Batth Dental Clinic Panchkula Dentology

Nobel Biocare Implants Based Dental Restorations | किस प्रकार का दंत प्रत्यारोपण सबसे अच्छा है? | क्यों प्रत्यारोपण सबसे अच्छा विकल्प है | दंत प्रत्यारोपण के साथ आम समस्याएं क्या हैं? | दंत चिकित्सक प्रत्यारोपण की सलाह क्यों देते हैं?

Nobel Biocare Implants: An innovative technology | Are Nobel Biocare implants good? | 

Nobel Biocare Implants, In this video, Dr. Jaspreet Batth from Batth Dental and Cosmetic Practices discusses their association with Nobel Biocare. It all started almost 17 years ago when it was first introduced in New Delhi. And after knowing about the concept; Batth Dental Clinic immediately procured for the clinic.

Dr. Batth Dental and Cosmetic Services were the first ones in the region to initiate with Sameer Bhatt, who introduced us to Nobel Biocare. From that day till the day, there has been no looking back simply. Because the ease of use, doctors’ comfort, and also patient ease in accepting the implant is very friendly. And, as a team, dentists work to provide care to the patients. It has been more or less if not 100% then very close to 100% success. This has been very rewarding and reassuring to our patients and it has scientifically proven. In addition, It has been a happy time for both patients, clinicians, and dental clinics. 

Particularly doctors would like to share one fine incident that triggered the reassurance within us to reassure our patients. Almost 15 years ago, Mr. Handa came to Batth Dental clinic complaining that he was not able to have food items like puff golgappe because of the denture in his mouth. It would get very uncomfortable. It intrigued the dentist at Batth Dental clinic so much that they began planning his treatment. The dentist plans an overdenture for him. From the time the overdenture was given, the consulting dentist and the patient went out to make him eat all things that he was missing, and seeing him having those was such a delightful sight for the dentist to see the happiness and pleasure that he was enjoying and from there on the dentists started providing this kind of care for any and many.

Today, after more than 16 years, Mr. Handa visits Batth Dental Clinic regularly and follows up with us every time. Such has been the journey, experience, and reassurance Batth Dental clinic has enjoyed with Nobel Biocare. 

Benefits of Nobel Biocare to the dentist:

The dentist at Batth Dental Clinic strongly recommends Nobel Biocare to the newer generations of dental doctors and even to postgraduates who are coming for training to benefit from and carry this benefit back to the patient for their care. One can provide the tooth in an hour. For the patient who has no tooth in a particular situation but wants it immediately in an hour, the dentist can install the implant, put the provision on, and send the patient back out of the office with a smile. Such is the ability to change the smile of the people that dentists have to serve in the community, and Nobel Biocare provides us this platform to carry this out every day in and day out. May Nobel Biocare be with all of us to benefit our patients.

For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website. 

Batth Dental Clinic Panchkula Dentology

How to Cure Bad Breath Permanently | मुंह की बदबू का कारण? | मुंह की दुर्गंध को हमेशा के लिए खत्म कैसे करें? | मुंह से बास आने का क्या कारण है? | सांसों में बदबू क्यों आती है?

How to Cure Bad Breath Permanently | How to prevent bad breath? | ब्रश करने के बाद भी मुंह से बदबू आए तो क्या करें? | सांसों की बदबू के लिए क्या करें? | मुंह में बदबू आने के कारण और उपाय

How to cure bad breath permanently, In this video, Dr. Jaspreet Batth has shared a few tips to prevent bad breath and to maintain oral health. 

Brushing, as we all know, is the best way to maintain oral health. But many of us don’t know or realise the timing of brushing. The best time to brush is night before going to bed and after having breakfast, in the morning. Is brushing alone the only way, or can we do something else? Well, one must use dental floss, which is one way to reach where the brush won’t reach. In addition it also helps in pulling out the food particles present between the teeth.

How to prevent bad breath and maintain oral health?

Is there only floss that works, or is there anything better? Yes, there is something called a water pick or water floss. A fine jet of water, when it switches between the teeth. It helps in pulling out food particeles adhere between the teeth. In addition, it helps us reduce bad breath. One of the very good ways is to chew on sugar-free gum like an orbit. If chewed between meals, it increases the saliva, and has a flushing action. It reduces the amount of bacteria and keeps checks on the microflora. Hence the bad breath is in check. It is also important to visit your dentist every 6-8 months to improve overall dental health. The dental health professional will help in getting rid of piles of plaque or tartar, which will again enhance breath and oral health. Now which is the food that allows us to check our breadth. Any food,like apples, and pears which when we chew once, get rid of and rub against our teeth in a cleaner, healthier and happier way. And what are we must avoid?

Any refined sticky food has the potential to get stuck in teeth and further produce acid and will cause foul breath. Hence one must avoid them. If you have them after a meal or mini-meal, then make sure to rinse the mouth with water, at least. Your water intake is important; not the amount of water you intake in a day but the interval of water you have spaced between every hour or hour and a half, whether you are thirsty or not, is very important. These things will help us reduce bad breath and improve our overall dental health.

Batth Dental Clinic Panchkula Dentology

Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief and Treatment | Third Molar Teeth | अकल दाढ़ दर्द करे तो क्या करना चाहिए? | अकल दाढ़ कितनी उम्र में निकलती है? |

Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief and Treatment | अक्ल दाढ़ का दर्द कब तक रहता है | अक्ल दाढ़ के लक्षण?

In this video, Dr. Jaspreet Batth at Dr. Batth’s Dental & Cosmetic practices discusses the causes of wisdom tooth pain and how to get pain relief. 

Wisdom molar eruption time varies from the age of 20, and it may keep trying to erupt until 25. Wisdom tooth molars can cause intense, unbearable pain and discomfort, ranging from pain radiating to the head or neck area. It may reach to ear and can also bother the adjacent teeth. Considering these molar teeth to keep inside the mouth under these circumstances is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to remove it for pain relief and especially if it is causing problems with adjacent teeth or insufficient space to erupt properly. If it partially erupts, and there is not enough space available, it would cause discomfort to the patient by either pushing the adjacent teeth or bone. 

Sometimes the space for the molar tooth is present, but the tooth itself is not current, and vice versa. The most likely explanation for this condition is the tooth is lying buried and pushing the roots of the neighbouring tooth. By pushing the bone, pain radiates to the adjacent tooth. This pain is unbearable to the patient. So all this pain becomes intolerable to the patient. Therefore, it is mandatory to remove pain-causing wisdom molar teeth permanently.

Wisdom tooth removal

The dentist gives a small incision to the gums, reflecting the gums to expose the molar. When the tooth is visible, doctors divide it into two halves and remove them separately. By doing this, the patient faces the least amount of discomfort and trauma, increasing the success rate of this surgery. Once the doctors get rid of that molar, the wound begins to heal. Next, a dentist surgeon gives stitches or sutures to the injury for better and proper healing. This process hastens the recovery. 

In a few days, the gums will completely heal and appear normal. This wisdom tooth removal relieves the patient from all types of discomfort, exposing a threat at all times. The earlier is better than waiting for the wisdom molar to cause excruciating pain to the patient if the problem has been identified or acknowledged. It is better to get rid of the wisdom tooth earlier rather than wait for the wisdom to bother the patient with unbearable pain. That is how we relieve the pain and comfort the patient by removing the offending wisdom molar.

To know more, watch the full video and visit SimpliHealth for more information.