Ovulation Bleeding Symptoms | कैसे पता करे आपको ओवुलेशन हो रहा है?

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  • 3 years ago
Dr. Heena Chawla

Ovulation Bleeding Symptoms: कैसे पता करे आपको ओवुलेशन हो रहा है?

, In this video SimpliHealth expert gynecologists  Dr. Heena Chawla is talking about ovulation bleeding symptoms and also she will answer some important questions that people usually ask like:

  • Is bleeding even after the 7 days cycle normal? 
  • Do I need any treatment for this? 
  • Bleeding after periods end. 
  • Ovulation bleeding vs Implantation bleeding

The bleeding we are talking about here is called ovulation bleeding. It is the bleeding that happens during ovulation. 

What is Ovulation?/क्या होता है ओवुलेशन?

On the 12th or 14th day of the period, one follicle grows big. When this follicle matures, it gets ruptured and releases eggs. This process is called ovulation. 

Mild bleeding or spotting is seen during ovulation. This is only seen in 5% of the females. 3-5 women in 100 experience this bleeding. This bleeding is light pink in color, as it is mixed with the cervical discharge. 

Why does this happen?/कब होता है ओवुलेशन?

  • This bleeding happens when the estrogen levels in our body decrease.
  • Women who take oral contraception can experience bleeding, as these pills affect the hormones. 

When the estrogen levels in the body drop, we call it breakthrough bleeding. This bleeding is for the first 2-3 months when we start the OC pills. And then later, this problem settles down. It happens mid-cycle. It gets better on its own. No special treatment is required. 

Ovulation Symptoms: How would we know that the bleeding is ovulation bleeding?

Our body shows signs and symptoms that indicate the start of the ovulation cycle. The body’s basal temperature rises. Transparent sticky vaginal discharge is seen. Some women may also experience abdominal pain and breast tenderness. The level of luteinizing hormone or the LH also elevates. This can be tested with the test kits available in the market. A few women also experience bloating during this time. If you note all these changes and signs then you might be able to know your ovulation period. 

Ovulation bleeding vs Implantation bleeding

It happens mid-cycle. Implantation bleeding is very different. There is a notable difference between the two. Implantation bleeding happens 6-7 days after ovulation. This bleeding would be seen after 20-22 days after the start of the cycle or 6-7 days before the next cycle starts. Implantation bleeding is thought to happen when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus lining. The embryo creates a hole where it attaches itself, which may cause bleeding. 

One very simple way is to differentiate between ovulation bleeding and implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding would happen before the start of the cycle.

  1. It would happen mid-cycle. 
  2. It has a pinkish discharge. And implantation bleeding has a little brownish discharge. 
  3. If you take a pregnancy test after the implantation bleeding, it would be positive. 

There is no treatment required in any of these bleedings. In implantation bleeding, we see other signs of pregnancy as well, like nausea, bloating, vomiting, light abdominal pain. 

You should not panic during these bleedings. Instead, visit your gynecologist and consult them about this bleeding and also how to further manage this pregnancy. 

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