Rubella Vaccine in Pregnancy: Is it Safe? | Rubella Symptoms in Pregnancy | What Will Happen if Rubella Igg is Positive in Pregnancy? | रूबेला वायरस से क्या होता है? | रूबेला टेस्ट प्रेगनेंसी में क्यों होता है? | प्रेगनेंसी में रूबेला वायरस क्या बच्चे पे असर करता है?

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  • 2 years ago
Dr. Rachna Abrol

Rubella Vaccine During Pregnancy: Is it Safe? | Rubella Symptoms in Pregnancy | What Will Happen if Rubella Igg is Positive in Pregnancy? | रूबेला वायरस से क्या होता है? | रूबेला टेस्ट प्रेगनेंसी में क्यों होता है? | प्रेगनेंसी में रूबेला वायरस क्या बच्चे पे असर करता है?

Rubella Vaccine in Pregnancy, In this video, Dr. Rachna Abrol, Consultant  Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, discusses the Rubella vaccine during pregnancy.

Rubella, or German measles, is an infectious viral disease with symptoms like sore throat, fever, and rashes. It’s a very mild condition for non pregnant females but if the pregnant lady acquires a Rubella infection, then it causes a direct effect on the baby. The baby may develop Rubella infection through the mother. This leads to the development of various problems in the babies, like congenital heart abnormalities, preterm birth, or stillbirth. In addition the baby develop cataract, deafness, mental retardation and bone alternations. Hence one must prevent  Rubella or German measles during pregnancy.

What can we do to prevent it?

Usually, at a younger age, all children are vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, which protects the body from Measles, mumps, and Rubella. But at childbearing age, the immunity towards Rubella reduces. This is why doctors run a few tests on the females who want to conceive, which tells about whether they have immunity against Rubella. If they lack Rubella immunity, then doctors advise them to take the Rubella vaccine. In addition, doctors  recommend they not get pregnant after one month of vaccination.

Rubella or German measles, a mild condition in non-pregnant ladies. However, it can become a serious problem in pregnant women. Hence, females of their childbearing age must know their immunity levels against Rubella; if they are not, they must take the Rubella vaccine. Rubella is very rare but if the unborn baby acquires it can be dangerous to the baby. Hence doctors don’t advise the vaccination when the lady is pregnant because even if the weakens form of virus can cause infection. And the pregnant lady may transfer infection to the baby risking his life.

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website.

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