Back Pain After Pregnancy | What leads to backache after delivery? | ऑपरेशन के बाद कमर में दर्द क्यों होता है? | कमर या पीठ दर्द का इलाज | क्यों होता प्रेगनेंसी के बाद होता है कमर में दर्द | सिजेरियन डिलीवरी के बाद कमर में दर्द क्यों होता है?

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  • 1 year ago
Dr. Rachna Abrol

Back Pain After Pregnancy | What leads to backache after delivery? | ऑपरेशन के बाद कमर में दर्द क्यों होता है? | कमर या पीठ दर्द का इलाज | क्यों होता प्रेगनेंसी के बाद होता है कमर में दर्द | सिजेरियन डिलीवरी के बाद कमर में दर्द क्यों होता है?| Back ache after delivery : Tips to relief 

Back pain after delivery, In this video, Dr Rachna Abrol, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist talks about Backache after delivery. 

Backache is a very common symptom after delivery, irrespective of the mode of delivery, whether it’s normal or caesarean. Mothers often complain about back pain after delivery, and they want to know the reason and how they can manage it.

What causes back ache?

During pregnancy, the body releases the relaxin hormone.. Its main purpose is to relax the body’s ligaments and muscles. It is one of the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. As a result, when the ligament and muscles are relaxed, the mother’s body is ready for delivery. But after the delivery, mothers often feel stiffness in the ligaments, essentially in the back. One of the major reasons for backache  is the postpartum in the hormonal changes that occur before and after the delivery. 

How does incorrect back posture cause back ache after delivery?

Another reason for Backache after delivery is incorrect posture. It occurs especially during breastfeeding. Mothers cannot keep track of their posture; they bend their backs very often. Doctors explain this to new mothers that they should maintain their posture after delivery, and keep their back straight during breastfeeding. In addition they should not bend but rather support the back. They can keep a pillow below the baby to give it some height so that they don’t have to bend during breastfeeding. Hence correct posture reduces and prevents Backache. This was one of the important reasons that caused Backache. Another reason is a deficiency of calcium postpartum. Breastfeeding mothers have more calcium requirements; hence, they must continue their supplements after delivery to ensure calcium requirements in the body. Preventing calcium deficiency may prevent Backache.

How can we manage the back ache after delivery ? 

Maintaining a correct posture helps a lot. In addition, back-strengthening exercises,under supervision, helps a lot to prevent postpartum aches. Another important thing during proper posture is one need not bend their back. If you need to pick something from the ground, sit and pick it rather than bend your back. In addition, one must take their supplements regularly. 

For more information, visit SimpliHealth.

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