Fetal Movements in Pregnancy | गर्भ में बच्चे का लात मारना मां को कब महसूस होता है?| What causes decrease in the fetal movements during pregnancy? | बेबी मूवमेंट कैसे फील होता है?

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  • 2 years ago
Dr. Rachna Abrol

Fetal Baby Movements in Pregnancy | गर्भ में बच्चे का लात मारना मां को कब महसूस होता है?| What causes decrease in the fetal movements during pregnancy? | बेबी मूवमेंट कैसे फील होता है?

Fetal Movements in Pregnancy,In this video, Dr. Rachna Abrol, Consultant Obstetrician and gynaecologist talks about reasons for decreased fetal movements in the pregnancy. 

When does the mother feel the baby’s movements? How much movement is normal?

A pregnant mother starts feeling the baby’s movements at around 16- 18 weeks  of pregnancy at about 4- 5 months. Few may feel a bit early, while others may feel late. Sometimes a pregnant lady doesn’t feel movements even after five months, but it is normal. The movements that occur slowly are felt more, and by 28 weeks, the movements are felt in small intervals. By 28 weeks, the movements aren’t felt regularly. In the eight months of pregnancy, the females feel maximum movements. And after the eighth month of pregnancy, doctors advise the pregnant mother to note their baby’s movements.

Why is it important to note baby movements?

By noting the baby’s movements, the mothers can note their child’s well-being. 

How much fetal movements is normal in pregnancy?

There are two ways to monitor the baby’s movements. One way is that the pregnant lady starts tracking the baby’s activities in the morning, and if the movement count is ten or more, then it is normal. The female may stop noting after 10. So if the lady has felt good ten movements in the span from morning to afternoon or in the morning only, then it is normal.

Another way is that after every meal, like breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the pregnant lady must lie down towards her left side and observe the movements. Within 1 hour, even 3-4 movements are normal. By the end of 8 months, the baby gets bigger in size, the head is fixed, then the baby’s movements decrease. But if the pregnant female feels significantly fewer movements or even lesser than before, then she should meet your doctor. Few movements indicate that either the baby is under stress or the amniotic fluid surrounding it reduces its concentration; hence, if you feel significantly low baby movements, you visit your doctor.

Does less baby movement be a sign of the onset of labor?

No, it’s not like that. 

So these are a few tips about how to note baby movements and how the pregnant lady can analyse her baby’s well being.

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website.

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