Treatment for Blocked Nose at Night | रात में बंद नाक का कारण व इलाज? | सोते समय नाक बंद हो तो क्या करें? | बंद नाक से तुरंत राहत कैसे पाए?

  • 119.79K
  • 3 years ago
Dr. Raman Abrol
ENT Specialist / otorhinolaryngology

Treatment for Blocked Nose at Night | एक नाक बंद होने का क्या कारण है | सोते समय मेरी नाक क्यों बंद हो जाती है? | बिना जुकाम नाक बंद होना?

Treatment for blocked nose at night, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, Simplihealth expert and ENT specialist at Abrol Institute and Research Centre talk about nose block (नाक बंद क्यों होती है?) or postural nose block while lying down at night, the nose is blocked. Causes of nose blockage and the treatment methods. 

Patients are fine during the day; as soon as they lie at night, there is a blockage in the nose. This can happen on one as well as both sides.  Patients also complain of dryness of the mouth snoring, and their sleep remains uncomfortable. 

Common causes of nasal blockage 

The postural blockage is pretty apparent, but we discuss some important reasons. The most obvious reason is that these patients have some bone deviation or deformity, so they accentuate while lying down. Because there is blood pooling at night, it swells, causing nasal blockage due to the lying position.

  • Further little swellings affect their bone structure, or their structural problem escalates the nasal block. 
  • The second reason is that when people drink more or do any recreational drugs, they also suffer from postural nose blockage. Those people snore a lot, and this is a common problem. 
  • The third cause is that maybe some people take blood pressure medicines, which also contain vasodilators, due to which the blood vessels swell, resulting in swelling of nasal mass. Vasodilation medicines could also be a reason. 
  • The fourth cause is that some people are very allergic. And in allergies, many people are allergic to dust mites, which can cause allergies. The dust mites are primarily present in the bed or the mattress, and as they lie, they come in contact with the dust mites resulting in swelling in the nose.

They may sneeze a lot during the night and have nose blockage for the maximum time. So these are some important reasons for postural nose blockage that patients have during the night.

What are the treatment for nasal bloackage? 

Most patients cure themselves with nasal drops at home. Over the counter, they take drops from chemists and use nasal sprays for months. However, prolonged use of nasal decongestants is more harmful. Their blockage also increases, and their need for nasal drops increases even more. And then we are not able to treat them efficiently.

If we see treatment for these patients, those who are allergic patients, those who are allergic to dust mites, they can take anti-nasal, or by spraying the steroid nasal spray, there can be healing in postural blockage. 

For those who complain about nose blockage due to alcohol, the apparent remedy is that they need to avoid drinking. Those who have structural problems like bone deviation or the turbinate are too big, or they have allergic changes in their nose, or there are polyps;  then they can be treated smoothly by surgery. They should consult their doctor, as we can cure them through surgical procedures. Those suffering from blood pressure have to visit their cardiologist, so changing the medicine cures this postural blockage. 

You can add a local topical decongestant, but there is a limit; you cannot add more than 5 to 7 days. If you cannot visit the doctor within 5 to 7 days, you can use it, but after that, you have to take treatment from the doctor and do not put nose drops. Long-term use of nasal drops can cause severe damage to your nose. 

Surgical treatment option for nose block | Treatment for Blocked Nose at Night 

Most of the structural problems in surgical treatment are nasal septum deviation enlarged nasal septum. Surgical procedures can treat them. It is a straightforward and minor surgery. In some cases, there is swelling in turbinates,  there is swelling in the mass within the nose, or there are polyps, so surgically, we can treat them, but you need to consult an ENT specialist, and they can solve your problem.

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