Symptoms of Anovulation | एनोव्यूलेशन के लक्षण | Anovulation Bleeding | महिलाओं में अंडा नहीं बनने का क्या कारण है? | एनोव्यूलेशन के लक्षण, कारण और उपचार?

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  • 4 months from now
Dr. Heena Chawla

Symptoms of Anovulation | Signs of Anovulatory Bleeding | Anovulation bleeding | महिलाओं में अंडा कब फूटता है? | पीरियड के बाद अंडा कब निकलता है

Symptoms of ovulation (ओवुलेशन होने के लक्षण), In this video, SimpliHealth expert, Dr. Heena Chawla , Consultant Gynecologist at Apollo Clinic and CHD City Hospital, Chandigarh, is talking about Anovulation, ओवुलेशन होने के लक्षण and the causes of ovulation failure. 

What it is Anovulation?

Anovulation is a condition when ovulation does not take place. Symptoms of Ovulation (ओवुलेशन होने के लक्षण) During the normal process, inside our brain is the hypothalamus which secretes Gonadotropin-releasing hormones. These hormones act on the pituitary gland and release other such hormones responsible for the formation of follicles during the first ten days of the cycle after menses inside the ovaries. Then after some time, these follicles mature. 

Later,  after maturation, one follicle matures, and in the later stages, the egg ruptures. This process is called ovulation. Before ovulation, the secretion of luteinizing hormone increases significantly, leading to ovulation. After ovulation, there is an increase in progesterone concentration in the body. If by any means this process of ovulation is hampered. 

Reasons associated with Anovulation

There can be many reasons associated with this. There can be problems in the pituitary gland, some issues related to the hypothalamus, or an imbalance of hormones. All these hormones present in the body, like thyroid hormone, prolactin hormone, FSH hormone luteinizing hormone, are interrelated. If there is an imbalance in these hormones, like the pituitary gland dysfunction, then there is a delay of cycles, or the cycle is irregular or happens for fewer days. 

When there is a complete failure of the pituitary gland, like in some cases, the menstrual cycle does not occur, or they start and eventually stop after six months; we call this secondary amenorrhea. Ovulation failure is very common in these patients.

Symptoms Of Ovulation Failure

The patient often visits OPD with two main symptoms of ovulation failure. 

Irregular periods Symptoms of Ovulation (ओवुलेशन होने के लक्षण)

The first is irregular periods that we recently talked about, and the second is they come with infertility. Infertility means they are unable to conceive. Often patients come to the OPD and tell that they have been trying for an extended period, but they cannot conceive. So this state is a chronic anovulation phase in which ovulation is not occurring. 

Usually, we see that two or three cycles of ovulation are not happening in one year, and it may start again. So we call this condition an irregular cycle. But if there is chronic anovulation or completely no ovulation, this becomes one of the causes of infertility. 


Apart from hormonal imbalance, PCOD is a condition in which anovulation is very common. In PCOD, there is weight gain, facial hair, especially hair close to the jawline, onset of face acne, and an irregularity in periods. 


Apart from this, if you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, the quality of the egg deteriorates to a greater extent, and there is a complete disturbance in the ovulation pattern. 

Other Factors 

In some cases, excessive exercise may also disturb the pattern of ovulation. Secondly, if you are overweight, obesity, we say, is one of the most common factors in disturbing the process of ovulation. 

How Do You Determine The Ovulation Time? | Symptoms of Anovulation 

Now, how do we know that ovulation is about to happen? First, the body gives certain signs before ovulation. 

Body Temperature 

If we can monitor them clearly, then we can deduce whether the ovulation is about to occur or not. For this, we can measure the basal body temperature. Usually, there is a slight increase in body temperature during ovulation. But we need to measure it at the same time of the day and on an empty stomach. Because consumption of fruits or anything hot or cold or doing heavy exercise can alter the body temperature. 

Cervical Mucus 

The second thing is cervical mucus. During ovulation, the cervical mucus or vaginal discharge becomes sticky, transparent, and visualized just like a wire; if we note this type of discharge, we can predict the time of ovulation, or it will not happen. Apart from this, LH surge detection kits are available in the market. Using these kits, we can determine the time of ovulation, like when there is a rise in the luteinizing hormone inside the body. So these kits can detect the surge of the luteinizing hormone. But until and unless we confirm that ovulation has occurred. We can’t surely say that the ovulation process has happened or not.

Ultrasound Follicle Monitoring

There is another method known as ultrasound follicle monitoring, in which we continuously monitor the follicles to determine whether the ovulation has happened or not. The incidence of anovulation is about 30%. If I say 30% of body cycles are anovulatory and are the main reason for infertility. For their treatment, we have medicines that induce ovulation. 

Causes Of Ovulation Failure

Sometimes we see patients taking contraceptive pills for a longer duration or those who are taking 21or 24 days pills. So the condition of anovulation is also very common among them. Because the mechanism of these medicines is to suppress the ovulation cycle. 

If you have any of these problems, or if we could do regular exercise or reduce stress. And those who are overweight should reduce their weight. Those who perform heavy workouts should ease out their exercises and do them in ample time. 

And if you are unable to conceive, then you must consult your doctor. And must take medicines for anovulatory cycles. 

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