Adenotonsillitis | Swollen Tonsils बच्चों में सूजा हुआ टॉन्सिल का इलाज | What causes tonsils in children? | बच्चों के गले में टॉन्सिल हो जाए तो क्या करें?

  • 740
  • 3 years ago
Dr. Raman Abrol
ENT Specialist / otorhinolaryngology

Adenotonsillitis | Swollen Tonsils | टॉन्सिल को जड़ से खत्म कैसे करें? | टॉन्सिल बढ़ने के क्या कारण है? |
क्या बच्चे के बड़े टॉन्सिल होना सामान्य है?

In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol, Simplihealth expert and ENT specialist at Abrol Institute and Research Centre talk about Adenotonsillitis, swollen tonsils(टॉन्सिल) it’s common causes, and treatment. Adenotonsillitis is a common condition in children where the tonsils swell, adnoids grow in size, followed by nose blockage. Since it affects our children, it is more important to discuss it. Because of this condition, there is a waste of school time. In addition, it impacts children’s social life and poses a severe effect on growth. 

All these things cause adenoid tonsil infection in children, so it’s an important topic. 

Why is this more common in children?

Because the immunity power in children is not yet fully developed, from 3 to 10-12 years of age. The maximum infection occurs at the age of  5-8 years. All these children are still building their immunity. When they visit school, they suffer from frequent community infections and are more likely to have viral or bacterial infections than other children. 


Adenotonsillitis causes sore throats, fevers, frequent runny noses, and snoring. Children may lack sleep,  lack concentration or problems in studies, and may suffer from ear infections. Due to the large size of adenoids or tonsils, they suffer from frequent viral infections, affecting their school time. 

The frequency of frequent diseases in children is about 3 to 10 times in one year, which we must consider in the treatment. Suppose the child has such problems once or twice a year. In that case, we treat them medically; we give them an antibiotic course. Immunity boosters, and anti-allergic or nasal sprays are prescribed… To a large extent, the condition of such a child improves as time passes. But the children who have infections 5-7 times or every month, which we often see, cannot be treated with medicine only. They need some other way of treatment.

Causes of Adenotonsilitis 

Adenoid enlargement is an issue that should not be ignored. Adenoid enlargement occurs in children who have frequent allergies or viral infections. Adenoids are tissue present at the back of the nose, where it gives passage to the throat. There is an overgrowth of this tissue. However, a  bit of overgrowth is present in everyone, but in these children, it is enormous. Due to overgrowth,  their nose remains blocked, they snore at bedtime in particular, and nasal congestion, they cannot sleep correctly, hindering the child’s development. 

Also, we often see sleep apnea in these children. Due to inadequate sleep, their studies are affected, they lack concentration, and are behind in class. They develop ear infections. So the children of this category with persistent infection (5-7times in a year), hoarseness, fever, nasal congestion, complete blockage of the nose at night, loud snoring, and disturbed sleep–

There is the enlargement of adenoids in children with adenotonsillitis or chronic adenotonsillitis. We usually diagnose sleep apnea and tonsillitis. It is challenging to treat adenoids of grade three and four alone with the medicine.

Treatment of swollen tonsils (Adenotonsilitis )

Children with grade 3 or 4 tonsillitis need different treatments other than medicine. The essential diagnosis for this problem remains the clinical test. When we examine the children, we see inflammation in the enormous tonsils. They can be in grades 1- 4. In grade 4, they tend to touch each other. They become so big that there is no space left in between as they are touching each other. We usually see grade 3 or grade 4 tonsillitis in these children. On examination of the nose, adenoids are visible. To some extent, they are challenging to see in very young children, but they are easily visible in older children.

How is adenotonsilitis diagnosed? 

Otherwise, we can do an endoscopy or X-ray. X-ray lets us know the extent of blockage in the nasal canal, and there is no space for inhalation or swallowing food. It can also show intensity, i.e., the type of grade. Children with sleep apnea also have trouble sleeping and snoring and have more adenoids of level 3 or 4. Also, a complete blockage of a nasal canal can be confirmed by X-ray. 

There is no passage left for breathing; these children also have difficulty eating because of difficulty swallowing. They eat in tiny bits and take a lot of time to eat. They refuse to eat a lot of food, which affects their growth. We suggest surgery since no medicine can treat the enlarged tonsils with grade 4 or 3. Due to mechanical blockage, they are neither able to breathe nor able to eat correctly. Hence, surgery is much needed to open up this breathing passage. 

Now the question is, how do we do the surgery?

5 to 7 years from today, we perform without any instruments but with the help of cold equipment. By making an incision directly in it, accompanied by pain and blood, we suture the tonsils and later remove them. In the second therapy, we use cold instrument techniques. We insert a small cuvette inside the mouth to see all things on the screen. We remove adenoids under vision which improves the condition of the children.

Advanced endoscopic procedures 

But today, with the advent of new equipment, and endoscopic procedures, we insert an endoscope by a nose and melt the tonsils by observing them on screen with a laser. We use lasers for melting, and we can remove the whole tissue under sight.  Endoscopic procedures are bloodless procedures. This procedure is mainly known as plasma knife or laser therapy. Otherwise coblation is the most technically accurate word..

What is Coblation therapy? 

Coblation technology is used nowadays and is a bloodless procedure; children can go home in the evening and start drinking food in a few hours.   Abrol ENT Institute and Research Center is a premium tonsils care centre and we have had coblation technology for the last ten years. We can take good care of all adenotonsillitis patients. And we can treat them with coblation and endoscopic techniques.

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