Mouth Cancer Treatment & Symptoms | मुंह का कैंसर कैसे ठीक हो सकता है? | क्या मुंह के कैंसर का इलाज संभव है? | गुटखा खाने से मुंह में क्या होता है? | कैंसर के चेतावनी के संकेत?
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Dr. Raman Abrol
Dr. Raman Abrol
Mouth Cancer Treatment | Early Symptoms of Mouth Cancer | मुंह का कैंसर होने का मुख्य कारण क्या है? | मुंह के कैंसर की रोकथाम कैसे करें? | ओरल कैंसर टेस्ट? | मुंह के कैंसर का जल्दी पता कैसे लगाएं?
Mouth cancer treatment, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol ENT Institute and Research Centre discusses mouth cancer.
Mouth cancer is a severe and life-threatening disease. It usually effects young and middle age groups. The most crucial cause of mouth cancer is smoking, chewing tobacco, or pan masala. On various platforms, the side effects of tobacco and chewing gum are advertised. Consumption of tobacco or smoke for a longer duration tends to cause ulcer formation inside the mouth, and in the cheeks, especially in gums where teeth attach themselves. Gum slowly turns into ulcers that don’t heal. They eventually become nonhealing ulcers. As a result, these ulcers turn into mouth cancer.
Signs and symptoms of mouth cancer
Treating mouth cancer is very difficult, and sometimes doctors must cut mouthparts. And when they join, their faces appear a little different. There is a high risk of recurrent infection. Hence if someone is consuming tobacco and has ulcers that are not healing with time then most likely it can be mouth cancer. Mouth ulcers may take a longer time to heal like 10-15 days or sometimes even 30 days. One is having problems with water, spices, or masala. Then you must seek a doctor’s advice. In addition, bleeding or splashing of blood in spit with severe pain in teeth or cheeks are a few common indications of cancer. If one tooth is moving without any reason or there is a formation of wounds or bleeding in the teeth, then one must seek a doctor for advice. If cancer develops, and one is unaware of it, or not seeking treatment, it increases in size and eventually leads to other problems.
Treatment of mouth cancer
Treatment of mouth cancer is very difficult because of its spread. In severe cases, one might need a replacement of a new cheek or jaw, which is a lengthy procedure. The patient may get disabled, change in voice, change in food habits, and have difficulty chewing. Ultimately life is modified by a lot of very means. One needs to be vigilant and cautious of any non healing ulcer in the mouth or anywhere, If they are not healing with the routine medicines; then you must seek a doctor’s advice. For examination, the doctor may take a small piece from the ulcer, and plans further treatment. If you have problems, stop consuming tobacco and pan masala and quit smoking.
The third thing is that pan masala is harmful to health. One must stop having it. Prevention is better than cure. And if you will not take them, they won’t cause such problems. Next, not all doctors have cancer treatment. One needs to visit a cancer hospital and a cancer doctor. Because for Cancer treatment one needs a team of doctors like oncologists and radiologists available at Cancer hospitals only.
Always clear your doubts from the doctor.One must understand that life changes after cancer diagnosis. Life can be shorter, and change would occur. You must avoid consuming tobacco, pan masala and other related products. Even cigarette packets have a warning, and every platform, like tv and newspaper, about the signs. Mouth cancer is life-threatening and is challenging to treat. To care for yourself and your family, you must stop consuming cancer-causing agents. And if you develop mouth cancer, don’t take it to the last stage; seek treatment in whatever way possible.
To know more, watch the full video and visit our SimpliHealth website for more information.
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