Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes | अवरुद्ध फैलोपियन ट्यूब के लक्षण | कारण एवं उपचार

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Dr. Heena Chawla

Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes | कारण एवं उपचार

Symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes.In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Heena Chawla, Consultant Gynecologist at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Hospital, Chandigarh is talking about the causes and diagnosis of blocked fallopian tubes. 

Where are fallopian tunes situated?

We will understand where fallopian tubes are situated. Along both sides of the uterus are two thin tubes we call fallopian tubes. 

Function of a fallopian tube 

Symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes,Their function is to carry the egg released by the ovary. Inside these fallopian tubes, a brush-like cilia helps move eggs inside tubes from the ovary, and sperm travels into tubes. They both fuse in fallopian tubes and undergo fertilization. After the fertilization, the embryo travels to the uterus and implants itself.

Importance of an open fallopian tube 

Healthy and open fallopian tubes are two important parameters for pregnancy to sustain. Unfortunately, often due to some reason, there is a blockage in either one or both fallopian tubes. For any couple trying for pregnancy but cannot conceive, one-third are affected with blocked tubes.

Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

STDs (Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes)

Any pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or one with a history of tuberculosis or sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea or chlamydia may result in blockage of tubes. 

Surgeries (Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes)

Any previous surgery could be ectopic, or other surgery on tubes might also lead to blockage. Often different things like during endometriosis, the layers stick to each other, and there is the formation of adhesions, which blocks the lane; hence the egg doesn’t find its way out in tubes. 


Apart from this, we often see some infections that may result in the blockage of tubes after any surgery like abdominal surgery or miscarriage, or DNC.

Can the woman conceive with one blocked fallopian tube?

Another common question patients ask is whether we can conceive with one fallopian tube as there is a blockage in the other.

See if there is a blockage in one tube, but the other is open and healthy. There is no other reason for not having a sustainable pregnancy. Like egg formation is good in ovaries, the egg is of good quality, there are no further problems in the uterus, and the husband’s sperm count is average; then, under these circumstances, the patient may have sustainable pregnancy with one fallopian tube. 

There are no decreased chances. The patients have relatively the same chance of having pregnancy compared to those who have both healthy fallopian tubes if other parameters are normal.


Now we will understand how we can diagnose this condition. 

Ultrasound test

Often in ultrasound, you might have come across the term hydrosalpinx, which is the condition of water filled in tubes. Usually, patients do not show any symptoms of blocked tubes until and unless they start trying for pregnancy. Then only doctors do some test that shows blockage in tubes. 

Those with hydrosalpinx conditions may also have vaginal discharge, or we make an ultrasound diagnosis and start their treatment. If they respond to the treatment, it is a very good thing. 

HSG test (symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes)

For couples with blockage in tubes or who are trying for pregnancy under these circumstances, we recommend a simple OPD test, hysterosalpingography, or HSG test. We usually do this test 5 -10 days after periods. 

We count the first day of period onset as day 1; then, we do it between 5-10. In addition, we do it in the first half because there might be a chance of pregnancy after conceiving. So that’s why we conduct this test in the first half.

How does an HSG test work? 

Usually, we insert a dye in the uterus, and via tubes, it comes out. It gives us a clear picture of whether they are healthy or not, open or closed. 

Often females may experience mild cramping in this, so we prescribe pain killers to them in advance, and simultaneously we take an X-ray film so that we have a complete picture clear about the status of the tubes. It also gives information about the uterus. Often, when there is very much blockage in tubes; then this test can be very painful since the dye can’t move forward because of the blockage. 

Since fallopian tubes have many parts, if there is a small blockage in the proximal region, it might get open because of the dye. Therefore, the HSG test is a very useful and informative test that we usually conduct in infertile couples. 

Sonosalpingography test 

Apart from this, there is another test, sonosalpingography, in which we do an ultrasound simultaneously when injecting the dye inside. We can visualize any fluid, if it is coming with dye or not while conducting the test.

Chromopertubation test 

Apart from these, we have another test, laparoscopic confirmation or Chromopertubation. We visualize through the stomach, insert the dye through an endoscope, and check whether the dye is coming out or not from the tubes. If the dye comes out, then the tubes are open; if not, there is a blockage somewhere. 

We perform this test under anesthesia, and it’s a daycare procedure; if we do it in the morning, you may leave by the evening. By laparoscopic examination, we can see the other things like ovaries and uterus in the same sitings. 

Which test is the most accurate? 

Often patients see tube blockage in HSG, but it is essential to reconfirm it further. Because when we do HSG or laparoscopic for the second time, around ten patients were previously diagnosed with blocked tubes. Six may have open tubes after doing laparoscopy and HSG

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