Hysterectomy Side Effects | गर्भाशय सर्जरी के बाद सावधानियां | Precautions After Uterus Removal
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- 3 years ago
Dr. Heena Chawla
Dr. Heena Chawla
Hysterectomy Side Effects, (Hysterectomy) What happens after surgery for uterus removal?
Hysterectomy side effects, There are a lot of queries regarding the precaution one must take after surgery for uterus removal. In this video, SimpliHealth expert Gynecologist Dr. Heena Chawla is talking about Hysterectomy: surgery for uterus removal) and also, she is answering some very common questions that people usually ask, like:
Precaution after uterus removal
Uterus removal is the second most common surgery after a caesarean.
Tips to follow after the surgery of removing uterus
The patient must first remember to understand their medical regime very carefully after discharge from the hospital. And we must follow the medicines as told by the doctor.
Medication after uterus removal surgery
Hysterectomy side effects Usually, doctors prescribe an antibiotic to prevent any infection; and pain killers since they are in a lot of pain. But one must understand carefully at what time they should take the medicines.
What other condition may a patient experience?
If the patient feels constipation, doctors may give them a laxative to ease the bowel movements.
Why is hydration after surgery necessary?
After the discharge, one must remember to hydrate themselves by having water after coming home. It helps us in 2 or 3 ways, like reducing the possibility of urinary tract infection. And it would prevent urine infection since doctors use a catheter to drain urine. And the second thing is one feels not have constipation. Since the consumption of antibiotics, improper food intake, and restriction in physical movements may increase the risk of constipation.
Other things to keep in the loop are:
The patient must have a good quantity of green leafy vegetables and fruits in her diet.
How much rest do the patients need?
The definition of rest depends on what type of surgery the patient had. Usually, nowadays, doctors perform these surgeries by laparoscopy. So it doesn’t need many days of rest, but you would need more time to heal if you have had open stomach surgery and have stitches. So we recommend having some rest in it.
Can the patient walk? (Hysterectomy Side Effects)
Some light walking routines at home and little exercise help uplift the mood. It reduces the risk of blood clotting in veins, often called deep vein thrombosis. Apart from this, a fundamental question patients ask is:
Can the patient climb stairs after a Hysterectomy? (Hysterectomy side effects)
You can easily take the stairs at home. Initially, you may feel that you are taking the slope, but everything will be regular with the recovery. A similar thing is with walking. Initially, we need to start walking for 5-10 minutes, and as we start increasing the time of strolling after six weeks, we can walk as per our usual routine of 30 minutes. Another essential thing we need to keep in mind after a hysterectomy is that we should not lift heavy objects for at least one-half months or six weeks.
Physical relationship after surgery? (Hysterectomy Side Effects)
One needs to abstain from any physical relationship. For example, after removing stitches, one must take calcium supplements because during Hysterectomy, whether they have kept the ovaries inside or removed, there is a decrease in the estrogen level.There are not many depositions in bones, so we must take calcium supplements.
Bottom line
Apart from that, I would like to give small tips that when you plan this surgery, you must arrange some help beforehand like for the kitchen or your care after surgery. So that later you will not have unnecessary stress about all these things. So we need to take care of these things after surgery.