Tips for Normal Delivery After Cesarean | सिजेरियन ऑपरेशन के बाद नॉर्मल डिलीवरी? | सी सेक्शन के बाद नॉर्मल डिलीवरी के लिए कितना गैप चाहिए? | कौन सी डिलीवरी बेस्ट नॉर्मल या सी सेक्शन है? | औरत को कितने सिजेरियन हो सकते हैं? | सी सेक्शन के बाद नॉर्मल डिलीवरी का खतरा क्या है?

  • 32.92K
  • 2 years ago
Dr. Rachna Abrol

Tips for Normal Delivery After Cesarean | Is it Possible to have Normal Delivery After C-Section ?

Tips for normal delivery after cesarean, In this video, Dr. Rachna Abrol, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist discusses the possibility of normal delivery after a C-section. 

There is the possibility of normal delivery after C- section delivery. And doctors recommend it under certain conditions. Doctors recommend a gap of 2 years after C-section  if they wish to have the next normal delivery. But if the duration is less, then most likely, the incision doctors give in the uterus is not healed completely. Further, there is a high chance of uterus rupturing during labor. Hence if the second pregnancy is early after the C-section, then doctors need to do second delivery through C-section as well.

A few conditions are an absolute indication of C-section delivery, like a contracted pelvis. In this, the birth canal is very short, which makes normal delivery impossible. So under the situation, doctors  also need to opt for Caesarean delivery for the second time. If the lady has two prior Caesarean, then also doctors need to opt for Cesarean for the third time because there is a high chance of rupturing a cut made in the uterus during previous deliveries. And it is risky for both mother and baby; hence the consulting gynaecologist needs a third delivery also by caesarean after two caesarean operations. And during the third caesarean operation, the doctor advises family planning procedures because it gets risky for the mother. 

What can we do to increase the chances of normal delivery after C-section delivery?

Doctors recommend avoiding excessive weight gain and staying active to increase the chances of normal delivery. It is beneficial to both mother and baby. Irrespective of the mode of delivery, normal delivery, and C-section, the prime aim is to deliver a healthy mother and child. Have a safe and healthy pregnancy. For more information visit SimpliHealth website.

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