Breach Baby Position | Baby’s Position in Mothers Womb | Risks of Breech Delivery | What is a Breech presentation in Pregnancy? | Is Breech Baby Boy or Girl? | What Causes a Baby to be in Breech Position? | अगर आपका बच्चा ब्रीच पोजीशन में है तो क्या होगा? |बच्चा उल्टा हो तो कैसे सोना चाहिए?

  • 262
  • 2 years ago
Dr. Rachna Abrol

Breech Baby Position | Baby’s Position in Mothers Womb | Risks of Breech Delivery | What is a Breech presentation in Pregnancy? | Is Breech Baby Boy or Girl? | What Causes a Baby to be in Breech Position? | अगर आपका बच्चा ब्रीच पोजीशन में है तो क्या होगा? |बच्चा उल्टा हो तो कैसे सोना चाहिए?

Breech baby position, In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Rachna Abrol, Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, is talking about breech position in pregnancy, and also answers questiosn like: 

  • What position should the pregnant lady sit in or sleep in? 
  • Should a pregnant lady go for walks? 
  • Does sitting in a  certain position makes the baby turn its position? 

Normally the baby’s position during pregnancy is head down and feet and butt upwards. But when this presentation is revered, i.e., the buttocks and feet are below, it is a breech presentation.   

Breech presentation can be seen in 3-4% of pregnancies


Is breech presentation normal? What causes breech presentation? 

Most of the time, there is no particular reason for the baby to be upside-down.


Placenta previa 

Placenta previa can be one cause, it is when the placenta is at the bottom, and the space is small in the lower part of the uterus. This could increase the chances of having a breech. 


Uterus abnormality 

Uterus abnormality or malformation can also contribute to the breech presentation.


Amniotic fluid quantity 

An increase in the quantity of amniotic fluid (the liquid surrounding the baby) can also cause breech presentation.


Can the position of the breech baby be corrected? 

The baby’s position in the womb can change up to 28 weeks, i.e., 8 months since there is ample space for the baby to move about.

The baby’s size around 37-38 weeks is grown, the quantity of the liquid around is less, and the head is fixed. All this makes it difficult for the baby to change its position on it’s own. 


What position should the pregnant lady sit in or sleep in? Should a pregnant lady go for walks? Does sitting in a  certain position makes the baby turn its position? 

It is not proven that sitting in a certain position can correct the breech.

In some conditions, in the 37-38th week of pregnancy, the doctors, externally with ultrasound guidance, try to change the position of the baby. This is called the external cephalic version, or ECV. But even this is not successful in all the cases. 


Can a breech baby have a normal delivery? 

In cases where the size of the baby is small and the mothers pelvic is roomy, then there are chances of normal delivery. But if the baby’s size is bigger and there is not much room in the pelvis, then it is not safe for the mother and the baby to have a normal delivery. In this case, cesarian is a safer option. 


Myth: The breech baby is always a baby girl. 

This is nothing but a myth that a breech presentation will always be a baby girl. 


These were the queries I answered about the breech presentation. If you have any other questions, please visit my clinic. I am Dr. Rachna Abrol, Obstetrician and Gynecologist.

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