Endometrium Thickness In Pregnancy | Symptoms | Treatment | अन्तःगर्भाशय | कारण, लक्षण और उपचार

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  • 8 months from now
Dr. Heena Chawla

Endometrium Thickness In Pregnancy : Causes, symptoms, and treatment 

Endometrium thickness in pregnancy, In this video, our SimpliHealth expert Dr. Heena Chawla, Consultant Gynaecologist at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Hospital at Sector 8 Chandigarh, is talking about endometriosis, its diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment. 

What is Endometriosis(Endometrium Thickness In Pregnancy)?

The endometrium is the innermost lining of the uterus. Endometrium thickness in pregnancy, This condition is called endometriosis when endometrial implants outside the uterus and start growing. Usually, during periods, the thick endometrial lining sheds off. But if the endometrial lining starts growing outside the uterus on a nearby organ, it doesn’t get any outlet. Due to this, the lining didn’t shed properly. Consequently, it causes pain, inflammation, and swelling. In addition, there is the formation of adhesion.

Causes of endometriosis:

The most common cause of endometriosis is retrograde blood flow (flow backward). The blood flow collects in the tubes or pools down in the ovaries. When it pools in the ovaries, it leads to the formation of an ovarian cyst. Sometimes the color of blood turns into a chocolate cyst. In a few cases, we see bluish-colored patches in the abdominal cavity. 

Symptoms of endometriosis

Painful periods (Endometrium Thickness In Pregnancy)

The most common symptom of a chocolate cyst or endometriosis is painful periods. As a result, it leads to severe dysmenorrhea or pain during periods.


Patients may feel pelvic pressure with a bloating sensation. However, few may have severe pain while passing urine and excreting out. 


Adhesion ruptures the relationship between ovaries and fallopian tubes. After eggs are released, it fails to reach the tubes. The second most crucial thing during endometriosis is that the egg’s quality is disturbed compared to normal women.

How to diagnose this condition?

Doctors may take the history and keep the symptoms’ records for proper diagnosis. Through clinical study, doctors get a lot of information about the condition. For example, during the ultrasound, ovarian cysts are the most common finding of endometriosis. Doctors draw definitive diagnoses by laparoscopy. However, deep filtration of endometriosis can also be seen in MRI. 


The treatment of endometriosis dramatically depends upon the symptoms. If you only have pain, then doctors prescribe painkillers. In case of heavy bleeding, doctors may give medicines to control bleeding. If the patient isn’t getting help from other treatments, we use 21 or 24 days of contraceptive pills. Under adverse cases, doctors prescribe Gonadotropin GnRH analogs to suppress endometriosis. 

Hysterectomy: Yes or No

If the patient desires fertility, doctors only remove the ovarian cyst and restore the relationship between the tubes and ovaries to help the pregnancy. Also, doctors separate the adhesions and burn the endometrial patches. And if the patient doesn’t want to get pregnant or is overaged, doctors advise a hysterectomy or removal of the uterus. 

Bottom line:

If you have this endometriosis condition, don’t feel hurt; seek a doctor’s advice. Discuss with the doctor your symptoms and plans for pregnancy accordingly; the doctor can plan the treatment. 

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