Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Types of Bone Fractures | Which type of fracture requires surgery? | किस प्रकार के फ्रैक्चर के लिए सर्जरी की आवश्यकता होती है?

Types of Bone Fractures | What fracture requires surgery?

In this video SimpliHealth expert orthopedic Dr. MS Narula is talking about Which types of bone fractures usually requires surgery?. So a very important question patients ask the orthopedic surgeon is. Which types of bone fractures to operate on and which fractures we can manage non-operatively. As our experts told you, we emphasise using the limb as early as possible, or they can stand. If we keep the plaster, the fracture may join in two to a half months, but it might lead to stiffness; the patients can’t do their work. So nowadays, we fix it. But there are some fractures in which we recommend surgeries if it is a joint fracture.

  • Closer to the joint or involved: Maybe it is a knee or shoulders joint. 
  • Joint fracture: We wish it fixes like a normal surface joint like a ball and socket.
  • Smooth: It will work well; otherwise, if it’s connected in the wrong way, it will irritate us later and lead to early arthritis. It will heal but will irritate. In that case, we advise the patients to opt for surgery. 

Let us get all the pieces together whatever we can do, and as much as possible, we call it fixing in natural alignment. It has two advantages: one, they can use their limb and restore its natural function as its shape would be normal, and very importantly, the patient’s function will be much more satisfactory than the plaster. So in these intra-articular fractures that involve the joint surfaces, one should always operate on them. Although they will unite without fractures, the results of fixing it, with operative management, are much better than not fixing, which is a conservative method. This is my advice to all of you.


And the other thing now that we have shifted from the use of implants to screw nails. As you may have heard before, hip fractures are very common in old age. We have these long bones in the leg called the femur, and the other is the tibia. Earlier, we used to fix long bones with plates. There was the usage of bulky plates, and even after plates, we could not put weight on them. Because there was always a fear of breaking the plates, their screws irritate, and we had to give a long incision. So in the case of these long bones like the femur and tibia, we must fix them with nails instead of plates. 

However, in some cases, we fix them with plates. But most of the time, we fix it with nails. Now, what are these nails or plates? Patients often ask the doctor if they are going for this operation. Patients are very aware, well-read and want to know which implant we will use, so they ask whether you insert a plate or nail. The plates are fixed on the surface of the bones. As you can see here, the bone is on the plate.The disadvantage is that we need to give a big incision, and plates used to trouble a lot. There was always a fear of breaking, and we couldn’t put weight on it until it did not connect the bones.

Today you all must know the bone is like a hollow structure like a tube. Hence, we insert nails using that hollow structure, especially in the femur and tibia with a small incision. The advantage of the use of nails is the small incision. With the small incision, we insert these nails into the tubes. Think of it as like one tube is going inside another, and when we put weight on it, nails also take some weight.

So because of this, we can quickly put weight on it. And there are some screws inside nails called interlocking nails at the top and bottom. And with this, we fix these long bones, and the patient can stand on the second day or the same day of surgery and put his total weight on it. So this is the advantage of putting the nails. So especially in long bones and wherever possible we would like to put nails. The advantage is the small incision; with the locking screw, we gave stability to it, and the patient can walk the next day after surgery. And, of course, the recovery time is much faster. 

It is bloodless and painless since the incision is small, the recovery is speedy, and we can discharge the patients in two-three days. But very important you must understand whether we put nails or plates, the bone is not uniting because of nails or plates. This is what I tell all my patients. It doesn’t matter if I put nails or plates. They have their advantages and disadvantages but what will matter is that the healing will be from bone to bone. And the purpose of an orthopedic surgeon or orthopedic surgery is to connect the broken bones or pieces and stabilise them with either nail or plate, but the healing is natural. The fracture healing will depend upon their bones; how strong they are, how broken the fracture is, they are fixed in which shape. 

So the plates or nails don’t unite. So remember, if the fracture fails, it is not because we have put plates in it or not; it is because the healing was poor. Of course, we need to give the best atmosphere to give the best healing. So we need to put all the pieces together so that nature can connect one bone to another, but bones unite by natural healing, not by plates or nails. If the bones are not connected, and I start walking the patient on the plate, then after a few months, the plate or nails will break. So it’s the bones that have to bear the weight; it is the bones that have to unite. So please remember that healing happens with nature’s process, and the surgeon will only facilitate that healing with the nail or plate.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Orthopedic Implants | हड्डी रोग के ऑपरेशन थियेटर में उन्नति

Orthopedic Implants & Advancement in operation theatre in Orthopedic

In this video SimpliHealth expert orthopedic Dr. MS Narula is talking about the advancement in operation theatre in orthopedic implants. Like in any surgery, infection is one complication that both the surgeon and the patient are afraid of, in fact the surgeon is more fearful than the patient, especially in orthopedic surgeries. Infections are troublesome, lingering, and don’t get better quickly if we talk about orthopedic surgeries. So our emphasis is that the operation theatre in which we do these surgeries should be sterile and as clean as possible. The more they are clean, the better.

We pay great attention to sterility, and the same advice I would like to give you is whenever you plan any orthopedic surgeries for yourself, make sure the OT is very clean and sterile. Once an orthopedic infection occurs, it is difficult to handle. So the new technique is the introduction of laminar airflow in the OTs in which the directions are such that the infected air doesn’t enter the operation theatre. 

We have a new sterilisation technique. We have a specific entrance for OTs so that our orthopaedic OTs remain sterile and minimise the probability of infection, preferably 0-1% . Also, we would be very happy if we could control the orthopedics infection inside.

So this was all about operation theatre techniques now, we will talk about our operating techniques.


The difference in new operating techniques is that now they are minimally invasive. Minimal invasive is a very common word. Still, if I tell you in a simple layman’s language, it is performed with small incisions; a minimal cut is given, unlike in previous fractures where we used to provide a big incision. Now we give a small incision; we introduce the implant inside, and for this, we have one valuable piece of equipment: C-arm.

It is a specific X-ray machine used in operation theatres. And under fluoroscopic control, we put the implant inside. The advantage of this equipment is that we can see the X-ray along with the implant insertion. So these are minimally invasive. In these surgeries, we give a minimal incision. The recovery is faster since the incision is small. 

The cosmetic scar will be more minor. It is bloodless, or there will be minimal blood loss, and of course, it will be painless. So these are some advantages of minimally invasive. The emphasis of all newer orthopaedic techniques is as far as possible; we operate bones in a closed way; it shouldn’t be opened too much, or we need to perform it in a closed manner. So it can be minimally invasive, treating fractures with small incisions.

Types of orthopedic implants

We have newer implants like nails, plates, or screws to fix the fractures. Advanced implants have made orthopedic surgeries very effective, safe, and quick both for the patients and surgeons. Indeed these implants are expensive. But, still, it has been a great boon to orthopedic surgeons. 


So first, experts will talk about metal allergy Metallurgy; earlier, we used to put steel implants, but now we have titanium implants. The titanium implants are solid, conducive for fracture healing, and have a low infection rate. So for most surgeries, wherever patients can afford, we would like to use titanium implants. Talking about implants, I would like to tell you about the implants’ shape and structure. These days, we have pre-contour plates, which means pre-design plates for every bone. If you notice, this is our collar bone. We used to fix the collar bone or, say, shoulder bone by bending the plate a little bit, but now we have pre-contour plates that are already bent. So if you pay attention, this is the plate for collar bone, and this is for shoulder bone, so they are already turned, and we just need to put this with the bone and fix it. So it makes our surgeries very quick and increases the chances of fracture healing.


Talking about the design of plates, today we have locking plates. By this, we mean when the bones are weak, there is always a  fear of screw coming out, so nowadays, such screws have become locked inside the plates. So the condition in which the implants may back out or nails or screws come out before the bone is attached doesn’t happen. So these pre-contour titanium plates are a very important advancement in our orthopedic trauma, which we take advantage of, and the patient’s healing and recovery are faster.


Next, we have some biodegradable screws, as you must have heard about ACL reconstruction, or in other surgeries, we insert such implants which dissolve inside, which we call biodegradable. So they dissolve after a few months or in years, and there is no need to remove them. Now some implants have a profile. Like earlier, the plates were thick, and due to scarcity of muscle below the skin, these plates used to prick. Now the plates have become very thin; these are low profile plates. The patient used to have problems with the older implants, the bones get healed, but they complained about the prick caused by screws or implants. And then, after a year or two, we had to remove these implants. But with these newer implants, we don’t find the reason to remove them unless in a few cases where those implants irritate them.

This is the typical question asked by the patients that doctor. Since the operation is complete, can we remove these screws or plates? So I would like to tell all my patients that unless the implants are irritating you, we don’t find the need to remove them. There are some indications that it should be inside only in a few cases, and it doesn’t affect us anywhere; they are inert. Many people think since it’s a metal, it might get rusty. But nothing like this used to happen. Then, of course, they become part of your body in many cases we recommend. But most of the time, they remain inside; they are very safe and do not damage the tissues.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Hysterectomy Side Effects | गर्भाशय सर्जरी के बाद सावधानियां | Precautions After Uterus Removal

Hysterectomy Side Effects, (Hysterectomy) What happens after surgery for uterus removal?

Hysterectomy side effects, There are a lot of queries regarding the precaution one must take after surgery for uterus removal. In this video, SimpliHealth expert Gynecologist Dr. Heena Chawla is talking about Hysterectomy: surgery for uterus removal) and also, she is answering some very common questions that people usually ask, like:

Precaution after uterus removal 

Uterus removal is the second most common surgery after a caesarean.

Tips to follow after the surgery of removing uterus

The patient must first remember to understand their medical regime very carefully after discharge from the hospital. And we must follow the medicines as told by the doctor. 

Medication after uterus removal surgery

Hysterectomy side effects Usually, doctors prescribe an antibiotic to prevent any infection; and pain killers since they are in a lot of pain. But one must understand carefully at what time they should take the medicines.

What other condition may a patient experience?

If the patient feels constipation, doctors may give them a laxative to ease the bowel movements.

Why is hydration after surgery necessary?

After the discharge, one must remember to hydrate themselves by having water after coming home. It helps us in 2 or 3 ways, like reducing the possibility of urinary tract infection. And it would prevent urine infection since doctors use a catheter to drain urine. And the second thing is one feels not have constipation. Since the consumption of antibiotics, improper food intake, and restriction in physical movements may increase the risk of constipation.

Other things to keep in the loop are:

The patient must have a good quantity of green leafy vegetables and fruits in her diet. 

 How much rest do the patients need? 

The definition of rest depends on what type of surgery the patient had. Usually, nowadays, doctors perform these surgeries by laparoscopy. So it doesn’t need many days of rest, but you would need more time to heal if you have had open stomach surgery and have stitches. So we recommend having some rest in it. 

Can the patient walk? (Hysterectomy Side Effects)

Some light walking routines at home and little exercise help uplift the mood. It reduces the risk of blood clotting in veins, often called deep vein thrombosis. Apart from this, a fundamental question patients ask is:

Can the patient climb stairs after a Hysterectomy? (Hysterectomy side effects)

You can easily take the stairs at home. Initially, you may feel that you are taking the slope, but everything will be regular with the recovery. A similar thing is with walking. Initially, we need to start walking for 5-10 minutes, and as we start increasing the time of strolling after six weeks, we can walk as per our usual routine of 30 minutes. Another essential thing we need to keep in mind after a hysterectomy is that we should not lift heavy objects for at least one-half months or six weeks.

Physical relationship after surgery? (Hysterectomy Side Effects)

One needs to abstain from any physical relationship. For example, after removing stitches, one must take calcium supplements because during Hysterectomy, whether they have kept the ovaries inside or removed, there is a decrease in the estrogen level.There are not many depositions in bones, so we must take calcium supplements. 

Bottom line

Apart from that, I would like to give small tips that when you plan this surgery, you must arrange some help beforehand like for the kitchen or your care after surgery. So that later you will not have unnecessary stress about all these things. So we need to take care of these things after surgery.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Amniotic Fluid Index | Normal Range (एमनियोटिक द्रव) | What Would Happen If the Fluid Is Less?

Amniotic Fluid Index (एमनियोटिक द्रव): What would happen if the fluid is less?

Amniotic fluid index, In this video SimpliHealth expert gynecologists Dr. Heena Chawla is talking about Amniotic fluid(एमनियोटिक द्रव) and also she is answering very common questions that people ask like:

  • How important is the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby’s during pregnancy? 
  • What would happen if the fluid is less?

Watery substance surrounding the baby (Amniotic Fluid Index)

The amniotic fluid surrounds the baby inside the sac; this fluid helps in the baby’s growth, movement, and bone development. For example, when a baby moves their finger, it doesn’t stick to each other. Instead, they slide so that they don’t stick together..  Because of this, amniotic fluid is essential for the baby’s development.  This fluid plays a vital role in developing the baby’s lungs, it builds immunity and umbilical cord of the baby doest doesn’t get pressed. 

Apart from this, the fluid acts as a shock absorber for the baby, which means if the mother gets some shock, it does not transmit to the baby. So like a shock absorber, it protects the baby from the outside environment. The baby drinks this fluid and passes urine in the same. So it helps in developing the digestive system of the baby. In general, you must have seen that experts mention the ‘amniotic fluid index’ in ultrasound. Experts simply measure the amniotic fluid, and if it is less than 5 cm, or experts merely measure one pocket of this fluid if it is less than 2 cm experts can deduce that the fluid around the baby is also less. What can be the problems if the fluid around the baby is less. 

The baby’s movements are restricted, the baby may develop contractures, it also affects the lung maturation of the baby. The baby doesn’t find enough space to move around in a few cases. In addition, the baby may have fecal distress, and in many rare cases, if the fluid runs out entirely, it may lead to stillbirth or death inside the womb. So many patients come in the OPD and ask 

Why does this fluid get reduced after all? 

There are two reasons for low fluid: 

  1. One is there are reasons related to the mother
  2. The second is related to the baby

Reasons related to mother include blood pressure issues or some have twins or triplet or multiple pregnancies. In these cases also the amount of fluid is reduced.

In many cases, if the pregnancy is going beyond maturity, commonly called post maturity, the amount of fluid decreases. Another reason that is baby-related includes the baby having any chromosomal disability or a genetic problem. Hence, the concentration of liquid drops. Otherwise, if there is a kidney-related problem like the kidney is underdeveloped or there is the formation of a cyst. etc, Hence, all these reasons contribute to reduced fluid in the sac. And sometimes, if there is a problem in all placenta, it leads to a gradual decrease in the sac fluid. 

What do we do now?. What should we do if the water gets low and the ultrasound shows less water?

The first foremost is to increase water intake, especially fluids, like coconut water. Experts especially ask to have coconut water because it is high in potassium, so we must include this in our diet. Other things are lassi or chanchor juices or soup. We must increase our water intake by 3-4 liters, which means one must have at least 12-15 glasses of water. The second thing is one must have a high protein diet; the more diet is good, the more chances of an increase in the fluid. Apart from this, we must include exercise in our diet. The more we exercise, the more the circulation around.

Some doctors may advise some supplements. These supplements help in increasing the fluid around the baby or remain so. The other most important thing is that experts ask the patient to rest and sleep on their left position as much as possible.   One should  add fruits to our diet like watery fruits like strawberries and grapes, which helps increase the concentration of fluid. By taking all these things, the fluid remains around the baby. 

Our efforts are to maintain the amount of fluid around the baby until 36 -37 weeks of gestation. But in many conditions, the amount of fluid starts reducing before time. So in these cases, we need to go for pre-term delivery. Usually, if the fluid is exhausted entirely or there is a minimal amount of fluid left, we need to opt for cesarian deliveries.

Because the amount of fluid the baby has to slide down or according to which the baby can slide down easily is not enough, in such a situation, we have to go for cesarian section delivery. So our experts would like to advise you that please get your ultrasound done from time to time and follow the doctor’s guidelines. In some cases, fluid supplements, in addition to medicines, may need to be given intravenous fluids to increase the amount of fluid in the sac. you must follow your doctor’s advice and take care of yourself during pregnancy.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

6 Month of Pregnancy | Baby Development Stages | Symptoms | गर्भावस्था के 6 महीने बच्चे का विकास

6 Month of Pregnancy |गर्भावस्था के 6 महीने

6 Month of Pregnancy, In this video SimpliHealth expert gynaecologist Dr. Heena Chawla is talking about Baby development during 6 month of pregnancy. Also she is answering some very common questions that people ask like:

  • What kind of blood test should you take during the first six months of pregnancy?
  • 6th Month Of Pregnancy Diet 
  • What are the changes a mother undergoes during this time?

What things should you take care of and what kind of blood test should you take during the first six months of pregnancy? |6 Month of Pregnancy

First of all, let’s talk about baby development. During the six months of pregnancy, the baby’s weight varies between 700 to 900 grams. If you have seen it carefully in the scan done in the 5th month, i.e., the anomaly scan/level 2 Ultrasound, the baby’s weight is recorded as either 300 or 500 grams, not more than that. But at this time, the baby’s weight starts increasing. The baby’s size at this time is approximately 7 to 12 inches. Apart from this, 

See, at this period, the baby’s skin is reddish. There is no development of melanin pigment in the baby. So by next month, the baby will reflect our skin texture because such cells develop inside the baby, reflecting our skin texture. Uptill now the baby’s skin would be reddish in color. Apart from this, at this time, the baby’s lungs are fully grown, but yes, they are not mature. The maturity of the lungs, which means that the baby can inhale on its own after coming out, happens after approximately 34 weeks. But at this time, the lungs are fully grown to their size. One more crucial development that occurs during this period in babies is the baby’s eyes, which means there is a development of eyebrows and eyelashes. There is the initiation of baby’s eye movements; even beneath closed eyelids, some babies may start slowly opening their eyes. 

Even babies can open their eyes by this time. Another significant development in the baby is the development of easily visible fingerprints. You can make a baby listen to any kind of music. The baby’s ability to understand the external sound has come by this time. To this, experts talked about what developments happen inside the baby.

What are the changes that the mother feels during this time?|6 Month of Pregnancy

First, nausea and vomiting would have settled to a great extent by this time. It is very natural when nausea and vomiting stop, they start feeling hungry. So the hunger levels increase to an extent. Apart from that, a baby bump is visible. If your baby bump is not visible until now, it will undoubtedly show by this time. Up to Umbilicus, if you lay your hands on the abdomen, you can see the baby bump till the umbilical cord.  Swollen feet or pedal edema is common in patients. 

Some may have difficulty breathing because as the uterus gets bigger, it compresses the diaphragm in the stomach. So shortness of breath is very common among females during this time. A very common thing which one feels till six months is that leg cramps start happening very frequently. Because as the baby grows and the mother is also gaining weight, the feeling like cramps starts coming due to the weight factor. There is an increase in the frequency of urination. As the uterus grows in size, it compresses the urinary bladder. One may tend to pass urine all the time. So these are some changes that start reflecting in a mother by this time. Sometimes your belly button starts coming outwards. so all these changes are normal during pregnancy. Now our experts will talk about 

What tests should you do for six months? 

There are two significant tests one must undergo by this time. First is the CBC test, in which experts determine the concentration of hemoglobin which is very important, and the second test is the glucose intolerance test. Experts take fasting samples in the morning; you are given glucose after that. Then after 1 hour and two hours, a blood sample is retaken. So in this, we see that the mother is not showing any symptoms of pregnancy-induced diabetes. So for this, it is essential to get a GTT test. So these two are very important to test during this time. A very important thing that everyone asks us 

What you should change is the diet?

You must include plenty of fluids in the diet; you can take anything, whether you consume water or coconut water, juice or lassi. There are many benefits from this. You do not contract urinary tract infections, do not get constipated, and most importantly, the water around the baby remains maintained. So that’s why you have to keep the fluid intake very good. And you must have green vegetables and fruits as they contain omega fatty acids and provide antioxidants that help in the baby’s growth. So these two very important changes you have to include in our diet in six months of pregnancy. Six months of pregnancy is the ideal time to travel either to your maternal house or meaningful work. 

You can easily travel and be back. You can plan your baby shower during this time of pregnancy. You should start thinking about our doctor and hospital; because many times it happens that the pre-term pain will begin in the 7th month. So if you have already decided on the hospital or have finalised the doctor, then you will go ahead by planning so that you won’t need an emergency or panic in the end. So enjoy your pregnancy, and if you have any further questions, do post in the comment box. Thank you

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Fracture Plaster Types | आधुनिक तकनीक वाले फ्रैक्चर प्लास्टर के प्रकार | Fracture Management

Fracture Plaster Types | Everything about fracture(फ्रैक्चर) management

Fracture plaster types, In this video SimpliHealth expert Orthopaedic and Spine Specialist Dr. MS Narula is talking about fracture(फ्रैक्चर) management. Also he is answering some questions like:

  • What is the treatment of different orthopedic fractures? 
  • What are the latest advancements to manage fractures?

As you know, in earlier days, experts put the fractures together with plaster or with the help of traction. With the advancement in orthopedic practices, we gradually inclined towards surgery. So many advances have come from the last few years, making orthopedic surgery more quick, with remarkable recovery, bloodless, painless, and minimal invasive. I would say we make a minimal incision. With the help of new techniques and better implants, the patients recover fast. It’s painless, and the patient’s joint function is much better. Today we will talk about this a little.

Fracture Management by Plaster

Among various ways of fracture management, plaster is the most common. We apply the plaster with little stretching; which is a standard OPD procedure. We opt for plasters when the fracture is not well-displaced. If it is a minor fracture, we need to plaster for one to one-half months, or there are some small bones, or else I said earlier that the fracture does not move much from its place.

What are the advantages of new plaster?

But nowadays, very good modifications have come in plaster too,we now have lightweight plaster, which has fiber cast. The plaster used in old times caused allergies, sweating, it was heavy, gets wet, and breaks easily.  So to bypass all this, we have a lightweight fibre cast that comes in many colors. But, as you must have seen, it is available in blue or pink. That plaster is tough enough so that if we apply it on the foot or ankle, it won’t break even if the patient puts some weight on it. It doesn’t get wet easily and has no issues with skin. So this is one of the advancements in fracture management as far as plaster is concerned. 

So the advancement among fractures is that earlier, the lightweight cast replaced the heavy white cast, which we used earlier times.

Cast Bracing Method of Plastering

Now we have another cast bracing method in which we use special braces, made of plastic material and are removable. When we strap them on, they are hinges inside, which helps the joints move. And they can be loose or removed for a short time to allow the skin to breathe. So this, too, is a small indication that, unlike previously used plasters, it doesn’t allow stiffness in the joints and doesn’t lead to any skin issues. And the latest that has come is the breathable plaster on which there is mesh-like material inside, you can observe the skin for any rashes, and we can do an X-ray on the same plaster. 

So all the previous issues of plaster-like skin rashes or joint stiffness have been sorted. With the new technique, the plaster is easy to apply, remove, and convenient for the patients.

So, as I said in previous times, more emphasis was on staying on the bed, not moving their limb, which usually leads to stiffness in joints or muscle atrophy. But nowadays, emphasis is made on the fact that the patient stands as early as possible, his joints are mobile, and can restore the patient’s limb function. 

These days, we treat most of the fractures by operative management, especially those displaced from their original position or are complicated or comminuted, or are multiple fractures. Our emphasis is to fix it as early as possible so that the patient can use their arms or legs or fracture body parts. There have been newer advances, so first, I would like to talk about the advancement in operation theatre where we perform all the orthopedic surgeries.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Complications of Cataract Surgery | मोतियाबिंद के ऑपरेशन में आने वाली दिक्कतें

Complications of Cataract Surgery |Cataract Operation

In this video SimpliHealth expert Ophthalmologist Dr. Anin Sethi is talking about the Cataract Operation & Complications of cataract surgery. According to our experts cataract operation is a common type of operation. In the field of Ophthalmology, it’s a common type of operation. Over the years, with the advancement of technology, the risk of complications is seen significantly less. But if the patient is getting this operated on, they must know about its complications. So let’s give you a little information about the procedure for cataract operation.  

Cataract Operation Procedure & Complications

Complications of Cataract Surgery, In this eye protein, the lens undergoes some change with respect to age. Due to this, it starts losing its transparency due to this light being unable to reach the retina. In this cataract surgery, the main aim is to remove the damaged lens and repair it with an artificial lens. So a natural lens has its natural coating or capsule just like the peel of the fruit. 

What experts do to make a small hole?

In this capsule and extract all the material from the lens, and on the very same capsule, an artificial lens is sustained. The most common complications seen in this operation chance of this complication is 0.1 to 1 percent, as in 1 out of 100 may have this complication. 

There is a chance of hole formation in the capsule during operation. When there is a hole in the lens capsule, it’s not a significant problem; it’s just that different types of lenses may be inserted into the eye. For example, suppose one has opted for a multifocal or premium lens, so it’s getting difficult to insert in these cases. In addition, it is unsafe.So experts need to insert different types of lenses.

Although, in the long term run, this complication doesn’t result in eyesight loss. If this happens by the end of the experienced surgeon, then no change is observed in the outcome. 

Eye infection

Second major complication is an eye infection. The incidence of this infection occurring is 1 in 1000. If infection occurs in the eye, it may reach the retina leading to damage to the retina. The onset of such infection is within 48 hours of operation. Pain in the eyes, sudden redness in the eye, and light not formed completely are some prominent cataract symptoms of infection. To check this type of infection, one must visit their doctor after cataract surgery. 

A doctor needs to check for a cataract operation on the same day and the next day. After the procedure, 2-3 days are critical. If the patient has no sign of infection, then the probability of infection is reduced. This is called endo-ophthalmitis. 

In this, as our experts told you, infection reaches the retina.  To control this eye drop, say we prescribed  antibiotics or injection can be given, and if it is not controlled by these measures, then the doctor needs to operate to remove it. This is a very dangerous but very rare complication. To avoid this, doctors must sanitize their operating room. After the operation, patients should also avoid touching eyes with dirty hands, don’t wash with dirty clothes, and don’t let outside water come inside the eye. So if we take these precautions, the chance of eye infection is reduced.

Wear specs

So after this third thing which we see commonly, it is not a complication, but often, patients expect that after the operation, there is a need to wear specs. With the advancement of techniques. In this lens, the calculation is done in a computerized manner. No two eyes are the same. Every eye is different. These computerized calculations are refined by newer techniques and procedures.

The lens power calculation is very accurate. Still, there are chances that a person needs to wear specs of .5 or – 5 or. 75 power and this I’m talking about farsightedness. Few patients may have cylindrical numbers, in which if they insert normal focal length lenses, they need to wear far-sighted specs. As far as short-sightedness, the lens inserted is unifocus Or mono focus, so one must wear the specs for short-sightedness.

If a multifocal lens is used, then there is a 90 percent chance that we need not wear specs for short-sightedness.

Now we come to some other complications.

So the fourth complication observed commonly is the increase in the pressure. After one or 2nd day of operation, eye pressure may increase. Or is seen that it increases temporarily in whichever patients it happens to, and this can be treated by eye drops or medicine. Also, there are no long-term consequences of this.

Bottom Line

We hope this information is helpful on behalf of simple health and thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

What Causes Tuberculosis? | क्षय रोग क्या होता है, क्या यह संक्रामक है? | Tuberculosis(TB) Stages & Survival Rate

What Causes Tuberculosis | Tuberculosis(TB) Stages & Survival Rate: Is it contagious?

In this video SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Tuberculosis(TB) Stages & Survival Rate. Also she is answering some very common questions that people usually ask like: What Causes Tuberculosis

  • Is TB contagious?
  • Stages of Tuberculosis

Stages of Tuberculosis

There are stages of TB. For example, when you contact a patient who has active TB, they may spread many TB bacteria , which is called exposure by us. After being exposed to TB bacteria, it is not necessary that you’ll have the same type of TB. Almost 92-95 percent of people with latent tubercular infection, also called the LTBI, are in the second stage of TB. What happened in this is that you have inhaled TB bacilli, but they are in a dormant stage, and there is the formation of cone focus in the lungs. So there is the production of cells by the body’s immune system, which helps fight the bacteria. 

This infection stays latent, and there are no symptoms, and neither can you transmit this infection to anyone. So this is the second stage, called the latent stage.Among them, 5% of patients may have an active disease called active tuberculosis. 

Why does TB happen? 

Because the people who are immunocompromised; won’t be unable to fight against this infection in these cases; this may change into active tuberculosis, which is called the third stage of TB. During latent infection, if your immunity is compromised or you are on some specific drugs, such as immunosuppressants like CKD patients,  kidney patients or those on dialysis, or those on immunosuppressants after organic transplant, or HIV infected people or in IV drug abusers. If these patients have a latent focus in the body, it may lead to an active infection called secondary tuberculosis, which can happen later on at any stage of life.

What happens if you have TB? 

When we have TB, we have the usual symptoms, but we tend to ignore them- like loss of appetite, gradual loss of weight, or having light fever-like night sweats at night. So if we ignore these symptoms, they start their process, and start multiplying inside the body. If the patient comes to us, experts can only identify them; otherwise, it might lead to dangerous conditions. 

Tuberculosis Survival Rate or What is the survival rate of TB patients?

If one has TB and experts start the adequate treatment timely, it is entirely curable. But it is essential to say how much the lung is infected when the patient has come to us and has completed his medicine course. It is entirely curable if the patient completes its medicines adequately, which is six months of treatment. If the patient comes late to us, lungs are affected adversely, or it has converted into resistant TB. There is a chance of mortality. So what happens is gradual there is significant involvement of lungs resulting in respiratory failure. Almost 40% of the hospitalized patients who come under respiratory failure may die due to TB. The second thing is that you have an HIV infection and are not taking treatment for this; they have increased chances of death because of TB. Without treatment, almost 45% of HIV-negative TB patients may die, but if you are HIV positive TB, there are hundred percent chances of death without taking any TB treatment.

Is tuberculosis contagious? | What Causes Tuberculosis

It is contagious, like if you are in a room, it spreads in the form of aerosols. 

How is it contagious? | What Causes Tuberculosis

So when we are breathing from either nose or mouth, the one who has active TB may spread aerosols in the room, spreading through aerosols. It doesn’t spread by touching, and if someone is sharing food but with aerosols if you are not wearing a mask, it spreads. So the TB patient should take care of themselves, take care of their diet and take the treatment adequately so that they are saved from its mortality because it is a curable disease.

Thank you.

Gynecology The Touch Clinic

Male Infertility Treatment (पुरुषों में बांझपन) कारण, लक्षण और उपचार | पुरुष प्रजनन क्षमता में सुधार कैसे करें? | पुरुष बांझपन का क्या इलाज है?

Male Infertility Treatment | कौन सी तकनीक बांझपन निवारण में वरदान सिद्ध हुई है? | पुरुषों में बांझपन कब होता है?

In this video our expert Gynaecologist Dr. Preeti Jindal is talking about Male Infertility(पुरुषों में बांझपन). Becoming a mother is the biggest blessing in the world. Similarly, becoming a father is a good experience and desired emotional feeling that men wish to feel. Usually, It is seen that when we talk about infertility or if the couple is unable to conceive, Then mostly our brain thinks that there is a problem in female. But this is a wrong opinion. It is seen that 1 out of 7 couples meaning one in seven couples who are unable to conceive, the leading cause is male infertility treatment

Male Infertility Causes

The male problems are increasing nowadays. Many reasons contribute to male infertility. If you see carefully, the leading cause of male infertility is the presence of genetic disease in males, or there is a medical condition like Diabetes or thyroid due to which their sperms are affected. The third important reason is lifestyle. Young adults do excessive exercise. Stay under stress very often. Young adult males are attracted towards bodybuilding, due to which they consume artificial products and spend more time in gyming. These artificial products and proteins can also lead to male infertility. Then varicocele is something that is not directly linked, but in a few cases, it may be associated with it. 

Another big problem which is happening these days is cancer. Unfortunately, young adults are more prone to cancer. And the cancer treatment, which includes chemotherapy or radiotherapy, may also ultimately lead to male infertility. Then while playing sports, there has been a trauma to the testes or during the childhood days; undescended testis might also lead to Sperm count affection or affect the ability of sperm to lead to a healthy baby. There can be problems with sexual performance, for example, erectile dysfunction. This is also a common reason for which couples are unable to conceive. 

What can we do about it?  

Depending upon the cause, Investigations can be done, and treatment can be done. The treatment depends upon the sperm count. If you have a low sperm count, then a few medicines can be given, and they can be treated. If the sperm count is significantly low, technology like ICSI and IVF can help. ICSI and IMSI are advanced forms of IVF which you can see in my IVF video. Sometimes there is no sperm in the semen. 

What can we do about that? 

In this, We do an ultrasound and check the volume of the testis, and biopsy is performed to check whether there is sperm production or not. If there is sperm production, but it is not present in the semen, then there is a technique known as TESA  in which we can directly extract formed from the testes and can fuse them with the egg of the partner. For erectile dysfunction, there is a very novel treatment available, Known as EmSella chair. If you see this leaflet, you can see there is a chair on which the lady is sitting.  You can sit on this. 

What does this chair do? 

It sends highly focused electromagnetic vibrations to the pelvic muscles, which help in strengthening pelvic muscles and, in many cases, erectile dysfunction. And where there is no erection; this can be treated. This is a completely painless procedure, and it takes 30 minutes. It is believed that improvement can be seen after 6-8 sittings. So Em Sella is available at the Touch Clinic. We were the first in India to launch this chair. This Em Sella chair has another role also; for example, it helps urinary incontinence in females, and in males, it has good results in erectile dysfunction. So you can contact us at our website or at a phone number which will be screened on this video. You can contact the Touch Clinic for the treatment. Wishing you all the best. Thank you

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Middle Ear Infection Treatment (मिडल ईयर इंफेक्शन)| FAQ | बच्चों और बड़ों में कान के इंफेक्शन को कैसे ठीक करें? | कान में संक्रमण होने का क्या कारण है?

Middle Ear Infection Treatment | How do you treat a middle ear infection? | Middle Ear Infection in Adults & Children | मिडल ईयर इंफेक्शन | कान का संक्रमण – लक्षण, कारण और उपचार

Middle ear infection treatment, In this video SimpliHealth expert Dr. Raman Abrol answered some important questions related to middle ear infection. Many infections are associated with the ear, but our experts want to talk specifically about middle ear infections. Since it’s a serious matter, it is a severe problem. So it is essential to get treated. Otherwise, there may be complications in the long run.

Many people are curious. Many questions come to me that please tell us about an ear infection. Though ear infections are of many types. It is a common and severe problem. If not treated, there might be further complications or issues. The most common middle ear infection occurs in children between 3- 6 or 7 years. 

Middle Ear Infection Causes

The reason behind this is the nose; generally, there is an infection in the nose. They are allergic children; there are adenoids, blockage in the nose, the occurrence of the common cold is more. So in those children who are having these infections, So these tiny infections can easily travel to the ear. Ear, as you know, is connected with the nose because of the Eustachian tube. There is a small tube that connects the ear to the nose. So in these children, if they have an infection in their nose, it might penetrate the ear. So this is called a middle ear infection.

Middle Ear Infection Treatment

Whatever nose infection they may have in these children may penetrate to the ear. So this is called a middle ear infection. A middle ear infection is treatable by medicine. Glue ears occur when some fluid is left in the middle ear.  In these children, this fluid is needed to drain by doing minor procedures, and a grommet is inserted, which is an air ventilation tube so that air can go from outside into the middle ear. 

The nose problem is prevalent in these children and needs to be addressed, especially adenoids or sinus problems that need to be either surgically or medically treated. In a few children, their drums get perforated due to these infections. Out of them also 20-30 percent of children’s drums are healed.  But in many percentages of children, these perforations persist. So due to middle ear infection, drums are perforated, and due to these perforations, a hole is left in the drum, which may lead to problems in the near future. In these, the most common problem is hearing loss. 

Small children cannot tell about hearing loss, but it indirectly affects them, like they are left behind in classes, feel problems in friends, and have social issues. So intelligent parents can judge their children, and if they have issues, they must visit their doctor.  Drum perforation in these children is repairable. After a certain age, especially at the age of 12-13 years, some procedure is performed because, at that time, the sinus and nose problem subsides.

In many children, adenoids subside, sinus-related infection subsides, so we usually address the perforated drum problems at that stage. This middle ear infection is relatively rare in adults. In maximum cases, the childhood infection has persisted to later stages of age in adults. So in these adult patients who have a middle ear infection or perforated ears, surgery is performed to repair the drum. 

How is this diagnosed? 

For middle-clear infection diagnosis, the most important symptoms are due to perforation. First, there is a discharge; a pus discharge is followed by pain and hearing loss. So under these situations, it is essential to seek a doctor to treat it. It can be treated by medicine if it is in a treatable condition, and it doesn’t go to a further perforated stage. In adults also, the examination is simple. By simple analysis, a doctor can detect perforation. A  doctor can check a loss of hearing and even check the amount of loss.  And after treating them thoroughly, the doctor can give complete relief.

Thank you

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

Otitis Media Treatment | Middle Ear Infection | कान रोग के लक्षण | ओटिटिस मीडिया उपचार | FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Otitis Media Treatment | Middle Ear Infection Treatment | कान के संक्रमण सम्बन्धित रोगियों के प्रश्न उत्तर?

Otitis media treatment, In this video SimpliHealth expert Dr. Raman Abrol answered some important questions related to middle ear infection.

How can we prevent this middle ear infection in kids or adults?

Otitis media treatment, So my answer for this is if one has a common cold-related infection, then one must get it treated. Don’t leave it untreated. In children, it’s very important to get it treated because the eustachian tube is wide, and the infection may easily penetrate to the ear. So for prevention, if you have a feeling of cold, promptly get it treated so that it doesn’t reach your ear.

The second thing in children is that a good nutritious diet is very important for children. Playing or sitting in the dirt is not a very good thing because they are more prone to nasal or sinus infection in that condition, and this problem may lead to the middle ear. So these are some methods to prevent middle ear infections. 

Can we cover our ears if we have ear infection? | Otitis Media Treatment

So, in my opinion, if you have a middle ear infection or perforated ear infection,  there is no need for covering. If you have pus discharge, it might not overflow, so in that case, you might cover it with cotton. Otherwise, if you have a middle ear infection, there is no need to cover it. Yes, if you are using water, taking a bath or going swimming, you should avoid that. Water must not penetrate the ear because the water may reach the middle ear. So if the pus is not coming, it might start coming after coming in contact with water which is already not a good sign.

How does middle ear infection spread? Or Are these ear infections contagious? 

Our experts would like to say that the middle ear infection is not contagious because it has a straightforward interaction with Bacterial infection. But viral sinusitis, viral rhinitis, or viral fever are contagious in children. You must have already seen that if viral fever is spread, then if one has a viral fever, all the family has the same. Who stayed with those children they will also have the same. Viral Infections are contagious. So the middle ear infection as such is not contagious. 

Can I travel in the air or high altitude while having a middle ear infection? 

This is an excellent question.  Those people who have a middle ear infection and whose drums are not yet perforated might have their pain while travelling in-plane or ongoing in high altitudes. Due to a change in the pressure, negative pressure is built up in the Middle ear, and if there is an infection, there might be a pain too. Doctors prescribed painkillers for the patients travelling by air so they don’t have pain, mostly while in ascent or descent. So, in that case, they may have pain killers.  You mustn’t have a sinus problem or middle ear problem during your travel because it will cause further damage.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Planning for Pregnancy | Pregnancy Diet Plan | Advice & Tips | गर्भावस्था की योजना | गर्भावस्था आहार सलाह और सुझाव

Planning for Pregnancy  Experts Advice & Tips for Pre Pregnancy Planning

Planning for pregnancy, In this video SimpliHealth expert gynecologist Dr. Heena Chawla is talking about planning pregnancy and its  tips or प्रेग्नन्सी प्लॅनिंग करना क्यों जरुरी है?. Also, she is answering some important questions that people ask in OPD like:

  • Why is there the importance of the fertile period? 
  • What can be done to know the time of ovulation? 

This video is specially dedicated to couples planning pregnancy and other natural methods one can do for natural conception. First of all, I would like to tell you that for all the couples planning pregnancy, especially if the female partner is less than 30 years of age. 

The couple should at least try for one year.. If it doesn’t happen in that span, you visit your doctor for help. Or if your age is more than 30 years, then we will say that you should try at least for 6 months.And if you are trying for pregnancy. But still it is a pregnancy failure, you should go to the doctor and seek help. 

The most important thing one should know: what is their fertile period, or what is the fertile window

(Planning for Pregnancy) What is the fertile period?. What is a fertile window?

Before this, one should know about their cycle. Now suppose you got your period on the 1st and the next period was on the 30th. Then the length of the cycle becomes 30 days. If the length of your cycle is 30 days then the fertile period is almost near the 16th day. If we calculate the cycle length, suppose it is of 28 days, then your fertile period will be around 14th day. Fertile period is when an egg or egg follicle is ruptured from the ovary and released. 

Why is there the importance of the fertile period? 

Because the ova lifespan is only 12-24 hours. So if sperm did not fuse with the ova at that  time interval, then there are fewer chances of pregnancy.  Often, couples come and say that they are trying for a longer duration for pregnancy. But if we are not trying in a proper fertile period, this won’t lead to pregnancy. Many times couples say they were trying but it didn’t happen, so we visited the doctor. We conceived in the first cycle. Because the doctor manages things according to the fertile period for a positive pregnancy.That is, it is essential to consider the fertile life of an ova is only for 12-24 hours, whereas the lifespan of sperm is five days. So if you make a relationship during the fertile period only, the chances of pregnancy are maximum. 

What can be done to know the time of ovulation? 

Our body gives us different signs that we should notice. Like, some females have lower abdominal pain on one side, some may have very thin vaginal discharge, some may feel tenderness in the breast, some may feel a rise in basal body temperature. We could understand that it’s the time of ovulation through all this. Apart from this, many ovulation kits are available in the market. LH, i.e, Luteinising hormone surge/ increase before ovulation so these kits can detect it. So that we get the idea that it’s about the time of ovulation. Apart from this, we do some follicular study. We do the serial number of ultrasounds to understand how the follicular size increases during a cycle.  And accordingly, the estimated time of ovulation is determined. So accordingly, we timed the relationship. 

The second most important thing that many patients ask in OPD is: 

What should we eat during this period?

We should eat green vegetables and salad. They are essential to our diet because they have antioxidants and omega-3-fatty acids, especially in nuts. It improves the quality of the sperm and ova both. The doctor asks to avoid only two things: papaya and pineapple. Any couple who is planning a pregnancy should avoid these two things. 

Apart from this, one more important thing is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Must do exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. One may do brisk walking, but 30 minutes daily is essential. It gives us two benefits: first, the women who are overweight and are planning for pregnancy will help them lose weight, and secondly, release stress-relieving hormones. Another vital thing doctors observe is the pattern that patients when they come to OPD, is that they don’t have time. 

Their work schedule is like some have a night shift or someone is on night calls, and they don’t get time. But see if you want to plan pregnancy; we need to reduce our stress levels and modify the lifestyle a little bit. This is not like an exam. Sometimes couples say they will be pregnant in the coming September. This is not the kind of exam. So as much as we reduce the stress levels, our hormonal imbalance will automatically get corrected. 

Apart from this, there are some prenatal supplements for couples planning pregnancy; out of them, folic acid is essential. We start early so that the baby doesn’t have any congenital malfunction. In addition, we perform blood tests to check for any vitamin B12,or vitamin D deficiency, because this also relates to infertility. Some simple blood tests are performed, like thyroid. Sometimes due to thyroid also there is a miscarriage or unable to plan pregnancy. 

So by very simple medicines and with hormone replacement, pregnancy is possible at an early stage. One should avoid consuming alcohol and smoking. Because it affects the quality of both sperm and egg. If we keep all these small things in mind, we can plan the time conception early and timely. Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh General Physicians

Low Blood Sugar Symptoms | Hypoglycemia (हाइपोग्लाइसीमिया) | ब्लड शुगर कम होने के लक्षण और इलाज? | हाइपोग्लाइसीमिया का निदान कैसे करें? | शुगर कम होने पर क्या करें?

Low Blood Sugar Symptoms | शुगर लो होने के क्या कारण है? | शुगर कम हो जाए तो क्या करना चाहिए? | ब्लड शुगर लेवल तुरंत कैसे बढ़ाएं

Low blood sugar symptoms, In this video SimpliHealth expert General Physician Dr. Rishi Mangat is talking about Hypoglycemia(low blood sugar) and ब्लड शुगर कम होने के लक्षण और इलाज.

Hypoglycemia(low blood sugar) | Low Blood Sugar Symptoms

As the word suggests, “hypo” means low, and glycemia means sugar, which means low sugar. When the  blood sugar is less than 70 milligram/decilitre, we call it hypoglycemia. This can happen to any age group.  So whenever sugar gets low, it may precipitate, get cold, clammy, feel irritated, dizzy, and tired. So these are some common symptoms that one may feel during the episode of hypoglycemia. One may sweat a lot. 

Why hypoglycemia often happens at night?  

Usually, in non-diabetic, the occurrence of hyperglycemia is very less i.e falling of sugar at night. The reason may be that they missed their diet or did not diet properly or doing excessive exercise. They may have the underlying disease of the kidney or pancreas, or they intake heavy alcohol regularly; this is also one of the reasons. The most common reason among people with diabetes is they miss their diet after taking medicine and miss their nighttime snack. If they are on insulin, extra precautions need to be taken if they take insulin, their diet must be monitored. If they are overdoing their routine exercise, all these reasons may contribute to hypoglycemia. 

There are few insulins whose peak, for example, if the insulin is taken in the night it is like if they take NPH insulin its half-life i.e, its peak working time is 8-9 hours, so mostly it comes around in the early morning. So the patient has a chance of getting an hypoglycemia episode in the morning.   So what happens in that situation is that few patients may fear having hypoglycemia.

ब्लड शुगर कम होने के लक्षण और इलाज: How can we save from this? 

The main thing is if you have one of these symptoms, you are taking care of someone who is having the symptoms Like they say they have bad dreams or they are often irritable, and may feel an early morning headache. Most of the time they don’t sleep well at night, and when they wake up in the morning the bedsheet is all wet due to sweating. If you have all the symptoms then one must check whether they have a sugar problem or not. The most straightforward way to check the sugar is through a Glucometer at home or by giving a blood sample in the lab one can get tested. Its treatment is not very long if we can diagnose the symptom. Basically, it is not a disease, it’s just a symptom. 

So if we can diagnose its sign, the doctors only have to If the patient is in a conscious state and is talking, one can give any sugar or any sugary drink or any type of juice to them. And if the patient is in an unconscious state don’t give anything to them immediately instead of bringing them to the hospital by ambulance or any other means. In that case the doctor has to provide them with intravenous sugar so this is the only treatment that works in very severe cases.

How can we avoid this? 

To prevent this, one needs to keep in mind that when a patient is on diabetic medicines, never miss a meal. If they are changing their exercise pattern, then they need to check their sugar after exercise and monitor it regularly. If they feel any of these symptoms, they need to recheck the sugar and add a small snack. Ideally, for the patients who are on insulin, the doctors prescribe them to have bedtime snacks.  If all these things are taken care of that one can be saved from hypoglycemia.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh General Physicians

Diabetic Diet Plan | डायबिटीज में क्या खाएं और क्या ना खाएं? | मधुमेह आहार | शुगर पेशेंट की डाइट क्या होनी चाहिए? | What is the Best Diet for a Diabetic Person?

Diabetic Diet Plan | What should diabetics avoid eating? | What meals can diabetics eat freely?

In this video SimpliHealth expert General Physician Dr. Rishi Mangat is talking about Diabetic Diet Plan or डायबिटीज में क्या खाएं और क्या ना खाएं?

Diabetic Diet Plan, Diet plays a vital role in diabetes. Sugar patients need to balance their diet correctly. Usually, doctors recommend that around 45% of meals should be carbs. Which means around one should consume 135 to 185 grams in a day. If we want to understand this more quickly and practically, we need to keep a few things in mind like our lifestyle, how much activity we do, our weight, our age, and our sugar levels. We need to see which food items suit us and our eating system, what are the timings of having food, and what is the eating pattern in diabetes. 

In addition to diabetes, it is essential to know when the intake of medicines, whether we are on insulin or not. These things are necessary to make a final diet plan.

How would they know if the amount of carbs they are eating is right or not?

The simple solution for this fixes your carbs according to your estimate and performs the fasting sugar and sugar test after two hours of the meal. If the sugar after 2 hours is in the normal range, it is less than 140, so that means the number of carbs you are taking in the diet is ideal for your body. What I mean by carbs. Mainly the sugars, simple sugars that we get directly from grains like maida and wheat are natural, simple sugars. So it is essential to understand how simple sugars and complex sugars affect the body.

The simple sugars absorb very fast in the blood sugar and shoot up the blood level, whereas the complex sugars take time to break down and slowly come into the blood. So one benefits from taking complex sugars because it doesn’t cause a sudden rise in sugar hence no sugar-related drawbacks. The second thing I want to point out is that they need to have a mixed plate in which carbs and other items should also be there.. So basically, if we take 40 to 45% of carbs, then 30% must be proteins, and 20% should be fat.

Many people have doubts that fats should be present in diet or not. | Diabetic Diet Plan

The presence of fats is significant in our diet as it plays a very vital role in vitamin and minerals absorption. The diet should be balanced. Apart from this, a fundamental question is what are simple carbs. Simple carbs like Maida, pasta, white rice, simple plain sugar or chocolate, sugar in the soft drinks are all simple sugars.One should avoid them. If we come in the direction of complex food, the complex food is grain, whole wheat, oats, Quinoa, vegetables, and fruits. All these come under the category of complex food. The sugar present in fruits is fructose sugar. Fructose doesn’t get absorbed as fast as other simple sugars. Though fructose is also one of the simple sugars, Its benefit is that it absorbs slowly and is a healthy sugar. These are the fruits that we should go towards Initially when the diet pyramid comes. 

What was in that diet pyramid? | Diabetic Diet Plan

The carbohydrates were placed at the base. They should make the maximum component. Meaning the most significant part of our food should comprise of bread, roti, or rice. But with the new study coming and according to our lifestyle changes that have become necessary. So, according to this, now we need to invert the pyramid. Meaning we need to keep proteins, fruits, and fiber-rich food high and have fewer carbs. These are some critical parts that we need to look into in our diet. When we talk about diabetic diet, especially those who are on insulin and that we need to be very careful, our diet has to be related to the food. Because insulin doctors give both short-acting and long-acting types of insulin, and missing a meal is not something that we advise any patient. Because that can lead to adverse effects, one sugar may fall suddenly, and some may have other problems. 

So in those patients, a good and balanced diet is essential so that the excellent effect of the medicine is seen. Also, insulin leads to a slight gain in weight, so to counter that, the diet should be like that again, and irrespective of intake of carbs, weight gain should not be there. I would like to conclude by emphasising that our diet should have at least 40 to 45% carbs, 30% proteins, and 20% fats. Have a healthy life .

Thank you

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

What is Tuberculosis | ट्यूबरक्लोसिसकारण का इलाज, उपचार और रोकथाम | Tuberculosis Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention

What is Tuberculosis | टीबी रोग की पहचान कैसे होती है?

In this video our expert pulmonologist Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Tuberculosis(TB). Also she is answering some very common questions that people usually ask like:

  • What is Tuberculosis? 
  • How does it happen? 
  • What are its symptoms, causes, treatment & diagnosis?
  • Is tuberculosis contagious

Tuberculosis is a contagious infection that mainly affects the lungs, but it may also affect other body organs like the brain,  spine, muscle, intestine, and even bones. We can have any type of TB. 

Tuberculosis Causes(टीबी के लक्षण) & Why does it happen?  

It happens because of the infection of bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If any person with active TB and some other person comes in close contact with this active TB patient, they may also have this disease. TB is more common in homeless people who stay in crowded places, are HIV infected, are drug abusers, or are malnourished. When we contract the TB bacteria, it is unnecessary to have TB since we have our immunity, which fights against it. Those who are immuno-compromised have more chances of having active TB infection. We will talk further about the stages of TB. Now our expert will talk about the symptoms of TB.

Tuberculosis Symptoms(टीबी  के लक्षण) & How will we know that we have symptoms of TB?

The main symptom of TB is fever in the evening. Even one may have night sweats or chills. If you have had a cough for more than three weeks, it is essential to get screening for TB. You may have pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, and weight loss. So if you observe these symptoms, you must check yourself for TB. 

How can we diagnose TB?

If the patient comes with this history, experts examine their phlegm, which most government centers do almost free. First, experts take a sputum sample and send it for an AFB stain. Nowadays, experts have new techniques to identify resistant TB, more commonly by a gene expert test performed in sputum or phlegm. So this phlegm is tested in two ways. Then, experts perform the patient’s X-ray to analyze the extent of infection in the lungs.

Tuberculosis Treatments(टीबी का इलाज): How can the doctor treat this? 

First, we understood the causes of TB or the possible symptoms, and accordingly, experts diagnosed it. Treatment is done under two phases: 

  • One is the intensive phase, and the other is the maintenance phase. Its treatment is long-lasting, almost for six months, and the patients are divided into different categories based on whether they have had a TB infection before this or not. The medicines prescribed in the intensive phase is to stop the multiplication of bacteria, so it doesn’t spread. Moreover, those who are spreading this TB by aerosols. Suppose any patient with active TB coughs or sneezes, or even if they talk without wearing a mask, they may spread this bacteria in the room. So it is the role of the intensive phase to stop this kind of transmission. So in the intensive phase, to control the transmission of bacteria, such medicines are given to prevent the multiplication. It takes two months for completion, and it is under the DOTS procedure. 
  • Next comes the continuation or the maintenance phase, which lasts for three months. There are three types of medicines in this phase. So every patient must complete its treatment efficiently; the patient must take the medication properly; otherwise, it may turn into a life-threatening situation. There are many chances of developing resistance in this bacteria. Like in our country, there is an increase in multidrug-resistant TB cases. So the medicine dose must be accurate; the patient must take medicine on time and complete their regime.

Tuberculosis Prevention(टीबी के निवारण)

What do we have for its prevention? 

First, to prevent TB, doctors have campaigns like the BCG vaccination camp, in which the vaccine is administered to the child at birth itself. Secondly, if our atmosphere is overcrowded and things that we can prevent and things like nourishment and nutrition must be adequate, we need to focus on these things so that we don’t get infected by TB. 

We need to take care of our immunity and have a balanced diet. Even if we are exposed, our TB should stay in a latent state rather than the active stage. Lastly our experts would say that if any of you have these symptoms, you must visit a doctor, get yourself screened for TB, get treatment, take the medicines properly; otherwise, this disease can be life-threatening.

Thank you 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Tennis Elbow Treatment | कोहनी के दर्द लक्षण, कारण और उपचार

Tennis Elbow Treatment | Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis

In this video SimpliHealth exert Orthopaedic Spine and joint Dr. M.S Narula is talking about a critical common condition that experts frequently encounter in OPD: Tennis Elbow Treatment (कोहनी का दर्द). You must have heard this commonly used term  

क्या है ये टेनिस एल्बो (कोहनी का दर्द)?

It is a condition that is medically known as lateral epicondylitis. This pain occurs in the outer portion of the elbow. This pain may start from the elbow and come down to the forearm, so the pain which happens in the elbow is called a tennis elbow. 

Tennis elbow Causes and Diagnosis

The history of tennis elbow is reported by the patients as a pain which happens when they are doing a particular activity like they pick something heavy like a bag or suitcase. Ladies complain that when they wring the clothes to squeeze out water in that position or pick a pan, it starts paining severely . So it is termed as tennis elbow because during tennis, players use a very heavy racket, and especially those who play with the back hand, their muscles get strained, it hurts, and that’s how the name Tennis elbow derives its name

In addition, there is also another condition which is a golfer’s elbow. It is similar to the tennis elbow, but this pain comes from the inner area of the elbow. Often, patients complain that when they pick up something, it starts paining from inside; this is called a Golfer’s elbow. And this is tennis elbow. There are wrist muscles. If you see the wrist muscles help in an upward movement. If they move their wrist a little upwards, there is movement in elbow muscles. So all these muscles help in grip and attach themselves here (elbow). 

So in the overuse injury, which means when we use that muscle repeatedly, like picking up something heavy, that muscle which is attached to bone, comes under strain, sometimes  it may result in a tear also, and there is inflammation; that’s why it hurts on the outer side of the elbow. Hence it’s called a tennis elbow. Its history is very typical; as our experts toldtell,m,,lk you, it hurts when patients pick up things from the overhand grip, like picking up the pan or bag, especially those who lift weights in the gym. When they pick up anything in this position it starts hurting.

From its history, we can diagnose that it is a tennis elbow. We perform some clinical tests like asking the patient to move their wrist against resistance and or we put a stretch on their wrist; the pain can be seen on the elbow. It is a simple clinical diagnosis. We don’t require an X-ray as this is a muscle and tendon problem. It doesn’t come in an X-ray. In a  rare case, an MRI is done. It’s a clinical diagnosis, and it’s a very straightforward diagnosis.

Which category of people suffer most from this problem? As I told you,  this is an overuse or repetitive use  injury. It happens when ladies wring the clothes to squeeze  water or while picking up a heavy pan.   or men who  take a heavy bag while they are traveling, lift heavy bags or when tennis players  make frequent use of the backhand. Also, weightlifters bodybuilders, while using  their hands  to grip the weights can also be affected.

Treatment for tennis elbow

Initially, when the pain begins, we prescribe mild anti-inflammatory or pain killers to patients. One can do icing to avoid inflammation. We often advise the patients to not  do that particular activity that causes them pain. Most importantly, a patient should not  pick up things  with the overhand grip. Pick up like this. It strains our elbow muscles when we pick up stuff from the overhand grip. So we need activity modification, painkillers, and little icing to get relief in the initial stages. Also,a  brace called a tennis elbow band can be placed around  for  relief. In the initial stages this treatment is enough. Suppose a patient doesn’t respond to this treatment an injection is given in his elbow.

It is a very safe and effective treatment. One injection heals the entire pain. It is a locally active steroid. Only one injection does the work. Still, we may repeat this injection in a few cases after one month. The injection is usually given in these areas; it’s just a steroid mixed with local anesthesia. Most of the time it works very well and a patient does not require any further treatment. Less than 5% rather  less than 2% cases require surgery for this. But that is very rare. Most people respond to the conservative treatment, which includes an initial period of anti-inflammatories followed by Physio.

As our experts previously mentioned, there is muscle strain, so we recommend Physiotherapy in these patients. To strengthen these muscles, gradual stretching is essential. Physiotherapy combined with  injections works in most conditions. So if you are having chronic or recurrent pain on the outer portion of your elbow or in the inner side of the elbow, you must consult your Orthopaedic surgeon. 

Don’t fear the injections if you are not getting relief from the routine anti-inflammatory. Please get it done. It is one hundred percent curable. Stay safe, happy, and healthy. Thank you very much.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment | (ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया) के लक्षण, कारण, व इलाज।

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment | (ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया) | Treatment & diagnosis | स्लीप एपनिया का घरेलू इलाज?

In this video SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Obstructive Sleep Apnea(ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया) and also she is answering some questions that people ask like: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment

  • How can we diagnose obstructive sleep apnea? 
  • How can we treat it? 
  • When should we consult the doctor? 
  • What type of lifestyle modifications should be made? 
  • What are its complications? 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

If any person comes to the doctor with any problem like feeling very tired in the afternoon, loud snoring at night, facing difficulties in concentration, or sleepless nights. Based on this history, a sleep test is performed, called a polysomnography sleep test. It is an overnight sleep study that could be done at a hospital or home. In these many sensors are applied, one sensor is airflow sensor, patients heart rate and BP monitoring are performed, and patients’ abdominal and thoracic breathing movements are monitored with belts, even the eye movements are monitored. Even sleep stages are monitored with EEG. The patient is studied with all these leads, which is the overnight study and the result is called the apnea-hypopnea index, more commonly called AHI. 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment

With these results, the doctor inferres whether the patient has Obstructive sleep apnea or not. And if it is present, it is under which grade, is it mild or moderate or severe. Accordingly, the treatment for the patients is initiated. If it is a mild degree, our experts ask patients for lifestyle modification like weight reduction, and the doctor advises sleeping on their side. The doctor recommends avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills and sleeping on their side. So these things can help them, and not much is needed. But if it is moderate or severe, the doctor advises CPAP machines to patients. 

What are these? 

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machines are machines in which doctors give the nasal mask to the patients that provides continuous air pressure, which opens the blockage in the passage that was causing obstructive sleep apnea. As a result, the patients can easily breathe, and they don’t feel any breathing sensation or apnea. Due to this, the patient sleeps well with no snoring, and they wake up fresh in the morning.

So this treatment is a very important treatment; however, patients first don’t understand this, but once they start using it, they start noticing some changes. They feel active because earlier the sleep, which was not complete or used to be in fragments, you were waking up in between, and you were not aware of it, but now that sleep is complete, the patients feel much better. In addition, if people say that they will ignore it and say they don’t need these machines, they will bring complications. Because if you are short of breath and there is less oxygen supply of blood to the organs of the body. 

What are your chances? 

There is the possibility of having a heart attack very much; if one has diabetes, then it may get uncontrolled; if someone has BP, then it may get uncontrolled, there is a chance of stroke. Also, the other life-threatening disease may get fatal because of obstructive sleep apnea. So it is very important to identify obstructive sleep apnea, get it diagnosed, get treatment, and, if needed, use a CPAP machine, which is very important for your life. So if you do these things along with lifestyle modification like early dinner. Few exercises can be done, such as walking, working on weight reduction and looking at your health benefits to reduce the use of CPAP machines.

So the doctor says, please consult your sleep specialist and get treatment advice about what is good for you or bad so that it doesn’t get too fatal.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Spinal Cord Injuries Treatment, Causes & Success Rate | रीढ़ की हड्डी का इलाज

Spinal Cord Injuries Treatment | रीढ़ की हड्डी की चोट का इलाज

In this video our expert Dr. M. S Narula is talking about spinal cord injuries treatment & its causes, treatment & success rate. Also he is answering some common question that people ask in OPD like:

  • What are the treatment options?
  • Why are we operating? 
  • What is the patient recovery rate? 

Unfortunately, these injuries are very severe today because of high moving traffic and so much rush on roads with speedy vehicles. As spine surgeons, our experts often see these spine injuries or spine fractures, or polytrauma patients very commonly. These injuries are considered severe injuries not in terms of mortality but the disability and the mobility that they cause.

As our expert told you, these spine injuries are mostly seen after a roadside accident or fall from a height. These are the two most familiar modes of injuries. If someone falls from height, they land on either their spine or heels, due to which intense pressure is observed on the spine or crushing force is seen; hence there is a fracture in the spine. It can happen anywhere from the neck to the bottom. Any vertebrae can get a fracture. The second reason is that our bodies fall in different postures during accidents, resulting in fractures. There is also another injury in which the bones don’t get fractured. 

The spinal cord doesn’t get fractured; instead, the nerves press down because of jerks, more commonly called by doctors a whiplash injury. What happens in whiplash injury like if our car is standing and some other vehicle hits us from the back, then a sudden shock to the neck is felt. When doctors perform X-Ray, they don’t find any bones fractured, but the nerves are compressed.  So spine injury can be with a fracture or without fracture, and the standard two modes are fall from height and roadside accident. 

Spinal Cord Injuries Treatment (स्पाइनल कॉर्ड इन्जुरी का इलाज): What are the treatment for spine injury? 

But before talking about the treatment, the doctors would like to sensitize you about that if you see an accident victim on the roadside where you suspect it could be a spine injury, the very important part is that we must keep the neck and the body in an immobilised state. Often you must have seen the paramedics bind the collar around the neck and keep pillows on both sides, and with the straight fixed, they shift the patients. So one must take precautions very much during shifting spine injury patients from the accident site to the hospital. We shouldn’t move their spine, there shouldn’t be any twisting sprains, or the neck should not fall back or move. 

So this is the golden period in which one can damage the spine injury if it has happened earlier. So when the patient is brought to the hospital, and the doctors think that he has a spine injury, the doctor performs an X-ray and MRI. Like our expert told you before, spine injuries can be very debilitated. Most spine injuries have their weakness like their upper Limb or legs, so either all four limbs are paralyzed, or one limb or both legs is paralyzed depending upon which part is injured. If it is in midthoracic, i.e., there is fracture or nerve pressing in the midway of the back.

Then there is fear of weakness or paralysis in both legs. And if one has a neck injury, then it’s a possibility that there can be weakness or paralysis in all four limbs. So the doctor does an X-ray and MRI of the patients; after providing a first-aid, the doctor plans its definitive treatment.

As you can see in  this model of the spinal cord the bones spinal cord bones and how nature has delicate sieve of nerves around our spine. So our nature has provided us with this structure. So these are the spinal cord bones, and if you focus on this bone cage or column, there going our nerves.

These nerves are protected inside the vertebrae column bones, so whenever there is a fracture in the spinal cord, the crushed part moves back and may press the nerve or damage it. As our expert told you before, such a sudden shock is felt that the spine doesn’t get fractured, but due to intense trauma, the nerves press down. So this is to understand that nature has provided us with the vertebrae column, which is like a cage of the spinal cord in which nerves are always protected. Unfortunately, during any injury or fracture, the broken portion presses the nerves.

Before we discuss the treatment option, Our expert would like to discuss the basic anatomy of the spinal cord. This is the model of our spine, and this is the bone of the spinal cord stacked on one other, and there is this vertebrae column in which nerves are going from neck to down. So our nature has protected the delicate structure of the spinal cord in a rigid structure of the vertebral column. During injury or in an accident, this broken portion of the bones moves back and presses the nerve. Usually, the spinal cord is protected by the bones around it, but when these bones get fractured. The crushed area moves back and presses the nerve, cutting it, or may damage it.

What are the treatment options?

Of course, when the suspected patients with spine injuries come, doctors’ first and foremost purpose is to give them pain relief because these spine injuries are very, very painful. So doctors plan their treatment after giving them painkillers and doing their X-rays and MRIs. If the fracture is stable and the vertebrae are not that much compressed , there is not much damage to weakness; the patient doesn’t have any weakness. The doctor simply recommends simple bed rest for 3-4 weeks, giving them a belt for slow mobilization.

The patients do very well in the conservation treatment. This is done only in those cases where the fracture is not that bad or not too much, which the doctor commonly calls a stable fracture, and there is no weakness in the hands or legs. And the doctor doesn’t see any compression in the MRI. But in most of these patients, there is damage to nerves. 

Either their legs are weak, or there may be weakness or numbness in their hands. In MRI, it is seen that the broken bones are giving pressure to the nerves. So in these cases, the doctor plans a surgery and advises the patients. In this surgery, this spin surgery has to be done with a very skilled spine surgeon that is why it is very specialized surgery.

The broken portion is removed from the nerve by the doctor and fixed with rods, plates, or screws. If it is a neck injury, the doctor may go from the back or front. If it is a spinal cord injury, the doctor may go back or front, the broken area is stabilized from up, and bottom, the bones pressing the nerve are removed to mobilize the patients as early as possible.

Success Rate of Spinal Cord Injuries Treatment

Now, this is the most challenging question and biggest dilemma every spine surgeon faces frequently in their practices. Now, what happens when there is a spine injury and when there is minor damage to the bone? That damage is usually permanent. In a sense, the time the nerves got pressed left some damage during an accident. Yet, doctors need to operate on it, so this is the question that if it’s permanent and the nerves won’t be able to recover,  our expert have seen so many cases in which the patient is paralyzed for life.

Why is an operation needed for spinal cord injuries treatment

See, you have to understand that there is pressure on nerves, and there is no way through which a doctor can predict whether it is permanent or not. Still, it’s essential to remove the pressure so that we can give the patient the chance of recovery of nerves and the patient. And if it is an incomplete injury, there is no total paralysis then, so the chances of recovery among them are very nice. Another significant advantage of operation is that even if there is permanent damage to the nerve, the doctor can make the patient stand up, mobilize, or at least ambulatory or even on the bed, on a wheelchair after surgery.

If the doctor fixes the spine, then on the next day, the doctor can make the patient sit on their bedside and mobilize them on a wheelchair so that the patient doesn’t have a bed zoned. Otherwise, the patient is in bed for 1 to 1 half months. So the surgery definitely has its advantages provided the patients and relatives understand that the injury, recovery of nerve, recovery of leg nerve is not so much in the hand of the doctor; it is in the hands of God. Yes, the doctor can remove the pressure to give them a chance of recovery. As the doctor mentioned after the operation, they can mobilize it quickly on a wheelchair or crutches or by sitting on a bed, but this is possible only after surgery. The specialized surgery is long, but the doctor sees good results wherever indicated in expert hands.

Of course, the next question is, doctor, what happens now? Now what? 

What is the patient recovery rate? | Spinal Cord Injuries Treatment

Like our expert  said, if it is an incomplete nerve injury, there is no complete paralysis, and there is little weakness, and the MRI report conveys significantly less damage. So, the chance of recovery is very fast, so much so that a few weeks the patient recovers, so that the recovery can take a few days to almost one year. The nerve recovery may last a long one year. So it is a lengthy recovery period in which the patient first has to mobilize. They may sit up or in a wheelchair or on crutches to improve the patient’s quality of life. So this can, and he will need a very good rehabilitation.  

After every surgery, there is a role of physiotherapy rehabilitation. Still, post-operative patients’ spine rehabilitation is of great importance in spine injury patients. So with good rehabilitation, the quality of life can be improved, and slowly, with the nerve recovery. Patients start feeling good so that the healing can last from 1 to one and half years, and the second thing is, what are its results? 

As our expert told you before, its effects are very good if done timely. If the surgery is performed timely and by expert hands and when there is not too much damage, then the results of spine injury fixation are very good. So take care. Be safe, and please drive carefully and slowly. 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Obstructive Sleep Apnea(ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया): Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors

Obstructive Sleep Apnea(ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया): Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors

In this video SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Obstructive Sleep Apnea(ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया) and also she is answering some questions that people ask like:

  • What is OSA?
  • What are its symptoms?
  • How will we know that we have OSA?

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea(ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया)?

Obstructive sleep apnea is an upper airways disease in which our breathing stops for a short period of time. Sometimes this can be a 10 seconds gap. One can’t feel it when they are asleep. The upper airways muscles relax when we are sleeping.. While lying down if there is a blockage here, then the tongue fall can result in loud snoring. But people say snoring is normal, eveyone does it. 

So what is wrong with it? There is a lot of difference between regular snoring and snoring due to this.

Obstructive sleep apnea causes: How can experts find out this? Or स्लीप एपनिया के कारण

According to our experts in sleep apnea, apnea means there is shortness of breath for a short while, and for a short period, the oxygen flow to the body and its supply to body organs is reduced. So this is called sleep apnea. It is divided into two types: central and obstructive sleep apnea. The brain doesn’t signal to breathe, which is associated with neurological reasons in central sleep apnea. In OSA, there is an obstruction due to which breathing is difficult. 

What are the risk factors associated with sleep apnea? 

Obstructive sleep apnea is more common in males commonly found in age groups above 40, and most importantly, it is because of obesity. The chances of having OSA is the measured circumference of the neck in males is more than 17 inches and above 15 inches in females. There are a few other factors like craniofacial deformities, a large tongue, and small nose airways. In addition, whenever you lie down, there is a blockage in the airway resulting in shortness of breath. Apart from this, there may be some underlying medical factors like diabetes or hypertension, so you have a better chance of having OSA. 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms: How will we know that we have this? 

Suppose you have high-pitched snoring during the night while sleeping. You experience a headache after waking up after an afternoon nap.  you experience dry mouth, or you feel laziness after waking up. One may feel like they didn’t sleep, or they can’t sleep at night, may have a  feeling of tiredness during the day, loss of concentration at work. Some may have choking spells like many times those who slept with them at night tell that they wake up suddenly and feel like someone has stifled their neck or you wake up often at night to pass urine. So if you are having any of these symptoms, you must visit your sleep specialist and get screening for OSA; for diagnosis, doctors perform different tests through which doctors come to know that you have obstructive sleep apnea or not. Further, get it treated.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Pneumonia Recovery Time | निमोनिया में फेफड़े ठीक में कितना समय लगता है?| निमोनिया किसके कारण होता है?

Pneumonia Recovery Time | Antibiotics, Treatment, & Recovery time

In this video SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Pneumonia Infection(निमोनिया) & its Antibiotics, Treatment, & Recovery time. Also she is answering some important questions that often stay in people’s minds like: Pneumonia Recovery Time

  • How much time does it take to heal the lungs after a pneumonia infection? 
  • In how much time does it get cleared? 
  • What if, after antibiotics, it doesn’t get healed? 

Pneumonia occurs in four stages in the initial stage: congestion followed by red hepatization, grey hepatization, and last is resolution. So these stages take a total of 8-10 days in which the lung starts healing. As in pneumonia, air sacs are filled with fluid, so with the treatment, as the medicines go inside, the air sacks return to their original state after 8-10 days. So that the patients can breathe back to normal, they can breathe easily. 

How will it get clear? | Pneumonia lung Recovery Time

The patient’s symptoms improve with the antibiotics like they had a fever or coughing; it gets better with antibiotics. Still, if the radiological resolution is like X-Ray, we see a patch or consolidation that will take time to go. This patch or consolidation can still be seen after two weeks. So it takes four to six weeks to completely clear. One shouldn’t worry that much if their symptoms are recovered.

What if, even after antibiotics, pneumonia is not getting healed? 

There is a specific period. For example, the doctor keeps the patient on follow-up for one to two months if there is no improvement or some symptoms are left. They are facing some significant problems on follow-up if there is no resolution in the span of two to three months that we observe in Radiology in x-ray or CT-Scan. Then we call it non-resolving pneumonia. If it is non-resolving pneumonia, the doctor needs to examine whether the patient has not responded to the antibiotics or some underlying lesions that we couldn’t identify. 

For example, there may be a chance of malignancy, tuberculosis, or other reasons that may be associated with it. So it is called non-resolving pneumonia and for this. We need to examine this further by laparoscopy or by another means.  So if the patient has pneumonia, please consider that it will take some time to heal. And the patient’s radiological resolution will also take some time. If they are not cured, we have other measures and will perform other examinations to rule out other options that there might be some other underlying problem with pneumonia.

Thank you

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Bulky Uterus | Adenomyosis (एडिनोमायोसिस : भारी गर्भाशय) What complications it causes?

Bulky Uterus Treatment (Adenomyosis) भारी गर्भाशय: complications it causes?

Bulky uterus treatment, In this video SimpliHealth expert gynecologist  Dr. Heena Chawla is talking about Bulky Uterus(Adenomyosis) or भारी गर्भाशय. Also she is answering some important questions that people usually ask their gynecologist like:

  • My Ultrasound has reported a bulky uterus. Do I have to remove the uterus for this, or will I conceive with this report?

What is Bulky Uterus(Adenomyosis)? | Bulky Uterus Treatment

Bulky, as experts know, is bigger than the standard size. The normal size of the uterus is 6.5 *  4*3 cms, so bulky is if it is more than that, technically, if the uterus size is more than 8 cm, it is a bulky uterus. 

Often our experts have noticed in the ultrasound that it is written in bold letters that I have a bulky uterus, many times, my friends call me and ask if it’s a bulky uterus in ultrasound. Do I have to do anything ? Do I need treatment for that?

Bulky Uterus Causes

You have to understand the reason behind the bulky uterus is the previous pregnancy. If you have any last pregnancy, during pregnancy, the uterus size increases to 35-36 cm, and slowly it shrinks to its standard size. Generally a gap of 0.5-1 cm is observed during shrinkage, so in that case 7.5  is normal and there is nothing to worry about as long as there is no heavy bleeding, or backache.

Bulky Uterus with Thickened Endometrium | Bulky Uterus Treatment

Apart from this, one thing more important in the bulky uterus is the layers of the uterus. One is the innermost layer called the Endometrium. The other one is the muscle layer that is the 

myometrium, if there is an increase in the thickness in the innermost layer of the uterus due to some reason that also comes in the bulky uterus. And if there is an increase in thickness in the muscle layer in the myometrium for some reason, that is also considered the bulky uterus. 

The most important reason for the thickness of the myometrium is the presence of fibroids. Fibroids are known as rasouli in the everyday language. Suppose these are present in the innermost layer of the uterus inside the endometrium. 

In that case, that will prevent pregnancy which may result in heavy bleeding or prolonged bleeding, one may have back pain, and the duration of periods may increase. So if any couple who are planning pregnancy, fibroids are present in the innermost layer, the endometrium, also known as submucosal fibroids. It is necessary to remove them. Suppose they are present in the muscle layer called intramural fibroids,their impact will  depend upon the size and the location of the fibroids. 

If they are not pressing the innermost layer of the uterus, they will not affect the natural conception process. Still, sometimes few fibroids increase in size, and they start pushing the innermost layer. So there are some changes in the internal environment of the uterus because of the large size of fibroids. It may bring problems in natural conception, and even if you have naturally conceived, it may lead to abortion. So, our experts need to remove them, which could be done by laparoscopy. Another reason is adenomyosis. 

What happens in adenomyosis? 

The menstrual blood starts accumulating in the muscle layer of the uterus, and it doesn’t find an outlet. So after every cycle, when it starts getting in the muscle layer eventually results in the large size of the uterus, called a bulky uterus. 

Apart from this, if I would say the couples planning pregnancy, the presence of bulky uterus or swelling in the uterus is one of the main reasons for being unable to conceive naturally. Among them, tuberculosis is the most crucial cause or occurrence of any other type of infection that may affect the process of natural conception. 

For those patients who have tuberculosis, it has been seen that around 40% of couples, tuberculosis is a significant factor in India in preventing conception. Most commonly, these tubes are affected, and in up to 50% of cases due to tuberculosis infection, the tubes are damaged, thereby affecting the conception process.

Apart from this, the innermost layer of the uterus, due to the tuberculosis infection, i.e., the innermost layer of the uterus, that is, the endometrium, starts sticking to each other. Due to this, there is a formation of adhesion. The pattern is that the number of days of the periods start increasing, and as the endometrium layer gets stuck to each other, in some cases, the periods start decreasing. Some patients may have amenorrhea, i.e., periods stop abruptly. In addition to tuberculosis, it gives other signs you may have weight loss, loss of appetite, and some may have a low-grade fever. 

Diagnose Tuberculosis

There are many simple tests to diagnose tuberculosis, and it can be treated very easily. Apart from this, there are more chronic pelvic infections, for example, PID, due to which the size of the uterus gets bulky. Until the bulky uterus doesn’t give symptoms, we shouldn’t fear by analyzing the ultrasound report. 

If we have heavy bleeding or have back pain, or our periods are coming early, we should consult a gynecologist and get this treatment for the bulky uterus. And yes, if you are planning pregnancy and have been diagnosed with a bulky uterus in the ultrasound, you should meet your doctor and consult with her about whether we need any treatment.

In many cases, it happens that it is an incidental find. Experts go for an ultrasound, and are diagnosed with fibroids or a bulky uterus. So in many cases, experts continue the pregnancy by prescribing mild medicines, and experts can continue with the pregnancy. So one should meet the doctor and find out whatever treatment is possible and discuss it.

Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Pneumonia Signs and Symptoms | निमोनिया के लक्षण, कब जाये डॉक्टर के पास | निमोनिया की पहचान कैसे करें?

Pneumonia Signs and Symptoms | निमोनिया में क्या क्या दिक्कत होती है?

In this video, SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Pneumonia(निमोनिया,) and also she is answering some questions that people usually ask like:Pneumonia Signs and Symptoms 

  • What is pneumonia? 
  • What are the symptoms of pneumonia? 
  • How can we diagnose it? 
  • What are its treatment procedures?

What is pneumonia(निमोनिया)? 

Pneumonia(निमोनिया) is one of the lung infections. Usually, it is the air sacks or the tubes that aid in the inhalation process and extend up to the lungs, which are generally filled with air. In pneumonia, these tubes get filled with fluid or pus, resulting in problems in inhalation. Many reasons contribute to this condition, for example, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They may cause pneumonia. 

What are the risk factors associated with pneumonia? And Who is more prone to this disease? 

The majority is found in children and the old age group. Those who have compromised immunity, for example, diabetic patients or patients with a kidney-associated disease who often are on dialysis, HIV compromised patients or people who have taken medicines that result in immunosuppression like Rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease. The chances of suffering from pneumonia increase with compromised immunity.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia? / निमोनिया के लक्षण

The occurrence of intense fever, pain in the chest, heavy breathing. Apart from this, coughing with phlegm or blood is a few symptoms of pneumonia. When are these considered a danger sign? When you have an intense fever or high-grade fever of more than 101 degrees, and it is not coming down from 2-3 days, the average inhalation process, which usually stays in 18 to 20, increases sharply.

In addition, there is swelling of tubes while inhalation, more commonly called chest indrawing in children. These are some common symptoms observed in pneumonia. If any of these symptoms cause mental confusion, there are some dangerous signs of pneumonia. If you see any of these symptoms, you must visit your doctor immediately and start the treatment.

How does pneumonia progress?  

It occurs in stages. There are four stages of pneumonia. Initially, there is a stage of congestion, when we acquire bacteria and the infection goes into the lungs, there is congestion in which water is filled in air sacks, as I told you earlier. After this comes stage 2, called Red hepatization, where many cells like RBCs and macrophages start accumulating, this Stage 2  comes after one day in 2 to 3 days.

After this comes the 3rd stage, Grey hepatization, in which the healing process starts and lasts for 4-6 days. The fourth stage is the resolution stage, which comes 8 to 10 days after the treatment. These changes initiate gradually in the lungs, and we start breathing normally. These are some stages of pneumonia.

How to diagnose pneumonia? | Pneumonia Signs and Symptoms

First, experts take the history based on symptoms. Then, when a patient comes, the doctor checks its vitals. As I told you before, intense fever increases the rate of respiration, and sometimes some may have low BP, and in some, there is an increase in urea levels. Apart from this, experts do an X-Ray in which experts see the extent of lung infection and how much the lobes are infected. Then, there are some blood tests performed to identify different germs.

Pneumonia Treatment / निमोनिया के इलाज

When a patient comes to us, experts may prescribe them antibiotics. It may vary in people. It may go from mild to severe among people. If it’s mild pneumonia, the doctor treats it on an OPD basis by prescribing antibiotics for five days. After that, the patient may go to his home, take medicine, and come for follow-up.

In some patients, like when we talk about some significant signs based on those danger signs, the doctor needs to admit the patient in the hospital inward or ICU depending upon the patient vitals, and they are given intravenous IV broad-spectrum antibiotics, notably amoxicillin based groups, along with macrolides combination. The doctor needs to provide these medicines for at least 7 to 10 days to get early healed and discharged as per the vitals. If pneumonia is identified timely and the patient comes to the doctor in time, it doesn’t worsen. And experts can treat it. The survival rate is good. But if the patient has mild pneumonia or has come to the doctor within time, it can be treated adequately.

Some bacteria are antibiotic-resistant, or in some people, as I told you before, who have compromised immunity have a chance of having severe pneumonia. The patient may stay in ICU for longer or may reach a ventilator. Those people take more time to heal, and it may take a dangerous turn or may get life-threatening. So I wish its prevention especially in children as our experts said that it is widespread in children.

We have a complete immunization schedule specific for children to prevent different germs related to infections. Must follow this immunization schedule. Keep the nutrition of children in mind. Adequate nutrition is very much necessary. Avoid crowded places. By following these small things, we can prevent this infection, and if you have any symptoms, immediately visit and consult the doctor and get the necessary treatment.

Thank you

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Distal Radius Fracture | Wrist Fracture Treatment Complications | कलाई फ्रैक्चर का उपचार

Distal Radius Fracture | Wrist Fracture Treatment & Complications

In this video SimpliHealth expert Orthopaedic joint and Spine replacement Surgeon Dr. MS Narula is talking about distal radius fracture & wrist fracture treatment.

Wrist Fracture/कलाई की हड्डी का टूटना

The wrist fracture most commonly occurs in the radius bone. Here (forearm) has two bones, one small bone (ulna) and one larger bone (radius), so the larger portion of the radius bone close to the wrist gets fractured. And mostly, the history of the injury is that we had a fall with our outstretched hand. 

Like when we fall, we stop ourselves by keeping our hands stretched to cushion a fall on the ground. So all the impact comes around the wrist, due to which there is pain and swelling in this region. There is the history of fall on an outstretched hand and a patient comes to us with swelling and pain around the wrist joint, also known as a distal radial fracture.

So roughly, they are of two types:  extra-articular and intra-articular. Extra-articular happens little above the wrist joint whilst intra-articular fractures the bones inside the wrist joint. So accordingly, we plan the treatment.

Wrist Fracture Treatment | Distal Radius Fracture

Usually, the patients come with pain and swelling in the wrist with no movement or a very slight movement in the wrist. And the patient holds the wrist with the other hand. This fracture can easily be diagnosed on the plain X-Ray when we do the X-ray we see the wrist bone fracture on the slight upper side of the radius bone.

Most of the fractures are managed with plaster in the initial treatment. After we do an x-ray, we diagnose it, and if we see that there is no intense pain and swelling the plaster is reduced at this stage

How to treat these radius fractures? 

As our experts told you before, the treatment will depend upon whether the fracture is inside the joint or outside the joint, age of the patient. The condition of the patients’ bone, and most importantly, the amount of displacement that has happened due to the fracture. 

How much is this fracture displaced from its original position? 

Please remember that this fracture commonly happens in postmenopausal women after 45 years, especially those with osteoporotic bones. So this fracture is most commonly seen in weak bones. Naturally, weak bones take more time to heal. So it depends on the X-ray report that shows the extent of displacement or nondisplacement. If it is undisplaced, that means it has not moved not much from its original position. So most of these fractures can be managed by simple plaster.

In many cases, this plaster can be given under anesthesia. If we think we need to set it a little bit or reduce it a bit, otherwise we immobilise these fractures in the OPD practices with the plaster, i.e., POP cast. Most of these fractures heal well with the pop cast in 4 to 6 weeks, followed by good physiotherapy to avoid wrist stiffness. And in a few cases where the fracture is displaced and has moved farther away from its original position, we recommend the operative method. 

In operative, if the fracture is not much displaced, we simply reduce it by putting some wires followed by plasters on it but yes, in a few cases, where the fracture is inside the joint a plate is put because we wish that it sticks to its original position as much as possible because it is better for the wrist movement If it joins wrongly it will lead to restriction in the wrist movement and may lead to stiffness and a weak grip. 

So we wish that if it is a joint fracture, it should join as much as in its original anatomic position as possible. if we can achieve it with that plaster good enough. A proper surgery is performed and we insert a special plate in it too. The patient is in the hospital for one or two days, and the movements start after 4 to 6 weeks.

Most of these  fractures heal very well. Of course, you have to treat your osteoporosis. You need to have calcium and Vitamin D supplements and start the mobilisation as early as possible, sometimes as early as three weeks, and in some cases, we may delay it for six weeks. 

So please remember if you have a history of falls and have sudden pain and swelling in the wrist. do not ignore it could be a simple soft tissue injury, but if it is a distal radial fracture, it needs a plaster or surgery, which your orthopaedic surgeon will recommend. Thank you 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Asthma Signs and Symptoms | अस्थमा दमा का उपचार | दमा की बीमारी कैसे ठीक होता है?

Asthma Attack Signs Treatment and Symptoms | क्या अस्थमा हमेशा के लिए ठीक हो सकता है?

Asthma attack signs treatment and symptoms, In this video SimpliHealth expert, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Asthma Attacks and also answered some very common questions that people usually ask like: 

  • What are the causes of Asthma attacks?
  • What should things be taken care of by asthmatic patients? 
  • Can we get addicted to the use of inhalers? Are they harmful?

In some cases, people who have asthma don’t know they have asthma, so the chance of having attacks on them is more. 

What are these Asthma Attacks(अस्थमा क्या होता है) and Why do they happen? 

Most people who have dust, smoke either from pollution or factories, or smokers trigger asthma attacks—secondly, a place where people are smoking. Asthma is a lung complaint in which our airways, which we call the trachea, go ahead and divide into bronchi and bronchioles. These become dry; they are like a tube where the swelling comes towards the outside. This is the reason for asthma. 

Asthma Signs and Symptoms

What are the symptoms for its patients? 

As breathing is difficult, there is a wheezing sound from the lungs. It is because of them that these tubes swell. So inhalers do the work of opening them. Inhalers are such medicines that when we take them, they reach the lungs directly. That’s why there should never be any stigma attached to taking an inhaler. Inhalers are the most effective medicine which can cure asthma. 

Asthma Inhaler

There are many types of inhalers like bronchodilators; some also contain steroids. If a patient comes to us with asthma, we divide it into steps. Like how many times they had symptoms during the day or how many symptoms they had at night or how many times a week the symptoms came, or how many times in a month. According to this, we say that asthma is well controlled because there are no symptoms or there is partial control of the frequency of symptoms or if those are un-controlled. 

So our aim is to fit the patient in the different categories of well-controlled asthma, and according to the category, medicines are given to the patient. 

Asthma Treatment | Asthma Signs and Symptoms

So this treatment is escalated step by step. Initially, bronchodilators are given to the patient, and in some cases, we also give steroids depending upon their symptoms. These steroids directly go into the lungs in the form of inhalers. The systemic side effect of steroids taken in the form of inhalers is significantly less than taking in the form of drugs or medicine; it will be more. The body is benefited rather than being damaged by taking steroids in inhalers. 

The swelling in lung tubes (bronchioles and trachea) cannot open, known as inflammation, so steroids help control this inflammation in lung tubes ( bronchioles or trachea). So when taken in inhale form, it has no side effects otherwise, which is a problem for a patient.

Apart from this, as our experts already told you, oral medicine is not prescribed early. In early-stage, inhalers are given, but if one has a severe asthma attack of asthma, then, in that case, the full dose of oral medicine and bronchodilators are given. Despite this, if the patient is not in a calm state, we have to give steroids in the oral form. But it is provided for a small period and the doctor doesn’t continue for a more extended period. 

Our experts believe that if you have any of these symptoms, you must consult your specialist. We need to stratify what kind of asthma is and what kind of symptoms one patient has, how is the control only then we can give the medicine. Asthma is one such disease that can be controlled fully but cannot be cured. By control, I mean that you will not face any problem if you take medicines according to the prescription. If the asthma is well controlled, then the chance of asthma attack is also significantly less. 

One should recognize their asthma, meet their doctor, be concerned with the specialist, and take the medicines and inhalers properly. Understand the whole technique of how to take inhalers properly from your specialist. Because if you are not taking it properly, it is of no use. So after doing this, if your asthma is well controlled, you won’t face any difficulties in the future, and you may do anything that you want to do in the future.

Thank you. 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Frozen Shoulder Treatment, Symptoms, Exercise & Risk फ्रोजन शोल्डर | एडहेसिव कैप्सूलाइटिस

Frozen Shoulder Treatment | Adhesive Capsulitis

In this video SimpliHealth expert orthopedic Dr. MS Narula is talking about frozen shoulder treatment(फ्रोज़न शोल्डर).

What is a frozen shoulder?  

People often confuse all kinds of shoulder pains with frozen shoulders which is generally not true. In this video our experts would like to share with you that a frozen shoulder is a particular entity ; there is a specific  pattern to it. Our shoulder joint is like a ball and socket joint surrounded by muscles and ligaments, and there is a connective tissue that helps in the binding, called a capsule. So in a frozen shoulder, there is a tightening in the connective tissue or capsule. Because of some inflammation or some scarring. This capsule gets tight, which causes pain and stiffness.This particular disease is called a frozen shoulder.

Adhesive Capsulitis | Frozen Shoulder Treatment

The frozen shoulder is also known as adhesive capsulitis. It is periarthritis.In arthritis, there is a  tear in the bones of the joints.  There is no problem in the bone however, there is a formation of adhesion in the soft tissue envelope around the bones, which is known as adhesive capsulitis. 

Frozen Shoulder Symptoms

Broadly in Orthopaedic practices, experts discuss them in three stages: 

  1. Freezing 
  2. Frozen
  3. Thawing

In the freezing stage, there is a pain in a specific or particular position like when you are reaching out to something or doing some overhead movements or especially when you are taking your hand to your back, turning the shoulder towards the backside,, then you feel this pain. So it starts paining when you do a particular moment, and this pain can get very severe and is eventually worse at night,, and this pain limits the movement of the shoulder. And please remember the frozen shoulder doesn’t need to only remain in the shoulder. 

It can go down the arm, or it can go up till the neck,, even in the back of the shoulder, so it is a diffused pain that  gradually gets worse, especially at night, which further restricts your movement . This is the first called a freezing stage. The second stage is the frozen stage. 

In the frozen stage, this pain starts receding a little but there is an increase in the stiffness, so the pain begins to reduce, but it restricts the movement of the shoulder joint. So a patient cannot sleep on that shoulder, and all over the joint movements are limited, especially, when you take the hand to your back. And of course, the last stage is thawing. Simultaneously,, there is a reduction in the pain and stiffness. The frozen shoulder is mostly a self-limiting condition. It heals in one to one and a half years in most cases.

Who is at risk of a frozen shoulder? and, How is it diagnosed? 

Usually, this condition happens after 40 and between 45 to 55 years old. Mostly in females. Its occurrence varies from 70%percent in females to 30% in males. There are certain risk factors for example, people who have diabetes may have a very intense frozen shoulder and may last longer. Then there are specific hormonal changes like hypothyroidism, then of course there are certain neurological symptoms like cervical disease or there is some muscle problem in the shoulder. And of course do remember this there is a secondary frozen shoulder in which whatever be the reason if there is no movement in the shoulder could be an injury due to which we have tied our shoulder, could be some surgery around the shoulder, could be some neuromuscular weakness due to which we are not able to move our shoulder for a long period of time. 

In these people above the age of 45 to 65  may develop this frozen shoulder .Mostly it is diagnosed clinically. The symptoms cannot (as I mentioned before) be diagnosed in the X-ray because in x-ray, only the bones are visible. I explained earlier that there is no problem in the bones. So the X-ray of the frozen shoulder is usually normal. It is diagnosed either by ultrasound,, and of course the most specific technique used these days  is MRI. MRI clearly diagnoses it. 

Frozen Shoulder Treatment

Now we come to treatment. As our expert told you before, frozen shoulder usually subsides in 1-1.5 years on its own but  it may last longer, especially in diabetes. The purpose of our treatment is to reduce the pain and restore the movements at the earliest possible time, and the patient does not have to suffer any disability. 

In the initial stages experts prescribe anti-inflammatory or routine painkillers to reduce the inflammation and perform hot or cold therapy. Physiotherapy remains the mainstay of the treatment.Almost 80% of the role is played by physiotherapy. There are some exercises as I told you there is reduction in the pain but there is gradual increase in stiffness. To control the stiffness and keep the joint mobile as much as possible in the frozen shoulder experts specially tell the patient  not to  restrict the movement of the shoulder. 

Yes, if a particular exercise is hurting your shoulder, don’t do it but keep the shoulder mobile. Visit your physiotherapist for some sessions. And if you are experiencing a lot of pain due to which you are not able to do exercise then experts give them steroid injections which are very successful and effective in  treating this. The purpose of the steroid is to reduce the inflammation so that there is reduction in the pain so that you can perform exercise. 

So please remember the medicines and injection treatment is only successful if you continue or follow it up with the exercises. So in the initial stage, this treatment is enough and most people recover in a few months. In very rare cases surgery is required in which arthroscopy which uses a lighted telescope and is used to break the adhesions and scars. In a few cases experts may manipulate the adhesions under anaesthesia. So these frozen shoulders can be managed conservatively just with physical rehabilitation and mild anti-inflammatory.

Frozen Shoulder Exercises(फ्रोजन शोल्डर की एक्सरसाइजेज)

Next very common question asked to us in the OPDs is  regarding the exercises that help in frozen Shoulders. As I have told you before, Physiotherapy will  remain  a very important part. There are some exercises which you can do at your home but I will insist that you visit your Physiotherapist and do some sessions with them. And the exercises   that they teach; can be done at home  after hot/cold therapy. Initially the exercises experts recommend  is the pendulum exercise  in which the patient bends down and moves his shoulder in a pendulum style. Besides that some forward movements and circular motions are also recommended.

Then, another movement is to lie on the back and take the  arm behind the back. Then there is a towel stretch exercise in which you hold the  towel and stretch it behind the back. Few are crossbody stretches in which one takes the arm across the chest and outward external rotation in which you take a band and rotate it externally. These are a set of exercises – another one where one hand supports the upward movement of the shoulder, take the hand up against the wall.  

So these are some set of exercises which you should do regularly and remember it is not like that you went to a physiotherapist for  exercise and came home .You must do  these exercises at home as well .Remember that the  frozen shoulder is making our body stiff and we have to fight it to open it. So keep doing the exercises and take some anti-inflammatories .If  it is severe then do consult an Orthopaedic surgeon

Thank you .

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Cervix Stenosis (सर्विक्स स्टेनोसिस): Can closed cervix cause infertility (क्या बंद गर्भाशय ग्रीवा बांझपन का कारण बन सकता है?)

Cervix Stenosis (सर्विक्स स्टेनोसिस) Can closed cervix cause infertility? 

Cervix stenosis, In this video SimpliHealth expert gynaecologist Dr. Heena Chawla from Apollo Clinic Chandigarh is talking about infertile couples where a closed cervix  is considered a fundamental reason for this issue.

Cervix Stenosis

Cervix is the Mouth of the uterus. The mouth of the uterus is very much significant for pregnancy. Approximately according to our experts, 10% of cervical factors contribute to pregnancy failure. Cervix is considered a gateway. Cervix acts as a gate to ascend the sperms into the uterus. What happens during ovulation meaning when the egg is released from the ovary before that, the cervical mucus gets very thin because of estrogen actions and release of estrogenic hormones in large amounts, which leads to thinning of mucus which allows the sperms to ascend quickly inside the uterus. 

After post ovulation  i.e after ovulation, the estrogen level goes down, and the progesterone goes up, due to which mucus gets thick, failing in ascending of the sperms. So the cervix is very important because sperms get a proper way to ascend upwards. The eggs are released from the ovary, and the sperms reach the eggs. 

They both get fused and fertilised in the fallopian tubes completing the fertilisation process. Cervical stenosis, or if the mouth of the cervix is closed very tightly, then sperm don’t find a way to go upwards. 

What condition can this happen? 

The first and foremost condition is that one has undergone any D & C, which is termed cleaning in everyday language. If there has been a Dilatation and Curettage, in these cases, the cervix is closed very tightly, or one has undergone cervix biopsy, especially Cone biopsy. In this, biopsies are performed in those cases where there is an abnormal Pap smear. If any abnormality is seen in Pap smear, we do a cervical biopsy, or cone biopsy is needed. The second most important reason for closed cervix is infections. 

There are some chronic infections due to which the cervix’s mucus gets damaged. Hence sperms don’t get a favourable environment to move upwards. In a few cases, anti-sperm antibodies are produced, which work against the sperms. So if these are produced again, sperm doesn’t get the space. 

Lastly, if you may have a genetic abnormality, they have a closed cervix or tightly closed stenosis, cervix occurs. For its diagnosis, the doctor takes a complete history of the patient. Apart from this one examination in simple language, the internal examination by a gynaecologist is very important Third, one ultrasound is done through which we know the cervix parameters. if we say that there is an infection or have taken any old biopsy. Hence, we try to treat them in these cases by prescribing antibiotics. 

Few medications are given for anti-sperm antibodies to make the cervix environment favourable. And suppose if we are not getting help from any medication, we use assisted reproductive techniques, which is IUI, in which we directly insert the sperms into the endometrial uterine cavity bypassing the cervix entirely. So if you are suffering from any of these problems, you must meet your gynaecologist, get your examination done, and discuss your treatment options.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment | प्लांटर फ़ेसियाइटिस (एड़ी का दर्द) का उपचार Can Plantar Fasciitis Go Away?

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment | Can plantar fasciitis go away? ( क्या प्लांटर फैसीसाइटिस दूर हो सकता है?)

In this video SimpliHealth expert Dr. M.S Narula is talking about a very common OPD problem named plantar fasciitis treatment(एड़ी का दर्द). This is a condition in which usually patients complain about pain in heels. This pain has a typical character when we wake up in the morning. When we get up from bed the first few steps, severe pain in the heel is observed. And as we start walking the pain recedes. It could be first thing in the morning or when we are sitting for a longer period or we are in a lie-down position and we get up from a chair or bed, initial or starting pain irritates us. 

This pain mostly occurs in the heel but it may go up to the calf and may reach to toes but mostly it is localized to the heel part. This is named plantar fasciitis. And it is so named because the heel has a soft tissue named fascia which covers the entire sole and gets inflamed. That’s why it is called plantar fasciitis.

So which people may be seen more, than anyone can but people who are walking barefoot, have a long-standing work, or those whose muscles are weak and those who do long-standing or walking for their occupation. Through the medium, then this could be the heel pan in them.

It has a history as I told you to get up in the morning and your pain is worse. This is mostly a clinical diagnostic, in which we do not need any investigations.   A doctor who is experienced in Orthopaedic surgeons does it immediately with diagnosis. Yes in X-ray we may see many times a small bony spur can be seen in it but under this is not mostly the cause it’s an inflammation of the phase and it is a clinical diagnosis.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Look, our plantar fascia, which is our sole, works like cushions, like our shock. When we walk, he puts our body weight on the heels all day. The heel is the shock absorber himself, who is made to protect the deep nerve, and he becomes informed. Like for me. Our pillow is the new one, nice and soft, fluffy, with the time that pillow flattens out.

In the same way, the one who is stuck in our heels, who is a fat bed, becomes soft inflamed and does not do its job properly. Its treatment at initial stages, we tell the patients that yes, I’m going to walk barefoot, which are your shoes, it should be very very soft, because if our own fat has been removed, then we give it an extra cushion, which is artificial. 

Silicone heel cushions come built-in. You put on sports shoes, daily soft-soled shoes. And don’t stand for too long, the initial stage and with small painkillers this thing which is inflammation becomes good. If he is not responding, then what do we do in such cases, call the patient ice and cold massage.

How it is done, you take a bottle of water, keep it in the fridge for a while and cool it, and take it out and roll it under your feet. What happens to it, you also have a cold affect and also a message effect, due to which these inflammations get improvised to a great extent.

If your heel pain is not getting better through the routine things, like pain killers,  cold massages, soft cushions heels, then in those cases we recommend an injection, it’s a very locally active steroid, which is applied in the heels. Please remember it’s a very safe and effective treatment, people should not get scared by it, it’s a little painful, but I always tell my patients that the pain of those 2-3 seconds is better than the day and night pain you are tolerating. So please do not be afraid, if you are not getting a response to the medicines, then please get the injections. 

Plantar Fasciitis causes

And in very rare cases, we need to do surgeries in this if we feel some bone is increased, then we trim it. But most of the time, anti-inflammatories and combined with injection, yes physiotherapy is a very important part if you go to the physiotherapist. So we do that with ultrasonic massage or laser, and plus that is the plantar fascia stretching exercise where our sole is stretched under a very controlled condition. And its exercise is told.

So physiotherapy Combined with Injections works in most of the conditions so stay safe, stay happy, stay healthy and heal under heel not by yourself but by going to your doctor.

Gynecology The Touch Clinic

What is IVF Process | आईवीएफ कैसे करवाया जाता है? | In vitro Fertilization | IVF Process Step By Step | Egg Retrieval IVF rocess

What is IVF Process | आईवीएफ में कितने इंजेक्शन लगते हैं? | क्या आईवीएफ बच्चे जल्दी आते हैं?

In this video SimpliHealth expert Gynaecologist Dr. Preeti Jindal is talking IVF(In vitro fertilization). Becoming a mother is the biggest strength and happens to be a miracle for women. It is a joyous experience for every couple who wants to enjoy parenthood. It is their right to have a child. But some couples are deprived of this joy. You don’t have to get that hearted. In this video our expert is talking about  a lot of good technologies that may help a childless couple achieve safe and Joyous parenthood i.e. IVF(In vitro fertilization). What is IVF Process?

We must have heard the term IVF or test tube baby very commonly.  But after hearing this term, we feel fear and confusion in our brains about this technique. And most people fear what this technique is and do need this technique or not. Are we not doing anything unnecessary wrong? So the purpose of this video is to explain to you in simple words about this technique.IVF means in vitro fertilization IVF.  

What is IVF pregnancy? | What is IVF Process

It is called test-tube baby in the local language. Before going into this, it is essential to understand the natural way of conception. As you can see in this figure, this is the picture of the uterus. Both the sides of the uterus have two tubes with two ovaries. Every month, 8 to 10 eggs are developed in the ovary. Out of which, 1 or 2 get enlarged, which are called dominant follicles. 

It comes out of these tubes. At that very moment, if sperms come, then the pregnancy is formed in the tubes, which further moves to the uterus and grows in it after the 4th day. If pregnancy doesn’t happen, then in the next 14 days after ovulation, the innermost lining of the uterus, which is the endometrium, comes outside in the form of periods. This process happens every month. In IVF,  what our experts do is an egg is a form in the ovary itself. But the doctor tries to generate 8-10 eggs with the help of injections. But according to the new law, one must try to make only 7. 

Then after completely sedating, these eggs are vaginally removed from the body. They are removed from the ovary, they are removed. No cut or stitch is given outside. Then, these eggs are fertilized with the sperm from your partner or husband. After the 3rd to 5th day, when an embryo is formed, it is deposited in the uterus. This whole process is called IVF. 

This retrieval procedure is done under general anesthesia, and the in-vitro process is entirely painless. In-vitro remains outside the body since fertilization and embryo formation occurs outside the body, so it is called in-vitro. Broadly this is the IVF procedure. This is required under what kind of people: first to those who are unable to conceive naturally, there are maybe many reasons for this.

Many reasons include either the tubes are blocked, or during ovulation, the egg is not ovulated naturally, i.e., there is an egg formation but unable to rupture. These are called luteinized unruptured follicles, and this egg is removed. Or the sperm count is significantly less, for which natural conception is not possible. Another reason may be that you are aged, and you can’t make any reason for not being pregnant, so in that case, IVF is needed.

This is primary IVF. There are other advanced forms of IVF like ISCI, which you all must have heard.  Now you can see in this picture experts are talking about the ISCI procedure in which sperm is injected by needle into an egg, so this is called ISCI. 

What is the advantage of ISCI? | What is IVF Process

Here the sperm is magnified up to 200-300 times, and the best sperm can be picked up. Men with low sperm count or have abnormal morphology meaning their sperm is distorted, sperm is not formed correctly, so in this case, experts need to pick up the best for which experts can use the  IMSI technique. Touch clinic is the first clinic to launch the IMSI technique on site. In this, sperm is magnified 6000 times, and hence the best sperm can be picked. If after picking the sperm experts are implanting it inside the egg, then this technique is called ISCI, and while choosing the sperm, experts are using an advanced technique, then it’s called  IMSI. Now the embryo is formed. 

Still, the success rate of IVF is not 100 percent. IVF success rate depends upon the couple what problem they had, their age,  is it male or female factor.  So many things decide the success rate. Even if everything is optimal, still the success rate of IVF is not 100 percent. The reason behind this is the embryo ao formed is distorted. Sometimes what happens, bad embryos also look the same as good embryos when observed under the electron microscope. Under an electron microscope, experts can see and tell that embryo morphology is good but can’t tell its genetic composition. So if it’s a genetically abnormal embryo, it will be a failure. 

How can experts identify genetically abnormal embryos? 

Our experts can do a procedure called PGS preimplantation Genetic Screening.  The touch clinic was again one of the first in North India to start PGS on site. This biopsy is performed by laser, which will be seen in the next video. In this, experts do embryo cell biopsy and send it for testing to determine if it’s a genetic abnormality, or if it’s normal.  Only a genetically normal embryo is implanted to increase the success rate.  Sometimes when our experts do PGS, they still don’t succeed. Why? 

Like seed and soil concepts like that, only experts have to understand embryo and uterus in the same way. The embryo is like a seed made to grow in the uterus i.e., soil.

So it’s important that the uterus is in a favorable condition to take the embryo. The ultrasound is the basic technique to diagnose the uterus lining, but there are more advanced techniques available than ERA. An ERA is a test in which a biopsy of the uterine layer is done. It’s a completely painless procedure. In that lining, more than 200 genes are studied to calculate the optimal time for embryo implantation.

Secondly, there are other techniques to help grow the lining, like PRP, installation, and endocrine installation. You will see this in detail in our other videos, so today, there are many things available to increase the success rate. Artificial intelligence can also be done in embryos to choose the best of the embryo.

So all these techniques can be used and can make you have a successful and live outcome of your pregnancy. 

Bottom Line | What is IVF Process

So hope you all enjoy your motherhood and you do not require all these techniques, but in case you need their help, they are available. You can contact me at the touch clinic which is the advanced gynec and IVF center I am in. Dr Preeti Jindal thank you so much.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding | Menorrhagia (मेनोरेजिया) | Heavy Periods | भारी एवं असामान्य मासिक धर्म रक्तस्राव

Menorrhagia (Heavy Menstrual Bleeding) 

In this video, our expert gynecologist Dr. Heena Chawla is talking about Menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding

Heavy bleeding period

One more question that is generally put up to us  in the  OPD is regarding women having periods for a prolonged period. Females have periods  for almost one and a half to two months continuously. Some have heavy bleeding, and in a few, bleeding stops for 2-3 days and then starts again. So this is called heavy menstrual bleeding or menorrhagia.

One should never ignore this menorrhagia and one must visit their gynecologist. One needs to get some tests done so that the doctor can identify the reason behind this irregularity in menstrual patterns.

Menorrhagia problems/risk factors

There may be a  problem of hormonal imbalance or a thyroid problem, or it’s the fibroids due to which there is heavy bleeding. And it could be adenomyosis or endometrial hyperplasia in which the innermost layer of the uterus, the endometrium, gets very thick.

So there are different reasons due to which they have heavy bleeding for a longer period of  time. In this, some basic blood tests and hormone tests are performed to determine the reason. It is self-evident that if one has heavy bleeding, the woman might lose blood, which will affect the quality of life. One may have a feeling of tiredness and anemia during periods. Doing even a little amount of work  can lead to shortness of breath, which are all  signs of anemia . So if any female is suffering from this problem, she must consult a doctor.

Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Asthma Attacks Treatment & Symptoms | अस्थमा अटैक उपचार व लक्षण | What to Do If You’re Having an Asthma Attack?

Asthma Attacks Treatment & Symptoms | अस्थमा की शुरुआत कैसे होती है?

Asthma attacks treatment & symptoms In this video SimpliHealth expert, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Asthma Attacks and What to Do If You’re Having an Asthma Attack? Also she answered some very common questions like:

  • What are the causes of an asthma attack? 
  • How can they be saved? 
  • What are the things to keep in mind when you have asthma? 
  • What is good for their health and what is bad? 
  • What can we do to prevent it?.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a lung disease in which the lungs become swollen, or the inner tubes swell. When these attacks are triggered or precipitated, there are many trigger factors, e.g., some people are allergic to dust, pollen, house dust mites trigger this attack, or if the weather is too cold these days, it can trigger an asthma attack. It can be caused by factory smoke, air pollution, or fumes. 

The smoke that blows intensifies attacks; moreover, if some people have upper respiratory tract infections, some people have a common cold. This also may trigger asthma attacks. Those people have a particular type of allergies, so if they have a cold, the coughing takes longer to heal. This is because there is an internal allergy, maybe in the shape of asthma. 

Therefore, the patient with asthma should take care of all these things: 

Our experts especially say to 

  • Those asthma patients who do not go for a walk-in cold and fog. 
  • Wear a mask whenever you step out of the house so that the dust or pollution particles can be avoided, reducing the chances of having an asthma attack. 
  • Experts should recognize these attacks. Patients need to recognize them. 

They know that they may be allergic to a certain food if they eat it. There are also some foods that we can be allergic to. That’s why they have to take great care of these things so that this attack does not become aggressive, and one may need to be hospitalized due to these attacks, and this attack sometimes takes hazardous form. 

Asthma Diet Plan | Asthma Attacks Treatment

Apart from this, they should also take care of their dietary habits, what they can do to prevent them, and first recognize these attacks and avoid them. The second is to improve your diet. For example, have a balanced diet and watch your carbohydrate, fat, and protein intake. It is essential to have a balanced diet

Apart from this, food rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E like Amla juice, orange juice, berries should be kept in their diet, which gives them immunity. 

In addition, we also have to improve our multivitamin and vitamin D, which builds your immunity and gives you relief in asthma complaints; you are less likely to have attacks. 

Home remedies for asthma

Therefore, asthma patients have to take special care of all these things because we can stop them but can’t cure them completely. There are other things in home remedies like yoga breathing exercises that should be done. Patients should also do abdominal exercises while breathing through their nose in the morning, which should be done for at least 30 minutes. Due to this, your immunity increases, and you can fight against the disease of asthma. 

So it is most important to improve your diet, do yoga, breathing exercises, and recognize your symptoms. Along with this, doctors recommend that you carry a peak flow meter with you. This gives you an idea of ​​the volume of your lungs. We study the reading in the morning and evening. By looking at the variations, we get to know how much asthma is controlled, so we give all this knowledge to the patient when they go to the doctor, so the doctor wants all the asthma patients to know about their symptoms,  identify these triggers to prevent attacks, and follow these dietary habits so that you do not suffer further and your asthma remains under control. 

Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Gynecology Questions and Answers | Gynaecologist | Most Important Questions to ask

Gynecology Questions and Answers With Expert Gynecologist Dr. Heena Chawla

Gynecology questions and answers, In this video SimpliHealth expert Gynecologist Dr. Heena Chawla is talking about very common questions that people ask in the OPD.

Why are contraceptives used for PCOS/PCOD?

The most commonly asked is the pills, i.e Contraceptive pills that our experts have prescribed for 21 -24 days for any reason like PCOD/PCOS. As a  contraceptive or for  fibroids. So they are given for a reason. So they come and tell us that they didn’t have proper bleeding at that time or had significantly less bleeding. 

When Should contraceptive pills be taken?

When the ovulation is stopped, the concentration of progesterone is reduced, due to which the innermost layer of the uterus that is endometrium doesn’t get that thick. So obviously, if the endometrium doesn’t get thick, it’s thin, then the bleeding will be less. 

So this is the after effect of the medicine.It is the mechanism of action of these pills due to which the bleeding is less. As soon as the pills are stopped, the body regains its process, and in the very next cycle, the bleeding pattern is set again—those females who are taking injections for  contraception after every three months. the bleeding may stop for a longer duration of time. So, in this case, either we have to wait and watch, or administer some medicines to set the menstrual pattern again. Another thing females often feel during periods is nervousness or anxiety. 

Premenstrual syndrome (Gynecology Questions and Answers)

There are different features, some may have headaches or some may have cramps, or some may feel pain in their legs. Due to this, one may develop fear, anxiety, and panic situations. They think it’s only with them, but it is a very common condition, more commonly called premenstrual syndrome. So this PMS is commonly found mainly in the young age group. It is prevalent in them. So in this, first of all, we don’t have to panic, start doing some exercise because the anxiety level and stress level is reduced.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Top Common PCOS Questions and Answers | PCOD Patient | अधिकतर पूछे जाने वाले PCOS/PCOD वाली सामान्य दिक्कतें

Top Common PCOS Questions and Answers

Top Common PCOS Questions and Answers, In this video, our expert gynecologist Dr. Heena Chawla answered some very common questions about PCOD/PCOS.

What are periods like when you have PCOS?

Top Common PCOS Questions and Answers, In PCOD patients, the bleeding pattern is very different. In some cases, women don’t have periods at all, or it comes in the form of spots. It is a ubiquitous feature in PCOD. So the reason may be that in PCOD, ovulation, the rupturing of the egg, is delayed. So when it is delayed, the periods are also delayed. So the inner lining of the uterus, i.e., endometrium, doesn’t get enough hormones. Due to hormonal imbalance, there is a very thin layer of the endometrium; hence the periods don’t run for a long time.

Another very common question people ask is that most of the time in PCOD, 

Why does PCOS cause heavy bleeding?

If one has not received periods for 2 or 3 months, they may suddenly have heavy bleeding. See what happens in routine; when we have periods, the body secretes anticoagulants which don’t allow blood to clot during the time of shredding of the inner lining of the uterus. But due to some unknown reason, the flow is increased heavily; the endometrium layer is gone very thick, so time body doesn’t get enough time to secret the anticoagulant to counteract the blood flow. So in these cases, heavy bleeding may occur.

In many cases in women, periods are coming, and after the period is over, there is clotting of blood or bleeding. For this, our experts will say there may be many reasons for this. First, there may be ovulation spotting, which means bleeding during ovulation or implantation bleeding when you are about to have pregnancy. 

There may be endometrial polyps, which means a knot formed in the inner layer of the endometrium is called polyps, due to which spotting may occur. Also, in the case of uterus cancer, this spotting may occur. So if you have any of these, you should immediately visit a gynecologist; if needed, get an ultrasound and discuss it; get it examined, and then only we will come to know the reason for this bleeding. Often, no treatment measures are required for ovulation bleeding or implantation bleeding. 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Rheumatology

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment | रूमेटोइड गठिया उपचार | Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment गठिया के लक्षण, कारण, इलाज, दवा एवं उपचार

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment, In this video SimpliHealth expert Rheumatologist, Dr. Jagpal Pandher is talking about rheumatoid arthritis and its symptoms, causes, and treatment. As a rheumatologist, our expert deals with a multisystemic disease that involves our immune system. This system is designed to fight the infection, but sometimes it goes against our own body and starts fighting with our own body. The prototype disease that we commonly see or more widely known to the general public is rheumatoid arthritis, a type of inflammatory arthritis. 

Still, Our experts should tell you that this is not the only disease as far as inflammatory arthritis is concerned. But yes, it’s a prototype disease. And yes, it is essential to know and understand the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis so that this disease can be identified as early as possible. Because early treatment will help prevent the deformities that this disease is known to cause. So the main symptoms of this disease are that you may have pain in your hands or a small joint in your hands or wrist.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms & Causes

Mostly it is the same in both the sides, right or left, and then gradually involves other joints like elbow feet, and sometimes one may have pain in one of the major joints. On subsequent investigation, we can know whether it is a localized problem or a systemic problem like rheumatoid arthritis. 

Also, the pain is very characteristic. It is more so in the morning when you get up, you feel lots of stiffness and pain in your hands, and as the day progresses, you start moving your hands or other joints, it eases off. 

Now our experts will take 30-45 minutes to 1 hour to ease off. It is very characteristic, and if one has this kind of pain, one needs to be seen by the clinician and preferably a rheumatologist as our experts specialize in this kind of disease.


It is important to know about this disease so that the treatment can be started as early as possible. Because ultimately, if we don’t treat it, one can have pain other than the joint starts getting deform and once that stage comes, unfortunately, the medication won’t be as effective as it would have been in the beginningAnd with the drug, this disease can be controlled. Our experts would say the present medicines which we have our experts would say about 99 percent of patients. They can lead a very active and healthy life without any pain or limitations on a day to day activities. 

As our experts said before, they deal with multi-systemic diseases, and this is not the only thing that we treat. As he mentioned earlier, they deal with lots of other multi-systemic diseases. A few others that we should be aware of, and more commonly seen are ankylosing spondylitis where you have persistent pain in the lower back with stiffness which is characteristic in the morning. With the exercise, it eases out a little. 

Another inflammatory arthritis that one should be aware of is psoriatic arthritis. Many people have psoriatic arthritis, but a very small percentage can develop arthritis. So again, it needs to be treated differently from the regular medication available for psoriatic arthritis, from the general management side of what an average person can do at home. 

To prevent and subsequently one has the disease, is to manage it further Is regular exercise and maintaining your weight. Smoking is also a significant risk factor for inflammatory arthritis and specifically rheumatoid arthritis, and one should stay away from it. And eating a healthy, more nutritious, and well-balanced diet with the maintenance of weight and regular exercise helps us treat this or manage this disease in a better way. Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Omicron Symptoms In Kids | ओमिक्रॉन वेरिएंट बच्चों को कैसे प्रभावित करता है? | How does Omicron affect children? | Is Sneezing a Omicron Symptom?

Omicron Symptoms In Kids | ओमिक्रॉन वेरिएंट बच्चों को कैसे प्रभावित करता है? | क्या छींक आना एक ओमिक्रॉन लक्षण है?

In this video our expert Pulmonologist Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Omicron in Children and also she answered some very common questions that people usually ask like: Omicron Symptoms In Kids

  • How does Omicron affect children?
  • What are the signs & symptoms of Omicron in children?

According to our experts, some research studies have shown that omicron mediated infection is increasingly being reported in children. So how do we go about taking into consideration the vaccination scenario; should we send our children to school and 

How about the doses of vaccination to be given to children?

So our experts have seen that as compared to the previous two waves, children are more prone to COVID infection. The reason may be no vaccination as of now and also omicron is more transmissible meaning it is easily spreading from person to person. The children are getting infected at a faster rate but fortunately, we have seen that the rate of hospitalisation and rate of severity is less among children. So children who are coming to OPD are getting cured. 

Omicron in Children Symptoms: What are the symptoms of omicron-mediated infection in children?

The kids suffer from rhinorrhea (running nose), Coryza (sore throat), fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, diarrhoea can also be a symptom. So if a child is suffering from the above symptoms parents should consult their paediatrician to confirm the presence of omicron. 

What are the warning signs among children? | Omicron Symptoms In Kids

This includes persistence of high fever in spite of medications among children, bluish of toughness or lips which means desaturation has happened (a drop of oxygenation). One needs to immediately report to the hospital if the child is lethargic or showing abnormal behaviour or not getting their work done.

So if you see the symptoms in children one must report to a paediatrician as these symptoms are common to the common cold. Also, children spread this virus at a faster rate as they are not following the COVID-appropriate behaviour.

In this scenario, is it safe for kids to go to school? 

Such questions are being raised by the community. So the doctors say, for the primary wing, children who cannot look after themselves properly or can’t follow COVID appropriate behaviour should not be sent to school if they have any of this symptom or common cold as they can spread it easily. 

As for the elder children who can take care of themselves can go to school with proper screening for symptoms of fever, sore throat, and common cold so that they don’t spread the disease further. The government has already started the vaccination campaign for the age group of 15-18 years. Since the start of this campaign on January 3, 52% of this young generation is vaccinated with the first dose. So that’s a good sign and the program is lined up for the age group of 12 to 15 years and trials are ongoing for below 12 years of age group. 

However, in America and other countries, children above 5 years of age are vaccinated. In this scenario, we need to take care that whoever is at home or at school, whoever is coming in contact with the children, purposely for the adults should be fully vaccinated so that they don’t purposely give the infection to the children. The same goes for the school premises, staff should be fully vaccinated with both doses. Even at home, every adult should be fully vaccinated. In this manner, we can prevent children from getting an omicron-mediated infection and also should teach them about COVID-appropriate behaviour till we have vaccines for the children.

One should also know how to increase the immunity of the children. One can give a balanced diet with proper hydration which includes carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins(vitamin C), zinc-rich foods, and fibres. So by taking care of all things and by telling them to wash their hands again and again with soap or sanitizer by any activity, this will help to protect our children till we have a vaccination for them. 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Uterine Cancer Symptoms | Endometrial Cancer | गर्भाशय कैंसर के कारण, लक्षण और उपचार

Uterine Cancer Symptoms, Endometrial Cancer(uterine cancer): Is endometrial cancer genetic?

Uterine Cancer Symptoms, In this video SimpliHealth expert gynecologists Dr. Heena Chawla is talking about Endometrial cancer(uterine cancer). Also she is answering some very common questions like:

  • Is endometrial cancer genetic?
  • What are the symptoms of Endometrial cancer?
  • How can we tell who has endometrial cancer?

Endometrial cancer or uterine cancer or what we call common language can be uterine cancer. Endometrial cancer occurs, that is, the innermost layer of the uterus – the endometrium, the presence of any abnormal growth inside it, which can further turn by multiplication of cells leading to cancer; we call it endometrial cancer. 

Endometrial cancer symptoms | Uterine Cancer Symptoms

Uterine Cancer Symptoms, 90% of endometrial cancer is found in postmenopausal females. The woman does not menstruate for one year, perhaps at the age of 50-45 years, we say it is menopausal. Any kind of bleeding after menopause, Even if it is spotting, experts should get it checked, consult your doctor to find out the bleeding is happening. Earlier this cancer used to be more prevalent in the western world also due to changes in lifestyle, the prevalence of endometrial cancer has increased here drastically. 

In addition, it can also be found in some younger age groups, especially as per our experts its Peri-Menopause, which is the age group of 40 when we are going towards menopause as well as heavy bleeding. For women, it is a very good cancer that gives us symptoms early, like bleeding after already menopause; this is the first sign. It is not necessary that if we are bleeding after menopause, then we have endometrial cancer; no, endometrial cancer occurs in only 10% of women who have bleeding after menopause

There can be many other reasons why we do have bleeding after menopause, but until we can prove that it is not cancer, we continue to accept that there is bleeding; we have to do a biopsy to prove whether it is cancer or not. Biopsy means we take a piece test. From inside the innermost lining of the uterus, we take a piece and send it to the lab for testing. 

Then we know what kind of changes are happening inside the cell and what kind of cells are developing. 

Is it precancerous, is it progressing to cancer, or is there another reason that can cause bleeding? 

This biopsy is what we call an endometrial biopsy. What this biopsy is, based on the findings of your ultrasound. First of all, whenever we go to the gynecologist that we are bleeding after menopause, we need to do a basic ultrasound. Ultrasound sees the measurement of the inner lining of the uterus, its thickness, which is what we call endometrial thickness. 

If this thickness is more than 11mm after menopause which is a normal state should be between 4-5mm. So if it is more than 11 mm, your doctor will recommend a biopsy. But if you are bleeding and have gone to the doctor, and your endometrial thickness is less than 11 mm, they will still recommend you for a biopsy. Now, based on your ultrasound findings, your doctor will go for a hysteroscopy. A thin, lighted tube is inserted inside the uterus, which we call hysteroscopy. 

What are the benefits of hysteroscopy? (Uterine Cancer Symptoms)

Suppose inside the uterus; if there is a small area inside its wall where those cells lie together, or there is growth, we can see with the lighted tube and even take the sample for biopsy, we send it to the lab for examination. According to the report of endometrial Biopsy, your doctor will guide you further treatment. 

Suppose if experts have endometrial carcinoma, say Biopsy, we have endometrial carcinoma. On that basis, your doctor gives you further investigation, or MRI, PET-CT, such a test, wherein the body cancer has spread, we get all the simple information. Based on that, your decision is made about what treatment we have to give. Your doctor will examine you clinically, look at your PET-CTor MRI report, and then the decision is made whether or not to have surgery first. 

Endometrial cancer treatment

The most crucial treatment for endometrial cancer is your surgery, which we call Staging surgery, which is done by gynae cancer specialists i.e., gynaec-oncologists. This surgery is not just to remove the uterus. It is an extensive surgery in which your uterus is removed, all the tubes and ovaries are removed, apart from that we lymph nodes, that is, all the vessels that are lying around our uterus, Small lymph nodes are lying on them, arteries, veins. It is necessary to remove them because this is endometrial cancer. When the body may spread, it spreads only through the lymph nodes. 

First of all, it spreads by going inside the lymph nodes in our pelvis. After the pelvis, it spreads to our main blood vessel above the aorta, the lymph nodes lying around them, which we call para-aortic lymph nodes, then it spreads till there. So this is our lymph node dissection; it is an important rather than the first part of Staging surgery, which is the first surgery, this significant part of it. Apart from this, we may have surgery, wherever we find cancer to be spread, all of them come out, and we send them as much as our specimen, we send them to the lab for examination. Many patients ask, 

what will be the treatment further, or will I have to take chemotherapy, or will have to take radiotherapy further, what kind of treatment will come. 

See, whenever the specimen goes to Lab, its report comes. So, according to that report, some of our primary criteria are fixed, depending on what is your age, what is the size of your cancer or what is the stage of your tumour, what is the grade of your tumor, it depends on all these, your lymph nodes. It depends on the above factors whether you need any other type of treatment or not, and if there is, then there are different types of chemotherapy, different types of radiotherapy, what kind of treatment is needed. The second important thing, when we say that all the patients also ask that if there is cancer, 

How much time do we have and how long will we do it? 

See, the survival rates inside endometrial cancer are pretty good because it is such cancer that tells itself by giving a signal; like our experts said before that bleeding happens right after menopause. So somewhere it tells itself by giving its symptoms, but yes there are some aggressive varieties that are also inside it or there are bad variants in which it has survival rate, its survival rate is less, such as sarcoma, or clear cell carcinoma is done. 

So it is such a 2-3 variety in which the cells of endometrial cancer multiply rapidly and spread to the rest of the body as well. Apart from that, patients ask a common question: 

What do we need to do a Biopsy? 

If we come straight out of the uterus and give it, then the work will be done. So see, this is the significance of Biopsy that we have done Biopsy, then after that our treatment is defined as to what kind of surgery we need. Suppose we did not do a biopsy and remove the uterus directly, what will happen after the removal of the uterus that we came to know later that cancer came, then we have a second surgery or We will have to take more radiotherapy chemotherapy sessions because our initial surgery was incomplete, there were neither proper lymph nodes inside it nor proper staging, nor where it had spread, it could be taken out. So that’s why Biopsy is the first step which we should get done according to our doctor’s advice. After that, all our treatment depends on it.

That’s why our experts advises everyone that if you have any kind of heavy bleeding or spotting or heavy bleeding after menopause, then immediately talk to your doctor. Take advice from them, do necessary investigations and if they recommend you for biopsy, then definitely get it done from them. Your entire treatment plan will be according to that. Thank you.

Abrol ent research center ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology

ENT Specialist Near Me | Ear Nose & Throat FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions | नाक, कान, गले का स्पेशलिस्ट डॉक्टर, जानिए अपनी समस्या का समाधान।

ENT Specialist Near Me | नाक, कान, गले का स्पेशलिस्ट डॉक्टर से पूछिए अपने प्रश्न का जवाब?

ENT specialist near me, In this video SimpliHealth ENT(Ear Nose & Throat) expert Dr. Raman Abrol is answering some important questions that people ask. In this, many topics are covered, so let’s see the first question by the patients. He says that he visited his local doctor yesterday as he had had a slight headache and fever for the last two days. The doctor checked my throat and said I’m suffering from COVID.  Apart from this, we didn’t have any conversation, and he asked for a COVID test. 

What are the Symptoms of a new variant of COVID? 

According to our experts, it’s very important we should all know Whatever the variant of COVID, common cold, little sore throat, and slight cough are the common symptoms.  If these continue for a more extended period, and since it’s COVID season, it’s prevalent to have this first doubt. If the patient test comes out to be negative, we can only think about any other diagnosis. The COVID examination has two problems. 

First, it is risky for any doctor, staff, or anyone looking into their throat or nose to take a sample, and number 2, there is no such finding in throat or nose patients of COVID. So even if they examine or not based on the patient’s symptoms, the test is advised, and if it’s coming out to be negative, only we think of another diagnosis.  And if the test is positive, then it’s COVID for sure. During COVID, minimum handling is important as it tends to spread to others, and based on the symptoms; one should get themselves tested. And if in a family you have someone COVID positive and you are also having the same symptoms, you need not get for the test. You should quarantine yourself and treat yourself from  COVID only. 

Tinnitus(Ringing in the Ears) | ENT Specialist Near Me

So the next question is a somewhat different question. It is not related to this.  So he is saying my age is 24. I have ringing in my ears my automeditary is fine. I have visited a lot of ENT doctors but didn’t get relief. What to do?

Our experts think from this question; that this patient has tinnitus. Tinnitus is a ringing sensation in the ear. As you know, 99 %of tinnitus is idiopathic. Experts can’t see any cause. So it’s kind of difficult to treat this condition. And the doctor tells the patient first things about the prognosis that there is no sure short treatment for this.  But there are certain things which can help him. 

There is some medicine that may help but their effect is unpredictable so we can’t promise. Secondly, if it doesn’t get treated by anything, there is some rehabilitation therapy. It is also known that it’s a tinnitus rehabilitation program under which you have to meet the expert and learn about the possible adaptation.  The mind needs to be adapted so that training must be given at rehabilitation. So this is only the treatment.Tinnitus is usually idiopathic and non-treatable.  Now another question comes is 

What could be the reason for suddenly stuffed nostrils? It is making it hard to breathe from one side, especially at night. 

For this question, Our experts would like to answer this if this is a long-term problem from month to year. Our experts would like to recommend this patient to an ENT specialist as most likely this patient is suffering from a deviated bone septum.

Deviated Nasal Septum

Septum bone present in the nose is tilted a little. Or they have obstruction lesions like a polyp or some other problem related to this which whenever the patient lies down at a particular side, irritates him. So for this problem, there is a need for an ENT surgeon for examination, and maybe surgery is needed for treatment. 

How do doctors remove tonsils from adults?

Tonsils are removed surgically. There are different methods available like the cold knife steel method which is an old method almost used for the last ten years. However, it’s used nowadays also in rural areas and semi-urban areas. 

Still, the latest technique named laser or coblation therapy has been used recently. It is prevalent and bloodless surgery is performed via the mouth in which tonsils are removed within 5 minutes. In adults, the same procedure is followed.

Why does the sinus cause pressure in the eye and nose? 

What are Sinuses? | ENT Specialist Near Me

Sinuses are empty spaces in the face, cheeks, forehead, and between the eyes. These empty spaces have a small opening through which the secretion or air circulation happens. So what happens in a sinus infection? These openings get blocked due to swelling, and there is a vacuum. So in these closed spaces, if there is a vacuum, there is a pressure change, so the patient has the symptoms of pressure headache, face pain, and eye pain so these are some symptoms of Sinus Infection.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh General Physicians

Can Prediabetes Be Cured | Prediabetes Symptoms, Precautions & Treatment | प्रीडायबिटीज को डायबिटीज होने से कैसे रोकें? | क्या प्री डायबिटीज ठीक हो सकती है?

Can Prediabetes Be Cured | प्री डायबिटीज़ | शुगर के प्राथमिक लक्षण क्या है? | प्री-डायबिटीज क्या है? | प्रीडायबिटीज लेवल क्या है?

In this video SimpliHealth expert Dr. Rishi Mangat is talking about Prediabetes(प्री डायबिटीज़) and its Symptoms, Treatment & Precautions.

What is Prediabetes? Or प्री डायबिटीज़ क्या है?

Can prediabetes be cured? As the name says, there is a state before the occurrence of diabetes, so we call it Prediabetes. This is often happening to young people because of their lifestyle, lack of exercise, and eating habits. It has been observed that before diabetes occurs in our body. The high blood sugar levels that our body may have already started affecting our different organs. 

So if we don’t control the pre-diabetes at that stage, those who are prediabetes will finally develop diabetes. 

Prediabetes Range & Symptoms

According to our experts, when our fasting sugar is above 126, So when our sugar levels are between 100 to 125, fasting and our post-meal sugars are between 140-185, and random sugars are around 200 K, then we say it is a pre-diabetic state.

If the HbA1c level is in the middle of 5.7 to 6.4, we call that patient pre-diabetic. Many people may have some risk factors. If they are, their chances are more to be pre-diabetic or diabetic, such as if a family member has diabetes. For example, they do not exercise even three times a week, are obese, have high blood pressure, have cholesterol complaints, have more obesity on their stomach, have taken some hormone treatment like steroids, some hormonal diseases like Cushing’s syndrome or acromegaly. In all this, the chances of getting diabetes increase considerably. 

Our experts usually suggest that earlier, our guideline was to monitor for diabetes above the age of 45. The latest data indicates that if there is a sedentary lifestyle, we should start monitoring people of 30 plus age, and they should get their blood sugar and  HbA1c checked every year at least once. And if they may come between this parameter, then that is the stage in which they can re-do it. It will not be diabetes for those people if they take action. 

This is the thing that our experts want to highlight pre-diabetes is that stage of diabetes that the whole impact of diabetes can be reversed and once diabetes occurs, controlling it and reversing its impact is much harder. It requires a lot of discipline, and you have to take physical exercise and diet in every way to control diabetes. 

Prediabetes Treatment | Can Prediabetes Be Cured?

So in Prediabetes, we don’t usually give medicine because if you fix your diet, fix your exercise, and control the entire interval of your food, if you control the calorie count, you do not need medicine often. But if you are above 35 years, your cholesterol is high, and your family may have a history, you may not be able to control sugar constantly. You should start medicine because your sugars will be brought to the average level from that time. 

And for this, we usually give only one drug, which is relatively safe, and its side effects are also negligible. Reversing diabetes is patient dependent. They take the doctors’ advice more efficiently: the more regularly you follow-ups, the better your outcome so pre-diabetes can be reversed. Still, it needs the patient’s cooperation and effort with the doctor’s guidance, which can certainly be done. In 3 months, most likely, patients in 3-6 months can reverse their pre-diabetes, become non-diabetic, and have their sugar level in the normal range. 

Hence, mainly the factors which lead to this, that our experts already shared with you, And for lifestyle and many people who work in night jobs nowadays, their circadian rhythm is shaken, similar to our body’s rhythm in which insulin is secreted when there are more secrets in spurts, So it is related with our waking up. Still, today’s lifestyle is such that our system gets shaken if we do jobs even at night. 

Prediabetic Precautions | Can Prediabetes Be Cured?

So all those young people, all those people who have stressed jobs and sedentary jobs, are sitting for a long time. For all of them, our experts would request that you bring some changes to your lifestyle. At least three times a week, you exercise for half an hour to 45 mins. Control the calories of the diet according to your height and weight by asking any good doctor and keep it in that count only. And must do routine check-ups once a year.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Rotator Cuff Injury Treatment | रोटेटर कफ इंजरी | Test & Risk Factors | कंधे के अंदर कैसे करें इससे बचाव?

Rotator Cuff Injury Treatment, test & risk factors | सर्जरी या सर्जरी के बिना रोटेटर कफ उपचार | फिजियोथेरेपी

In this video SimpliHealth expert in Orthopaedics Dr. M.S Narula is talking about rotator cuff injury treatment, test & risk factors. Also he is answering some very common questions that people usually ask like:

  • When do we go to see the doctor?
  • When are its tests done? 
  • What are the risk factors of rotator cuff injury?

Its symptoms are similar to those of other diseases. The first question is when do you need to go to the doctor as you feel that you are getting a lot of pain. or who is not going to take a week’s rest with yeh normal pain reliever. Your pain is going inside the branch then movement becomes very limited in which you are not able to do a special activity, it is because your muscles are too weak. In this condition, as per our experts you must definitely consult your orthopaedic doctor. He will tell you the ways to treat and manage it.

Rotator cuff injury treatment

Treatment of the rotator cuff depends on whether the type of injury is acute or repetitive overuse, a repetitive injury, or a degenerative injury. 

In an acute injury, we are told to take a rest in the initial period so that the hand is placed inside the sling work up to 4-6 weeks from work. When we talk about physiotherapy doctors mean by doing exercises the muscles get stronger. 

Rotator cuff injury exercises

Exercise helps to increase the range of motion of the shoulder muscles. Then there are some special stretching exercises that your physiotherapist will do for you which assist you to exercise. Exercise with elastic bands is the backbone of this therapy. That’s why physiotherapy is the backbone of the treatment of rotator cuff injury. Therefore physiotherapy and stretching are the backbones of rotator cuff injury treatment. Most of the time people respond to this treatment. Depending on how chronic the pain is, we can apply ice packs or heat, this will help in reducing the swelling around the shoulder muscles. 

The fourth option is the use of injections. For injections let me tell you a little Steroids Corticosteroids injection injected into the shoulder joint to reduce pain and swelling. So you can fix it with exercise, 80% of people get better after two or three injections. Of course in a final treatment, there are surgical options that the doctor will discuss with you first.

Rotator cuff surgery

There are some specific signs of its bad for which we recommend surgery. When to tell your doctor to have surgery. Always remember that 80% of the population does not require surgical treatment for a rotator cuff injury to the shoulder. Many people ask me can I be healed on my own? The answer is no. 

The tendons inside the rotator cuff do not contain blood, so they do not heal on their own. 80% of people manage with non-operative treatment. Only 20% require surgery. 

When do you need surgery? 

You have taken pain relievers, physiotherapy for six months but still, you are not seeing any results. In this case, we use surgical treatment. Like if you are a professional athlete and you have to do any movement which you are not able to do here again there is an acute injury, a very big tear, you have fallen suddenly..Here again, there is an acute injury, there is a very big tear, it has fallen suddenly and you have become very big on the carriage instead of old or degenerative tears Like I told earlier, the tendons that are attached to the muscles in the rotator cuff tear, so what do we do?

Its results are very good in a young patient who has chronic and degenerative tears, more so in elderly patients in that the results of surgery are not so good so we use first pain reliever and exercise physiotherapy in their case. The second treatment is debridement therapy where small broken pieces of tendons are removed surgically.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms | ओवेरियन सिस्ट के लक्षण, प्रकार व उपचार | ओवरी में सिस्ट क्यों हो जाती है?

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms(ओवेरियन सिस्ट के लक्षण): Types, Symptoms, Treatment, & More in Hindi

Ovarian cyst symptoms, In this video SimpliHealth expert gynecologist Dr. Heena Chawla is talking about Ovarian Cysts and its types, symptoms, treatment and prevention. Also she answered some important questions that people ask more often. Like:

  • Why have I been advised to have surgery?
  • What are these ovarian cysts? 
  • Which surgery is needed?
  • What type of medicine would have been cured?

What are ovarian cysts? | Ovarian cyst symptoms

There are two fallopian tubes surrounding the uterus and they have ovaries on both sides. These are the ovaries, whenever any lump or tale of water gets filled with fluid or material, then they become a cyst. It is a common thing to have this cyst, sometimes it happens that women go to their routine for ultrasound, and because of which it comes to know that they have a cyst in their ovaries. many 80 Percentages diagnosed with ovarian cyst do not require any treatment, those cysts go away on their own. But yes it depends on the type and size of the cyst.

Types of Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian cyst symptoms, It all depends on whether any treatment is needed for the cyst or not. Very common question patients often come to the OPD and ask is that there are more ovarian cyst varieties or why do I see it happening to me. Or infertility patients who are taking treatment for getting pregnant, sometimes what happens is that a very small cyst is made in our ovaries, these are called poly ovarian cyst

This happens due to lifestyle changes like western change, work, eating, and drinking habits have changed. Now we know about the types of ovarian cyst, the first follicular cyst, as now the woman’s period is over. During that time the hormones are upper down, it is near the day of ovulation when the ovary is lying in the follicles and when there is an egg rupture from inside then we call it ovulation then it is exposed if it is not egg rupture then it is not called corpus luteum.

Those who grow up and in simple language call it corpus luteum cyst, no need to take any treatment for this cyst, mostly it dissolves on its own.

The third type of cyst is the polycystic ovary, which we talked about earlier, in which very small cysts are formed. What happens in this, as we talk about it, cysts of very small size like 3 to 4 mm size become cysts. It starts changing a lot in us, the weight starts increasing, hormonal imbalance happens, acne comes out on the face, and the hair on the face. According to our experts for this. We are together with the treatment and we need to talk with the doctor and to some extent, they are also cured by medicine.

Another one that we hear is very common is the chocolate cyst which means endometrial cyst. Why is it called a chocolate cyst? and When the blood accumulates too much and from inside it becomes the color of chocolate. What happens when retrograde flow begins during periods?. Ovulation causes blood to enter the fallopian tubes.

What happens when the retrograde flow starts during periods?

That is, through tubes from inside the uterus this blood starts pouring out, and then it starts accumulating at some places too. If this blood accumulates in the ovary, then we call it an endometrial or ovarian cyst

The main problem that comes here is that where this blood spills, the skin is sticky. There is a lot of adhesion due to the tubes, due to which the patient has a lot of pain and overflow during the period and sometimes it is difficult to conceive, due to which there are many adhesions due to which the patient has a lot of time in the period.

It is very important to seek treatment for endometriosis because there should be pain in periods or irregularities then it is causing infertility. Then you should consult your doctor for this. You have definitely needed treatment for endometriosis, even if it is claimed. Then if it is more then your doctor may ask you to have surgery for it.

Another thing to know is the cyst that we can have is a dermoid cyst and what happens like hair or fat or any cartilage or bone deposits inside this cyst. Some special differences from what we claim in a dermoid cyst.

It doesn’t matter, the most important thing is that the torizon means it moves from its place hence  Dermoid cyst requires surgery

Ovarian Cysts Symptoms

Some may have swelling in the abdominal area, so some may have difficulty passing urine and there may also be swelling (swelling). Periods can also be irregular and these are some of the symptoms that can be seen in ovarian cysts. 

Ovarian Cysts Diagnosis

For diagnosis, experts first do an ultrasound. If the doctor has any doubts during the ultrasound. If the doctor suspects something then we can go for a higher examination like MRI or CT scan can be done in this case. 

What happens if we put medicines for this but it can happen for some cyst problems?

The medicines are not effective. It can give you pain or it can be bigger or it could be a dermoid or endometriosis cyst,  then the doctor may advise you to go for the operation. Only 5 to 10% of patients require surgery. Now if we talk about surgery, many patients ask, 

Ovarian Cysts Surgery 

It depends on what type of cyst the patient has and also whether the patient wants to conceive in the future or not. It depends on what type of cyst the patient has and it also depends on whether the patient wants to conceive in the future and our experts preserve the ovary but if it is suspected to be cancer then what do we do when we remove the ovary too. Both the surgeries can be done very easily by laparoscopy. In this, experts make a small 5 cm hole above the navel or above the navel. In this, 2 or 3-5 mm holes are made in the remaining parts of the stomach. 

So doctors separate the cyst from the ovary and then we come out through small holes. These laparoscopic procedures are all daycare, a patient can go on the same day and can go home on the second-day maximum. One can resume his normal activities in 5-7 days

If this is done by abdominal cut then you need to rest for a longer period of time. The important thing about this is that it can happen again. It can be recurrent and in some of these, it may happen very often.

The important thing about this is that it can happen again. It can be recurrent and in some of these, it happens very often. 15 to 25% of cysts are only likely to be recurrent. The ovarian cyst in a hundred patients then only fifteen to twenty patients are likely to have this ovarian cyst reoccur. One more thing patients often ask is if cancer will not come in reports and how scared we should be? 

Whenever there is any such cyst diagnostic for cancer markers that  would suggest that you visit your gynecologist they will make an action plan for you. In addition, we do a test called a tumor marker to determine what type of cyst it is. At this stage decide whether you want pregnancy or not and what is the size of the cyst. In this step decide whether you want or don’t want pregnancy.

What is the size of the cyst and what are your symptoms? | Ovarian cyst symptoms

Further, it depends on the biopsy report what kind of surgery we need.  Most of the time the patient says they have no problems, but the doctor lays out the basics of the ultrasound. The doctor finds something suspicious then some cysts have imaging parameters that make them look more suspicious. So on that basis most of the time doctors recommend surgery. Removal of an ovarian cyst does not impede your chances of getting pregnant or infertile unless the ovary is removed.

Gynecology The Touch Clinic

Human Embryonic Development | Embryo Transfer Technology | Artificial Intelligence in Human In Vitro Fertilization and Embryology

Human Embryonic Development  | Artificial intelligence in IVF | भ्रूण स्थानांतरण के बाद सकारात्मक संकेत | कौन सी तकनीक इनफर्टिलिटी और IVF में मदद करती है सफलता दर बढ़ाने में ?

In this video SimpliHealth expert Gynaecologist Dr. Preeti Jindal is talking about IVF(In vitro fertilization) and its Procedure, Success rate, type & benefits. Human Embryonic Development

What is IVF(In vitro fertilization)? And IVF Success Rate

In IVF, the eggs are removed from the body under anesthesia, and the sperm of your partner fertilizes them. And after the formation of embryos, they are transferred again into the body. Even if there is an embryo formation and the embryo is stable and beautiful, the process of IVF fails at times because our experts know IVF is not 100% successful. 

IVF procedure: What can be done to improve IVF? And Types of IVF

Many techniques can be used to improve this, out of which one is PGS. In this, embryo biopsy is performed, and experts remove the genetically abnormal embryos from them. And only the good euploid embryos are transferred inside the female body. Similarly, another technique has come, called artificial intelligence on the embryo. The embryo so formed is taken up until the day-five blast stage. And the photograph of the embryo is taken by the electron microscope, and then the photograph is transferred in software. 

This software further analyzes the photograph, calculates and tells us the quality of the embryo and the success rate of the embryo, viability, and will also tell us about the chance of genetic abnormality. This is a very nice technique. The Touch clinic was the first clinic in North India to introduce this technique on site. By visualizing the pictures of the embryo, experts get a clear idea. You must be thinking about what we should choose out of two PGS or Artificial Intelligence. 

IVF Benefits: Which one has more benefits? | Human Embryonic Development

PGS is a very good technique, but it has a certain disadvantage. The most important constraint is the financial cost. The second is that people fear that since experts perform a biopsy of the embryo so what if the embryo gets damaged. The way this technique is performed here and the skilled embryologist performs this technique, the chance of getting the embryo damaged is very little. But still, anything can happen anytime. So experts can avoid this by using another technique that is artificial intelligence, on embryos. 

In Artificial intelligence on the embryo, only the photograph of the embryo is clicked, and then experts process it. So there is no chance of embryo damage, and secondly, it is cost-effective compared to PGS. The gold standard is PGS because it actually diagnoses and tells us whether the embryo is genetically abnormal or not. If our experts can’t do PGS, then they should next go for artificial intelligence on embryos. If you want more information about this, you can contact me at our clinic or visit our website. Thank you so much, and wishing you a very successful outcome of pregnancy in the future.

Gynecology The Touch Clinic

Recurrent Miscarriage Treatment | बार-बार गर्भपात क्यों होता है पूर्ण कारण व इलाज | ​मिसकैरेज के कारण? | प्रेगनेंसी खराब क्यों हो जाती है?

Recurrent Miscarriage Treatment | सबसे ज्यादा गर्भपात कब होता है? | गर्भपात कैसे रोका जा सकता है?

In this video SimpliHealth expert Gynaecologist Dr. Preeti Jindal is talking about Recurrent Miscarriage and its causes, treatment & diagnoses. Recurrent Miscarriage Treatment!

What is recurrent miscarriage? 

This miscarriage happens repeatedly. And a couple is unable to find a solution and unable to understand why this is happening. According to American society, If a woman has consecutively two miscarriages, it is called a recurrent miscarriage. And if a woman is having 3 or more recurrent miscarriages then according to British society, it’s is called a recurrent miscarriage.

Now miscarriage is very very emotionally, financially, and physically traumatic stage for the couple. It is just like a bereavement in the family. 

What Causes Recurrent Pregnancy Loss?

There are many reasons for recurrent miscarriage. Most people think that we will keep on trying until we succeed. However, it has been seen that if one is having a recurrent miscarriage and if not diagnosed and treated correctly, then there is a 70-80 percent chance that one may suffer from this condition again. It is a very common problem. You are not alone in this. 1% of women, meaning one woman out of 100, has a  chance of suffering from recurrent miscarriage. Now, if we look for the reasons. The most common reason for a recurrent miscarriage is the genetic abnormtality in the baby. The baby so formed inside the body is genetically abnormal due to which nature rejects it. In around 30-40% percent of people who suffer from this condition, genetic abnormality is the leading cause in the baby. 

Recurrent Miscarriage diagnoses | Recurrent Miscarriage Treatment

First and foremost, we check in parents having recurrent miscarriages for genetic Karyotyping by taking a blood sample. It is a very simple test, and it is done to check if the parents are carriers of any genetic abnormality or not.  

What is the second important reason for this if a genetic abnormality is ruled out? 

The baby is the foreign body inside the woman. Women’s bodies may develop a tendency to reject the baby, but nature has made such protective mechanisms or shields due to which the women can easily carry the pregnancy. But in a few people, their body is very sensitive, and there is the formation of antibodies which in the next pregnancy obstruct the baby’s blood supply after 6-8 weeks, due to which the baby’s heartbeat is stopped. There are many conditions known as thrombophilia. They may be inherited genetically, or they are acquired after in life. Antiphospholipid syndrome is one such condition that can be identified from blood tests and can be treated.

The reasons for miscarriage depend on the level and the time of of pregnancy, at which stage miscarriage has happened. If it occurred within 12 weeks, genetic abnormality or thrombophilias is the main reason and if it happened after 12 weeks, it depends upon whether the miscarriage is painful or painless. If it is painless, then usually it is the mouth of the uterus, i.e The cervix, is weak, which can be treated by putting a stitch. 

Treatment of Recurrent Miscarriages

If the miscarriage happens in the later stages of pregnancy or baby water is dried, the baby’s growth is not happening. 

So, in that case, the infection could be another cause. Another important reason could be the abnormal shape of the uterus. So depending upon what is the cause, it should be treated. And if we can identify the proper cause, there is a more than 90 % chance that the next pregnancy will be successful. So for this, it is very important to contact a recurrent miscarriage specialist.  

Don’t get disheartened. Get proper investigation and treatment, and I wish you all the best. You will succeed if you do all this and get treatment from the center that deals with recurrent miscarriages patients. Tender love and care is also one of the most important treatment for recurrent miscarriages. I wish you all the best. You can contact me on the website or the phone number given in this video. Thank you

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Orthopedic

Rotator Cuff Tear Symptoms | कंधे के अंदर रोटेटर कफ टीयर लक्षण और कारण | Rotator Cuff Injury (रोटेटर कफ इंजरी)

Rotator Cuff Tear Symptoms | Rotator Cuff Injury

Rotator cuff tear symptoms, In this video SimpliHealth expert in Orthopaedics Dr. M.S Narula is talking about rotator cuff injury and its symptoms and causes. According to our expert there are 4 muscles around the shoulder that stabilise our tendon and also help in its movement. Our shoulder joint is a ball or socket type of joint. As if you are holding the top ball of a tee, those who play golf will understand it, and there are 4 big muscles in front and on the pitch to move it. These muscles act like a tendon (tendon) when in contact with bone. These tendons also stabilise the shoulder and also speed up karate. 

So when there is any injury inside them, such as swelling in the tendon or it becomes thick (tear) from somewhere, then we call it injury in the shoulder joint.

Rotator Cuff Injury Symptoms

The first symptom is pain, now the pain is also caused by two types: first, it hurts, or as soon as it hurts, and secondly, the pain increases gradually. You have pain in the beginning when you do some activity like taking something from the top of the head or taking your hand in the waist or raising your hand to comb your hair. Even if you are taking a rest, the pain becomes intense. And one of its special things is that the pain gets worse at night. 

Why does rotator cuff injury hurt more at night?

The first reason for this is that because there is no movement in the shoulder, then the muscles become even more rigid. And the second thing is that due to gravity when we are talking in a situation, our muscles get pulled, the bones are also pulled, due to which the pain of this shoulder injury becomes more at night. 

Then it becomes difficult to sleep on that shoulder. And its symptoms are that there are limitations in our activity, such as not being able to comb or getting hands on the waist, muscle weakness, muscle wastage, and sometimes there is a loud noise while doing any work, these are just some of the symptoms. Shoulder injury and as I said it gets worse at night and limits our movements. 

Rotator cuff Injury Causes

It is of two types, one is 

  • Acute
  • Chronic

So there are also risk factors in this. Most of the time it is above 40 years of age. Apart from this, those who do sports, who do the same activity, and those who smoke, it is more common if your shoulder pain is going on for a long time due to age and if it is not treated, which can also be called minor tendonitis. It is said that they grow from partial to complete tear, these are some reasons for our rotator cuff.

Faith Diagnostic Centre Chandigarh Radiology

Women Female Health Checkup | महिला स्वास्थ्य जांच | Important Diagnostic Tests

Women Female Health Checkup | महत्वपूर्ण नैदानिक ​​परीक्षण

Women Health Check Up, In this video our expert radiologist Dr. Sandhya Dhankhar will talk about Female Health Checkup and Important Diagnostic Tests For Women. Also, she will answer some important questions that people usually ask like:

  • Who should get these health checkups? 
  • Which tests should be done in the health checkups for women?
  • Why do young girls require a health check? 
  • How frequently should health checks be done?

Health checkups are done as a regular check-up for your health-related problems, like diabetes hypertension. Along with this, it gives you early detection of cancer. 

Who should get these health checkups? | Women Health Check Up

There are no gender criteria. I think both men and women should undergo these tests. And there is not a particular age group. That people in these age groups should do a health check-up. It starts as early as 12 years and as late as 90 years.  

But what kind of health checkup you should undergo depends on many factors. One is your age. So, according to age, the number of test types of tests become different. Because at different ages, we need to detect different things. Maybe at an early age, we detect hormonal problems more. And in the late ages, we detect more for cancer. 

Which tests should be done in the health checkups?


Depending upon gender, in males, there are different tests to be done because their health-related problems are different. And in females, different tests should be done. You cannot give the same package to both males and females. 

So today, I think we’ll focus more on the women’s health packages, and in this, there is another myth that only just doing blood tests are just doing their health checkups. Many people call the lab people at their home, they do the home collection, and they think all the tests have been done. And that’s a complete health checkup that is being done. But that’s a myth. Doing only blood tests will not tell whether you are absolutely fine because blood tests are just a part of the health checkup.

Family history | Women Health Check Up

Health checkups include your medical history, physical examination, blood pressure examination, ECG, maybe a pap smear, mammography, ultrasound test, chest x-ray, your body mass index, and different other parameters depending upon your clinical history and family history. 

Suppose you have a strong family history of heart disease. So maybe doing an echo TMT along with the rest of your profile adds to the value of your health check-up. Or maybe if you have a family history of breast cancer, then doing mammography as early as 40 years of age is important. It indicates that you should undergo these tests and what should be done for a particular patient. 

So just categorising a health package or a premium package does not mean that it suits you. Every patient or individual needs a different kind of test according to their requirement, family history, and percent history. 

So it is important to understand that health checkups mean that you have to undergo a clinical checkup or your body checkup to know whether your body parameters are normal. The rest of the things are normal. It is not only a blood test.

Why do young girls require a health check? 

Because, as we see nowadays there are many hormonal problems which come up in young women. Which leads to irregular periods. Menstrual problems from pain during periods. It also has other aspects of body weight gain, falling of hair. We have seen so many cases of PCOS in our daily routine now. So there is something related to health at each and every step. So it’s not that only elderly women should undergo a health check. Rather, I would say at every age you need a health checkup. 

How frequently should health checks be done?

Usually, it is done every year. But if you have any other problem, the tests can be done early, or they can be done in two years. But it is better to do at least two early, if not early. 

Who requires a Pap smear, and what is a Pap smear test? 

It is done in women above 20 years or 30 years of age. And usually, a pelvic examination is done before the pap smear by the gynaecologist. They usually recommend it. But it is done as a protocol in the health checks of those women who are above 40 years of age. So we recommend mammography and pap smear as a part of their health checks above 40 years of age as a routine. 

Then, in cases of women who are under 40, they can undergo breast ultrasound tests rather than doing breast mammography because mammography has radiation. So it is better not to do this under the age of 40 unless there is a specific indication for it. 

If you have any other specific problems, you should tell your doctor. Visit a doctor before undergoing a health checkup. Doing a blood test that will not include the complete checkup of your body is false assurance that you are healthy, even if you are not healthy. 

So it is not only that we see the early detection of cancer, we do detect early signs of diabetes, heart disease, and other hormonal-related problems. As we see, many times, just by knowing Vitamin D score in their blood parameters, people assume to be healthy. But it is, it becomes important to do a DEXA scan to see which category you are falling in. Whether it is just osteopenia or osteoporosis, it means less deficiency of vitamin D or calcium, or it is more deficiency. Whether you need treatment for that particular vitamin deficiency or not. So these are important things which you should all be aware of. 

You are already spending money, you are getting tests done. Do it in a proper way, so that you get a complete report of your health and not just the blood parameters. So that you are at least assured about your health for at least the next one or two years. So it is important. And it is not for patients or women who already have some disease. But it is for healthy people to know that your health is absolutely perfect. With this, I would like to thank you all for listening.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Why is a Booster Dose of Vaccine Required? | Booster Dose | टीके की बूस्टर खुराक की आवश्यकता क्यों है?

Why is a Booster Dose of Vaccine Required | टीकाकरण से क्या लाभ होता है?

In this video our expert Pulmonologist Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Booster Dose and Why is a booster dose of vaccine required?, also she answered some very common questions that people usually ask like: Why is a booster dose of vaccine required?

  • What is the role of booster doses?
  • How do vaccines give immunity to us?
  • Who can have booster shots?

About 60 % of the Indian population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 but few are left who are not aware of it. 

How do vaccines provide Immunity? | Why is a Booster Dose of Vaccine Required?

Vaccines provide immunity in two ways: once we get vaccinated, the body acts as a host hence an immune response in the form of antibodies is generated. This is called humoral immunity. Second way the immune response is generated is by activation of memory T-cells or B-cells which come under cell-mediated immunity. So after vaccination, the body will recognize the virus and will generate an immune response in the form of antibodies or via cell-mediated immunity. 

The body takes time to generate immunity. It’s not like that today we got vaccinated and tomorrow only we will have immunity. It takes a span of time to generate antibodies and activation of memory cells.  Accordingly, the government has set vaccine schedules for the vaccination programs.

For example, If we get vaccinated by covaxin, the second dose will be done after 8- 12 weeks. Only then, this schedule of vaccination is completed. If one says I am vaccinated with the first dose and won’t go for a second. 

The doctor says this will give the body zero protection against viruses. Immunity is generated after the application of the second dose of vaccine. Furthermore, it may take 2-3 weeks to confer proper protection against viruses.  It is important to complete the dosing schedule of vaccines so that the body has full protection against viruses. 

Even if we are fully vaccinated we got the protection because one is not suffering from any severe disease. Omicron variants mutate very frequently due to the presence of spike protein, against which vaccine is generated. So even a fully vaccinated person can have an omikron-mediated infection. But the important thing is, that person will have a mild infection as compared to a non-vaccinated person. Vaccination will prevent us from severe disease, reduce hospitalisation, and definitively control death rates.

After some time of vaccination, the immunity starts getting reduced after 6- 8 months maximum of 9 months. The memory cells will be unable to recognize the virus spike protein and may not be able to generate a specific cellular immune response. So for that, we need a booster shot because we need to remind the host immunity to fight against the virus. 

Who can have booster shots? 

The doctor says a booster dose can be given to high-risk groups first. It includes elderly people (more than 60yrs of age), patients suffering from severe diseases like chronic kidney disease, diabetes, lung diseases, and hypertension. Since their immunity has worn out very fast. This category of people is advised to take booster dose first. Also, the healthcare professionals who are exposed to the virus on a daily routine should be given booster doses. 

The doctor says it is very important to complete the schedule of vaccination. People say we don’t want to get vaccinated, COVID is nothing but this notion is wrong. In addition, vaccination protects us from spreading the disease. Since we are vaccinated we won’t spread droplets of infection as compared to unvaccinated. To protect ourselves and as well as community, vaccination is a must. Also, there is no mix and match of vaccines. As the doctor says according to ICMR if the person is fully vaccinated with covaxin he/ she will have a booster shot of the same. 

Similar is with the covishield vaccine. No such mix match of vaccines has been reported up till now. In the end, the doctor says to get vaccinated, do follow the schedule of vaccination, and COVID appropriate behavior like wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and avoiding gatherings and crowds. As we have already seen even after maintaining the social distance and being vaccinated we can have a mild infection.

Cosmo Hospital Pediatrics

How to Reduce Fever in Child Naturally? | शिशुओं और बच्चों में बुखार का इलाज? | बच्चे को तेज बुखार आने पर क्या करना चाहिए? | बुखार तुरंत कैसे ठीक करें?

How to Reduce Fever in Child Naturally? | What to Do When Your Kid Has a Fever? |
104 डिग्री बुखार होने पर क्या करें? | बच्चे को बुखार की दवा

How to reduce fever in child naturally, In this video SimpliHealth expert Pediatrics, Dr. Sunny Narula is talking about Fever in Children and also he answered some very common questions that people usually ask like:

  • What to do when your kid has a fever?
  • How do we know if the child has a fever?
  • Whether all fevers can be treated with Paracetamol or any other related medicine? 
  • What is the most commonly used medicine for fever at home?

How do we know if the child has a fever? | How to Reduce Fever in Child Naturally?

The Thumb rule says that if the child is checked with a thermometer in the armpit or axilla and has a temperature of 100 or more than 100, our experts say that the child has a fever. Like the child sometimes feels hot to us, it can also be a fever, but it can happen, if our hands are cold, the child’s body may feel hot. so it is always better to check the temperature if it is touching a hundred, it is fever

Parents always ask if all fevers are harmful to children. Doctors say no, not all fevers are harmful to the child.Now you have to understand the reason for children getting a fever. And these reasons can also be different in every child, such as, urinary infection, throat infection, viral infection, or if there is typhoid fever, these can be a reason that causes fever in the child. Treatment should be according to these reasons of fever. To treat general fever, it’s a common protocol for what medicines to use in a fever. There is another myth in the parents’ minds that if the fever is more than 103 or 104 degrees, it may cause brain damage. It is not like that. Every child tends to get sick.

If two children have the same illness, then one child will have a low fever and another child will have a high fever. If so, every time, he will have a high fever. But that doesn’t mean it will cause permanent harm to that child. Another thing commonly asked by parents is whether any fever triggers seizures.It is a common occurrence, two or three children out of 100 experience seizures. But it is not that every child can have seizures, the tendency of seizures in children is two to three percent. It is more common in children from the age group of six months to five years. But this does not mean that it is harmful, our experts have discussed this in the previous video.

Which medicine is best for normal fever? and Is paracetamol necessary for fever?

So experts have first to understand that fever is not harmful to our body. Fever is just an indicator that something is wrong inside the body, that the child has some problem. Nature has created a system, that whenever a child has a viral or bacterial infection. The body heats up in order to eliminate the infection; so, not every fever is harmful. It is just a body’s defence mechanism. Our experts recommend that if a child of six months to three years has a fever, it can be cured by giving paracetamol. If the child is a little older, he has a fever of 101 or 100, but if he is comfortable if the child is not feeling sick, then we don’t need to give him paracetamol. It is not necessary to bring the fever down to 98 or 99.

What is the most commonly used medicine for fever at home? | How to Reduce Fever in Child Naturally?

The most commonly used medicine for fever is Paracetamol, other than that non prescribed medicines should be avoided. The dosage of paracetamol is prescribed according to weight and age even it is mentioned on the bottle of paracetamol. Paracetamol can be given after every 6 hours.

Suppose you find that the child has symptoms associated with a fever, for example. In that case, the child is nauseated, is vomiting, and feels lethargic. In addition, the child is lying on the bed unusually or seems very sick. So immediately, the children should be taken to the paediatrician. If the child is active and does not show any signs of associated symptoms, you can give paracetamol to the child till you contact a pediatrician.If you see an associated sign for fever or the child seems more sick you should take your child to a paediatrician.

Fever is a sign that something is not right inside the body, hence the fever, the reason can vary from child to child, a paediatrician can investigate and provide a treatment accordingly.

Last but not least, if you give paracetamol to children, then the effect of paracetamol lasts for 4-6 hours; after that, the fever will come back.

Paracetamol is only a temporary measure to reduce fever. The disease will take it’s time two to four days to wear down. Some 3 days and some 4 days. Paracetamol is a temporary remedy to reduce fever.

Cosmo Hospital Gynecology

Dysmenorrhea Treatment | पीरियड में असहनीय पेन कारण लक्षण व उपचार? | Painful Periods | पीरियड में ज्यादा दर्द हो तो क्या करे? | डिसमेनोरिया क्या है?

Dysmenorrhea Treatment  | Primary Dysmenorrhea | Secondary Dysmenorrhea | कैसे पायें पीरियड्स के दर्द से छुटकारा ?

Dysmenorrhea treatment, In this video SimpliHealth expert Gynaecologist Dr. Vandna Khera Narula is discussing Dysmenorrhea(Painful periods) and its symptoms, causes, treatment & types. 

What is Dysmenorrhea? 

Dysmenorrhea means painful periods. Or,  pain that occurs in the lower abdomen and pelvic region during the menstrual cycles. It is basically of two kinds:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary

Primary Dysmenorrhea 

It starts within a year or two with the onset of menarche i.e., puberty when the menstrual cycle in the girls starts. There is no physical cause for primary dysmenorrhea. It is a very common thing, which we see in our day-to-day life amongst young girls. And more commonly it is seen in those girls who get menstrual periods when they are 12 years of age or they are very thin, and they have irregular cycles or very heavy cycles.

Secondary Dysmenorrhea

Then when we come to secondary dysmenorrhea, the reason for this is normally because of some kind of lesion present in the uterus or pelvic organs. The most common amongst them are fibroids, then we have endometriosis and adenomyosis. Then there are some rare causes of dysmenorrhea which is a pelvic inflammatory disease when there is an infection in the uterus and the adjoining organs and rarely carcinoma or IUCD or any other problem. 


Now what we discuss is the treatment. When it comes to primary dysmenorrhea the treatment is quite simple.

Primary Dysmenorrhea treatment 

First of all, a very easy treatment for that is taking a hot water bottle. The heating pads can be used. And the advantage of using the heating pad is that it doesn’t have any kind of side effect. It’s very easy and quite an effective means of treating primary dysmenorrhea. 

Then the second line of treatment is the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or mild painkillers. Amongst mild painkillers, we can have paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Primary dysmenorrhea can be treated in the long term by following a good active schedule, an exercise schedule. Maintaining a good active lifestyle and regular exercise routine. And also multivitamins play a role, diet also plays a role. 

Secondary Dysmenorrhea: Diagnosis and Treatment 

It is is concerned, you can diagnose secondary dysmenorrhea by the history of the patient, pelvic examination by a gynaecologist. When the patient comes to us for the checkup we do ultrasonography. And in rare cases whenever you think it’s endometriosis or adenomyosis, we might go for laparoscopy. 

The treatment of secondary dysmenorrhea then depends upon whatever the causes are. It can be a medical or a surgical kind of treatment. Here contraceptive pills also play a role. Because it means pain caused by ovulation. And the hormonal contraceptive pills also inhibit ovulation and play a role in elevating the symptoms of this disease. 

And if you have fibroids or adenomyosis or endometriosis then laparoscopic surgery plays an important role in mitigating the symptoms. Also, we have hormonal IUCDs which can be used for treatment, whatever the causes. 

So, in the end, I would like to conclude. If you have a problem of  this type of pain that occurs during periods, please consult your gynaecologist so that a proper treatment plan can be charted out depending upon the cause.

As I’ve already told you if it’s primary dysmenorrhea you need not worry. Because during the latter half of the life or generally what we say is after childbirth it gets automatically reduced.

And as far as secondary dysmenorrhea is concerned, all the diagnostic procedures are done by the doctor, the ultrasonography or the pelvic examination, the history taking are done by the gynaecologist and the treatment is accordingly advised. And there is no need to worry, you can easily get rid of the symptoms of this disease. 

Cosmo Hospital Pediatrics

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Symptoms | MIS-C | बच्चों में मल्टीसिस्टम इंफ्लेमेटरी सिंड्रोम? | कोरोना काल में MIS-C बच्चों में?

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Symptoms | What are the signs and symptoms of multisystem inflammatory syndrome? | What is multisystem inflammatory in children? | What does MIS-C look like in children?

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children symptoms, In this video SimpliHealth expert Dr. Sunny Narula is talking about MIS-C(Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children) and also he is answering some common questions like: 

  • What is MIS-C?
  •  What is the relationship between MIS-C and COVID? 
  • what we could do to treat MIS-C? 

What is MIS-C? And What is the relationship between MIS-C and COVID? 

We saw a number of cases with children being sick due to COVID, but the effect was mild. They did not face much trouble. The children were not severe enough to be admitted to hospitals. They did not get pneumonia, even during the delta variants. There were very less cases of children being affected due to covid. But after getting well, a small portion of children, 1 in 100, showed signs of a new type of disease called MIS-C. 

Even in the third wave, we have covid positive patients coming in. Our experts always tell parents that the chances of children getting severe covid are very less. They may get sick for a few days, some may experience loose stool, headaches, but almost all the children recover within 2-3 days. Our expert also advises the parents to contact us in case the child gets any kind of fever within the next 3 months. This is so that we make sure the child does not develop MIS. 

Symptoms of MIS-C

Falling sick and having again within 1-2 months after recovering from covid can be a symptom of MIS. Fever, along with rashes, loose stool, and vomiting. Not ever fever would be MIS. But it is important to recognize children with this syndrome. How do we recognize it? Our experts see if the child has a fever after recovering. 

The fever is persistent; there is no sign of it being viral, it has been 3-4 days, the child has rashes, red eyes, other clinic signs, the child looks very sickly, then we can consider it to be MIS-C. 

MIS-C Diagnosis

There is a common blood test available for this. If the child tests positive, then we take this syndrome seriously. It is a syndrome. A syndrome is a cluster of different signs. 

Why is it problematic compared to other diseases? | Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Symptoms 

This is because it causes inflammation and swelling in every organ in the body. Our experts main focus is when it causes swelling in the heart and blood vessels, as it can cause permanent damage. This is why it should be taken seriously. It can cause swelling in the heart, kidney, and intestines. 

There is a cluster of tests that can tell us the progression of this syndrome. Our experts obviously rule out the common causes of fever like viral, typhoid, or malaria. Once our experts make sure these are not causing the fever, we can conclude that there are chances it is MIS. 

MIS-C Treatment | Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Symptoms 

In rare conditions that the child has this syndrome, it can be cured with timely treatment. Recovery chances are high when the child is treated within 5-6 days of diagnosis. The condition can worsen when the treatment is delayed, like 7-8 days after the diagnosis. The results came in late. The parents misunderstood the signs of viral fever and did not consult the paediatrician. In all these cases, delayed treatment can cause permanent damage. 

The treatment for this is highly specific. It cannot be treated in the OPD. The child has to be hospitalised. And there are special injections to be given, which are a bit costly. This treatment helps the child recover. 

In the end, I would say, not to panic. There are treatments available for this. If the child gets sick after recovering from COVID, consult your paediatrician immediately. Even if MIS-C is diagnosed, it is treatable most of the time. And most of the children become healthy after the treatment.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Omicron Variant Symptoms & Causes | ओमिक्रॉन वेरिएंट के लक्षण और कारण | How bad is the Omicron Variant?

Omicron Variant Symptoms | ओमिक्रॉन संस्करण कितना खराब है?

In this video SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Omicron Variant Symptoms & Causes and also she answered some common questions that people ask like:

  • How bad is the Omicron Variant?
  • Omicron Vs Delta variant?

How Deadly Is the Omicron Variant? | Omicron Variant Symptoms

This omicron variant has several limitations. Much more than the previous versions of the variant. And these mutations are mainly on the spike protein, which has resulted in various states of transmissibility by this virus.  This omicron variant spreads much faster than any other previous variant. Therefore it was labelled as a variant of concern. It is much faster than the Delta variant and also than the other variants. 

Omicron Symptoms

The symptoms caused by this variant are much more similar to the common cold which is experienced by the people in many ways. For example, scratchy throat, sore throat or running nose, stuffy nose, nasal congestion, fever with or without chills, headache, body aches, and a lot of muscle fatigue, as we have in a common cold. Based on the symptoms we cannot differentiate this variant from the common cold. Only testing can tell us whether we have the COVID-19 variant or not. 

What is to be done when we have these symptoms?

So we have two kinds of tests available with us, these are the antigen test or the RT-PCR based tests. The antigen test is widely available these days. They are also provided as homekit, self testing kits which can be used by the people at home. 

Antigen tests can be false negative in some patients; when the patients only have few symptoms or they test too early. You have contact with the patient and then you take the test with the help of the kit today, the result would be negative. Any negative antigen test has to go for a RT-PCR test if you have symptoms for the disease. Which is very very important. But in case the antigen test is positive there are very less chances of it being false positive. So once the test is positive you take yourself as a covid positive patient and follow the isolation and the further procedures. 

Once it is negative you need to go for an RT-PCR testing, to confirm that you have the disease. If the RT-PCR is also negative then also there are 10 to 20% chances that you can be positive but the test shows negative. So you can go ahead with the testing within the next 24 to 48 hours again, if you have the persisting symptoms. So this is about the testing. Once you develop the symptoms you have to have this testing done.

Delta vs Omicron: How is omicron different from the Delta variant?

We all have seen the devastation caused by this delta variant in the second wave of the disease. Which we experienced last year. What we had seen was, it was really very lethal. The symptoms onset was very fast and the people progressed to severe disease in a very short span of time. So this did not happen with this virus. 

Whatever reports have come up and whatever we have seen in our day-to-day practice till now is; this is a slow progressing virus, which has more of the upper respiratory tract involvement rather than the lower respiratory tract. So people do not have much of severity of the disease as compared to the delta variant. Moreover, the active period where the hospitalisation is required or you see the median time for hospitalisation of the patient has decreased in this wave of the pandemic. So this is the difference between the omicron and delta variants. The delta was very lethal. And we had very high mortality rates while we were facing the delta variant. We lost many doctors to the variant and lost many lives. But here we are able to manage it somehow and the severity is not that much. 

Again if we come to the next point it could be because of the vaccination campaign also. Omicron can occur in a patient who is already vaccinated or has previously been infected with the virus. But the another thing is, the patient may not have a severe disease only the at-risk categories like the elderly, people who have heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension or any kind of a chronic lung disease, or immunocompromised state; these people, this category of people are more prone to have severe infection or they are more prone to have this kind of infection again even if they are vaccinated. 

So this is the difference, omicron can infect any kind of vaccinated person, but the susceptibility rates are lesser for the people who are vaccinated. But for unvaccinated people it is very high. So it affects people who are unvaccinated. They are also having a bit of severe disease requiring hospitalisation. But it is manageable in this case. 

So that’s why I would like to say that we need to have our covid-appropriate behaviour in all places as of now. Because omicron does not recognize people who are vaccinated or not vaccinated. So keep your mask on, keep a social distance, follow the covid appropriate behaviour, avoid gatherings, avoid crowds.  And just fight with this wave of the pandemic. Thank you.  

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Gynecology

Pelvic Pain Causes | पेल्विक दर्द का कारण? | Pelvic Congestion Syndrome | What causes pelvic pain?

Pelvic Pain Causes(पेल्विक दर्द का कारण?): What causes pelvic pain?

Pelvic pain causes, In this video SimpliHealth expert gynaecologist  Dr. Heena Chawla is explaining about pelvic pain and also she answered some questions that people usually ask like:

  1. Causes of pelvic pain
  2. Types of pelvic pain
  3. Acute pelvic pain
  4. Chronic pelvic pain

In simple terms, the pain in the lower tummy is usually pelvic pain. This could be because of gynaecology and non-gynecological reasons.

Non-gynecological reasons could be Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Interstitial cystitis, bladder infections, appendix, or there can be some other cause of this pain.

There are a number of gynaecological reasons for this pain. There are two types of pain that can be caused, acute and chronic. Chronic pain persists for more than 6 months in a row. This pain is not only during periods but otherwise as well. 

Acute Pelvic Pain

  • Periods: Acute pain can arise in different conditions. In this new generation, young females experience severe pain during periods. This pain during periods is called Dysmenorrhea. This pain is sometimes so much that the patient has to get an injection to relieve the pain. 
  • Ovulation: Besides this, some may even experience acute pain on one side of the abdomen during ovulation. Which is the 12th or 14th day of the cycle when the egg ruptures from the follicle. It is called mittelschmerz syndrome. Some may feel it a little and some would not feel it at all. 
  • Abortion: The third reason for this pain can be when after the pregnancy, during an abortion. In this, there is acute severe pain along with bleeding. Or, it would pain before clots and the process of abortion. It is also called threatened abortion. 
  • Pregnancy: Another reason is ectopic pregnancy. In this condition, the baby does not develop in the uterus but grows in the tubes or ovaries. 
  • Ovarian Cyst: Acute pain can be felt if the cyst in your ovaries twists. This twist is called torsion. And due to twisting the blood supply to it breaks and that causes acute pain. This torsion or rupture is another common reason for acute pain seen in women.
  • Urinary Tract Infection: It is seen in women who have UTIs and also experience acute pain in the lower abdominal area. This distressing pain is due to inflammation. 
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: In Pelvic Inflammatory Disease there is inflammation in the entire pelvic region. This can cause pain and vaginal discharge. In some women, this can be treated with medications and in some, this pain persists and becomes chronic pain. 

Chronic Pelvic Pain

Now we will talk about chronic pelvic pain. It is not talked about so frequently but a lot of females suffer from it. This can have a number of causes. 

Chronic Pain 

  • Endometriosis: The most common cause that we see in our OPD practice is endometriosis. In this, the innermost layer of the uterus, the endometrium, starts growing outside the uterus. It starts growing on the ovaries, the bowl, or sometimes it reaches the urinary bladder. The places where it grows, start to stick together. We call this adhesion. When the organs stick together they cause severe pain. The pain is so severe that the female with this problem cannot even carry out her everyday tasks during periods. 
  • Fibroids: The other very common reason is fibroids. When the fibroids grow in size, they cause heavy bleeding along with severe and gradually increasing pain. 
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): Besides this, as we talked about before, a lot of patients suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease. Also called PID. There is continuous vaginal discharge. Sometimes this infection ascends. It reaches the tubes. Therefore the pain is persistent. 
  • Ovarian Cyst: If any ovarian cyst has persisted for a very long time, the pain increases gradually. 
  • Adenomyosis: There is another problem, which we also call endometriosis interna. In this, the blood is collected somewhere in the muscle layer of the uterus. And then during periods, it gives such a stretching sensation that it hurts a lot. This pain restricts you from doing any work. 
  • Previous surgeries: There are patients who have gone under surgery. So somewhere the pain of the surgery scares the pain persists. 
  • Cancer: Now there are a few cancer patients. In the early stage, they may not feel the pain, but as cancer grows the pain persists. 

So all of these are the causes of chronic pelvic pain.

Bottom line 

So, in the end, I would suggest that you consult a gynaecologist. Do not suffer, get diagnosed. There are simple blood and ultrasound investigations to diagnose the conclusion. After diagnosis, get your treatment accordingly.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh General surgeons

Gastric Bypass Surgery | Best Weight Loss Surgery Near You | मोटापे से छुटकारा

Gastric Bypass Surgery (weight Loss Surgery- मोटापे से छुटकारा): Best weight loss surgery treatment

In this video SimpliHealth expert laparoscopy bariatric surgery Dr. Gursimran Singh will talk about Gastric Bypass Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) and Best Weight loss surgery and its related causes, the outcome of the bariatric surgery, and the surgery treatment. 

What is Gastric Bypass Surgery ?

Obesity means fat. Anyone who has a BMI of 34.5 is considered to be obese. Usually, the range for the normal person is 18 to 24. If he is not having any comorbid conditions, then we take 27 plus. If he has diabetes and hypertension or any hormonal issues or any female is having any diseases related to obesity then for them 27 above is considered as a risk. For people who do not have any of these symptoms, 34 is the line.

So here in Apollo, we are treating obesity with surgery. That is commonly known as bariatric surgery. As you people may know what bariatric surgery is. It is also called weight-loss surgery.


There is categorization. 

  • One is restrictive surgery. 
  • There is malabsorption surgery. 
  • There are respective + malabsorption surgeries. 
  • And there are surgeries that are made for dealing with hormonal issues like uncontrolled diabetes, etc. 

What are the criteria?

  1. One is purely on a BMI basis. A person who has a BMI of 34.5 and doesn’t have any of the comorbid conditions, with comorbid I mean diabetes, hypertension, hormonal issues or females who are obese and are not able to conceive due to this, PCOD, any hyperlipidemia any of these associated diseases. 
  2. The second is if you have all of these conditions like diabetes, hypertension.  Uncontrolled diabetes for the last three years, not controlled and uncontrolled hypertension from the previous three years, high lipid profiles, and your BMI is more than 27.5. For them, the cut-off line is 27.5. So those patients fall into this category of surgery. 

What is the safest form of weight loss surgery?

Surgical options depend on the conditions you have. You are obese. You have diabetes. You have PCOD issues. You have hypertension. You have other hormonal issues like thyroid, hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, etc. Depending on them, we categorize what suits you the best. As our expert already mentioned, there are three types of procedures. 

Respective Surgery procedure for Weight Loss

In this, we fashion your stomach in the form of a tube so that the capacity to take food decreases from the normal food taken. It comes to 60 to 70 ml. And plus you make some lifestyle changes there are side effects to it like people start having multivitamin issues, trace elements start reducing. But they are dealt with by prescribed supplements.

In this restrictive surgery, which is also known as sleeve gastrectomy, one has to really comply with the lifestyle. If you cannot change your lifestyle and you can not comply with the changed lifestyle, it leads to failure. 

Malabsorption Surgery procedure for weight loss

This was the first procedure that has been defined, and now we have the long-term results as well. So our literature shows a 30% failure of the sleeve. So looking into this failure, there was another procedure that came into existence, i.e., restriction plus malabsorption. This is Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. 

In this, we make your stomach into a small pouch and then bypass your intestine absorption pathway. So this is a Roux-en-Y bypass. So basically, what happens is that you bypass the major area where absorption often takes place and where all the things take place, and the food directly comes here, and the other process goes on. 

Gastric Bypass Surgery procedure for weight loss

Another latest which came after this is a gastric bypass (MGB). This procedure is currently becoming very popular, especially for patients who have very poor control over diabetes, who have very high lipid profiles, and who cannot maintain their lifestyles, foodies who love food. For these people, we give a very nice pouch of the stomach which can take your food of around 150 ml. You can eat whatever you want to eat as you are eating before surgery. You still will have a weight loss of 2-3 kg every month till you achieve your target weight loss. 

I have kept a duration of six months to 2 years to achieve the target weight loss. And when the person achieves the desired weight. Automatically the weight reduction starts to slow down. But then you can eat whatever you want to eat. 

Non-vegetarians say they can’t stop eating non-vegetarian food, but we still want to lose weight. This surgery is the best for them. People who say ‘I am very foody, I love my food’, this surgery is the answer for you. Eat as much as you want to but still, you will keep losing weight, till you come to your target weight loss. 

Restrictive & Malabsorbtive weight loss surgery

Then after this, there is another weight loss surgery that came into existence is a combination of restriction and malabsorption surgery. This is sleeve surgery combined with proximal regional bypass. This surgery has shown very commendable results in people who have very poor control of their sugar level. The sleeve will give you the weight loss that bypass will give you the hormonal control. Females who have PCOD problems are not able to conceive due to hormonal issues. When they start losing weight, these hormones start correcting themselves. We have seen results where young females have conceived. And people on insulin, despite being on insulin, are not able to control their diabetes. We have data on the patients who have stopped taking insulin. They are leading a normal life, eating their normal food. 

Bottom line 

So, if you are obese and you have all these problems, please do visit our clinic, Obesity is another pandemic. Our expert won’t say it is like covid, but it is a pandemic. Obesity comes with many things. People who have all these problems and are obese come to the clinic, take experts’ opinions, take our suggestions and then make up their minds.