Chronic Sinusitis Treatment | Acute Sinusitis Treatment & Its Types | क्रॉनिक साइन संक्रमण के लक्षण? | साइनस का परमानेंट इलाज
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Dr. Raman Abrol
Dr. Raman Abrol
Chronic Sinusitis Treatment | Acute Sinusitis Treatment | आपको कैसे पता चलेगा कि आपको क्रॉनिक साइनस इन्फेक्शन है? | क्या साइनस गंभीर बीमारी है?
Chronic Sinusitis Treatment, Dr. Raman Abrol, a senior ENT specialist at Abrol ENT institute and research center Sinusitis surgery. Which, being an ENT surgeon is the specialty of Dr. Abrol. Sinusitis can be divided into two parts, one is acute sinusitis, and the other is chronic sinusitis.
Acute Sinusitis
These are seasonal, viral infections. The patient may fall sick and experience a blocked nose, fever, and cold during changing seasons. However, it is usually a self-limiting disease. And can be treated with commonly prescribed medication. Another category that comes under acute sinusitis is called Allergic rhinitis. People get infected with this during the changing seasons, primarily by pollens. The patient may experience watery eyes and excessive sneezing. This too can be treated easily with medications.
Chronic Sinusitis
This is a severe problem and lasts for a long duration of time. The patients come complaining about various things. But the most common one is nasal drip. In this, the patient experiences the mucus dripping down his throat from his nose. Headache, nasal discharge, blocked nose, facial pain, fever (occasionally), postnasal drip; are all the symptoms that the patient with chronic sinusitis would experience. Few patients also complain about a particular type of smell.
Chronic sinusitis is taken seriously, and the patient does this through serious examination. Endoscopy is necessary for the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis. The nostril is reddish, it has a lot of mucus and is very congested, the sinus opening would be blocked all these could be seen during an endoscopy if the person has chronic sinusitis. The patient may also be suffering from polyps disease, where the nostrils are swollen. ..
How is sinusitis treated?
Chronic sinusitis requires prolonged medication. The patients have been prescribed steroids, anti-allergist, anti-biotics, nasal douching, nasal sprays. The patient is required to get a CT scan done. With the help of a CT scan, the doctor is able to diagnose the severity of the sinusitis, he can also detect which sinus is giving trouble and also deduce the time of recovery. 50% of chronic sinusitis patients get better with the help of medications and the other 50% require Endoscopic sinus surgery. Abrol ENT Institute & Research Centre is a prime place to get your sinus surgery done. We have all the modern equipment and the knowledge and expertise to perform successful Endoscopic sinus surgery.
What is Endoscopic sinus surgery?
In Endoscopic sinus surgery, with the help of a telescope, the sinus is located and opened. With the help of a camera and a viewing screen, the normal sinus opening is located and operationally opened and the blockages are widened. This way the air ventilates through the entire area and the disease process is rectified. Sinus surgery has become a revolutionary surgery in the last 10-15 years and is performed all over the world. The cases of chronic sinusitis conditions have also improved due to this worldwide accepted surgery.
Sinusitis Aftercare | Chronic Sinusitis Treatment
The patient can immediately go home after the 2 hours of the surgery. After the surgery the patient has to take care of the nose by practicing nasal douching, using nasal sprays, saline wash, etc. The results of these sinus surgeries are very satisfactory. The problems caused due to blockage are completely dealt with.
Sinusitis Complications
The only people that don’t respond well to the surgery or the ones who get recurrent problems are the allergy pods. Patients with fungal infections, allergies, or polyps require regular follow-ups and regular medications despite the surgery. The patient with such a condition is informed and consulted about the condition prior to the surgery.
I hope now you have a clear idea about sinus surgery.
Thank you very much.
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