Noise Induced Hearing Loss | बहरापन का कारण | Noise Induced Hearing Loss Audiogram | Can loud noise cause deafness? Can this Hearing loss be treated? What is noise induced hearing loss?

  • 535
  • 2 years ago
Dr. Raman Abrol
ENT Specialist / Otorhinolaryngology Abrol ent research center

Noise Induced Hearing Loss | बहरापन का कारण | Noise Induced Hearing Loss Audiogram | Can loud noise cause deafness? Can this Hearing loss be treated? What is noise induced hearing loss?

In this video, SimpliHealth expert Dr. Raman Abrol talks about noise induced hearing loss. He answers questions related to the treatment. 


What is noise induced hearing loss? 


The main cause of deafness or hearing loss is exposure to loud sounds/noise. This problem is majorly seen in people who are in sound-related professions like people who work at the studio, deejays, and people who work at the cinema/auditorium. It is also seen in people or teenagers who listen to loud music over headphones or earplugs. 


Hearing loss in these cases is called sound-induced hearing loss. One interesting thing about it is that it gradually increases. At the start,  the difference is only 1-2 frequencies, and then it goes up gradually. 


How is hearing loss diagnosed? 

Its diagnosis is not very simple. The patients in the early stages complain that there are certain sounds that they find difficult to hear. And also that they have difficulty understanding certain words. 

While diagnosis if you go through the history of the patient you will realise that loud noises/sounds usually sound these patients or have a high earphone usage. This is what is causing them hearing problems. 



Angiograms and hearing tests are important for these patients. The patient is made to listen to all the frequencies and the test is conducted. In the patient suffering from noise induced hearing loss it is seen that the 3,4 to 8 kHz frequencies are involved. 

Even high frequency sounds are included in the test and the patient cannot hear them, so it shows a dip in the curve in the audiometry test. Due to this dip at 4 or 8 kHz the patients have difficulty hearing these sounds. 


Risk Factors 

This problem is mostly seen in people in the music related profession, and also in people in the armed forces, or who work at the armoury, and even pilots and other people who work on ground with aircrafts. These people have difficulty hearing sounds which are 4-8 kHz at the early stage. And if they continue like this, the hearing gets even worse. 


Symptoms of noise induced hearing loss 

Overall the lower frequency hearing of the patient is intact. The patient faces no difficulty hearing the person sitting close to them. But they may face problems hearing sounds that come from far or have difficulty understanding certain words. 

A lot of patients complain about not being able to hear the doorbell or the phone ringing. All these problems are because the patient is unable to hear the high frequency sounds. 


Is noise induced hearing loss reversible? 

It is very important to know that noise induced deafness is a non-reversible problem. But if you go to a music concert and come back and experience discomfort in hearing then it is treatable or reversible since it is temporary. 

Damage caused by prolonged exposure to noise cannot be treated. Therefore it is recommended that people who work surrounded by loud noises, military people, gunners, etc. should always wear noise-cancelling ear muffs/defenders to protect their ears. 


Teenagers who listen to loud music over earphones are suggested to not do so, and reduce the exposure hours. Because this is an untreatable problem. If in future this problem persists and gets worse, then it is recommended to get a hearing aid. 

Bottom Line 

The take home lesson from this discussion on noise induced hearing loss is that one should use ear defenders when working with loud sounds. Reduce the earphones usage, do not listen to loud music for a long time. Avoid being on long and frequent long calls. 

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