Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Dentology

How can you keep your teeth clean? | Oral hygiene and dental care by Dr. Bimaldeep

How can you keep you teeth clean? | Oral hygiene and dental care by Dr. Bimaldeep 

In this video, Simplihealth expert, Dr. Bimal, Dental Consultant, Head of the Dental Department at Apollo clinic, Chandigarh I have expertise in Pediatric Dentistry and Cosmetic Dentistry. Today we will talk about your teeth and other oral hygiene measures. I will discuss this topic in three parts:

  • In the first part, we will focus on the oral hygiene of infants. 
  • In the second part, we will discuss oral measures needed for children in the age group 6-12.
  • The last part will be about children aged 12 years above and adults.

Oral hygiene in infants 

So let’s discuss part one, which is about infants and toddlers since a newborn baby is unaware of things like teeth. Oral hygiene of the children is the responsibility of parents. They need to either tell or teach their children that after every feed, especially after every feed, they should clean their gums so reflux should be formed in the child, as whenever he eats something, something goes inside his mouth and cleans it.

Since newborns do not have teeth, they must develop a mental or more appropriate neural reflex so that after each feed they are engaged in, something goes inside the mouth and cleans the gums. And this is primarily the responsibility of the parents, especially the lactating or feeding mothers. 

For this, you don’t have to do much like I have told you before. Take a muslin cloth, cut into three to four strips and boil it. Wrap the boiled muslin cloth on the finger and after every milk feed, clean their gums so that no food/milk particles adhere to the gums and will clean the bacteria if any are present. 

So in this way, we can take care of oral hygiene in infants. In addition, we can use some chemical aids such as Flouride drops. It’s nothing more like a chemical that acts on oral bacteria.

Oral measures needed for children in the age group 6-12

Then we come to children above six years as you must have observed that by the age of two to two and half years, every child has their milk teeth. During that period, parents must encourage their children to brush. We must make them brush twice a day. It should be done simultaneously on two teeth in a circular motion, five times clockwise and five times anti-clockwise from left to right and vice versa. 

In addition, we can rub their teeth with a fluoride drop solution readily available on the market. Then, the most critical age group is the age group of six-twelve years. By the age of six years, usually, children have their permanent first molar teeth. Their smiling or incisors teeth and lower incisors have erupted.

The children are in their mixed dentition period, in which they have few milk teeth and few permanent ones. So the parent needs to maintain and clean their teeth so that the children’s teeth are in good shape ahead of their life. So in this stage, we use toothpaste for children, which has 500 parts per million. I will repeat that 500 parts per million toothpaste are available in the market like Colgate or pepsodent, Chicco, ICPI, and many more. So whenever you buy toothpaste for the age group six-twelve years old, don’t buy an adult toothpaste; instead, select the one with 500 parts per million toothpaste. 

So how to use this type of toothpaste? 

The first thing is to use a junior brush with soft bristles and use paste equivalent to the size of a pea. Again we must brush in a circular motion from left to right extreme or vice versa. Similarly, do with the outer and inner side of teeth. Secondly, we can use pediatric mouthwash, which contains fluorides. And I will encourage you to add fluoride-based mouthwash to your children’s brushing regime. Finally, use fluoride-based toothpaste and mouthwash, let your child rinse with mouthwash at night, and avoid water so that the medicine effect lasts longer.

Oral measures for children above the age of 12 and adults 

By following the above measures, we can take care of the oral hygiene of the six-twelve  years of age group. But after the age of twelve years, as you must have seen, whenever we give any medicine to the children, we prefer liquid, whether it’s antibiotics or any pain killer, we prefer syrup as the concentration of medicine is less in syrup. But as the child grows, we start giving them tablets. Likewise, as the child develops, their requirements for toothpaste change. 

We use 1000 parts per million. We use 250 parts per million for infants and toddlers, followed by 500 parts per million for the age group of 6-12 years, and then we use 1000 parts per million for those above the age of 6 years. All the commercially available toothpaste have mentioned this in their ingredients. Irrespective of the brand of adult toothpaste, children in the age group above 12 years must use toothpaste with a fluoride content of 1000 parts per million.

Oral hygiene measures 

Children must brush before going to school. You may remove food particles by water rinse after lunch, but brushing should be the last thing at night before going to sleep. In addition, we do add mouthwash. I want to add a third thing which is dental Floss. It is nothing more than a wax thread that is either available in rolls or pre-cut strands or comes in a Y-shaped container. So these three things, especially at night; brush, mouthwash, and Floss, or brush, Floss, and mouthwash. 

You must follow this routine and must do Floss every night. In addition, and especially in children in this age group, we encourage them to brush in an up and down position so that if we are cleaning the upper layer of teeth by following up and down brushing, we are dragging food particles from up to bottom and vice versa in the lower set of teeth.

Likewise, we must similarly clean the innermost teeth. Keep in mind that we must clean their teeth carefully and efficiently. If we go by the book, the ideal time for cleaning teeth is 3-5 minutes. The children must brush for at least 3 minutes, especially at night. We must use Floss adequately. If we keep all these things in our minds, we can have as many sweets and fried food. Children may have anything like in a party they like to have coke. 

So if they take care of their teeth in the proper manner, they can have anything. So these are a few things that I would like you all to incorporate into your house to have a healthy smile for your children and trouble-free eating habits.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Dentology

Expert advice on dental care for baby. Learn from dental experts how to clean a baby’s gums.

Expert advice on dental care for baby. Learn from dental experts how to clean a baby’s gums.

In this video, Dr. Bimadeep Singh, Simplihealth expert and Senior consultant dental at Apollo Clinics, Chandigarh, explains, Dental care for baby or teeth, and how to take care of them through this video. First of all, let’s talk about the oral health of a mother or pregnant woman; 

Dental health and oral hygiene in pregnant women 

When a woman is pregnant there is an upheaval of hormones in their bodies; some hormones increase, and some decrease. Due to this, changes occur in the whole body, and changes occur in the mouth as well. And these changes keep taking place till the child is born. And the most hormonal imbalance is seen when women are in the third trimester, which we say is from 6 to 9 months, and at this time, we see that women come to us with pain in the teeth, bleeding gums when they brush. 

They also complain that their teeth are shaking. All these changes are the aftereffect of hormonal changes occurring inside your body. 

At the same time, bacteria in the mouth become more active at this time because the food also has some specificity. They eat sour or consume more sweets. And eat all the time, and they cannot do the cleaning of their teeth properly. So that’s why I will talk to you today, especially about pregnant women walking in the 6th to 9th month of the month. He should take proper care of his teeth and gums. 

What to do? or How to clean your baby’s gums

Try your best to clean them thoroughly. And after brushing, try to clean your mouth by adding salt to hot water. Rinsing the mouth with salt water help in cleaning the food which might stick to your teeth. Your teeth will be excellent after the baby is born. If you clean your gums with dental floss, it will benefit you a lot and not spoil your teeth. You won’t even have blood in your gums. And by brushing correctly and brushing on time, the health of your mouth will be excellent. Teeth and gums will be healthy.

Oral hygiene instructions for newborn babies 

Now let’s talk about the newborn baby. When the baby is very young, it is a few months old; he takes most of his mother’s milk. And his mouth keeps moving all the time. But this is a time when there is the formation of new tissues in the brain; then it has to be established that when he eats something after that something cleans his mouth from the inside.; this thing is very dependent on the mother. And let me tell you a very light and straightforward way to do it. 

What to use to clean the baby’s gums? 

Take a muslin cloth, take 3 to 4 long pieces, boil it and after feeding the children, wrap the muslin cloth on the finger and use the muslin cloth on the child’s gums. By doing the cleaning, the child will never forget that after eating anything, there is something that goes into my mouth and cleans my gums. And this habit of his becomes such that later you can turn it into brushing. If you have to brush three times a day, the child automatically understands. That’s something to do for your teeth. So you have to take great care of this thing. First, the newborn baby has gums on which teeth have not grown yet, has to be cleaned., And when its teeth start coming on the fourth month or six months, then you can clean it with a muslin cloth, especially at night time., when he sleeps after drinking mother’s milk. 

Changes to improve your baby’s oral health

Second, I will say that parents nowadays use a feeding bottle with a nipple in front, which is just a silicone nipple. I would encourage you to bottle feed your babies, not with a nipple, but with a sipper, so the milk doesn’t collect and go inside. If there is milk standing in the mouth of the child, then it will be that it will remain around the teeth. You will not be able to clean the baby’s teeth properly at night, and there will be cavity formation in the teeth. 

Avoid sweet to keep away dental cavity 

We have many children who have six missing front teeth. He says that it was fine at first, but it was over since it started giving bottle feed. The gap in teeth means nothing, but you have to change your technique. We also have the habit of sweets. And if we do not give them the habit of sweet and keep cleaning their teeth of the newborn baby and two and a half to 3 years till the child’s teeth are not coming, they will have no dental problems and have shining teeth., So there are some things that you can follow and take care of yourself and your young children.

Thank you

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Dentology

Depression and Dental diseases: Learn oral health hygiene and how to prevent tooth decay.

Depression and Dental diseases: Learn oral health hygiene and how to prevent tooth decay.

In this video, Dr. Bimadeep Singh, Simplihealth expert and Senior consultant dental at Apollo Clinics, Chandigarh, explains about Depression and Dental diseases. 

These days we see that people are doing stressful work, they do not have any particular time to come home, and when they come home, they come with much stress. Especially during the COVID times, we have seen that most people have become unemployed, and some have stressful jobs. 

How does stress affect our oral hygiene? What is dental anxiety? 

Stress affects their mental health to a great extent. With intense assignments, work pressures, and deadlines, people usually neglect their diet and oral hygiene. And unemployed people are already in the phase of depression. All these situations have now become a significant issue in life. People with such problems come to us with the following presentations.

Due to irregular brushing, I would say again that people who do not regularly brush their teeth can have gums and tooth decay. Often patients come to us with improper oral hygiene, and they do not brush for 2-3 days. However, we advise people to brush their teeth at least three times a day, and these patients do not brush for three consecutive days.

How to prevent bleeding gums and tooth decay? 

Often, patients complain of bleeding gums while brushing and tooth decay along with gums decay. As a dentist, we all have to deal with our oral problems. I want to tell you that dental health is essential; Because it provides a way for food to reach inside the body, which makes us healthy. Therefore, it would be best to give your oral health first and foremost priority. And we should take good care of our dental health. To avoid dental diseases and the decomposition of enamel by germs, we must clean our teeth properly. By taking care of our oral hygiene, we can prevent dental problems like the decay of teeth or gums, bleeding gums, and sensitivity to hot and cold.

And secondly, if we don’t take proper care, it can lead to tooth decay or toothache, for which we will need to visit the dentist again and again. Taking good care of oral hygiene will prevent dental caries. It will further avoid frequent visits to the dentist from complaining of tooth pain. And we may require filing, which will add to the cost.

Bottom line 

I want you to take home the message that the body has no role in whatever job you are doing. If your body is not working correctly, then a job or no job will be useless. So please take care of your oral health along with your job.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Dentology

Dental caries: Tips to prevent dental caries and maintain your oral health.

Dental caries: Tips to prevent dental caries and maintain your oral health.

In this video, Dr. Bimadeep Singh, Simplihealth expert and Senior consultant dental at Apollo Clinics, Chandigarh, explains dental caries and teaches how to prevent dental caries. 

He is MDS in pediatric dentistry specializing in children’s dentistry; in addition, he specializes in cosmetic dentistry, in which he designs or enhances smiles. 

He talks about a fundamental and common topic: Dental caries. How can we prevent it?

Often you must have seen that people have pain in their teeth. The common symptoms of toothache are either it will hurt in one specific location, or it will go up to the forehead. The pain often gets worse when you lie down, and it goes straight to the forehead, hindering sleep. 

  • What is the cure for these symptoms? 
  • How can we prevent Dental caries?  

Dental caries occur because of the accumulation of bacteria in which if you don’t clean your teeth or you have too much stress on sweets, or their consumption is too much. So it gets deposited in the tooth on which bacteria adhere since the teeth’s structure is of calcium, bacteria keep eating calcium slowly until one day the teeth break, resulting in a hole or cavity.

Tips To Prevent Dental Caries

So to prevent this, you must keep in mind a few things. We divide this into three types: first is primary prevention, which one must take care of prior to the infection so that you don’t have to live with this for your entire life. 

First, you must brush your teeth thrice, often people say twice. He recommends three times because we consume three major meals daily. And also, the method or brushing should be like one must brush after eating; like we brush in the morning but after having breakfast when we go to work or kids go to school, the food adheres to teeth all day long. So Dr. Bimal advises changing your brushing habit a little. Brush your teeth after eating. Even if you moisten the brush just to scrape off the food particles. According to him, You must brush after lunch, and the last thing at night to brush after dinner is essential. The brushing should be done for at least 3 -5 minutes. 

What Is Dental Flossing? 

Dr. Bimal introduces one more thing called dental floss. Which is nothing but a wax thread. Because you can brush your teeth upside down, how will you brush between the spaces of teeth as the bristles of the brush don’t reach there, so we use the thread of dental floss to clean it?  The second thing is diet, what type of food we intake is very important and What kind of food we consume, and at what time is also important. These are two-three things that you have to pay a lot of attention to. 

How are sweets bad for your teeth? 

Every dentist you will see will advise you to take fewer sweets or avoid them altogether. Dr. Bimal suggests having sweets intelligently. If you want to eat sweets, then eat before your main meal. If you’re going to go to any function, they have a sweet dish first, not last. Because later, when you have bread/roti, it goes down with it. The second thing is these days; all these snacks are available in packets; we have drinks or soft drinks, avoid them as much as possible. 

And if you want to have it, then have homemade fries or our basic old meals like samosa, pakode, or something like this so it won’t affect the teeth adversely. After that, I will tell you that you must gargle. And last but not least, there are certain chemicals that strengthen the other layer of the tooth. Like we use toothpaste these days. Patients often ask what to use for a toothache.

Which toothpaste to use? 

You visit the market, and you will see different types of toothpaste. There is no specific brand, but if you take any toothpaste with a high fluoride concentration, it makes your teeth stronger and strengthens the layer of the tooth. And at the same time gives protection from bacteria attacking the teeth.

Also, if you do mouthwash with fluoride content at a time, it adds to the effect. So few things have to be taken care of because dental carriers are such diseases that go very silently. But once there is a pain in a tooth, those who endure it only know the importance of their teeth. Dr. Bimal says that teeth are the first thing to carry food inside the body; they help enhance beauty and help in chewing the food.

And only after chewing does it go to the stomach. So if the same is not healthy, then with this ill-mannerism, you will take undigested food inside, causing stomach problems. This is because the primary digestion of food starts from the mouth itself. So keep them well and make them healthy to lead a good quality of life. So dental health is most important.

Bottom line 

In the end, He gave this message to you all that you must give utmost importance to dental health since teeth are also a very important part of the human body. Loss of single teeth may bring lots of mouth-related infections. He wished good dental health and a beautiful smile to all.

Thank you very much.