Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Stye Treatment | How to Get Rid of a Stye Overnight? | What Causes Styes in adults? | Stye in Eye Treatment | आँख के अन्दर दाना होना | आँख में फुंसी क्यों होती है?

Stye: Causes and Treatment | How to Get Rid of a Stye Overnight | What Causes Styes in adults? | Stye in Eye Treatment | आँख के अन्दर दाना होना | आँख में फुंसी क्यों होती है?

Stye Treatment

In this video, Dr. Rajiv Mirchia from Mirchia’s laser eye clinic, a unit of Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital Chennai discusses common eye conditions: Stye, causes and its treatment. 

It is a common problem among children and adults. If your child is having a repeated stye infection which is just simply a boil anywhere on the body, one must visit a doctor for eye examination. Sometimes Refractive errors or less vision which require glasses, often lead to the recurrence of multiple styes in the eye


The common source of stye infection is the hair follicles and Streptococcus infections. Treatment is very, very simple. One should not touch the eye and hot eye fomentation helps in reducing the swelling. In a few cases, doctors may prescribe some local eye drops, or, any antibiotics for 2 to 3 days. It gets very painful because of the tight space in the eye, and the fluid collection leads to a lot of pain. Normally doctors can treat it with medicines and sometimes by drawing the fluid by pulling out the hair follicle.

Stye treatment:

The last resort Surgical removal of stye by incision. It is not needed normally but if there is formation of chalazion or if eye shuts down due to swelling, surgical incision is the most appropriate method. Doctors drain encapsulated pus with the incision. One must not panic and get a regular eye check-up from an eye specialist. The treatment of Stye is very easy without any consequences.

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Refractive Errors of Eye & Treatment | आंखों अपवर्तन दोष क्या है?, कारण लक्षण व उपचार? | What are four major types of refractive errors of the eye? | What is the most common refractive error?

Refractive Errors of Eye | What are different types of refractive error? | How is it corrected? | How serious is a refraction error?

 In this video, Dr. Rajeev Mirchia talks about the different types of refractive error (Refractive Errors of Eye) and it’s corrective surgery. 

What is a refractive error? | Refractive Errors of Eye

This condition is a refractive error when the person cannot see clearly without glasses and can see clearly with glasses. By Refractive error, we mean when there is some deficiency by virtue of which he is not clear with his distance, near, or intermediate vision. And once we correct that with glasses or artificial classes on top, he starts seeing clearly. 

Types of Refractive errors


Refractive errors are of different types, and out of all, the most prominent is myopia. By myopic, we mean that a patient is short-sighted. He can see near-sighted objects clearly but has an unclear distanced vision, or he cannot see things clearly that are far. 

Hyperopia | Refractive Errors of Eye

In hyperopia, patients are usually deficient in both distance and near vision. 


And the third error is Astigmatism. In Astigmatism, either the eyes or the cornea are not global. One axis is bigger than the other, and to compensate for the axis, one needs a small astigmatic number. 


The fourth thing is Presbyopia, when the patient has unclear vision or nearsightedness after age 40. So, various things are required, and one can rectify all of these things. 

The symptoms of refractive errors are unclear vision. To diagnose or if the person feels he has unclear vision, he should visit an ophthalmologist to get a vision check and see if he has any refractive errors. 

How to correct a refractive error? 

All the refractive errors can usually be rectified with proper classes at the appropriate time. 


Children often have myopic errors, but they do not complain or come to know till they go to school or teachers come back and inform the parents that their children can’t copy down from broad. So proper examination is a must. 

In myopic patients, the image so formed is focused in front of the retina rather than on the retina, which is a seeing portion of the eye. And for that reason, we need to give the patient minus glasses. 

By virtue of it, the image shift from front to either back or onto the retina, and the patient starts seeing clearly. 


In hyperopia, either the eyeball is small, and for that, they require a plus number to start seeing things.


In Astigmatism, it can be minus or plus on one axis, as on the other axis, it is usually normal. And they don’t require glasses, so the patient is either myopic or hyper with astigmatism myopic vision. 


So there are different types of combinations. And the last of all is Presbyopia, a normal aging process for all of us. And by the time you reach 40, you all require glasses. 

When do you need corrective glasses? 

If you are trying to stretch your arm to read, it indicates that you need a small number. The number usually starts with .5 diopters, which may increase to 2-3 diopters by the time you grow to 60 years of age from 40. 

It is a relatively easy and fixed rule that everyone will start at 40. Someone may begin at 42 or 45; it is an individual variation, but everyone will require glasses for near work after age 40. And usually, the number increases to 2.5 to 3 diopters by the time you reach 60-65. Unless you have a myopic number or any other number, usually this is the criteria they would start by 40 -45. 

All the refractive errors can be taken care of with the help of proper examination and glasses., There are various methods To get rid of refractive errors. As I said, the first simple way is to get artificial spectacles. The second is by the time the child is 18-17 years of age, the number and the growth are stable; you can think of getting a refractive error corrected by laser technology. 

Modern Surgeries to get rid of glasses 

There are different techniques today; they are very sophisticated, competent, and pain-free. It will not take more than 2-7 minutes, and the patient gets rid of glasses with either LASIK or a laser-like SMILE, a very advanced procedure. 

A healthy diet with lots of vitamin A and other substances like green leafy vegetables does help in the growth of the child and helps in check of their numbers. 

Thank you.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Retinal Detachment Symptoms, Causes & Treatment | रेटिना खराब होने के लक्षण? | क्या रेटिना का इलाज संभव है? | रेटिना डैमेज होने का क्या कारण है? | रेटिना की जांच कैसे की जाती है?

Retinal Detachment Symptoms | नजर कमजोर होने के क्या लक्षण है? | मुझे धुंधला क्यों दिख रहा है? | एक आंख से धुंधला दिखाई दे तो क्या करें? | रेटिना डिटेचमेंट सर्जरी?

Retinal detachment symptoms, In this video, Dr. Rajeev Mirchia talks about the causes and retinal detachment surgery. He also states रेटिना खराब होने के लक्षण. 

Retinal Detachment Causes 

It causes sudden vision loss. Normally detachments occur due to high biopic or myopic patients with a minus number of lenses or one with a big eye size more likely. Normally the chances of detachment are 1 in 10,000 population. And if it is seen in one eye and or it is there is a family, then there are chances of detachment of 1 in 10,000. 

Symptoms of Retinal Detachment रेटिना खराब होने के लक्षण

If you are looking in front, you may observe that you see through a muslin cloth, and secondly, you may see less from one side, or it starts appearing greyish from either side. So these are common symptoms, and you need to seek an ophthalmologist immediately. 

How is retinal detachment treated? 

During the initial stages, much of the treatment can occur by simple procedures like LASER treatment. And in addition, if we insert some gas with a laser, gas will also do its part in healing the retinal detachment. 

Otherwise, one needs surgery when the patient has developed holes in the retina or the later stages, or there is loss of vision to some extent. It’s surgery is very sophisticated; there is no need to worry until and unless you get treated by the doctor at the right time.

Types of Retinal Detachment | Retinal Detachment Symptoms

The detachment can be of two or three types. There are rhegmatogenous, tractional, and exudative. In this, we have, but the problem is when the retina gets weak, and there is a formation of holes in the retina or water is filled up, resulting in retinal detachment. 

Then to restore vision accurately, one needs to repair the detachment as early as possible. Lesser the time from it to reattachment of the retina, the better would be the results. 

How to Prevent Retinal Detachment?

To prevent retinal detachment, regular eye checkup is very important, and it is also essential that one spreads the eye pupil and examine the retina properly. It will ensure that there is no damage inside the eye. 

After proper examination, doctors may tell about weak areas in the retina, which may put the retina at risk of detachment, then doctors advise them for LASER treatment. And one shouldn’t ignore or avoid the suggestion. 

Never think that LASER can cause problems to the eye. Rather, this is a procedure that can save you from worse outcomes. LASER is just simple light that comes from a machine, and without even touching the eye, it works like a welding machine. It helps strengthen the weak areas, and it prevents this from those areas. 

So please stay healthy and go for regular eye checkups. And stay tension free.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Lasik Eye Surgery | क्या लसिक सर्जरी सफल है? | चश्मा उतारने के लिए ऑपरेशन | Specs Removal Surgery | ऑपरेशन के बाद कितने दिन ठीक होता है?

Lasik Eye Surgery | लेसिक सर्जरी कैसे की जाती है? | LASIK सर्जरी के बाद सावधानियों

Lasik Eye Surgery, In this video, SimpliHealth expert, Dr.Rajeev Mirchia, an eye specialist at Mirchai’s Laser Eye clinic, Chandigarh is talking about Lasik eye surgery (लेजर सर्जरी), which is also called specs removal surgery

He also discusses the procedure to remove power glasses: SMILE and Lasik eye surgery. 

Lasik Procedure: Results, Precautions, and Complications 

First, we will talk about the Lasik procedure, which people commonly know. Then, I will discuss the representation, consequences, results, precautions, and Lasik surgery complications.

Procedure | Lasik Eye Surgery

The Lasik eye procedure takes only 5 -7 minutes. This procedure is effortless and safe; we pick a layer of cornea out of total thickness. We use the laser on the cornea, which modifies the cornea’s curvature, resulting in the removal of the power of the lens. 

Precautions | Lasik Eye Surgery

The only precaution is not to get the eyes dirty or put splashes of water in the treated eye for the initial 3-4 weeks. For the first day, we request you to have a full day’s rest, and the next day you can do everything. There are no mobile, computer, kitchen household work, or bathing restrictions. Only we need to avoid constant rubbing and contact with water. With this procedure from day one itself, the vision becomes apparent even after one-hour post-operation. And most of the time, the picture is clear. 

Who needs LASIK?

Children might not require any lens power for a lifetime after Lasik surgery. However, after the age of 40, few may feel the need for reading glasses. 

SMILE surgery 

The second procedure is SMILE, where we don’t make an incision in the flap of the cornea by laser. Also, the laser we use is of supreme quality. It sculpts a tiny, computerized disk-shaped structure inside the cornea according to the power of the lens with the help of automated machines and prepares a little mark through which we remove this small disk, resulting in a flat cornea. 

Advantages of SMILE surgery 

SMILE led to an end to the need to wear power glasses. The main advantage of this procedure is that since we don’t make any incision to any flap, there is no risk of rubbing the eyes. Secondly, after removing power glasses, we can do anything from day one itself. However, we request that the patient not put water splashes inside the eye for 4-5 days post-operation. After that, healing is best and very quick, and from the very day of surgery, we can do our routine work. In this procedure, we don’t make an incision to a nerve or blood vessel, so the chance of dryness is significantly less. 

SMILE is one of the latest technologies, absolutely without incision, blade, or flap.

Thank you. 

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Cataract Eye Surgery & Recovery Time | मोतियाबिंद सर्जरी का इलाज? | How is the laser cataract surgery better? | मोतियाबिंद का कौन सा ऑपरेशन सबसे अच्छा है?

Cataract Eye Surgery & Recovery Time | मोतियाबिंद ऑपरेशन के बाद कितने दिन ठीक होता है? | ऑपरेशन के बाद क्या परहेज करना चाहिए? | मोतियाबिंद सर्जरी के बाद क्या प्रतिबंध है?

In this video, SimpliHealth expert, Dr.Rajeev Mirchia, eye specialist at Mirchai’s Laser Eye clinic, Chandigarh is talking about cataract surgery (मोतियाबिंद) and its complications. 

Cataract problems increase with advancing age. The actual God’s eye lens gets cloudy in this condition, just like frosting glasses. When an eye lens cannot reflect light, it causes blurry vision, or the incident light may produce glare which gives a blinding effect. Due to smaller pupils and cataract advancement, the patient starts losing sight. The cloudy lens is the first type of cataract. Cataract eye surgery & recovery time?

Advanced cataract surgery 

Nowadays, cataract operation can be performed at your convenience and takes significantly less time. Cataract surgery nowadays takes less than 10-15 minutes. In this procedure, we remove the cloudy lens and implant it with the artificial lens, called an intraocular lens. We don’t stitch or dress in this procedure, and we don’t require any abstinence. 

It is a painless procedure. We perform this surgery in drops, and the patient is free after 10-15 minutes. We must avoid splashes of water or any infection to the operated eye; however, we prescribe eye drops, and the patient heals fast. We can perform cataract surgery in two ways. One is Phacoemulsification which again is stitch less or otherwise we have a very advanced procedure, laser or flex surgery. To some, it is robotic surgery. Some call this robotic surgery. 

We achieve 90 percent of cataract healing through the touchless procedure. The laser melts the lens, and the liquefy makes the lens soft, and we remove the pieces and implant an artificial lens. With technological advancement, any lens is available. we need to make a port of 2.2-2.8mm to implant the artificial lens

Suitable lenses 

A few mini lenses require an incision of 1.2 to 1.8 mm with the help of a mini lens. We need to make a small port size which reduces the recovery time. And healing is much better. The third thing is that lenses can be unilocular, multifocal, or bifocal nowadays. Mini focal lenses improve farsightedness; however, we do require lenses for nearsighted lenses. 

The multifocal or bifocal lens gives almost near natural vision. We can’t mimic God-made eyes. It works for most people, and they are back to their routine. We require a small power lens in multifocal. Binocular, we must abstain from rubbing the eyes and splashing water. There are no precautions towards light intensity.

Benefits of a cataract surgery 

They may wear specs to avoid contact with dust in their eyes. We can do all our work without hesitation. Before surgery, we must consult our eye doctor for all these things; we must get our retina examined, consult our doctor about the suitable lens, and plan the surgery accordingly. These days this surgery has no connection with the weather. That was a complete myth that people used to avoid eye operations in the rainy or summer season. Still, I will advise you to consult your doctor to clear all your doubts before planning the surgery. 

Thank you.