Stye Treatment | How to Get Rid of a Stye Overnight? | What Causes Styes in adults? | Stye in Eye Treatment | आँख के अन्दर दाना होना | आँख में फुंसी क्यों होती है?

  • 1.87K
  • 2 years ago
Dr. Rajiv Mirchia
Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Stye: Causes and Treatment | How to Get Rid of a Stye Overnight | What Causes Styes in adults? | Stye in Eye Treatment | आँख के अन्दर दाना होना | आँख में फुंसी क्यों होती है?

Stye Treatment

In this video, Dr. Rajiv Mirchia from Mirchia’s laser eye clinic, a unit of Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital Chennai discusses common eye conditions: Stye, causes and its treatment. 

It is a common problem among children and adults. If your child is having a repeated stye infection which is just simply a boil anywhere on the body, one must visit a doctor for eye examination. Sometimes Refractive errors or less vision which require glasses, often lead to the recurrence of multiple styes in the eye


The common source of stye infection is the hair follicles and Streptococcus infections. Treatment is very, very simple. One should not touch the eye and hot eye fomentation helps in reducing the swelling. In a few cases, doctors may prescribe some local eye drops, or, any antibiotics for 2 to 3 days. It gets very painful because of the tight space in the eye, and the fluid collection leads to a lot of pain. Normally doctors can treat it with medicines and sometimes by drawing the fluid by pulling out the hair follicle.

Stye treatment:

The last resort Surgical removal of stye by incision. It is not needed normally but if there is formation of chalazion or if eye shuts down due to swelling, surgical incision is the most appropriate method. Doctors drain encapsulated pus with the incision. One must not panic and get a regular eye check-up from an eye specialist. The treatment of Stye is very easy without any consequences.

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website.

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