Early Pregnancy Miscarriage | Early Miscarriage Symptoms | पहले महीने में गर्भपात के लक्षण | प्रेगनेंसी में मिसकैरेज कैसे होता है? | पहले महीने में गर्भपात के लक्षण | कैसे पता करें कि मिसकैरेज हो गया है?
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Dr. Rachna Abrol
Dr. Rachna Abrol
Early Pregnancy Miscarriage | Early Miscarriage Symptoms | पहले महीने में गर्भपात के लक्षण | प्रेगनेंसी में मिसकैरेज कैसे होता है? | पहले महीने में गर्भपात के लक्षण | कैसे पता करें कि मिसकैरेज हो गया है?| Signs of Early Pregnancy Miscarriage
In this video, Dr Rachna Abrol, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist discusses about conditions under which a pregnant females can undergoes early pregnancy miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.
What is Miscarriage ?
When the miscarriage occurs spontaneously in the first three months or up to 13 weeks, this state is called Early pregnancy miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. It is uncommon; 1 in 10 pregnancies ends in Early pregnancy abortion.
What are the symptoms of pregnancy miscarriage or spontaneous abortion?
Any pregnant woman who has missed her period and the pregnancy test is positive has bleeding, the most common symptom of pregnancy loss or miscarriage. Bleeding can occur in the form of spotting or heavy bleeding, or clots. In addition, bleeding may be accompanied by cramps, like in periods. So these are the common symptoms of pregnancy loss that indicate abortion.
Can spotting occur in a normal pregnancy?
Often spotting may occur in normal pregnancy, but if you have spot or bleeding after confirmation of pregnancy, then at least for once, you must consult your doctor to ensure that everything is normal or if there is any complication in the baby that might cause abortion in later stages.
What causes early pregnancy miscarriage?
Usually early pregnancy miscarriage that occurs in the first three months usually occurs if the foetus formation is improper or not normal. There can be chromosomal abnormalities. So this is one of the common causes of early pregnancy miscarriage. Can any physical activity, stress, or eatables lead to abortion? Studies indicate that a mother’s actions do not cause abortion. It is not the mother’s fault. It is a random event, and one can’t exactly determine its causes, but the most important thing is that it is not the mother’s fault for early pregnancy abortion. After the abortion, there are high chances of normal delivery or babies. So it’s not like that if the female has once suffered from early pregnancy loss, she will face this problem every time. If the lady has started bleeding with cramps, she should immediately consult their doctor. They would do some tests and ultrasounds and accordingly manage the condition. In some cases, spontaneously complete abortion occurs, and some require medicine or D&C, but all this is decided by the doctor considering the patient’s condition. So these are a few measures through which doctors manage early pregnancy miscarriage.
When to plan the next pregnancy?
Normal periods start from the very next cycle; ovulation also begins normally. If considering the mother’s emotional and physical well-being, doctors recommend waiting 3-4 months and planning the pregnancy afterwards. So this was some useful information about early pregnancy miscarriage
For more information, visit SimpliHealth website.

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