Child Care in Winter Season | सर्दियों में बच्चों की देखभाल कैसे करें? | ठंड में बच्चों को कैसे बचाएं? | मेरे बच्चे को हमेशा सर्दी क्यों रहती है? | छोटे बच्चों को एलर्जी हो तो क्या करें?
- 949
- 2 years ago
Dr. Raman Abrol
Dr. Raman Abrol
Child Care in Winter Season | How can I prevent my child from getting a cold in the winter? | How do I keep my baby healthy in the winter? | What is best for a childs cold? | शिशुओं में एलर्जी कैसे विकसित होती है?
Child care in winter season, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol ENT institute and Research Centre discusses how to take care of children during winter. Children are at a vulnerable age. They can have a cold, flu, or cough.
All age groups are vulnerable to extreme cold, but young children are more susceptible to infection in harsh winters. These children commonly suffer from flu which has symptoms like nose blockage, cold, coughing, sneezing, watering eyes, losing breath, and coughing, especially while asleep. These are very common symptoms. In addition, these children are susceptible to being allergic, and its effect heightens during a cold. Due to this, there is an increase in the number of complications. As a result, these children may develop severe illnesses.
What are the few things we need to consider this winters for children?
Keep the children well covered and avoid sudden temperature changes like walking from a well-heated room to a non-heater room. These children must eat a nutritious diet and avoid junk food. Those with known allergies; must avoid and keep their children safe. Children who have dust, pollen, etc. allergies must use a mask. Children must avoid crowded places because many have viral infections and are suffering from fevers. These children are more vulnerable and susceptible, so they must avoid crowded places like malls, buses, and transport. The school, however, needs to go. If anyone has a viral infection at home, refrain from them so they don’t catch them. However, the children acquire colds as they don’t listen to their parents, walk or run barefoot, and consider wearing caps or hoodies their enemy. Few are even asthmatics, so one can give antiallergics onset of the season itself. It will keep their symptoms in check. Suppose the children suffer from systemic diseases like juvenile diabetes or infection. In that case, they are more vulnerable, and one must take extra care of them, avoid crowded spaces, and they must take a healthy and nutritious diet. In addition, these types of children must also stay physically active as it enhances immunity. Doctors usually prescribe inhalers for allergic children due to excessive coughing, especially at night. Those who have nasal blockage may opt for steaming. And those who have any other problems like coughing and pain must seek a doctor’s advice. Self-medication is not advisable with children because of their high chances of complications; often, small children who suffer from colds or cough flu might reach their ears.
Winter and ear infection in children.
Often doctors observe children wake up with extreme pain at midnight and visit the doctor for the same. These children generally suffer from the flu that doesn’t heal in 3-4 days but continues for 5-7 days. These children are more susceptible to ear infections, and it becomes necessary to give these children antibiotics. Failure to seek treatment may damage eardrums and cause watery discharge from the ears. Hence it is essential to meet a doctor or visit a hospital for treatment. All this discharge and perforation of the eardrums are curable as soon as the medicine starts working. Pneumonia is a very common condition in children. If colds and flu are not accurately treated among children, they develop pneumonia, high-grade fever, and further complications.
To conclude, those children who are susceptible and vulnerable must seek a doctor’s advice if any winter symptoms appear.
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