Pollen Allergy(पोलन एलर्जी ) क्या है | पराग या पोलन एलर्जी: कारण, लक्षण और उपचार | What are Symptoms of Pollen Allergy? How do You Stop Pollen Allergies? | आप पराग एलर्जी को कैसे रोकते हैं? Is Pollen Allergy Harmful?
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- 2 years ago
Dr. Raman Abrol
Dr. Raman Abrol
Pollen Allergy(पोलन एलर्जी ) क्या है | पराग या पोलन एलर्जी: कारण, लक्षण और उपचार | What are Symptoms of Pollen Allergy? How do You Stop Pollen Allergies? | आप पराग एलर्जी को कैसे रोकते हैं? Is Pollen Allergy Harmful?
pollen allergy, In this video, Dr. Raman Abrol from Abrol ENT Institute and Research centre discusses Pollen allergies.
As you know, this season has a high pollen count in the air from Feb- April. The pollen is present in very high quantities, especially grass pollen, many types of tree and flower pollen, and dust from harvest. In this season, it is very common to develop allergic symptoms. Those who are allergic face the worst, especially asthmatic people or those who suffer from nasal allergies suffer from diseases quite a lot.
Common symptoms of pollen allergy
The most common symptoms often faced by people this season are outdoor allergy, outdoor sneezing and outdoor watering. As soon as they step outside, they start sneezing, watery nose and congestion with cough, and difficulty breathing, especially if they are moving towards more greenery or in the area of dense trees. They may have breathing problems. These patients come under seasonal worsening, especially when the pollen count is high. They develop these symptoms, and in between, they feel fine. These patients think they are quite incapacitated this season and have a loss of work hours. They feel ill and suffer from sore throats, burning eyes, and allergic conjunctivitis. So all these allergies are caused by the pollen.
Does treatment vary for the types of pollen?
It is not fixed which type of pollen is causing allergy in a particular individual, but doctors can do allergy tests and find out which kind of pollen is causing more trouble. The good thing is that irrespective of the type of pollen allergy, the treatment is the same for all, and all respond well to the treatment. In therapy, doctors prescribe antihistamines maximum and one or two doses daily. Some patients require nasal sprays, inhalers, and Nebulizers, especially in children. These treatments must be done during the season because the need for medicine reduces after the season or when the pollen count is less, and they feel better with available treatment.
How complicated is pollen allergy in Asthmatic patients ?
Few patients, like asthmatic patients, may get further complicated; their asthma may worsen and need hospitalisation. Old patients with low immunity may develop infection and hence require hospitalisation. But it is controlled with long term treatment, but, eventually, they heal. To prevent this, one needs to take an allergy test so that one knows which allergy causes this reaction. In addition Doctors can ask to remove the source of particular pollen causing allergy from the patient’s environment and then only we can think of prevention.
For more information, visit SimpliHealth website.

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