work on their computers, or in people who read a lot, people who work at the parlor, etc. it is common in people who do focus work like sewing or stitching. 

What are the symptoms of dry eye treatment (disease)? 

After doing any work which requires focus, you may experience itching, redness, burning. sensation in your eyes after an hour. These are all symptoms of dry eyes. 

Dry eye disease basically has dry coarse eyes. 

There can be different reasons for this. 

  • Obstructive dry eye disease
  • Evaporative dry eyes disease. 

Obstructive dry eye disease 

In obstructive dry eye disease mean there is less production of tears which causes the 

eyes to get coarse and dry. 

Evaporative dry eyes disease 

On the other hand, when the eye forms tears, there are glands in our eyelids that secret meibum or oil. This meibum forms a layer over the watery tear layer on the eye. This layer of oil or meibum over the eyes does not allow the water in the eyes to evaporate with the wind. But in some people, either the composition of the oil changes or the meibum secreted is less. And due to this, the underneath watery tear layer of the eye evaporates, causing evaporative dry eyes disease. 

There can be various reasons for this. One is that the openings get blocked due to oil accumulation due to infections in the glands from where meibum is secreted. Which in turn results in less or no secretion of the meibum. 

So the primary cause of evaporative dry eye disease is this blockage and less or no secretion of meibum that allows the watery layer to evaporate. 

Different treatments for evaporative dry eye disease

There are different types of therapy where the patient is given artificial tears. And asked to put a hot compress on the eyelids. There are lid massages that are suggested. All these improve the condition of the patient suffering from evaporative dry eyes. 

(IRPL) Intense Regulated Pulsed Light Treatment

There is a new treatment available for patients who do not feel improvement. It is called Intense Regulated Pulsed Light (IRPL). IRPL is a part of Intense Pulse Light therapy, which was used to treat skin disorders. But now, there is a modified version called IRPL, which is used to treat dry eye disease. 

In this, your lower eyelid is projected to solid pulses of light starting from the nose to the ear. Five pulses are given on the lower lash line. The hemoglobin absorbs these light waves in the affected area. The heat produced due to the light helps melt the clogged oil in the eyelids, unblocking the glands. 

These five pulses are given in one sitting. Almost 3-4 sittings are required for the treatment. 80% of the people experience improvement with this. Along with the laser therapy, the patient is also given artificial tears or other medication that must be continued for the suggested amount of time. 

This therapy requires 3 to 4 sittings to treat the disease completely. IRPL is specifically for patients who suffer from evaporative dry eye disease, i.e., the clogged glands in the eyelids. 

Diagnosis of evaporative dry eye disease

For the diagnosis of dry eye disease, there is a test called a bibliography. Then, the tear film is evaluated and checked for defects, the oil glands are checked for any blockage. And after examining all this, the patient is suggested to get IRPL therapy. 

Bottom line 

I would like to state that this therapy does not cause any harm. It does not have any side effects. A light/laser shield is made on the patient’s eye to prevent the light from entering the eye. This is followed not only for the look but also for the area surrounding the eye. 

70-80% of the patients have been treated successfully using this therapy. No harm or side effects have been reported to date. Lid massage, lubricant, hot compressions can be done along with IRPL therapy. Thank you.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Precautions After Cataract Surgery | मोतियाबिंद सर्जरी के बाद सावधानियां

Precautions After Cataract Surgery.

There are certain precautions after cataract surgery that one must follow to keep the eyes healthy and live long. Dr. Anin Sethi, currently practising at Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic, the best Lasik laser centre & Eye Specialist hospital in Chandigarh, shares tips on taking precautions after cataract surgery or Safed motia bind.

What is a cataract (precautions after cataract operation)? 

Cataracts or Safed motia can happen due to age or a few other causes. We can’t treat Cataracts only by medication; they need surgery. However, there can be certain complication during cataract surgery, hence one must follow the precautions.

How long does it take for a cataract procedure?

Cataract surgery has become very advanced with the growing technology. This surgery does not take more than 10-15 mins. It might take longer than this if there are a few complications. But in 90% of the cases, it takes less than 15 mins to perform this surgery. 

How do you ease the pain in the eyes?

We commonly use eye drops to numb the pain in the eyes. However, in a few cases, we give injections. After the surgery, we bandage the patient’s eyes for 2-3 hours. Or sometimes even this is not required. 

Precautions after Cataract Surgery

We advise the patient not to rub their eyes after the surgery. And avoid eye contact with water. These two are the main precautions that the patient has to take. In addition, the patient mustn’t let water in his eyes, as it may cause infections. And the incision during surgery may be cut open again if the patient continues to rub their eyes. Therefore, we advise avoiding rubbing eyes and water for at least four weeks after the surgery. 

What if the patient wants to take a bath? 

If the patient wants to bathe after the surgery, he should take a bath below the neck. And bend his head backward to wash his hair so the water does not come on his face, and as a result, one can protect their eyes. 

 How to clean your face safely?

When it comes to washing your face or cleaning your eyes, you can take some cotton, boil it in water, and then gently clean your face and eyelashes. One must take these precautions for at least four weeks after the surgery. 

How do you protect your eyes from pollution?

When it comes to protection against pollution, it is crucial for the first 4-5 days. After that, the patient can wear black protective sunglasses. The ones which cover and protect your eyes from all directions. One must wear the sunglasses for a week, and then we can remove them afterward. 

Is it safe to use mobile phones and laptops and watch TV? 

It is safe to watch TV and use your phone or laptop. A few hours after the surgery, the patient can use electronics. The patients may have blurry vision because of eye drops. But watching TV and using your phone won’t cause any harm. 

Treatment after the cataract surgery: 

Doctors prescribe eye drops to cataract patients for at least 30 days after surgery. In addition, they need to have some antibiotics, steroids, and other medications. 

 When to use power glasses?

After 2-3 weeks of operation, doctors give power glasses when the eyes get stable. After that, the doctor can provide temporary Glasses for the time being, but after three weeks, the patient needs to get tested and have proper glasses.

Bottom line

If you want to go for cataract surgery, you should know: 

  1. One need not worry much. 
  2. It is only a 10-15 minutes procedure. 
  3. No after-effects, however, one may have little trouble on the first day, but it is barely visible after the surgery.

 For more information on how to keep eyes healthy, watch the video

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Vocal Cord Paralysis Treatment | वोकल कॉर्ड(आवाज) पैरालिसिस का उपचार | वोकल कॉर्ड पैरालिसिस को ठीक होने में कितना समय लगता है?

Vocal Cord Paralysis Treatment | वोकल कॉर्ड (आवाज) का इलाज क्या है? | आवाज का ठीक से नहीं आने का उपचार? | वॉइस डिसऑर्डर (आवाज में बदलाव)?

Today we will be talking about vocal cord paralysis treatment .

What is vocal cord paralysis? 

Vocal Cord Paralysis Treatment, A specific number of patients come to us and complain about the sudden hoarseness in their voices. The voice is breathy. And after examining, we find out that one of the vocal cords is not moving. So the sound produced or the breathing is only by one working vocal cord. The vocal cord doesn’t touch each other. One move and the other stays still. And there is a gap between the two. This is why the patient experiences hoarseness or a breathy voice. 

Vocal cord paralysis symptoms 

Few patients also complain about aspiration. In this, the patient coughs with every liquid intake. It is locally called ‘hattu.’ These two are the cardinal symptom of this disease. It does not have a specific age group. But mostly it is seen in middle-aged

 or old-aged people. 

80-90% of the people who suffer from this are idiopathy. Idiopathy is a condition that arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown. For example, some people may experience vocal cord paralysis after recovering from some viral infection.

 Vocal cord paralysis causes

The cause can be determined for 5-7% of the patients. To find the cause of this, the chest is examined for tumors, the neck, and the lymph nod for tumor. The brain and the skull are discussed as well. Because a lot of diseases originate from these parts of the body, most like tuberculosis and tumor. Every patient has to undergo an endoscopy, a CT  scan, or an X-ray of the chest and brain MRI to rule out any serious problem. 

Idiopathic vocal cord policy does not have a definite treatment. 

Vocal cord paralysis treatment 

The patient is given steroids or nerve tonic, and the patient is encouraged so that the vocal cord heals itself, or the working vocal cord compensates for the non-functioning one. These patients are put on speech therapy after 15-20 days or a month of waiting. In speech therapy, the patient practices cord attraction. They perform exercises that help bring the vocal cord closer again. The results of this speech therapy are good, but the patient loses the pitch of his voice. The aspiration also gradually decreases, which is the problem of the liquid going to the lungs, which causes coughing also to fall. 

These patients’ conditions improve to a certain point. And the idiopathic people also overcome the situation and learn to speak again. Therefore, there are no dangerous complications to this disease.

Thank you. 

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Post Nasal Drip Treatment & Symptoms | पोस्ट नेजल ड्रिप | गले में बार बार बलग़म बनना पूर्ण इलाज | पोस्ट नेज़ल ड्रिप के लिए सबसे अच्छा क्या है?

Post Nasal Drip Treatment & Symptoms | पोस्ट नेसल ड्रिप कितने समय तक चल सकती है? | गले में बार बार बलग़म बनना कारण लक्षण?

Post nasal drip treatment & symptoms, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, ENT Specialist, talks about Post nasal drip. Mucus dripping at the back of the neck, which we call postnasal drip, is a widespread problem. We can say that every second or third patient comes in with a nasal drip if we analyse it. 

Common clinical condition of mucus drip

Patients experience continuous drip, and it can be alarming for some sensitive patients. It might happen at night while sleeping. The patients often complain that they think something is inside their throats. 

What possible things lead to nasal drip? 

The most common reason for post nasal drip is allergies. These allergies are not seasonal but chronic, i.e., throughout the year. Postnasal drip is a bit difficult to treat as it is chronic and has been happening for years. 

Symptoms of nasal drip

The symptoms of the phlegm dripping can be cough, acidity, or can cause asthma. In these patients, doctors need to perform a nose examination in depth. 

How to diagnose sinusitis?

For diagnosis of sinusitis, doctors may prefer to do an endoscopy and CT-Scan in adverse cases. And the test results help doctors decide whether the patient requires surgery or alone long-term medication can help. 

Postnasal drip treatment 

For long-term medication, the anti-allergy treatment can be pills or spray form. For a complete cure, patients need these medications from 6 weeks to 2 months. Doctors also recommend antireflux therapy along with the treatment. And also, doctors do perform an allergy test to find out what is causing the allergy. 

Other methods of treatment:

There are surgical procedures as well. Surgery is the last resort if long-term medication and nasal washes fail. 


Failure of long-term medication strongly suggests that the patient is allergic to some common allergen in the atmosphere. As a result, some physical changes in the nose produce phlegm. 

Surgical procedure

The conditions of most patients improve after surgery. However, there is no 100% guarantee. The target of the surgery here is to reduce the excretory surface. In this, we open up the cells and reduce the secreting surface. As a result, there will be less production of phlegm. Also, doctors widen the cells a little by surgery, medications, or sprays that can easily reach the target area.

Bottom line 

The treatment of postnasal drip, medications, investigations, and surgical management are essential.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Chronic Sinusitis Treatment | Acute Sinusitis Treatment & Its Types | क्रॉनिक साइन संक्रमण के लक्षण? | साइनस का परमानेंट इलाज

Chronic Sinusitis Treatment | Acute Sinusitis Treatment | आपको कैसे पता चलेगा कि आपको क्रॉनिक साइनस इन्फेक्शन है? | क्या साइनस गंभीर बीमारी है?

Chronic Sinusitis Treatment, Dr. Raman Abrol, a senior ENT specialist at Abrol ENT institute and research center Sinusitis surgery. Which, being an ENT surgeon is the specialty of Dr. Abrol. Sinusitis can be divided into two parts, one is acute sinusitis, and the other is chronic sinusitis. 

Acute Sinusitis

These are seasonal, viral infections. The patient may fall sick and experience a blocked nose, fever, and cold during changing seasons. However, it is usually a self-limiting disease. And can be treated with commonly prescribed medication. Another category that comes under acute sinusitis is called Allergic rhinitis. People get infected with this during the changing seasons, primarily by pollens. The patient may experience watery eyes and excessive sneezing. This too can be treated easily with medications. 

Chronic Sinusitis

This is a severe problem and lasts for a long duration of time. The patients come complaining about various things. But the most common one is nasal drip. In this, the patient experiences the mucus dripping down his throat from his nose. Headache, nasal discharge, blocked nose, facial pain, fever (occasionally), postnasal drip; are all the symptoms that the patient with chronic sinusitis would experience. Few patients also complain about a particular type of smell. 

Chronic sinusitis is taken seriously, and the patient does this through serious examination. Endoscopy is necessary for the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis. The nostril is reddish, it has a lot of mucus and is very congested, the sinus opening would be blocked all these could be seen during an endoscopy if the person has chronic sinusitis. The patient may also be suffering from polyps disease, where the nostrils are swollen. ..

How is sinusitis treated? 

Chronic sinusitis requires prolonged medication. The patients have been prescribed steroids, anti-allergist, anti-biotics, nasal douching, nasal sprays. The patient is required to get a CT scan done. With the help of a CT scan, the doctor is able to diagnose the severity of the sinusitis, he can also detect which sinus is giving trouble and also deduce the time of recovery. 50% of chronic sinusitis patients get better with the help of medications and the other 50% require Endoscopic sinus surgery. Abrol ENT Institute & Research Centre is a prime place to get your sinus surgery done. We have all the modern equipment and the knowledge and expertise to perform successful Endoscopic sinus surgery. 

What is Endoscopic sinus surgery? 

 In Endoscopic sinus surgery, with the help of a telescope, the sinus is located and opened. With the help of a camera and a viewing screen, the normal sinus opening is located and operationally opened and the blockages are widened. This way the air ventilates through the entire area and the disease process is rectified. Sinus surgery has become a revolutionary surgery in the last 10-15 years and is performed all over the world. The cases of chronic sinusitis conditions have also improved due to this worldwide accepted surgery. 

Sinusitis Aftercare | Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

The patient can immediately go home after the 2 hours of the surgery. After the surgery the patient has to take care of the nose by practicing nasal douching, using nasal sprays, saline wash, etc. The results of these sinus surgeries are very satisfactory. The problems caused due to blockage are completely dealt with. 

Sinusitis Complications

The only people that don’t respond well to the surgery or the ones who get recurrent problems are the allergy pods. Patients with fungal infections, allergies, or polyps require regular follow-ups and regular medications despite the surgery. The patient with such a condition is informed and consulted about the condition prior to the surgery. 

I hope now you have a clear idea about sinus surgery. 

Thank you very much. 

Ayurveda HIIMS – Hospital & Institute of Integrated Medical Sciences

Indian Toilet vs Western Toilet | Which Toilets are Better?

Indian Toilet vs Western Toilet (भारतीय शौचालय vs विदेशी शौचालय कौन सा अधिक उपयोगी?)

Indian Toilet vs Western Toilet, He knows everything about constipation. In this video, I(Guru Manish)will explain how a small issue like constipation can lead to cancer or tumor. Due to the lifestyle in today’s time, people suffer from constipation, IBS, colon cancer, appendicitis, piles, fissure, fistula, etc. Have you ever thought about the food that you put in your body, you exercise but still suffer from stomach problems?  The main reason is your toilet seat. Let me explain(Indian Toilets vs Western Toilets) it is a very simple formula, this is our stomach. The intestines do like this. This is your head, your stomach, and your intestines, the food goes through this, here and then it goes like this. See this. 

Benefits of the Indian toilet seat:

It is also called a squat position. When you sit like this the thighs put pressure on your stomach. This way all the waste is pushed out of the body. And the parasitic movement of the intestines is improved as well. You make an angle of 35degree with your torso and thighs when you sit in a squat position. Whereas the angle is 90degree when you sit on the western toilet. 

The squat position is also good for blood circulation. In this, the puborectalis muscle is completely relaxed. Whereas, when you sit on the western toilet the muscles get choked. Which results in the incomplete excretion of waste. And due to this, people fall ill very often. Not only this people also suffer from diabetes, BP, backache, and joint pain. 

You don’t have to do anything. Everything happens on its own. You sit like this it puts pressure on your stomach and intestines. And then slowly, slowly. According to Vedic science, the squat position is 100% scientific. It was called ukdu style. But due to western culture, our ways of doing things became different. 

(movie scene) 

You do not have to sit like Amitabh Bachan on the seat. What you have to do is, put a stool under your feet when you sit on the seat. Place the stool so that you make an angle of 35degrees. When you sit in a squat position you do not have to put a lot of pressure therefore it does not hurt your intestines, which avoids diseases like receptor collapse. My goal here is to empty your bowls and advice ways for easy excretion methods. There are a lot of churans available in the market for digestion. But I advise you not to buy them on your own. Always consult a doctor and get to the bottom of the problem and then treat it accordingly. 

So I would suggest that you use the squat method, use the western toilet but sit in the squat position. If you think that the western way is good for you then try to sit in the squat method and see the difference for yourself. The waste that you do not excrete and keep inside, causes stomach problems and harms the intestines. This would save you from going to the doctor with problems like piles, fistula. If you want to live a healthy life then start accepting the old Indian methods. Follow the western culture but inculcate the Indian ways in them. Sit on the western seat but all you have to do is put a stool under your feet. Thank you. 

Ayurveda HIIMS – Hospital & Institute of Integrated Medical Sciences

How to Improve Eyesight Naturally at Home | घरेलू नुस्खे आंखों की रोशनी कैसे बढ़ाएं ?

How to Improve Eyesight Naturally at Home : Eyesight Improvement

How to improve eyesight naturally at home, In this video SimpliHealth ayurvedic expert Acharya Manish Ji is explaining about Eyesight Improvement(आखो की रोशनी कैसे बढ़ाये?) and answering some very common questions that people ask like:

  1. How to improve eyesight naturally?
  2. Tips to Improve Eyesight
  3. Exercise to Improve Eyesight

Acharya Manish Ji says, Your vision will improve and some people won’t need glasses anymore. All you need to do is follow my advice. 

Tips to Improve Eyesight : How to improve eyesight naturally at home

  • Brush your teeth before going to bed. 
  • Sleep with your head facing east or south. 
  • Sleep on your left side
  • When you wake up, before opening your eyes, you should give your body a nice shake. This will help with the blood circulation in your entire body. 
  • The next thing you have to do is fold your legs and sit up on your bed. Spit in your hand and with the help of a dropper put 1-2 drops in your eyes. The saliva has a lot of useful enzymes and vitamins. This is to be done by people who suffer from eye diseases or want to treat their vision. People who have fewer numbers or dark circles can simply put the morning saliva on their eyes. 

Exercise to Improve Eyesight (आंखों के लिए एक्सरसाइज)

This is the first step. Now the second step is to take these three fingers. Place them here and move clockwise 7 times and then 7 times anticlockwise. Then do this 25 times clockwise and then 25 times anti-clockwise. Then after this rub your palms together, so that they get warm, and then put your palms on your eyes, rub them on your face and neck. And then slowly open your eyes. 

This is a very easy exercise to follow. This simple exercise every morning will help you get rid of glasses and help treat various eye diseases as well. It can also cure diseases such as motia Bindu. Watch this video, show it to people, share it, and get rid of eye problems. 

Thank you. 

Ayurveda HIIMS – Hospital & Institute of Integrated Medical Sciences

How to Stop Overeating | ओवरईटिंग कैसे रोकें? | घरेलु नुस्खे

How to Stop Overeating : (ओवरईटिंग कैसे बंद करें?)

How to Stop Overeating, In this video, SimpliHealth ayurvedic expert Acharya Manish Ji is explaining the best ways to stop overeating(ओवरईटिंग कैसे बंद करें?), a method, a system that helps you make your body feel healthier, your organs happy, and help build a healthier nation. Also our expert answers to a very common question that people usually ask “Overeating se kaise bache ” and “How to control overeating in hindi?”.

Tips to stop Overeating


Whenever you go to a wedding or a party, carry a small bag with you.  When you go to eat at a stall, eg. if you eat 2 pani puri, you put the bag, if you go to eat tikki next, put that in the bag as well. As it is. Then you put everything you eat in the bag as well. If you eat one piece of the crispy starter then you put it in the bag as well. You put everything you eat in the bag and make sure you put the same amount of food you ate in the bag as well. Then when it comes to the main course, you take 2-3 sabzi, rice, dal and put the same amount in the bag. Then you eat dessert, ice cream or gulab jamun and then put the same in your bag.  If at the end you eat a paan, you put one paan in your bag as well. 



Now you come home and you feel weird in your stomach. Don’t worry, just look in the bag you had with you. Take a photo of it. Take a closer look at the big bag of food that you filled. The same amount of food is in your stomach as well. But you think that you have functioning organs like the kidneys and liver, the heart. They will work all night to digest the amount of food that you ate at the party. 


Then at night you sleep and wake up the next morning, now what you have to do is to take a look at the bag that you filled yesterday. When you do so, you will notice that the bag of the food starts to smell. It probably would have flies, insects, cockroaches, and mosquitoes around the bag. Looking at the bag you must have an idea of what would be happening in your stomach. 

This is the reason why people in India suffer from liver failure, kidney problems, are on heavy medication for BP, diabetes, or thyroids. This is because we eat, eat, and go on overeating. So let us now decide and start a new resolution. We would think before eating anything at functions or parties. This would not only help you be healthy but it would also help save a lot of food. In a way, you would be contributing to help eradicate hunger. 

What we overlook is organ damage. The average lifespan of an Indian is 66 years, whereas that of the Japanese is 84 years, Singapur is 83 years, 79 years in China, 72 years in America. 

So if you do not want to die at the age of 66, practice this technique. Whenever you go to a party, carry a bag with you. Put the food that you eat in the bag as well. And when you look at the bag after coming home you will understand how hard your organs have to work to digest all the food that you eat. Share this video, show it to your friends and help make India a healthier place. A healthy place is a happy place. And by doing this you would be contributing to making India a better and healthier place to live(eat healthy and stay healthy). 

Cosmo Hospital Pediatrics

Breastfeeding A Newborn | 10 Things You Should Know Before Breastfeeding | Tips

Breastfeeding A Newborn | Tips | नवजात शिशु को स्तनपान के बारे में 10 बातें जो आपको जाननी चाहिए

Breastfeeding a newborn, I am Gurvindar Kaur from SimpliHealth. Today we have the privilege to talk to Dr. Manjeet Singh, consultant pediatrician at Cosmo Hospital Mohali.  I am very sure these questions will help many of our new mothers regarding breastfeeding in many ways. Thank you for coming to Cosmo hospital and choosing this topic which is extremely important for young mothers. And I think breastfeeding is one of the most misunderstood topics because there are many myths associated with it. And those myths are what we want to solve today.

I being a mother, have so many questions about breastfeeding. I would also add a few questions from my side.   

How often should the mother breastfeed the baby? | Breastfeeding A Newborn

To begin, I would say that, the moment the baby is born. This is the current thinking. And the baby is delivered from the mother’s body. Whether it is by a C section or it is a normal delivery. The first thing we do is take the baby and put the baby on the mother’s breast. So that is where breastfeeding starts. We don’t have to wait for hours, to wait for the baby to start this thing. Then we try to remain as close to nature as possible. So when a mammal baby is born anywhere in the wild, the first thing that baby does is try to reach the mother’s nipple and suckle over there. And that’s how it all starts. So basically, it starts right from there. 

Breastfeeding normally should be done every 2 hours. However, there should be a 2-hour gap between the feeds because that gives time for the baby to digest milk that he’s already ingested. And also gives the mother time to replenish the milk that has been extracted from the breast. 

How does the mother know that the baby is getting sufficient milk? 

This is a common question that we are asked as pediatricians. And most mothers feel underconfident. They think that their baby isn’t getting enough milk, which is hardly ever the case. The baby is almost always getting enough milk. And the only way to find out is not why the duration of the baby assembly. It’s not by the baby crying between feeds. It is by weighing the baby daily and finding out about weight gain. Now what happens is, in the first seven days, the baby loses weight. There is excess water in the baby’s body which is drained out in the first seven days. So we accept that in the first seven days, the baby won’t gain weight. After that, they begin to gain weight at the rate of about 20 to 25 grams a day, so if the mother is very apprehensive, we call the baby every 15 days, and we weigh. Ande, we show the weather on the same machine that the baby is gaining weight at the rate of 20-25 grams a day. And if this is happening, then obviously, he is getting enough milk. 

We have working mothers nowadays, and at times, it is not possible o feed the baby on the spot, so what is the most efficient way to store breast milk? 

This is again one of the most common questions that patients ask. Most working mothers are given a certain amount of paternity leave. So the first few months are normally taken care of. If the mother has to go out, then breast milk can be stored by using a breast pump. And taking a number of bottles and putting in it about as much milk as the baby feeds in one day. So if the mother is expected to go away for 6 hours, this means there would be 3 feeds to be given to the baby in her absence. 

So what the baby is supposed to do is the night before, she can use the breast pump to fill 60ml quantity in each bottle and then stored it in the fridge. And whoever is the caregiver can take out the water from the refrigerator, standard in water for a minute or two that brings the milk temperature to room temperature, and then feed the baby. 

How long can it be store? | Breastfeeding A Newborn

  • You can store it very easily for 26 to 36 hours. 
  • In a freezer, it can be stored for a longer period. 

Any exercises or diet you would recommend to the mothers to lose the post-delivery weight.

Exercise is not something that will help with this, but diet is undoubtedly helpful. We should understand that an average lady needs about 2000 calories a day. But this is something that very few people know. When the lady gets pregnant, her requirement begins to increase. This, people know, okay now she’s eating enough for two people. That is 1% to her baby. So around the peak of pregnancy that is just before delivery, the requirement is about 2700g. After the delivery takes place, the baby is born. Most mothers go onto a kind of diet to lose excess weight that they put on during pregnancy. This is a very bad idea. Because now her requirement increases from 2700 cal 3500 cal. So before pregnancy 2000. After delivery 35. So it’s almost twice. She should now be eating even more than what she was eating before. So most mothers tend os top to lose the weight they gained during pregnancy. They have to wait for some time. If good breastfeeding is established, they will start using with because of breastfeeding. As those excess cals

Any specific food you would recommend to the mother? 

A good diet, particularly something which has a lot of liquids. Because as we know, milk is about 90% liquid Contents and milk solid. 90% liquid has to come from the mother’s body. Suppose a body is well hydrated. This is when she drinks plenty of water, plenty of liquid Like milk, lassi nimbu paani, etc. This would add to the flow of milk. And of course cal like we discussed. in the olden days, these calorie-dense foods like pennies, panjiri and so on used to be given to mothers for this reason only. The requirement for calories increases, but at the same time, she cannot eat that much bulk. Now you want to eat 27 35000 cal in just chapati and dal it would amount to a lot of food intake. She probably won’t eat this. Therefore, they used to give calorie-dense food like panjiji. Now that we do not use our hands so much And the mothers are more residential, I do not recommend eating this. This will make them put on more weight as they tend to go overboard. 

Sometimes the baby sleeps while breastfeeding. So is it okay to let him sleep or wake him and feed him ultimately? | Breastfeeding A Newborn

This is again a great question. If they’ll remember this one rule, that he was put to early gaps between feeds. So that the baby digest milk that is taken and the mother replenishes the milk that has been taken out of the breast. After that, the baby should be put on the breast for about 30 minutes. And out of that 30 minutes, his active feeding may not be more than 5 minutes. So away what to sleep with acceptable if you can put again so that you can get them you can put them on the other side try to see if he needs a little newer. 

Cosmo Hospital Gynecology

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Causes, Symptoms & Risk Factors| PCOS पीसीओएस होने से क्या होता है? | What is the Main Cause of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Causes?

PCOS(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) | Is PCOS a serious problem? | Is PCOS caused by stress? | पीसीओडी को जड़ से खत्म कैसे करें?

PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome),  I am Gurvinder Kaur from SimpliHealth With immense pleasure, I would like to welcome Dr. Vandana Narula. She is in charge of infertility and the IVF center at Cosmo Hospital, Mohali. Today we will be covering a significant topic which is PCOS. 1 out of 5 women suffer from PCOS. I would want dr. Vandana to answer a few questions our views have. This will help us understand PCOS better. Thank you, Dr. Vandana, for joining us, and first of all, I would like to know

what PCOS is? | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS is a polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is a hormonal imbalance. This affects the females of the reproductive age group. It affects around 5-10% of the female population. It has become a pretty common word nowadays. Physically the hormonal imbalance leads to menstrual irregularities. This is the most commonly presentable symptom, which means the patient comes to us with that. If the patient is married, then the patient comes with infertility, basically difficulty in conceiving. These are the main symptoms. 

Is PCOS curable? 

PCOS is a wide range of hormonal imbalances. It produces a wide range of hormonal imbalances in the body. Where it has a genetic basis, and it also has a lifestyle connection. It’s not 100% curable, but it can be controlled by various means, including medical standards. 

What are the causes of PCOS?  | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

  1. Genetic: The leading cause of PCOS is genetic. It has always had a genetic basis. Most of the patients with PCOD have females in their homes, like sisters or mothers having similar symptoms. Like they may be having menstrual irregularities or difficulty in conceiving. Or they have diabetes in their family like the mother can be a diabetic father has diabetes or one of the grandparents can be diabetic. So there is a certain gene that connects diabetes with PCOD in the females of the family.
  2. Lifestyle: The second is lifestyle. The lifestyle matters a lot, but now there is junk food, fast food consumption, there is a lot of weight gain. It’s a huge problem when there is weight gain, a genetic component, and a lifestyle problem. Then PCOD shows all its symptoms quite a lot. 

What are the physical and internal changes a person faces? 

When we say the patient has PCOS, the symptoms or the changes depend upon the patient’s age group. When the patient is an adolescent, we start suspecting, after a few years initially when the patient begins with puberty in many girls a few physical and internal changes, like having irregular cycles because of anovulation. But after some time, the rate of irregular cycles doesn’t go down, and the periods don’t become regular. Then we start suspecting that the child might be having a PCOD kind of problem later in life. Then we go toward some family history like genetic history. That I already said any history of diabetes in the family and or if this lot of weight gain in the child then the patient presents with menstrual irregularities. 

Then the physical changes are evident and common in girls like facial hair and acne. This is basically because the ovary starts producing a little bit of male hormone more than normal. The female hormones produced are estrogen and progesterone, and the body produces a few male hormones. But when in PCOD, the male hormones are produced in slightly larger amounts. And because of that, the acne and facial hair distribution, which we call Hirsutism, male pattern baldness, thinning of the hair. So, such features start showing up as symptoms. 

And when the girl gets married, then a major problem comes in conceiving. Because the issue of the hormonal imbalance leads to animation which is, difficulty in egg formation. The patient finds difficulty in conceiving. Then if the patient conceives during PCOD, there are problems, then I’ll talk about this later. There are problems during pregnancy. It can be a high-risk pregnancy.

 And after that, in the age group, after the patient has completed the family, it can lead to other problems in the body. Some cases include diabetes and hypertension, high cholesterol levels, and even endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma. 

Do you need to take birth control pills? | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Birth control pills are made for contraception. Most people know they are meant for contraception. But when we use them in PCOD, they are used for the regularisation of the cycles. When the patient is unmarried, there are particular birth control pills nowadays for PCOD patients. These are hormonal pills that are taken for 21 days. The patient is then taken off the pills for a week, and the patient starts getting a regular cycle. And even the symptoms of acne and facial hair are also improved. These are certain advantages. And the patient feels normal.

Once the patient wants to conceive, then there is no role of birth control pills. And after that, for contraception, once they have the child, I have already mentioned the patient can again start with birth control pills for regularisation of cycles. But these birth control pills should always be taken into consideration by the gynecologist. 

If the patient is resistant to insulin, how does this affect the treatment? 

See, insulin resistance is written everywhere, but I think it’s a medical term. For laymen, there is no need to go into the depth of what insulin resistance is. It is basically because I already told you a gene that links diabetes in the family to PCOD. Most PCOS patients show insulin resistance, i.e., their body’s cells find it challenging to uptake the glucose. Therefore they have a high blood glucose level.

Insulin resistance is a link to many other problems. Then it leads to all kinds of metabolic disturbances which occur in the body. And the first thing which we have to do for insulin resistance is weight loss. This is the keto treatment. 

When we start this treatment, the first thing when the patient comes to us with PCOS is to diagnose it with hormonal ultrasound and history of the patient. The patient has to be put on weight loss therapy if she is overweight. And it is not always that the patients are fat. There are cases where the ladies are skinny and still have PCOS, diagnosed by ultrasound or any hormonal test.

The key to insulin resistance, which is fighting insulin resistance, is weight loss and diet.

What is the best diet for weight loss?  | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

There are so many diets available, but the thing is, patients should go for weight loss. The patient should not go on a fat kind of diet for weight loss. Here the main thing is that the carbohydrate load has to be reduced. It has to be low carb, high protein. If wheat flour is being used, multigrain flour should be used instead. And processed food should be avoided. Outside food should be avoided. The glycemic index has to be maintained. A healthy lifestyle has to be followed. A Mediterranean diet is there, where lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits and nuts, and legumes are included and exercise and brisk walk. Whatever the patient can start with, not going to the gym is the only way to lose weight. You can start with a short brisk walk or anything, then going with and getting a routine.

PCOD also affects the fertility of the person? 

As an IVF specialist, I deal with infertility. Most of the patients coming to me have PCOD. As I told you earlier, patients have menstrual irregularities like patients who don’t get periods regularly. It will not be monthly as regular patients get. They will have periods after one and half months, two months, three months, or sometimes. If the symptoms are worse than the hormonal imbalance, the patient doesn’t get periods without medication. Medication has to be given. So when we do ultrasound, we see that the ovaries are of such and such shape. Like in PCOS, we see that there is a specific kind of shape of the ovaries. We can diagnose it. And when we see ovulation, formation of the follicle, formation of the egg, there is a problem. Ovulation is the cause of infertility. Rest other reasons are also taken into consideration.

We check for all other causes also. We are only checking for PCOD. All the tests are done. And when all the tests are done, we stumbled upon this diagnosis, and treatment is started accordingly. 

Does PCOS cause Postpartum depression as well? | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

As far as the word depression you said, depression is related to PCOD as such. So I’ll talk about Postpartum after that. 

Young girls and the internet:

See when the lady is in a condition like not getting periods when the most significant stress is on the parents. Then the page is passed onto the girls. And nowadays everybody is very net-savvy. So they go on Google and put the symptoms and lots and lots of information on PCOD. Then girls get confused. Once you start reading about PCOD, they begin to feel like something has happened to them very young. But there is no need to worry about that. This is one cause of depression.

Physical appearance: 

Then secondly, it is because of these facial features like facial hair and acne, the physical appearance. This again leads to depression when they look in the mirror. They think they are not looking beautiful. They feel that people will make fun of them for having facial hair could cause anxiety or depression. 

After marriage: 

Now these girls are very much aware. They think after marriage they’ll have problems conceiving then again. They start feeling depressed. So then, if there are little or no support groups, all these things aggravate. 

If the patient conceives, then it’s a very, very positive thing for the patient. When a patient conceives in PCOD, she is one of the happiest people in the world. So I don’t know where this postpartum depression came from, but she has to be given a lot of care during the pregnancy. A little more care than a normal pregnant patient is provided. They have to be given a little extra care by the doctor also. So the patient also has to take extra care. And even the relatives, husband we tell them to take care of the patient accordingly. 

So Postpartum depression, like a see, affects most females. But I can’t say like maybe these reasons where the Postpartum depression is for normal cases. You can also see, the same way, the ladies are confined to a room and think that ‘I don’t have anything else to do,’ ‘I am just watching the child.’ And even their male partner sometimes withdraws. So she is staying in a room with a mother-in-law or sister-in-law or something like that. And she cannot talk about some things. Sometimes she is not allowed to watch television or do anything else. And some other hormonal factors are also there.

So family support and friends’ support is significant. Now, as we talk about mental disorders, I don’t want to drag that topic here. But psychology affects everything. Suppose the psychology of anyone is taken care of by a support medium, such as family’s support, friends’ support. There are also certain support groups. All the feelings need to be talked out. Then there would be a problem like depression. 

Anything important you want to add, anything you think would be essential and helpful that you would like to add? 

I would like to add one thing, whenever I see girls just thinking about and reading a lot about PCOS from the net. I’ve seen them getting so much stressed, literally so much stressed that have seen extremes of people of girls saying I won’t get married because I have PCOS. Something will happen, I won’t have a kid, this will happen, that will happen. So I don’t think a girl should take so much stress. You should basically avoid living a sedentary lifestyle. It is not something that cannot be treated, or like cannot be cured. It’s fine that you have PCOS but don’t make it the central point of the mind of your life, thinking all the time that you have PCOS, then this will happen. See there is nothing bad about it, you just need to have and maintain an active lifestyle.

So you should start early. You start by joining a game, you can join a gym, you can go for yoga classes regularly and take proper diet. Go for a walk. This means you should keep a healthy lifestyle and improve yourself. As for his physical features are concerned if you have facial hair. there’s no need to worry. There are a lot of cosmetologists available. Very quick painless laser surgery is there and acne also can be helped with a diet as I already told you. And with all these proper lifestyle choices,  even the acne has to dissolve.

And the physical appearance when introduced to a healthy lifestyle improving drastically. When we ask them to lose weight and proper diet is followed everything is good. And as far as working for a child after marriage is concerned, there are a lot of medicines available. And there is no need to worry. We have so many PCOD patients who conceive normally. There is nothing to worry about that was the thing of the past.

Don’t overthink, adapt a habit of physical activity. And on this positive notable like to conclude the interview and would like to heartily thank Dr. Vandana for spending some time for us and giving us valuable insight thank you.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

How to Cure Vertigo Permanently | BPPV Treatment | सिर के चक्कर का उपचार | वर्टिगो कितने समय तक रहता है? | वर्टिगो (सिर घूमना या चक्कर आना का उपचार)

How to Cure Vertigo Permanently | सोते समय चक्कर आना? | जब मैं लेट जाता हूं तो मेरा सिर घूमता है? | वर्टिगो कैसे ठीक होता है?

How to cure vertigo permanently, Dr. Raman Abrol, a senior  ENT consultant, at Abrol Institute and Research Centre. He talks about a very general problem that people usually call dizziness, vertigo

What is Rotatory Vertigo? 

Vertigo, which people often mistake for dizziness, is a very common problem. It is an age-related problem. But nowadays, it is also seen in certain professions. There are two classified types of vertigo, the first one being rotatory vertigo. In this, the person feels dizzy and feels like he’s spinning. And the other type would be general dizziness, imbalance, or not being stable, vertical shaking, etc. Patients usually use vague terms to describe their condition. This is non-rotatory vertigo. 

Cervical Vertigo and what causes it?

We will now focus mainly on rotatory vertigo as it is a bit of a severe condition and requires an ENT specialist to treat it. Cell phones are becoming a problem for young as well as middle-aged people. Being on the phone for long hours can prove harmful in many ways. When you use the phone, you bend your neck a certain way, and this posture can put a strain on your spinal cord. We have a name for this condition, cervical vertigo.  The cervical area on your neck is abnormally stretched when you look at your phone in a particular posture for long hours. The spinning in this condition is not very different from rotatory, they are also momentary spinning, but they only occur when you change the positioning of your neck. For example, you will experience spinning if you move your head from side to side or right to left. If there is a pain in the neck, spasm, shoulders, and arms and spinning, and dizziness, it is called cervical vertigo.  

Not going into detail, I would focus on the primary symptoms and the common problems people face to spread awareness about them and help them diagnose and treat them accordingly. 

How to treat Cervical Vertigo? 

So cervical vertigo is basically because of bad posture, but what should we do to fix this? 

Laptop and mobiles on eye-level: How to Cure Vertigo Permanently

Make sure to place your mobile phone or laptop at your eye level. Put the computer on a stand or table where the screen is at your eye level. This will help improve your posture and lessen the strain on your neck. 

Pain killers: 

For pain and spasm, the doctor prescribes painkillers, and for vertigo, Stugeron, Vertin, Stemetil, etc., these pills are usually not required unless the doctor feels the need to prescribe them to the patient. 


The other way to treat this is cervical physiotherapy. So for people who do not have a proper posture or are always bend over a screen should work on strengthening their neck muscles. They can even go through youtube and find neck muscle strengthening exercises. There are many physiotherapy videos to choose from. You can pick one of 10-15 min that suits you. 

What is BPPV? | How to Cure Vertigo Permanently

Now, coming to rotatory vertigo. The patients who come to me with this problem suffer from BPPV, Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It is not a severe condition, as the name suggests. It’s benign, but it causes excessive spinning and dizziness. The patient panics, thinking it is something serious as if they are dying, telling that the spinning was so extreme. 

This condition is majorly positional, which means if he is lying down and turn to one side, he will experience spinning. So with this, we can conclude that if he turns on the left side and experiences dizziness and spinning, then the problem is with the balance organ of his left ear. And same goes for the right side as well. 

How does an ENT specialist diagnoses BPPV? 

80% of the patients suffer from rotation vertigo, BPPV. An ENT specialist can easily diagnose this. A DST is done. An ENT specialist would twist the person’s neck from left to right while he’s sitting. The patient might experience extreme dizziness and excessive spinning on any side. The direction in which the eye is spinning is also noted. This is how it is diagnosed. 

Why does it happen? 

With growing age, the balance organ degenerates. The tiny particles detach themself and settle on some sensitive area causing irritation in the balance organ. 

The particles settle in a particular place. This is why the person only experiences vertigo when he moves his head on any one side. 

How is vertigo treated?  

It is not very difficult to treat vertigo as it is not a life-threatening disease. Therefore, it is easy to treat. 

Epley maneuver:

As ENT doctors, we treat it using an Epley maneuver. This helps in fixing the positioning of the head. Mostly the patient recovers without medicines. But in some cases, the doctor prescribes Stugeron, Vertin, Stemetil for 5-7 days, as they experience excessive spinning. 

Vestibular Exercises  | How to Cure Vertigo Permanently

The other thing that the doctor would suggest is adaptation exercises. Vestibular adaptation exercises are recommended to regain balance. These exercises are to be started as quickly as the person experiences vertigo. 

The primary purpose of these exercises is to make the brain relearn and regain its’s balance. In addition, it trains the brain to comprehend the false signals coming from the dysfunctioning balance organs. These adaptation exercises are proven to be very effective. The patient regains their balance and gets relief within a week. Not only this, these exercises prevent this condition from resurfacing again. 

Bad posture and balance organ dysfunction are the two most common causes of vertigo. However, other reasons are not as common, and I will discuss these sometime later. 

Now, coming back to the symptoms. If there are other symptoms than dizziness, like paralysis, hearing loss, tinnitus, or the duration of spinning has increased, the head is spinning the entire day, also vomiting and nausea. Then these should be investigated thoroughly. An MRI test is to required as these are severe symptoms. The other test is needed, such as hearing tests.  

We would talk about this in another video. My purpose for today was to make you aware of the two major causes, i.e., cervical vertigo and BPPV.

Bawa Dental Clinic Dentology

Dental Implants: Procedure, Types, and Problems

Dental Implants

Dr. Bawa, from Bawa Dental Clinic, Sector 40, Chandigarh, talks about the merits of dental implants and also explains the procedure of getting perfect-looking dentures. 

What are dental implants? 

We’re going to talk about dental implants today. It is a revolutionary thing in the dental field nowadays. The best thing about dental implants is that they can replace a missing tooth without damaging the adjacent tooth. It is like your own natural teeth, which we replace with implants. 

What is the dental implant procedure? 

The main thing in the implant is that we have a titanium screw which we put in the jawbone, and we fix the tooth on that. So that becomes the root of the structure, and we can chew very effectively with this replacement.  Now I would explain to you what implants are using this model, making the explanation easy to understand.  Suppose we have three teeth missing here. So what we do is we put two implants in the jawbone. And then, we can put the upper teeth on these implants. And the patient will have no issue chewing with these implants.

How can a tooth implant help fix loose dentures

One of the very common problems today is loose and ill-fitting dentures in older adults. And nowadays, with implants, we can fix the dentures in the mouth, like this. I suppose this is the jaw, and this is the ill-fitting denture. So, What we do is we put 1,2,3,4 implant in the jaw and fix the denture. It fits perfectly, and there is no movement in the denture as such: The patent can chew very easily with these types of dentures.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Eye Floaters Treatment, Symptoms & Causes | आँखों में काले धब्बे का उपचार

Eye Floaters Treatment (आँखों में काले धब्बों के लक्षण एवं उपचार)

Dr. Anin Sethi from Mirchias Eye Care Centre, Chandigarh, talks about eye floaters. What are floaters? Eye floaters treatment are dark or black spots in the vision. They move along the eyes as you look in any direction. There can be one-two or even 20-25 floaters in the eyes. 

What Causes Eye Floaters treatment? 

Eye floaters treatment can be caused due to various reasons. This can happen in a young as well as an old patient. Usually, patients come to us complaining only about one floater. Generally, the jelly in the eye that maintains the shape of the eye starts melting with progressing age. And when it’s melting, there is some liquid and some solid part, which we see as floaters. This may not be a significant concern. If one starts to see these floaters, one should consult an ophthalmologist. 

Symptoms and Treatment for floaters

The ophthalmologist would inspect your eyes for any damage to the retina. Usually, these floaters go away on their own in a few days. As you continue with your daily activities, these floaters gradually settle at the bottom on their own. If you are young and you experience floaters in your eyes, you should consult an ophthalmologist. In some cases, there can be weak areas in the retina which cause floaters in the eyes.  And if you see 3-4 floaters and you have consulted a doctor, and he has assured you that there is no damage or anything of concern, you should still take care of your eyes, and in case the floaters increase to 20-25, consult the doctor immediately. 

The third reason for this could be diabetes or hypertension, or even bleeding in the eye. These are multiple dark spots in different shapes that move with the eye in whichever direction you are looking. 

Risk Factors 

So if you have diabetes, have hypertension, or have any eye disorder, and you see these floaters, you should consult an eye specialist. If the doctor does not find anything serious that can damage the eye, then no special treatment is required for floaters alone. 

Amcare Hospital Cardiology

Chest Pain Types | सीने में दर्द के प्रकार? | Is It A Sign of Heart Attack or Something Else?

Chest Pain Types | क्या यह हार्ट अटैक का संकेत है या कुछ और?

Chest pain types Dr. Mohit Bhutani, a consultant cardiologist at Amcare Hospital, Zirakpur talks about chest pain types. A lot of patients ask me if the pain in the chest is because of gas, or is it the bones that are causing the pain, or is something wrong with the arteries, or is this pain related to heart attack or any damage in the arteries. 

What are the types of chest pain?


If the pain is above the belly button on the abdomen, you get burps that burn, water in the mouth, acidity then it is gastric. This gastric pain does not increase if you do any work. 

Heart attack/angina: Chest Pain Types

Whereas the angina pain or the heart attack pain is work-related which can be felt anywhere starting from the jaw to the belly button. This pain does not occur only on the left side of the heart but also in the middle and it can also radiate to both arms. The basic characteristic of this pain is that it increases with the amount of work you do. 

In this pain, the person feels uneasy, nervous, and sweating. If you feel any of these do consult a cardiologist and get an ECG test done at your earliest. This way we can rule out this pain is just regular gastric or it is heart-related. 

What is Angina?

One more thing I would like to discuss with you is that when patients google the symptoms and come to me asking whether the pain they feel is angina or not. So then I want to make it very clear, angina is work-related pain, which increases with the amount of work you do, eg. running or climbing stairs. 

 What is the difference between angina and heart attack pain?

Angina pain stops when you stand still or stop doing any activity and starts and increases with more work you do.  Whereas a heart attack will not stop even if you stand still, it is the same type of pain in the middle of the chest and in your arms but it will continue paining regardless of the amount of work. This is how you can differentiate angina pain from a heart attack. 

How would you know if you are having a heart attack? 

A heart attack is usually for a long duration of time, more than 30 min, and is associated with sweating and nervousness. 

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

How to Cure Allergic Rhinitis Permanently? | एलर्जिक रायनाइटिस कारण, लक्षण और उपचार | एलर्जिक राइनाइटिस से हमेशा के लिए छुटकारा कैसे पाएं? | नाक की एलर्जी को जड़ से खत्म कैसे करें?

How to Cure Allergic Rhinitis Permanently? | Allergic Rhinitis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Types | क्या एलर्जिक राइनाइटिस ठीक हो सकता है? | राइनाइटिस एलर्जी का कारण क्या है?

How to cure allergic rhinitis permanently? With the changing season, a lot of people complain about allergies. Sneezing, itching in the eye, nose, mouth, watery eyes, headaches, etc., are all seasonal allergies. This is primarily seasonal, especially happens in spring and winter. This is seasonal allergy rhinitis. And it is easily manageable. 

The other set of allergies is such that it stays all year long. They wake up with an itchy mouth, eyes, and sneezing. Or the sneezing begins early at 5-6 am. Or they sneeze all the time. In some cases, the sneezing starts as they enter the house, i.e., indoor allergies. Allergies This which is perennial (round the year) is called chronic allergy rhinitis.

What are the two types of allergies? | How to Cure Allergic Rhinitis Permanently

These two are the main categories of allergies that we commonly see. 

Seasonal: How to Cure Allergic Rhinitis Permanently

Seasonal allergies mostly happen because of the different pollen from the trees, grass, and wild weeds. We are talking about an outdoor allergy, or this can happen in open ventilated rooms where pollen can enter through the door or window. So pollen is the most common cause of seasonal allergies. 

Perennial: How to Cure Allergic Rhinitis Permanently

The chronic allergy. It is a perennial allergy that stays all year long. The patient sneezes throughout the year, and there is discharge in the nose that keeps dripping in the throat. This is perennial allergy rhinitis. The most common cause for this is house dust mites. If the person might sneeze when they enter a room with dust while sweeping, dusting, etc., he is allergic to dust mites. 

What are dust allergies and their symptoms? 

Dust allergy is the most common allergy that we have seen in the patient, and dust mites are the common reason that causes the symptoms. The source of the dust mites inside the house is the mattress. The curtains, bed, and pillow contain the most dust mites, which are microscopic bacteria. These dust mites are highly allergenic. This allergy is only active when the patient sleeps at night or wakes up in the morning. Most patients who suffer from nasal allergies also suffer from chest allergies, asthma, and other breathing problems.

Therefore, it is called Nasobronchial allergy. It is said that the nose and the chest are the same organs. This is because they both have the same tissue lining. So the treatment for nose and chest allergy is also the same. When we investigate the allergy, we look into the patient’s medical history, which gives us a rough idea about the condition. 

How are these allergies diagnosed? 

Even the pollens have a season; if it is grass pollen, it will be in this specific season. And the same goes for the tree pollen. So these patients do not need much through investigation and can be easily treated. But it’s not the same with persistent allergies.  

Skin Prick Test (SPT) is a very sensitive test. For this test, we already have the antigens, injections of the common allergens, like pollen. So what we do is to prick and test all these allergens on the patient’s arm. This helps us find out what the patient is allergic to. In the same way, for the dust mite allergy, which remains round the year, we use house dust mites injections for the test. 

The SPT is one way of identifying the allergens, the other being a blood test. 

What are the different allergic rhinitis treatments:

There could be two types of treatments, the one if treatment by giving anti-allergens. There are different types of anti-allergens. The commonest and whichever is suitable for the person is used for the treatment. This tablet is to be taken around the season, one tablet daily.  One tablet has its effect for 24 hours.  There are nasal sprays, anti-allergens spray, and anti-steroid sprays available as well. 

If the allergies are around the year, anti-dust mites can be measured as dust mites are the most common causes. In this case, we dust the patient’s room, his pillow, mattress, and bedsheet and put them out in the sun. The target is that the nose of the patient should not come in contact with the bed. So we try to put a non-porous barrier between the mattress and the bedsheet to keep the dust mites from coming in connection with the patient. As far as the medicines are concerned, they are the same as that of the seasonal allergy. 

This also has to be a long-term medication process; anti-allergens and nasal sprays are given to the patient. Dust allergies are treatable to a certain extent. And for the patients who want to cure, this ultimately is a susceptible asked to build their immunity, which is done by immunotherapy.

In immunotherapy, the patient is injected with serial dilution of the allergen, which the SPT confirmed. The patient takes an injection from dilute to very dilute concentration. These injections are to be taken from year to year, and then the period changes accordingly. This is how immunity is built against a particular allergen. This is how immunotherapy works. 

The steps are

  1. Avoidance of the allergen. 
  2. The medical treatment 
  3. Immunotherapy 

Inhalers, cough syrups, bronco dilators are given to patients with chest allergies.

Thank you.

Amcare Hospital Cardiology

Heart Disease Symptoms In Men | पुरुषों में हृदय रोग के लक्षण जाने उपचार? Symptoms of Heart Problems in Men

Heart Disease Symptoms In Men | Symptoms of Heart Problems

Introduction to men’s heart health

Heart Disease Symptoms Dr. Mohit Bhutani, a consultant cardiologist working at Amcare Hospital, Zirakpur. Today I will be discussing ‘Men’s Health’ as we all know from June 14-21 it is a men’s health week. We will now be discussing all the cardiovascular factors that may affect men’s health in more than one way. It is essential to talk about men’s health as it is a proven fact that every 1 in 4 males dies due to a health disease. And men are more prone to heart-related disorders compared to women.  Men show symptoms of heart problems or acquire heart disease 7-10 years earlier than women. 

What are the risk factors for getting heart disease? 

This men’s health week, we will be discussing the risk factors and the heart diseases that men are prone to. 

  • Gender One of the risk factors for heart disease is gender (male).
  • Tobacco The other would-be habits like smoking and chewing tobacco. 
  • Health issues Obesity, high cholesterol, work-related work, or any other stress, all combined, are significant risk factors for men to get heart disease. 

What are the signs and symptoms of heart disease? 

The signs and symptoms of heart disease or blockage in the arteries in men would be chest pain, difficulty breathing, strain on the neck while walking, pain in the jaw and arms. This pain in the neck, jaw, and arms would stop as you stand still. In medical terms, this is called Angina. All these symptoms indicate that the person has heart diseases such as blockage in arteries or veins. 

How are heart diseases diagnosed? 

The tests conducted for the diagnosis of heart diseases are ECG, ECHO cardiography, TMT (if the test results for TMT is +ve, then angiography is also done). All the tests mentioned are conducted at AmcareAfter diagnoses, we get an idea about the condition of the heart and arteries, which helps us treat the disease in two ways. One way is to get the angiography done and then angioplasty stenting. But if the patient has high blood sugar or other complications, then the patient is suggested to get a bypass surgery done. 

The importance of men’s heart health | Heart Disease Symptoms

Why is men’s health important? And how is men’s health different from women’s? Are the questions I will be discussing and answering today. Men are subjected to cancers that women are not, like prostate cancer, testicular cancer, or Erectile dysfunction. It is seen that men with ED are at higher risk of having heart disease or a brain stroke. So it is essential to know about all the risk factors, and other bodily issues that a male suffers from that may directly or indirectly affect that male’s heart health. And it is vital to get all of it diagnosed and treated at the earliest. 

How to prevent heart diseases in men?

These diseases start affecting males during the age of 25-30. So it is important to start taking care of themselves. 

Lifestyle changes

Stop tobacco and alcohol consumption, do not smoke, limit your junk food consumption and opt for a better and balanced, fibrous, protein-rich diet. Eat salads. 

Physical activity 

Maintain a daily schedule, add 30 mins of physical activity to your daily routine. Or do cardio exercises that increase your heart rate, and you sweat out the calories. 

Regular health checkups | Heart Disease Symptoms

Regular health checkups, blood pressure checkups, normal blood sugar checkups can help you monitor your heart health. (Available at Amcare). Getting regular checkups may help you diagnose the problem at an early stage. And early diagnoses of lipids, cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, etc., can be treated accordingly. 

Maintain your BMI

If the person is overweight, try to lose weight according to BMI. If you follow all these things and take precautions from an early age, this would reduce heart diseases. 

Symptoms of heart diseases should not be ignored 

A misconception that we all believe is that we have is that a person can only get heart disease after the age of 50, which is entirely wrong. South Asian/Indian men are at risk of heart disease from the age of 25/30. So if you feel a sudden sharp pain in your chest, do not ignore it. Do not be under the impression that a young man cannot get any heart disease. 

Bottom line 

You should consult a cardiologist and get yourself diagnosed early or try to prevent such heart issues. However, chest pain should not be ignored. We have all the modern equipment to check whether this chest pain has anything to do with the heart, arteries or no and so it can be treated at the earliest. 


Cosmo Hospital

Bawa Dental Clinic Dentology

Sensitive Teeth: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Sensitive Teeth and its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hello, I am Dr. Bawa, from Bawa Dental Clinic, Sector 40, Chandigarh. Our clinic is one of the oldest clinics in sector 40. We are running this clinic for the last 35 years. 

Today I am going to talk about this very common problem, i.e. sensitivity of the teeth. If you feel pain or sensation in your teeth when you drink something cold or hot, the patient has to visit a dentist. In this case, what I would suggest is, you consult a dentist at your earliest. The earlier it is, the better it is.  But in case the pain is too much, then we may have to go for a root canal and other extensive treatments. But if the sensitivity is less, we can treat it regularly, i.e. the best we can suggest. 

The most common thing with the patients’ practice in case of sensitivity is the use of desensitizing toothpaste. But I would recommend not to use these de-sensitizing toothpaste for a long time as they damage the teeth in the long run. If the cavity is too deep, we might have to go for a root canal and other fillings. So it is a must that we consult a dentist and get proper treatment for sensitive teeth at the earliest. The more we delay, the more we are the losers as a patient. 

Dogra nursing home Gynecology

Male Infertility Treatment, Causes & Symptoms | पुरुषों मैं बांझपन उपचार, कारण और लक्षण

Male Infertility Treatment | पुरुष बांझपन का उपचार

Dr. Mangla Dogra from Dogra Nursing Home and Endoscopy Center, Chandigarh, talks about male infertility treatment. One in every ten couples has infertility. When we say infertility, that means the couple is having frequent unprotected intercourse for the last one to two years, and still, they are not able to conceive. Out of these patients, almost 50% have one or another malefactor to contribute to this infertility. When we talk of male infertility, we are basically talking of low sperm count or sperms, which are very slow, they are not very functional, or you have some sexual problems; that you are not having a proper sexual relationship, or you have some illness, some injury, some surgery, some genetic abnormality which is contributing to these problems like low sperm count, low motility and abnormal sperm count. 

What are the risk factors of male infertility? 

When we are investigating a male partner for infertility, after a detailed history about any illness, any treatment they are taking, specifically about some lifestyle choices that they have made these days, any surgery on the genital organ, or any history of such genetic problem in the family where they are unable to have children in their family also then, we ask for a simple test which is called Semen Analysis so when we are doing semen analysis. Basically, the husband has to give his semen in the lab after 48 to 72 hours of sexual abstinence. So then, what are you looking forward to?

What is Azoospermia? | Male Infertility Treatment

We are looking at the sperm count, so we have a specific number of sperm that have to be there for a successful pregnancy to occur then. Are the sperms motile? Because a lot of the time you have a good number of sperms, but they are not motile. Thirdly are they morphologically, When or they are well-formed? They are not abnormal sperms because that will also lead to an inability to conceive, and or if you do conceive that they can contribute to recurrent abortion. So then generally, the question that the patients ask us when they get a report which says no sperms, so no sperms or zero sperm,  is called Azoospermia. So there can be many reasons for Azoospermia, but first of all, the most common reason by enlargement is either a blockage in the reproductive tract. 

What are the causes of male infertility?

So when we say there is a blockage in the reproductive tract, that means that the track that brings the sperm from the testicles to the tip of the penis is blocked somewhere. And this may be because of infections or maybe because of some surgery done on that area or maybe because of some trauma or maybe some radiation or some other trauma or chemotherapy or any anticancer drug that you have taken. Then other reasons which can cause zero sperms or azoospermia is hormonal. This hormone may be either a hormone that is produced from the testes, or it may be a hormone that may be produced in your brain, in your pituitary, in your hypothalamus, in your thyroid, or maybe in the adrenal. Some of them can be taken care of, but some cannot be taken care of. In a few conditions, you can restore the sperm from a special IVF technique, so that would be a little expensive procedure. Besides that, there are other causes for causing azoospermia. 

How can male infertility be treated? | Male Infertility Treatment

So when they say, the doctor, can my azoospermia or no sperm count be taken care of? Or can it be treated? 

Yes, if it is obstructed, that means there is some obstruction in the reproductive tract, then yes, it can be corrected by surgery. But not if it is hormonal or if it is a genetic factor that is contributing when it is in your genes, and you are not producing proper sperm. Those are a little difficult and are not possible to rectify. But definitely, there are a lot of modalities nowadays available for low sperm counts. So it is not that they cannot have a baby. Yes, they can have babies. Only the type of treatments may differ. 

How to improve sperm count? 

So the next question that normally people ask us is, Doctor, can I do something to improve my count if it is a low count?  

See,  first of all, the most important thing is the lifestyle choices that you have made. You need to see that if you are smoking, you need to cut down on your smoking. If you are taking alcohol, if you are taking excessive alcohol, it decreases your testosterone. Once the testosterone hormone decreases, it also decreases sperm production. Once you are taking too much alcohol especially if it is also affecting your liver, then your sexual drive, your urge to do sex also goes down. It is a multifactorial thing when the alcohol part is concerned. 

What causes low sperm count and sperm motility? | Male Infertility Treatment

  1. Drugs: Then there are certain recreational drugs that people take these days, especially cocaine and marijuana, they can directly decrease your sperm count, and once you stop these medicines, after a long time, some amount can be recovered. So that is why we say that your lifestyle choices directly affect your sperm count. 
  2. Hazardous occupation: If you are working in a factory, or where there are lots of solvents, paints, fumes, etc., these are. Also, you can say occupational hazards. Pesticides, Insecticides also decrease your sperm count. 
  3. Wearing tight pants: These days wearing tight clothes, jeggings, which are part of the fashion statement. They also increase the temperature of your groin and decrease the sperm count. Keeping a laptop on your thighs is also one of the reasons that could cause decreased sperm count because it increases the temperature on your groins and thereby affecting sperm motility and sperm count. 
  4. Sauna and hot baths: Too many saunas and hot baths also decrease sperm production, it may be temporary, but, yes, it definitely affects the sperm count as well as sperm motility.  Both are affected by this. 
  5. Medications: If you are taking medicines for diabetes for blood pressure, for thyroid, for arthritis, for chronic ailments, a certain type of ulcer drugs which one takes, as an antacid, you take it for treating acidity, they also decrease the sperm motility as well as sperm production. These are small, little two things in our day-to-day life. We do not realize it because there are no signs and symptoms but combined together, they cause a lot of sperm dysfunction in terms of mortality as well as the count. 
  6. Steroids: These days we see a lot of these youngsters who are very conscious of their body, and they’re into bodybuilding in gyming, and take the steroid injections, they take anabolic steroids. It is very unfortunate that nobody tells them not to take these because, at that point in time, they are there. They are mainly concerned about building a strong body and body that looks like a hero’s body. But these anabolic steroids shrink the size of your testies, and your testies totally shrink over the years, and your sperm count becomes zero. They realize it only after five to 10 years of their time. You know they start these medicines at 16-17 years of life, and then once they are 25-28, 30-32, and they want to have a baby, they suddenly realize that they have no sperm count left. So I would strongly recommend that please do not take these anabolic steroids and testosterone for having a body that apparently looks very athletic and all, but apparently, what we say is, andar se wo khokhli ho gai hai. 
  7. Cancers: These days there is a rise in cancers even in youngsters. So if you have had any surgeries around your genital area or you have taken any some radiation or have taken chemotherapy may not be chemotherapy for a genital tumor or chemotherapy for any other cancer anywhere else in the body that also affects your sperm production income in terms of sperm count as well as motility. So there is modality available that when you are going in for these therapies like chemotherapy, and you know that your sperm count may be decreased for future there are modalities available where you can actually freeze your sperm so that later on, you do not have problems in conception.
  8. Obesity: Obesity is also one of the very important factors for male infertility because when you are obese, your testosterone levels become low. Because of that, your urge to do sexual relationship decreases. And also otherwise by changing the hormones inside your body on the hypothalamus-pituitary access decreases sperm count.

How to improve our lifestyle and avoid infertility? 

 So what are you looking for?  What can I do, doctor?  when you say like that, you follow a healthy lifestyle you cut down on your weight, do exercises, you can down on your alcohol, say no to drugs and smoking, and make sure that you do not take hot showers, you do not put the laptop on your lap and also do not hesitate in going and discussing any sexual problems with your doctor, because sometimes there is nothing wrong. Still, it is just that you have problems like premature ejaculation or you have erection problems that can be easily taken care of. Do not feel shy and consult your doctor. This is doctor Mangla Dogra from Dogra Nursing Home, Chandigarh.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Hoarseness Voice Treatment | Laryngitis Treatment | गला बैठने का उपचार | गला का आवाज कैसे ठीक करें? | आवाज बैठ जाए तो क्या करना चाहिए?

Hoarseness Voice Treatment | Laryngitis Treatment | भारी आवाज को कैसे ठीक करें? | लेरिन्जाइटिस के लक्षण, कारण, इलाज | गले से आवाज क्यों नहीं निकलती है?

Hoarseness voice treatment, Dr. Raman Abrol is a senior consultant at Abrol ENT Institute & Research Centre, the Best ENT specialist in Chandigarh. He talks about the Hoarseness of voice (Laryngitis)

What causes hoarseness of voice? | Hoarseness Voice Treatment 

The most common causes seen are viruses, infections, flu, something called upper respiratory tract infection. In which a patient may feel a little feverish, sore throat, change in voice, known as laryngitis.

Laryngitis is the temporary but common cause of hoarse voice. Excessive use of voice, which is called abuse of voice can be another common cause of it. This may happen when you shout very loudly or try to yell in noisy surroundings. Temporary hoarseness can be caused by singing or making a speech more than you are usually used to. In simple terms it is called “gala baithna”.

The causes mentioned above cause temporary hoarseness and can be treated easily. The basic treatment for this, voice rest along with some decongestant, anti-allergic therapy. 

Getting a little more technical, there are many other causes of hoarseness of voice. That is more serious and needs more assessment, investigation, and treatment. This can be broadly divided into the following:  

Organic: | Hoarseness Voice Treatment 

The causes of laryngitis or hoarseness can be organic. This can be as the person is affected by one disease, that disease may affect the voice box as well causing hoarseness. These may include trauma, hurting the voice box, surgical trauma, etc. 

In teachers, singers, vendors, public speakers, due to continuous talking, they may develop a few organic problems. Like, swollen vocal cord, polyps in the vocal cord. This may take a little longer to heal as they require special treatment. In these cases, the hoarseness may persist for more than 2-3 weeks. In these cases, it is very necessary to consult an ENT doctor, he will investigate further and treat it accordingly. 

A neoplasm: 

A neoplasm can be another cause of hoarseness. In this case, there is cancerous growth mostly seen in people who consume tobacco, alcohol, paan, or smoke. This needs serious diagnoses and serious treatment, Dr. Raman Abrol also suggests cutting off all these habits. 


There are a few systemic ailments in the body like thyroid, hyperthyroid. These also affect the vocal cord and cause hoarseness for a couple of months. 


There can be a few inflammations or infections like TB. If the person has TB in his chest it can naturally affect your voice box as well.  Broadly organic causes are which have a legion that requires detailed treatment. 

Functional hoarseness: 

Functional hoarseness is the other set of causess. In this, there is no legion but something to do with the psychology of the patient. In this the person does not speak at all, they state they are unable to speak. This may happen as they are under some stress, they are tense. 

How can hoarseness of voice be treated? 

If the patient has an upper respiratory tract infection or has abused his voice. The treatment would be nothing but to keep quiet, maun vrat or voice rest 3-4 days. For swelling, de-inflammatory tablets are advised, and for the flu, steam inhalations are required. One must keep hydrated, drink plenty of water to keep the throat moist and humid. A lot of patients suffer from acid reflux, they are suggested to take an antacid. 

Whatever the cause may be, one should consult an ENT doctor, get an endoscopy, laryngoscopy is done. This will help detect the exact cruise, like bumps, polyp, or swelling, and help treat it accordingly. 

Systemic disorders like thyroid or TB can be treated medically. And for functional disorders, the patients mostly only require constant. Consistent speech therapy, behavioral and psychotherapy, mostly relaxation and rehabilitation exercises are also advisable. 

There is a permanent type of voice change. This is when a boy becomes an adult or he is entering into puberty at the age of 13-16  years. This change is called Puberphonia, this can also be treated with speech therapy.

COVID-19 guidelines

During these times of crisis, Dr. Abrol encourages to adapt Covid appropriate behavior. Like wearing a mask, social distancing, avoid touching surfaces, doors, or doorknobs, sanitize your surroundings regularly. Sanitize your hands after touching anything, avoid touching your face, mouth, or nose as much as possible. One of the ways the virus is transmitted is through touch. And when you shake hands with someone and then you touch your face or nose. This can deem dangerous. Another thing to keep in mind is not to use compact elevators.  These compact elevators have a maximum capacity of 4 people. These close enclosures may be the major cause of spreading Coronavirus in these apartments or buildings.

Now talking about the preventions, Dr. Abrol suggests getting vaccinated for COVID-19. The vaccination, according to Dr. Abrol, is very effective. Busting the myths about the vaccination being ineffective, Dr. Abrol said that these rumors are baseless and do not have an authentic source. He himself is a doctor who sees a number of patients on a regular basis and he can vouch for the effectiveness of the vaccine available for Coronavirus.

He also adds, the effect of the vaccine takes place after two weeks of both the vaccines being taken. It is a misconception that only one dose of the vaccine will work. The virus affects the patients who have taken the vaccination (both shots). But the effect of the virus is very mild and can be treated easily.  The rate of the vaccinated people being affected is only 5%.

Lastly, as we do not have any particular treatment for COVID-19, Dr. Abrol asks the audience to get vaccinated. There is less availability of beds, no proper supply of oxygen. Getting vaccinated is the only way to prevent covid-19. 

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Under Eye Swelling | Swollen Eyelids | Puffy Eyes Treatment (सूजी हुई आँखें एवं आंखों के नीचे काले घेरे ऐसे करें दूर)

Under Eye Swelling (Puffy Eyes): Causes and Treatment 

Dr. Anin Seth from Mirchias Eye Care Centre, Chandigarh, talks about the cause of under eye swelling, its causes, treatment, and tips on how to get rid of them. 

It’s a very common problem. Patients come to us complaining about the dark circles and puffiness under their eyes. It is also called ‘bags under the eyes’.

Old age and Under Eye Swelling (Puffy eyes)? 

There can be various causes for puffy eyes. The most common cause of puffy eyes seen is old age. Due to old age, the skin gets thin, and the tissues become loose, which leads to swelling. The fat around the eyeball shifts and gathers under the skin. This fat leads to the formation of bags under the eyes.

Simple home remedy to reduce swollen eyelids (puffy eyes):

We need not do much. One can use an ice pack on the swollen area. If the swelling is more in the morning and fluctuates during the day, there can be more than one reason for this.

Other reasons for puffiness in the eyes:

Heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, or any disease that causes water accumulation. We usually see puffy eyes in older adults and younger people who suffer from kidney, liver, or heart disorders. 

Other symptoms of swollen eyes

Swollen eyes are familiar in people with diseases that cause water accumulation. Not only this, it also causes swollen feet or swelling in any dependent part. If this happens, do consult a doctor. But if there is swelling only in the eye and other things are normal, it may not be that big of a concern.

Puffy eyes treatment depending upon age

Treatment for aged 

If it is a cosmetic issue, a cosmetic surgeon can help remove the excess skin (only for cosmetic reasons).

Treatment for young patients 

 If young patients are suffering from puffy eyes, they should fix their sleep schedule. One should get 6-8 hours of sleep daily and take a proper diet. And if the eye is itchy along with the bags under the eyes, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Amcare Hospital Hospital

Amcare Hospital


Bawa Dental Clinic


Chandigarh Spinal Rehab

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Black Fungus Symptoms | Black Fungus Treatment | Mucormycosis Fungal Infection Symptoms | ब्लैक फंगस के लक्षण? |

Black Fungus Symptoms | Black Fungus Treatment | मुझे कैसे पता चलेगा कि मुझे काला फंगस है? | Symptoms of Black Fungus

Black fungus symptoms, Dr. Raman Abrol, a senior ENT specialist at Abrol ENT institute and research center, is here to talk and address the threat of black fungus or mucormycosis, which is also related to fast-spreading coronavirus. 

What is black fungus? Who is at risk? 

Firstly he discussed the causes of the coronavirus and black fungus. According to the knowledge and the experiments conducted, this is also called Mucormycosis, is not a new thing; this has infected people before the pandemic.  This disease has affected old-aged and negligent diabetic people in the past. So it is not something new; it has been affected a few people before. It had been cured in the past, but this situation is like an explosion of this disease, It is multifactorial; research has shown that it is still affecting people with diabetes. 95% of the cases of black fungus are diabetic. 

People who tested positive for coronavirus are getting black fungus as the virus is sensitizing them to black fungus. 

High dosage of steroids: 

According to Dr. Raman Abrol, the virus is making the nose susceptible to black fungus.  The second reason is the high dosage of steroids, Tocilizumab, Remdesivir, which are immunity modulators used for treatment. All these things are immunity suppressors.   Along with suppressing immunity, they also raise blood sugar levels in the body. And this raise blood sugar level is why people are getting infected with this. This other factor that is currently under discussion is the consumption of Zinc tablets. It is assumed (no proof yet) that the consumption of zinc tablets can be a potential reason for it. 

What are the signs and symptoms of black fungus? 

The symptoms of black fungus start showing 10-15 days after discharge from hospitals or ICUs. The signs are blackening of the face, the palette, and some problems in the eyes like itching, redness, and bulging of the eye, the nose feels dry, nose bleed and pain in the nose, and severe headache. It is essential to rush the patient to a hospital at the earliest. This problem is not manageable by the small clinics as they have fewer resources to diagnose or treat, as the infected patient needs ICU care, surgeries, multi-disciplinary doctors, and intensive care. The people infected by black fungus are very sick, and the mortality rate is very high (about 50-60%). 

What are the causes of this fungal infection?  

The primary cause for the second wave of coronavirus is the lack of vaccination due to all the myths and false information about the vaccine shots. To prevent this further, Dr. Abrol pushes everyone to get vaccinated, control one’s blood sugar level, follow all the rules and regulations, avoid forming groups or gatherings and continue the Covid-appropriate behavior. 

What is the treatment for black fungus? 

Black fungus is a challenging problem to tackle.  It disfigures the patient’s face as the infected part has to be removed surgically. In some cases, half the face and eyes have to be removed, and then the face is reconstructed, making it a dreadful experience. The treatment of this disease is costly because even after the surgery, the patient must undergo anti-fungal therapy.  

How can you prevent yourself from this fungal infection? 

Coming to the prevention of black fungus, Dr. Abrol said that, 

  1. Get vaccinated to stay safe. 
  2. Follow covid-appropriate behavior 
  3. Avoid crowded places, do not gather in small groups, maintain social distancing. 
  4. If you feel feverish, do not eat medicines on your own, these drugs are nothing but steroids, and steroids are an open invitation for this infection.
  5. Maintain your sugar level, and do not take unprescribed medicines. 

The only time one should consume steroids is when there is a saturation dip. When your fever is at a saturation point, do not take steroids as it increases the chances of getting infected and affects the sugar levels. 

These are all these things to keep in mind. As soon as you see any sign or symptom of this disease, i.e., red or itchy eyes, dry nose, nosebleed, severe headache, black spots on the face, or even loose teeth, you should consult a covid specialist at your earliest. Get a CT scan,  MRI, or a nose swab test done. 

So to prevent black fungus, religiously follow the advice given by Dr. Abrol. 


Abrol ENT Institute & Research Centre

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Causes of Dry Eyes Itchy, Symptoms & Treatment | आंखों में पानी आना, खुश्की होना, खुजली होना का इलाज

Dry Itchy Eyes: Causes of Dry Eyes Itchy, Symptoms & Treatment

Dr. Anin Sethi is currently practicing at Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic, the best Lasik laser center & Eye Specialist hospital in Chandigarh. He has listed the symptoms, and prevention methods of watery eyes, dry or itchy eyes(causes of dry eyes itchy). 

What causes of dry eyes itchy and itchy eyes? 

It is common to get watery eyes in the spring-summer or rainy season. 

There can be various reasons for this to happen. One being lack of moisture in the eyes. This is very common in females above the age of 50. 

(increased risk) People, who work at a mill, are exposed to dust, or spend a lot of time staring at the screen are at increased risk of getting dry eyes.  Or if they read a lot then also they can suffer from Dryness and allergies.

What are the symptoms of dry eyes? 

  • Feel needles in the eyes
  • Watery eyes 
  • Strain in the eyes 
  • Blurred vision for a few minutes, which goes away after blinking
  • Itching in the eyes. 

How to get rid of dry eyes? 

Wash your eyes: 

To get rid of dryness or lack of moisture in the eyes, wash your eyes frequently. 

Take a break: 

If you work for long hours on your computers or laptops, take 5 mins to break after each hour. Look outside the window or close your eyes and sit. The rate at which a person blinks reduces due to increased screen time. And due to this, the moisture in the eyes evaporates. Therefore to avoid dryness one should always take a 5 min break between hours. 

Eye drops: 

There are a few eye drops to lubricate your eyes. These can be used 4-5 times a day as there are no side effects. 

How to get rid of itchy eyes? 

Getting, dull red, and itchy eyes during this season are very common. One of the common reasons for this is the allergic reactions to pollen from the flowers that bloom in spring. 

Eye drops: 

The doctor prescribes medicines, eye drops, and lubricants that soothe the itching.

The patient is asked not to rub his eyes if the allergies are severe, as it may worsen the condition. And also increase the number of the patient’s eyesight. 

Hot and cold compress: 

Use a cold compress or wash your eyes with cold water twice or thrice a day. this helps with excessive itching.

How to permanently treat dry eyes? 

There are different levels of treatment ranging from mild to severe. 

According to the patient’s level of allergy, the treatment can be modified. These allergies can be seen in any age group. Dry eyes are seasonal. So the children should be instructed not to rub their eyes. This may worsen the allergy and weaken vision or even harm the pupil. 

Go to the doctor, follow the prescribed medicines for relief. 

This is a seasonal allergy so it may go away by medications. But there are changes it can come back during the spring-summer or rainy seasons. 

At the age of 18-20 70-80%, it gets better on its own. But in other cases, it has to be treated by medications. 


To prevent dry eyes: 

  1. Do not rub your eyes. 
  2. Use a cold compress
  3. Consult a doctor 
  4. Follow the prescription 
Dogra nursing home Gynecology

COVID Vaccine While Breastfeeding | गर्भवती या स्तनपान कराने वाली महिला के दौरान COVID-19 टीकाकरण

COVID Vaccine While Breastfeeding – Is It Safe for Pregnant & Breastfeeding Women? | क्या यह गर्भवती और स्तनपान कराने वाली महिलाओं के लिए सुरक्षित है?

COVID Vaccine while breastfeeding, Dr. Mangla Dogra is an MBBS, MD(Obstetrics & Gynecologist), with experience of 34 years. She is Director & Senior Consultant – Obstetrics & Gynecologist at Dogra Nursing Home, Chandigarh.  On receiving various questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccination, Dr. Mangla Dogra stated the following:

Is it safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women to get vaccinated? 

During this testing time of covid-19 Pandemic, we are getting many queries about Corona vaccination during pregnancy. During breastfeeding, and or in patients who are planning pregnancy and are getting infertility treatment. About two-thirds of the women who test positive for covid-19 during pregnancy are asymptomatic. However, some pregnant women can get life-threatening diseases because of covid-19, particularly if they have underlying health issues. 

Vaccination during pregnancy: COVID Vaccine While Breastfeeding

In the later stages of pregnancy, women are at an increased risk of becoming seriously ill with a covid-19 infection. Especially in the third trimester. Three times the rate, they will have a rate of premature birth in these babies. So having said that, ideally, you should have your vaccination before you plan a pregnancy. That means,after the first shot the second shot would be after 6 to 8 weeks. And after the second vaccination for another two months, one should wait, and then one should plan a pregnancy. If you are vaccinated and if you have followed these norms, this would be an ideal situation. 

Pregnancy after the first dose

If you have received the first dose and then you suddenly realize that you have become pregnant in a bad situation, do not panic. This vaccination that you are receiving is a dead virus vaccine just like the vaccination of influenza. Which will have no adverse effect on your growing pregnancy and the fetus.

So thirdly,  if you have received the first dose and realize that you are pregnant. Do not go in for the second dose in pregnancy. Because we do not have enough evidence, available to us as of now about the effect of covid vaccination. 

covid -19 vaccine and its effect on pregnancy: COVID Vaccine While Breastfeeding

And when Dr. Mangla Dogra talks of this, she talks of Covishield and Covaxin, which is available in India, and their effect on pregnancy and its outcome on pregnancy.

For women who are planning a pregnancy that is taking treatment for infertility: The ideal situation would again be to get the first vaccination and then the second vaccination after 6 weeks. Wait for another eight to ten weeks before you start treatment for infertility.

That way, with the whole vaccination scenario, they will have to wait for words for 25 months before they start taking treatment for infertility. There is limited information about the effect of covid-19 vaccination and its outcome. So even if you do get vaccinated, if you do get another scenario and then plan a pregnancy and have a baby. During pregnancy, you still need to follow the norms of covid-19 distancing. Wearing a mask all the time. Washing your hands carefully.

Vaccination for covid-19 for pregnant women has been allowed in countries like the UK and the USA. And that also there only recommended Pfizer, but this also is to be given in high-risk women. Women who can wear comorbidities or work in scenarios in a hospital setup and are more likely to get a covid-19 infection. 

Having said that there is no evidence for pregnant women with Covishield and Covaxin in India. So pregnant women and lactating women should not receive covid-19 vaccination at this time. As none of the trials have been done on pregnant women. So as of now, the Ministry of family welfare and health guidelines are that pregnant ladies and lactating women do have not to receive covid vaccination.

Yes, of course, as time passes, we will have more and more evidence and literature available, and the time and the guidelines will keep changing. We from Dogra Nursing Home, Sector 19 will update you about whatever the new guidelines are. 

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Treatment for Lazy Eye & Amblyopia Causes & Symptoms | दोनों आँखों की नजर में अंतर का सफल इलाज

Treatment for Lazy Eye & Amblyopia : Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dr. Anin Sethi, currently practicing at Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic, the best Lasik laser center & Eye Specialist hospital in Chandigarh, talks about treatment for lazy eye, their treatments, and prevention methods. 

What is a lazy eye? At what age does it affect the child? 

Treatment for lazy eye or, technically called amblyopia. It basically is reduced vision in one eye. This reduced vision cannot be corrected by glasses and no other cause for this defect is not detected either. Vision is developed in children till the age of 7. But when the child has a number but is not wearing the suitable glasses or the child is crossed-eyed, these things affect the development of the eye and contribute to the defect called lazy eyes. 

The connection of the nerve from the eye to the brain is not formed or underdeveloped causing lazy eyes. Lazy eyes can be treated up till the age of 12. But after the age of 12, it is mostly impossible to treat lazy eyes. 

What are the key reasons for lazy eyes? 

  1. When the child is young and does not realize then he might need glasses because he keeps using the good eye to see. This neglecting can lead to lazy eyes. If one eye has a high number and the other eye has perfect vision, then the chances are that the eye with a high number like 3, or 4 (positive) can be the lazy eye. 
  2. The second reason can be cross eyes. If the alignment of the eye is disturbed. One eye is normal but the other eye is turned inside towards the nose. The child with this type of eye defect uses the normal eye to see and the brain ignores the signals from the defective eye, this becomes completely untreatable after the age of 12. 

What are the things that should be taken into consideration? 

An eye checkup is a must when the child is 5-6 years of age. This is important because if the child needs glasses it can be diagnosed and Lazy eyes can be avoided. The second thing is alignment, with today’s technology there are sedatives and effective surgeries to correct this. Do not wait for the kid to grow up to get the eyes aligned. This should be done before the age of 7. 

What should you do to prevent lazy eyes? 

  1. The normal or the good eye is covered or kept shut so that the child uses the other eye to go about the daily activities, this way the underdeveloped eye gets a chance to develop. This procedure only works in children under the age of 10. 
  2. There are some medicines that are prescribed for lazy eyes, i.e. Citicoline, which is currently under research. It is a one-month course. Occlusion therapy is recommended. If needed a number is assigned (glasses).  If surgery is needed the eye is operated on and aligned. 

Note: Crucial point is that the child should get a general eye checkup at an early age for lazy eyes to be detected and treated. 


DN Imaging and Diagnostic Centre

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

10 Truths About the COVID Vaccine | COVID-19 Vaccine Updates Myths and Facts

COVID-19 Vaccine (Updates): Myths and Facts

10 Truths About the COVID Vaccine, Dr. Raman Abrol is a senior consultant at Abrol ENT Institute & Research Centre, the Best ENT specialist in Chandigarh. He talks about how the Covid-19 vaccine is effective against the virus. And why we should not trust unverified information on social media. 

Why is COVID vaccination necessary? 

We are going through a very tough phase in our life, the country is going through a very troublesome time. And an ENT surgeon Dr. Abrol says, “I am seeing and treating a lot of covid-19 patients these days. And there is one common factor in every patient that I see, that is, lack of vaccination and also lack of covid-19 appropriate behavior. I would make one request to everyone listening and watching this. You must go for vaccination as early as possible because the vaccination is actually working.”

The people who have gotten both doses of vaccination are protected. And it is seen, patients who have gotten the vaccine are not getting infected. The vaccine is at full immunization after two weeks of both doses of the vaccine.

Misconceptions and disbelief

It is very sad to see that when the vaccination program was first launched in India, there were many misconceptions about it. Due to these misconceptions floating around, the disbelief was caused about the vaccine. This disbelieves lead to the failure of the vaccination program. The people who believed these misconceptions and did not get vaccinated are the ones who are suffering the most. On the other hand, the people who trusted the scientists and doctors and got the vaccine are safe. 

Covishield or Covaxin?

Dr. Abrol advises everyone to not get confused as getting whichever vaccine is available is the only way to be safe. 

In the current scenario, one must get whichever vaccine is available. Wherever it is available. And whenever it is available as we are facing a shortage.

Do not believe false information

He also suggested, not to believe the false information floating around on WhatsApp. These are from unverified sources. Just believe and trust your doctor and the scientists who are bringing out these research products.  Vaccines are safe there are no Side Effects that are of serious concern.

Paracetamol can treat the mild fever that Only 10 to 20% of patient who has gotten the vaccine will have. Other than this there are no proven side effects that have been seen so far from all these vaccines. 



-DO NOT  trust the unverified sources of this misinformation. 

-Don’t trust.  Don’t circulate. Don’t forward.

-You will be doing a great disservice to the nation. By forwarding the misinformation or unverified social media messages regarding vaccines.

Dogra nursing home Gynecology

COVID Vaccine While On Period | क्या माहवारी में कोविड-19 वैक्सीन लेना सुरक्षित है?

COVID Vaccine While On Period | COVID-19 Vaccination & Menstruation (It’s Safe?)

Dr. Mangla Dogra is an MBBS, MD(Obs. & Gynae), has experience of 34 years, i Director & Senior Consultant – Obstetrics & Gynecologist st Dogra Nursing Home, Chandigarh. She busts the myth about getting vaccinated when the woman is menstruating (COVID Vaccine While On Period)

COVID-19 Vaccination during periods. Is it safe?

The government has now allowed vaccination for 18 years and plus. There are a lot of apprehensions in the general public regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. 

One of such false information that’s floating around is; ‘Women who are in their reproductive age cannot get vaccinated during their menstruations” 

Dr. Dogra, while denying this said, that this is just a rumor and there is no truth to this. 

She also added, “Go ahead, get the vaccine, even if it’s during your periods, Covid vaccination is totally safe.” 


Dogra Nursing Home & Endoscopy Centre

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Glaucoma Eye Disease(ग्लूकोमा, काला मोतिया) | Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Glaucoma Eye Disease : Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention by Dr. Anin Sethi 

Glaucoma eye disease is a condition in which there is an increase in eye pressure. As a result, the optic nerve damage sends signals to the brain. It eventually gets worse with time and may cause permanent vision loss or total blindness. One generally inherits this eye disease from the family.

What happens in the eye? | Glaucoma Eye Disease 

According to Dr. Anin Sethi, the eye produces a liquid that maintains pressure in the eyes. Because, in Glaucoma eye disease the drainage of this fluid is interrupted, as a result, the pressure in the eye increases. So, this abnormally high pressure could cause the optic nerve to dry.

Glaucoma affects which age?

It is one of the leading causes of blindness for people over 60. So, it can occur at any age but is more common in older adults.

Glaucoma symptoms 

Its symptoms include Patchy blind spots in your side (peripheral) or central vision, frequently in both eyes, Tunnel vision in the advanced stages.

Other symptoms

  • Severe headache results in Eye pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Blurred vision
  • Halos around lights
  • Eye redness

Prevention of Glaucoma 

Because we can’t treat it, Dr. Anin Sethi suggests getting regular eye checkups and other checkups to ensure that the Kala motia (glaucoma) doesn’t spread further. So, we must go for an eye checkup after 3-4 months to monitor the growth of Glaucoma. 

What is the treatment?

Because, we can’t treat it completely, so we could stop and prevent it from going further than it already has with the help of some medications. The medications for this disease can last for an extended period. So, we treat patients with medication 90% of the time.

Other treatment options

But in a few cases, we may require an operation, i.e., trabeculectomy In a few instances, we use a laser for eye treatments to keep the pressure in control. Glaucoma does not affect only a particular age group. As a result, there are equal chances of an infant, an adult, or an older adult suffering from this. 

Types of Glaucoma

Because it has different types and according to Dr. Anin Sethi, we can treat some by laser and some with medicines, and for some cases, we might use a combination of both. However, in significantly fewer cases, we treat them by surgery.


In Glaucoma, we must take the prescribed medicines on time. Get periodic eye checkups within 5-6 months.

Because this disease is such that the patient cannot feel the Glaucoma or ‘Kala motia’ in their eye because the patient’s vision remains the same, but the vision’s circumference starts to shrink. 

As a result, the patient may experience difficulty in climbing or descending stairs or driving, affecting the patient’s peripheral vision.

Bottom line 

So whenever you feel vision impairment, consult a doctor and check your eye pressure. And follow SimpliHealth (  for more information on health-related queries. 

Amar Hospital Gynecology

Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms | Signs, Risk Factor & Treatment | अस्‍थानिक गर्भावस्‍था | फर्टिलाइज एग गर्भाशय

Ectopic pregnancy symptoms (अस्‍थानिक गर्भावस्‍था) its Signs, Risk Factor, & Treatment

Dr. Anshu Syed from Amar Hospital, Mohali, has explained ectopic pregnancy symptoms, causes, evaluation process, and preventions.

What is an Ectopic Pregnancy?

There are several steps in pregnancy, from fertilization to delivery. One of these steps is when a fertilized egg travels to the uterus to attach itself. As explained by Dr. Anshu, this pregnancy is when the fertilized egg attaches to the fallopian tube, abdominal cavity, or cervix.

What are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy?

  1. Sharp waves of pain in the abdomen, pelvis, shoulder, or neck
  2. Severe pain that occurs on one side of the abdomen
  3. Light to heavy vaginal spotting or bleeding
  4. Dizziness or fainting
  5. Rectal pressure

Risk factors

According to Dr. Anshu, a practicing gynecologist at Amar Hospital, Mohali, the risk factors of ectopic pregnancy are: 

  1. The risk of the pregnancy would increase if the female had an ectopic pregnancy once before.
  2. History of recurring pelvic infection as it causes tubal abnormality, which increases the risk of this pregnancy. 
  3. Tuberculosis can be another risk-increasing factor for causing ectropic pregnancy. 
  4. Uses of contraceptive pills taken to avoid unwanted pregnancy can be the cause of this pregnancy.

Treatment and prevention

Track your menstrual cycle. Take a pregnancy using the pregnancy kits available in the market if you miss your date. If the pregnancy test is positive, Dr. Anshu strictly suggests consulting a gynecologist. Whether you want to continue the pregnancy or not. Taking a pill from a pharmacist could be harmful. Consulting a gynecologist, she would perform an ultrasound to locate the actual location of the zygote. This way, one can find out at an early stage whether it is an ectopic pregnancy or no.  According to Dr. Ansu, this pregnancy is easier to treat when diagnosed at an early stage. There is medical management done, and then the pregnancy is observed and investigated.

But on the other hand, it could lead to the zygote growing inside the fallopian tube if the ectopic pregnancy is not diagnosed and treated in the early stage. This could lead to tubal rupture. this results in severe internal bleeding and massive hamarage as the fallopian tube gets erupted. Which can be fatal. To avoid this pregnancy, Dr. Anshu suggests getting an ultrasound done. To locate the zygote and treat it at an early stage without complications. And consulting a gynecologist.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Diabetic Retinopathy Stages & Types | रेटिनोपैथी से रेटिना(आँखो) पर प्रभाव? | How Diabetes Affects Your Eyes? | क्या रेटिनोपैथी ठीक हो सकती है? | रेटिनोपैथी का इलाज क्या है?

Diabetic Retinopathy Stages & Types | मधुमेह आपकी आंखों को कैसे प्रभावित करता है? | शुगर में आंखों पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है? | क्या शुगर से आंखों की रोशनी कम हो जाती है?

Diabetic retinopathy stages & types, Let’s see eye-to-eye with these eye problems such as Diabetic Retinopathy under Ophthalmologist Dr. Sahil Jain’s guidance, Consultant vitreoretinal surgeon at the Laser eye clinic.

What is diabetic retinopathy? 

 Diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases there are. It affects more than one part of the body. In this blog, we will elaborate on the effects of diabetes on the eyes. 

How are diabetic Eye Diseases diagnosed?

Diabetes is a dangerous disease that affects multiple systems of the body. Commonly the kidney, brain, heart, and eyes. Diabetes affects the small blood vessels, including the defect in the eyes; this is called microvascular complications of diabetes. 

What are the various eye problems caused by this? 

Weakens eyesight | Diabetic Retinopathy Stages & Types 

The lens’s water level increases called swelling of the lens. This could be treated by maintaining the patient’s body’s sugar level. 


Cataracts are commonly called Safed motia, could be another problem caused in a diabetic person. It is seen that patients with diabetes ofter suffer from black motia.

Diabetic retinopathy

It is the most harmful of all eye problems and can cause permanent blindness. Stating the three/four types of diabetic retinopathy, Dr. Sahil explains how diabetes affects your eyes and retina. 

What are the two types of Diabetic Retinopathy? 

Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR)

In Layman’s terms, no new vessels are formed in this type, there is no bleeding in the eye, or neither there is no strain on the retina. It can vary from very mild variety to very severe type. The mild variety is the only dilatation of the small blood vessels.

Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR)

New abnormal blood vessels are formed, putting a strain on the retina that is bleeding, ruptured, or uprooted. According to Dr. Sahil, over time, about half of people with diabetic retinopathy will develop Diabetic Macular Edema (DME). DME happens when blood vessels in the retina leak fluid, this leakage of fluid into the retina may lead to swelling of the surrounding tissue, including the macula. 99% of the vision is made from the macula area, but due to the swelling caused by the leakage of fluids and the cells can’t work proficiently in that area, causing blindness. DME is the most common cause of vision loss in people with diabetic retinopathy. 

How can diabetic retinopathy be prevented? | Diabetic Retinopathy Stages & Types 

If the patient has type 1 diabetes, i.e., your diabetes was diagnosed at an early age, and you are getting periodic insulin shots, then the patient needs to see an eye specialist within five years. For type 2 diabetic patients, i.e., the diagnosis of diabetes was diagnosed at the age of 30-40. These patients should contact and see an eye specialist as soon as possible.

Some patients often show symptoms and signs. On the other hand, patients whose disease could be diagnosed only by screening tests. Therefore, Dr. Sahil suggests getting periodic eye check-ups so that one can be aware of other grave diseases like diabetes. He further added that if the person is suffering from any eye-related problem or is experiencing loss of eyesight, he must see a doctor and thoroughly examine it because it may be possible that the patient has diabetes. It could be detected and treated through an eye check-up before it does any further damage. 

Treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy:

Diabetic retinopathy has multiple treatments depending on the type. Dr. Sahil states that, If it is Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy and the patient only has macula edema, there are injections called Anti-vascular endothelial growth factors available for the treatment. He added, “Earlier and now, in few cases, we laser is used to treating or eliminating the damaged blood vessels. This laser treatment can cure this disease without any adverse effect and the patient may even retrieve his/her lost eyesight.” 

Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR) can be classified into two types, PDR being the first and Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with higher risk characteristics. According to Dr. Sahil, once the patient is diagnosed with PDR, he would have to get a laser treatment or injections that is for the doctor to decide. 

Dr. Sahil suggests getting your diabetes treated alongside the loss of sight due to it. He adds the eye treatments would not work if the diabetes level is not controlled, so one should get his diabetes treated or in control under the guidance of a specialist who will suggest proper medications and maintain his sugar level. The second thing is to manage your lipids and fat in your bloodstreams; this would help treat the disease. 

Lastly, he says that the last step would be treating eye problems. So if you have diabetes, you must get it checked and controlled and consult an eye specialist.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Eye Care Tips for Healthy Eyes | स्वस्थ आंखों के लिए टिप्स?

Eye Care Tips for Healthy Eyes | स्वस्थ आंखों के लिए क्या टिप्स हैं?

Eye care tips, If the eye is healthy, then the ‘I’ is healthy. Good vision helps you perform better in all life fields like your home, your office, or behind the wheel. Dr. Monica has explained eye care tips to improve eyesight and suggests the best foods for healthy eyes.

Tips for healthy eyes: Eye Care Tips

  • The easiest precaution to keep your eyes healthy is to get regular check-ups, especially after the age of 40.
  • According to Dr. Monica, the second important step is to eat right. Suggesting some foods for eye health, and she said that a proper diet must contain many green leafy vegetables, rich sources of vitamin A and C, and fish. Basically, food that is rich in vitamins and antioxidants
  • She also suggests adding a 1-hour workout plan to your daily routine. A daily dose of an hour of exercise will help supply oxygen to the eyes with improved blood circulation
  • She also said that getting 7-8 hours of sleep keeps your body and eyes healthy.
  • Dr. Monica strictly advises stopping smoking as it is not suitable for the eyes as it causes a lot of oxidated stress to the eyes.
  • Washing your hands regularly is another crucial tip as we rub our eyes too much these days being any reason. If your eyes are clean, you are less likely to get diseases like conjunctivitis.
  • Dr. Monica also suggests wearing UV-protected sunglasses when going out in the sun to protect your eyes.

Finally, Dr. Monica also gave us advice on the best ways to improve eyesight and how to reduce Digital strain.
As most of our work in on laptops and phones and computers for long hours
It is always good to take 20 mins break after regularly staring at your digital screens.
Focus on an object that is about 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

Try these tips to maintain and improve good eyesight and take the necessary precautions for healthy eyes.


Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic

Amar Hospital Gynecology

PCOS/PCOD Problem Symptoms Causes & Treatment | पीसीओडी/पीसीओएस से क्या क्या प्रॉब्लम होती है?

PCOS – PCOD problem symptoms and its causes, evaluation, and treatment.

PCOS – PCOD Problem Symptoms

Dr. Anshu from Amar Hospital, Mohali, has explained PCOS – PCOD Problem Symptoms, causes, evaluation process, and treatment.

What is PCOS – PCOD problem and its symptoms? 

PCOS/PCOD stands for Polycystic Ovarian Disease or Syndrome. It is a prevalent problem that women of any age group can experience. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels. Its Symptoms are late periods or irregular periods, weight gain, hair growth on the body, facial hair growth, acne, and pimples. 

What causes this cystic disorder (PCOS –PCOD problem symptoms)?

According to Dr. Anshu, the two most important causes of PCOS is Genetics or a sedentary lifestyle. 


 If your mom or sister or any blood-related female in your family has PCOS, then the chances of you having PCOS also increases. 

Sedentary lifestyle

Children don’t play outside. The outdoor activity is lessened due to the overuse of technology. Dr. Anshu says the loss of physical activity is why many women are suffering from PCOS. 

What can be done to prevent PCOS/PCOD? 

Like it is said, prevention is better than cure. Dr. Anshu says that preventions are necessary so that this type of situation does not arise in the first place. She suggests starting doing some kind of physical activity regularly, like exercising or play outdoor games. On eating habits, she recommends avoiding eating outside very often, as junk food contains fat and oil. It might be pleasing to your kid’s tongue but is not suitable for their health. 

Evaluation and treatment

Dr. Anshu says that ultrasound is to be done for PCOD as in the ultrasound, the multicystic picture could be seen in the ovaries, i.e., multiple eggs are formed instead of one. As the name PCOS suggests, numerous small cysts are formed instead of one dominant egg, and neither are the eggs released (does not ovulate). This also leads to infertility because one dominant or a good quality egg is not formed or released. 

According to her, the treatment of PCOD depends on the problem of concern as it is basically due to hormonal imbalance. If the patient is a young girl and her concern is her constant weight gain and irregular periods. The treatment would be to modify the patient’s lifestyle to lose weight, try diet plans and stop eating junk food. Whereas for the irregular periods, the doctor would prescribe a months’ medication. If the patient follows the recommended treatment PCOS problem would gradually decrease. 

On infertility, Dr. Anshu says that as a quality or dominant egg is not formed or due to no ovulation, a couple can’t conceive. In such cases, the doctor would prescribe fertility medicines and make it possible for the couple to conceive. 

Why is it so necessary to get PCOD/PCOS treated?

Dr. Anshu stresses the fact that PCOD should be treated as soon as possible because missed or delayed periods for a long time can lay the foundation for genetic or reproductive cancer. According to her, it becomes a high-risk factor for endometrial cancer in the long run. So it is essential to spread awareness about it as well. Lastly, Dr. Anshu suggests meeting a gynecologist regarding this problem and start taking care of oneself. 


Amar Hospital | Multi-Speciality Hospital in Mohali, Chandigarh

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

How I Cured My Tinnitus | Ringing In Ears | Tinnitus Causes | कान में झींगुर जैसी आवाज आना कारण व उपचार | कान में आवाज आ रही है तो क्या करें?

How I Cured My Tinnitus | Ringing In Ears | Tinnitus Causes | टिनिटस कितने दिन में ठीक होता है? | कान में कट कट की आवाज आना? | कान में झींगुर की आवाज आना?


How i cured my tinnitus is when you experience ringing or different noises in a single or each of your ears. If you have this infection, the noise you listen to isn’t always due to an outside sound, and people other than you commonly can not listen to it. Tinnitus is a common trouble. It impacts approximately 15% to 20% of human beings and is mainly seen in older adults. Tinnitus is commonly due to an underlying condition, including age-associated hearing loss, ear damage, or trouble with the circulatory system. For many human beings, tinnitus improves with a remedy of the underlying cause or with different remedies that lessen or mask the noise, making tinnitus much less noticeable. Dr. Raman Abrol, a senior ENT specialist at Abrol ENT institute and research center, is here to talk and address the causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Why do you hear the ringing sound in your ear? 

A person can live with a running nose or an upset stomach for a while, but a constant ringing noise in your ear can be alarming. Ear ringing is a prevalent ear infection. In the general population, 15 to 20% of people have ear ringing symptoms. This ear ringing is called Tinnitus. This is a disease symptom; it is not a disease itself. According to Dr. Abrol, when a person’s medical history is checked, it’s a symptom of hearing loss or dizziness. It is mostly seen in old-aged people. 

What are the symptoms of tinnitus? 

Dr. Abrol has explained the symptoms, causes of the ringing, and treatment based on its types. The person feels a constant noise in his/her ear or head, especially in silence or while lying down trying to sleep. Dr. Abrol lists down the types of ear ringing the patient’s experiences:                  

  1. Buzzing 
  2. Whistle 
  3. Insect ringing (crickets)
  4. Humming 
  5. Engine noise

Types of tinnitus symptoms | How I Cured My Tinnitus 

Subjective Tinnitus: This is the most commonly found symptom in the general population. If the patient is the only one who can hear the noise in his/her ear or head when there is complete silence, it is subjective Tinnitus. If one has this symptom, the disease is mainly in the inner ear or sometimes in the brain. According to Dr. Abrol, hearing power usually weakens with old age and it’s a symptom of deafness or some severe ear infections. Therefore, age is a significant factor here, and this symptom is seen majorly in old age people. 

Risk factors for subjective tinnitus: How I Cured My Tinnitus 

Dr. Raman Abrol states most patients suffer from Subjective Tinnitus and are old aged; the gist of the treatment is cycle therapy, speech therapy, and rehabilitation therapy. If the cause of its symptom is not severe or does not pose any danger, the patient is just made used to the sound in their ear or head so that it no longer bothers them. He also adds that the main objective of Subjective Tinnitus is to make the patient used to the sound, and 50% of the time, this sound stops on its own or increases in some cases. But in Objective Tinnitus, the patient has to get therapy, and in some cases, surgery is needed. 


The sound perceived by the patient is mostly because of benign problems. Various hearing tests are to be done to diagnose this, like Audiometry for all the patients and a Hearing Test or MRI or even CT scan of the brain for some exceptional cases. 

What is Objective Tinnitus?

 Objective Tinnitus is a perceived sensation of sound that can be heard by the examiner as well. In this symptom, the sound of the ringing in the ear or head is in sync with the heartbeat, called pulsatile Tinnitus. The primary cause of this symptom is blood vessels. The blood vessel near the eardrum becomes prominent, or a tumor or lesion is formed that transmits sound with every heartbeat. 

How is objective tinnitus diagnosed? 

To diagnose this symptom that is mainly pulsatile, the patient has to get Angiography, Ultrasound, MRI, or even MRI-Angio to find out the culprit blood vessel. Broadly both these types of Tinnitus are to be diagnosed and treated even though there are rarely any severe cases. 

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Sinus Infection Treatment | Sinusitis | साइनस का परमानेंट इलाज | How Does the Winter Season Affect Your Sinuses?

Sinus Infection Treatment | Sinusitis | साइनस का परमानेंट इलाज | साइनसाइटिस कारण लक्षण व उपचार | साइनस को हमेशा के लिए कैसे ठीक करें? | क्या साइनस जड़ से खत्म हो सकता है? | 5 Symptoms of Sinus Infection

Sinus infection treatment, Dr. Raman Abrol, an Otorhinolaryngologist at Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre, Chandigarh, explains the symptomscauses, and suggests prevention and treatment of sinus infections sinusitis

What is sinus or sinusitis? 

Sinusitis is a condition in which the nasal passages’ cavities become inflamed. Acute sinusitis can be triggered by a few reasons, one of them being cold or allergies. On the other hand, Chronic sinusitis lasts up to eight weeks and may be caused by an infection or growth and severe headache

According to him, Winter is harsh weather as far as sinus infections are concerned. It is harsh for regular individuals and susceptible individuals, especially the extremes of ages like children or the older adults or the people suffering from chronic diseases. 

What are the causes of sinusitis? 

Dr. Abrol points out out significant factors that are the cause of Sinusitis during these months;

  1. The first most important is the cold temperature itself. When the individual is outside, the nose reacts. There is a lot of congestion and a lot of secretions in the nose, and this congestion and swelling can cause the sinuses to block and cause sinusitis.
  2. The second important factor is that most people use dry heaters inside the room during these months. The dry heaters can cause severe drying of the air inside the room and cause dryness in the mouth, nose, and crusting, which can block and cause sinusitis. 
  3. The third thing is that the viruses are rampant during this period, especially influenza in the family, so the susceptible individual can easily contract the virus infection. Or the thing is that there are certain allergens, especially in this weather there are certain plants and trees that pollinate in this weather, susceptible individuals who are allergic can severe attacks of allergies, and that turns into sinusitis. 


How can sinusitis be prevented? 

As an ENT surgeon, Dr. Abrol recommends few things to be done during this period to prevent sinus infection.  

Wear adequate clothing: Sinus Infection Treatment 

Number one is to keep ourselves warm adequately with adequate clothing. One must avoid inevitable exposure to temperatures like we go suddenly out of a dry heated room outside or come from outside suddenly into the dry heated room, so the sudden shift in temperature can alter the nose’s reaction and can cause Sinusitis. 

Keep hydrated: 

One must have adequate hydration, must have plenty of fluids to drink, must have a lot of water to drink, and must have a nutritious diet during this period. 

Adequate ventilation: Sinus Infection Treatment 

The other thing is that the rooms where we live must have adequate ventilation or at least intermittently you must allow the normal fresh air to come inside the room which will prevent this dryness. 

Avoid the allergies from flaring up: Sinus Infection Treatment 

The fourth thing is that the individuals who had allergies or have to treat the allergies during this period adequately must prevent any further flare-app of allergies to avoid sinusitis.

Steam inhalations: 

The fifth thing is that when all the people are living inside of staying inside the heated rooms, they must have saline nasal sprays very frequently, especially 4-5 times a day, or maybe they can take steam inhalations from time to time during a day to moisten up the nose and keep the humidity intact inside the nose to prevent Sinusitis.

Bottom line: Sinus Infection Treatment 

The final thing that Dr. Abrol recommends is that despite everything, if an individual still contracts the Sinus infection in the form of headache, in the form of nasal congestion, blockage, nasal secretions, nasal discharge, one must consultant ENT doctor and not resort to over the counter medication or self-medication.


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