Cosmo Hospital Gynecology

Dysmenorrhea Treatment | पीरियड में असहनीय पेन कारण लक्षण व उपचार? | Painful Periods | पीरियड में ज्यादा दर्द हो तो क्या करे? | डिसमेनोरिया क्या है?

Dysmenorrhea Treatment  | Primary Dysmenorrhea | Secondary Dysmenorrhea | कैसे पायें पीरियड्स के दर्द से छुटकारा ?

Dysmenorrhea treatment, In this video SimpliHealth expert Gynaecologist Dr. Vandna Khera Narula is discussing Dysmenorrhea(Painful periods) and its symptoms, causes, treatment & types. 

What is Dysmenorrhea? 

Dysmenorrhea means painful periods. Or,  pain that occurs in the lower abdomen and pelvic region during the menstrual cycles. It is basically of two kinds:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary

Primary Dysmenorrhea 

It starts within a year or two with the onset of menarche i.e., puberty when the menstrual cycle in the girls starts. There is no physical cause for primary dysmenorrhea. It is a very common thing, which we see in our day-to-day life amongst young girls. And more commonly it is seen in those girls who get menstrual periods when they are 12 years of age or they are very thin, and they have irregular cycles or very heavy cycles.

Secondary Dysmenorrhea

Then when we come to secondary dysmenorrhea, the reason for this is normally because of some kind of lesion present in the uterus or pelvic organs. The most common amongst them are fibroids, then we have endometriosis and adenomyosis. Then there are some rare causes of dysmenorrhea which is a pelvic inflammatory disease when there is an infection in the uterus and the adjoining organs and rarely carcinoma or IUCD or any other problem. 


Now what we discuss is the treatment. When it comes to primary dysmenorrhea the treatment is quite simple.

Primary Dysmenorrhea treatment 

First of all, a very easy treatment for that is taking a hot water bottle. The heating pads can be used. And the advantage of using the heating pad is that it doesn’t have any kind of side effect. It’s very easy and quite an effective means of treating primary dysmenorrhea. 

Then the second line of treatment is the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or mild painkillers. Amongst mild painkillers, we can have paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Primary dysmenorrhea can be treated in the long term by following a good active schedule, an exercise schedule. Maintaining a good active lifestyle and regular exercise routine. And also multivitamins play a role, diet also plays a role. 

Secondary Dysmenorrhea: Diagnosis and Treatment 

It is is concerned, you can diagnose secondary dysmenorrhea by the history of the patient, pelvic examination by a gynaecologist. When the patient comes to us for the checkup we do ultrasonography. And in rare cases whenever you think it’s endometriosis or adenomyosis, we might go for laparoscopy. 

The treatment of secondary dysmenorrhea then depends upon whatever the causes are. It can be a medical or a surgical kind of treatment. Here contraceptive pills also play a role. Because it means pain caused by ovulation. And the hormonal contraceptive pills also inhibit ovulation and play a role in elevating the symptoms of this disease. 

And if you have fibroids or adenomyosis or endometriosis then laparoscopic surgery plays an important role in mitigating the symptoms. Also, we have hormonal IUCDs which can be used for treatment, whatever the causes. 

So, in the end, I would like to conclude. If you have a problem of  this type of pain that occurs during periods, please consult your gynaecologist so that a proper treatment plan can be charted out depending upon the cause.

As I’ve already told you if it’s primary dysmenorrhea you need not worry. Because during the latter half of the life or generally what we say is after childbirth it gets automatically reduced.

And as far as secondary dysmenorrhea is concerned, all the diagnostic procedures are done by the doctor, the ultrasonography or the pelvic examination, the history taking are done by the gynaecologist and the treatment is accordingly advised. And there is no need to worry, you can easily get rid of the symptoms of this disease. 

Cosmo Hospital Gynecology

Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment & Symptoms | वजाइनल यीस्ट इंफेक्शन | योनि में यीस्ट इन्फेक्शन के क्या कारण होते हैं? | प्राइवेट पार्ट में इन्फेक्शन हो तो क्या करें?

Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment | योनि में यीस्ट संक्रमण का इलाज? | यीस्ट इन्फेक्शन को कैसे रोकें? | यीस्ट इन्फेक्शन होने से क्या होता है?

In this video, we will discuss vaginal yeast infection treatment with Dr. Vandna Khera Narula, Gynecologist at Cosmo Hospital, Mohali.

What is a vaginal yeast infection?

Vaginal yeast infection is a kind of fungal infection. Yeast is a very common term used to the fungus that affects the vaginal wall or the vulva health of certain individuals. 

See, sometimes what happens is, when there is a lot of warmth and moisture or sweating or certain kind of conditions occur in the body, the fungus called candida starts overgrowing in the vulval vaginal area and causes certain symptoms. This is basically the yeast infection. It is a very common kind of presentation in our OPD practice. 

Types of vaginal infections? 

There are various types of vaginal infections. When the patient comes to us with the same types of symptoms or different kinds of symptoms and we kind of have to differentiate what is the organism and what kind of infection is she carrying. 

  • It could be bacterial. It is called  Bacterial vaginosis. It is because of the growth of certain kinds of bacteria in the vulvar and vaginal areas. 
  • And secondly, by the overgrowth of fungus, the candida, which we’ve already, which we are going to talk of here, is the vaginal yeast infection.
  • Then you have a Parasite Trichomonas Tracker, which also causes some kind of vaginal infection. This is also a Trichomonas kind of vaginitis.
  • Then you also have certain other kinds of organisms like Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, which include sexually transmitted diseases that also cause vaginal infection. 
  • Rarely do we also have patients who have viral kind of vaginitis. 

What are the symptoms of vaginal infections? 

The most common symptom that the patient comes to us is pruritus, itching on the private parts. And that itching disturbs the patient a lot in the beginning. Then the patient also complains of a lot of discharge. And the discharge could be of any type. In the case of candidal infection, the vaginal yeast infection we are talking of is a typical curdy, thick white discharge, which the patient presents with. The patient notices this discharge on the panty or on the private parts. It could coat the outside of the genital area and even the vaginal walls.

When we check us by a speculum examination or a per vaginal examination, when we do our local examination of what we see, it is a typical kind of curdy, thick like curd. A thick white discharge is present. This is what we call a candidal infection, yeast infection. And then there is inflammation and redness of the private parts area, and it’s very, very sore. Patients find it painful to touch. 

When she wears undergarments or clothes, it feels so painful. Then the sexual intercourse is also painful in vaginal yeast infection. These are the major symptoms. There could be problems with urinating. The patient can experience pain while urinating. Then you have to find out if the patient has a urinary tract infection or she has a vaginal yeast infection. And this differentiation is gone when the patient is examined. 

In case a woman is pregnant, so this infection may affect the baby also? | Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment

When a patient is pregnant, there are many more chances of a patient getting a vaginal yeast infection or candida infection because of the hormonal changes that the mother is undergoing. And all the changes in the outside of a vagina and the vulval area. 

When the patient presents herself with a fungal infection and comes to us we give certain local medication. Because we cannot give more oral medications when the patient is pregnant, we can give local medication creams or vaginal pessaries or tablets for the patient. 

But once or twice it’s no harm but if the patient comes back again and again with candidal yeast infections then what happens is not good for her. What we say is not good for the baby. It is hurting the baby. When we say it like that, it’s not an okay term. 

Any kind of vaginal infection or infection that occurs in the genital area during pregnancy or urinary tract infection. These kinds of infections are basically a risk factor for preterm labor. For any patient who comes to us again and again with vaginal infections, vulval infections, or urinary tract infections, the reason is that the cervical canal, the vaginal canal is above that is a cervical canal. And the cervical canal is basically the mouth of the uterus, and inside you have the developing baby, and around that is the amniotic membrane that protects the baby.

And if the ascent of infection, if it goes upwards then it might cause chorioamnionitis, and again and again if this light infection occurs or spreads, there is a chance of preterm labor. But no need to worry that only when affection is not treated or it is recurrent or if the infection is more.

What kind of lifestyle change or a change in habit change can you suggest for avoiding such kinds of infections?

  • Obesity 

To start, I would just say, What are the reasons why the candidal infection occurs? 

Most commonly, when a patient comes to us with a vaginal infection, first of all, the risk factor is obesity. When a patient is obese, then there are more chances of getting a vaginal infection. 

  • Diabetes 

Secondly is diabetes. If the patient of any age is diabetic, then this patient has more chances of getting this candidal yeast infection overgrowth of the fungus occurs in the body.

  • Antibiotics 

 Suppose the patient is taking antibiotics. There are some patients who keep on taking antibiotics for any kind of infection like cold, cough or  UTI, or anything else. If the patient has taken multiple courses of antibiotics, then there are chances of getting a candidal infection. Because when you take antibiotics, what happens is, the normal flora gets disturbed. And whenever the normal flora of the body is disturbed, there is always an overgrowth of the other kind of flora. Like here, the candidal flora overgrows. And that causes the candidal infection. 

  • Tight clothing 

Then there is wearing tight clothes, tight undergarments, wearing tight lower or jeans,  during the summer or the monsoon season. Because already when it is hot and humid the body sweats and in the private parts also there is a lot of sweating. And when you are not wearing loose, cotton clothes, what happens is that there is a lot of sweating and that area becomes more prone to candidal yeast infection.

When the ladies come in the warm and humid monsoon climate, they sweat a lot and are still there wearing tight clothes, like gym clothing or western wear. What happens is that there is an overgrowth of the candida fungus, and then they present it as a candidal yeast infection. Then there is OCP’s. These are contraceptive pills. If the lady is taking these over contraceptive pills, there are a little bit more chances that she will catch the Candidal yeast infection. And it is also one of the reasons.  And so, these are the lifestyle habits that constitute vaginal yeast infection. 

Healthy food, vegetables, and fruits and being hydrated help? | Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment

Healthy food, as in you should not take a lot of sugar. When you take a lot of sugar or sugary food or sugary drinks what happens is that there is an increase in blood sugar levels even if it is transient. And then there is more of the chance of getting this fungal infection. And diabetes we already discussed. If the patient is non-diabetic or is borderline diabetic, then this is how diet affects infections. And if you are taking processed foods, what happens is that again the digestive system gets disturbed. And the digestive system or the gut and the urinary system, and the reproductive system in the females there linked. 

Whenever the digestive system gets disturbed by eating imbalanced food, what happens is that there is an imbalance of flora, the gut flora. The gut Flora gets disturbed, what happens is there is an overgrowth of another kind of candidal. There is an overgrowth of this, the patient always comes with these symptoms. She might also come with oral thrush. 

Along with this, she can have vaginal yeast infections around the perineal area and vaginal area. All; these areas are actually connected together.  This overgrowth of fungus in the body and then she presents with these kinds of vaginal yeast infection. 

Are there any natural remedies you could recommend? | Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment

  • Diet 

The natural remedy that we talked about is this diet. If you are obese, then you should try to lose weight. And secondly, the diet as we have already talked about, we should not eat a lot of sugar, sugary foods, and sugary drinks or any other kind of processed foods, when you have a tendency of getting infections again and again. 

  • Lifestyle changes 

Then the lifestyle modification like wearing tight as we talked about. These types of tight dresses, western dresses or synthetic dresses, or synthetic undergarments affect your body or affect your skin. Then you should avoid them when it’s summer or monsoon season, or the weather is such. You should avoid wearing tight clothes. You should wear loose cotton clothes and light clothes so that you do not get this action again. 


  • Diabetes 

Then if you have diabetes, you should try to control your sugar levels to a limit so that you don’t have any other complications. So these are different things one should take care of. 

Thank you, Dr. Vandna Khera Narula, for sharing valuable information with me. I am hopeful that this will help many of us to remain away from such kinds of infections.

Cosmo Hospital Gynecology

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Causes, Symptoms & Risk Factors| PCOS पीसीओएस होने से क्या होता है? | What is the Main Cause of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Causes?

PCOS(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) | Is PCOS a serious problem? | Is PCOS caused by stress? | पीसीओडी को जड़ से खत्म कैसे करें?

PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome),  I am Gurvinder Kaur from SimpliHealth With immense pleasure, I would like to welcome Dr. Vandana Narula. She is in charge of infertility and the IVF center at Cosmo Hospital, Mohali. Today we will be covering a significant topic which is PCOS. 1 out of 5 women suffer from PCOS. I would want dr. Vandana to answer a few questions our views have. This will help us understand PCOS better. Thank you, Dr. Vandana, for joining us, and first of all, I would like to know

what PCOS is? | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS is a polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is a hormonal imbalance. This affects the females of the reproductive age group. It affects around 5-10% of the female population. It has become a pretty common word nowadays. Physically the hormonal imbalance leads to menstrual irregularities. This is the most commonly presentable symptom, which means the patient comes to us with that. If the patient is married, then the patient comes with infertility, basically difficulty in conceiving. These are the main symptoms. 

Is PCOS curable? 

PCOS is a wide range of hormonal imbalances. It produces a wide range of hormonal imbalances in the body. Where it has a genetic basis, and it also has a lifestyle connection. It’s not 100% curable, but it can be controlled by various means, including medical standards. 

What are the causes of PCOS?  | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

  1. Genetic: The leading cause of PCOS is genetic. It has always had a genetic basis. Most of the patients with PCOD have females in their homes, like sisters or mothers having similar symptoms. Like they may be having menstrual irregularities or difficulty in conceiving. Or they have diabetes in their family like the mother can be a diabetic father has diabetes or one of the grandparents can be diabetic. So there is a certain gene that connects diabetes with PCOD in the females of the family.
  2. Lifestyle: The second is lifestyle. The lifestyle matters a lot, but now there is junk food, fast food consumption, there is a lot of weight gain. It’s a huge problem when there is weight gain, a genetic component, and a lifestyle problem. Then PCOD shows all its symptoms quite a lot. 

What are the physical and internal changes a person faces? 

When we say the patient has PCOS, the symptoms or the changes depend upon the patient’s age group. When the patient is an adolescent, we start suspecting, after a few years initially when the patient begins with puberty in many girls a few physical and internal changes, like having irregular cycles because of anovulation. But after some time, the rate of irregular cycles doesn’t go down, and the periods don’t become regular. Then we start suspecting that the child might be having a PCOD kind of problem later in life. Then we go toward some family history like genetic history. That I already said any history of diabetes in the family and or if this lot of weight gain in the child then the patient presents with menstrual irregularities. 

Then the physical changes are evident and common in girls like facial hair and acne. This is basically because the ovary starts producing a little bit of male hormone more than normal. The female hormones produced are estrogen and progesterone, and the body produces a few male hormones. But when in PCOD, the male hormones are produced in slightly larger amounts. And because of that, the acne and facial hair distribution, which we call Hirsutism, male pattern baldness, thinning of the hair. So, such features start showing up as symptoms. 

And when the girl gets married, then a major problem comes in conceiving. Because the issue of the hormonal imbalance leads to animation which is, difficulty in egg formation. The patient finds difficulty in conceiving. Then if the patient conceives during PCOD, there are problems, then I’ll talk about this later. There are problems during pregnancy. It can be a high-risk pregnancy.

 And after that, in the age group, after the patient has completed the family, it can lead to other problems in the body. Some cases include diabetes and hypertension, high cholesterol levels, and even endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma. 

Do you need to take birth control pills? | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Birth control pills are made for contraception. Most people know they are meant for contraception. But when we use them in PCOD, they are used for the regularisation of the cycles. When the patient is unmarried, there are particular birth control pills nowadays for PCOD patients. These are hormonal pills that are taken for 21 days. The patient is then taken off the pills for a week, and the patient starts getting a regular cycle. And even the symptoms of acne and facial hair are also improved. These are certain advantages. And the patient feels normal.

Once the patient wants to conceive, then there is no role of birth control pills. And after that, for contraception, once they have the child, I have already mentioned the patient can again start with birth control pills for regularisation of cycles. But these birth control pills should always be taken into consideration by the gynecologist. 

If the patient is resistant to insulin, how does this affect the treatment? 

See, insulin resistance is written everywhere, but I think it’s a medical term. For laymen, there is no need to go into the depth of what insulin resistance is. It is basically because I already told you a gene that links diabetes in the family to PCOD. Most PCOS patients show insulin resistance, i.e., their body’s cells find it challenging to uptake the glucose. Therefore they have a high blood glucose level.

Insulin resistance is a link to many other problems. Then it leads to all kinds of metabolic disturbances which occur in the body. And the first thing which we have to do for insulin resistance is weight loss. This is the keto treatment. 

When we start this treatment, the first thing when the patient comes to us with PCOS is to diagnose it with hormonal ultrasound and history of the patient. The patient has to be put on weight loss therapy if she is overweight. And it is not always that the patients are fat. There are cases where the ladies are skinny and still have PCOS, diagnosed by ultrasound or any hormonal test.

The key to insulin resistance, which is fighting insulin resistance, is weight loss and diet.

What is the best diet for weight loss?  | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

There are so many diets available, but the thing is, patients should go for weight loss. The patient should not go on a fat kind of diet for weight loss. Here the main thing is that the carbohydrate load has to be reduced. It has to be low carb, high protein. If wheat flour is being used, multigrain flour should be used instead. And processed food should be avoided. Outside food should be avoided. The glycemic index has to be maintained. A healthy lifestyle has to be followed. A Mediterranean diet is there, where lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits and nuts, and legumes are included and exercise and brisk walk. Whatever the patient can start with, not going to the gym is the only way to lose weight. You can start with a short brisk walk or anything, then going with and getting a routine.

PCOD also affects the fertility of the person? 

As an IVF specialist, I deal with infertility. Most of the patients coming to me have PCOD. As I told you earlier, patients have menstrual irregularities like patients who don’t get periods regularly. It will not be monthly as regular patients get. They will have periods after one and half months, two months, three months, or sometimes. If the symptoms are worse than the hormonal imbalance, the patient doesn’t get periods without medication. Medication has to be given. So when we do ultrasound, we see that the ovaries are of such and such shape. Like in PCOS, we see that there is a specific kind of shape of the ovaries. We can diagnose it. And when we see ovulation, formation of the follicle, formation of the egg, there is a problem. Ovulation is the cause of infertility. Rest other reasons are also taken into consideration.

We check for all other causes also. We are only checking for PCOD. All the tests are done. And when all the tests are done, we stumbled upon this diagnosis, and treatment is started accordingly. 

Does PCOS cause Postpartum depression as well? | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

As far as the word depression you said, depression is related to PCOD as such. So I’ll talk about Postpartum after that. 

Young girls and the internet:

See when the lady is in a condition like not getting periods when the most significant stress is on the parents. Then the page is passed onto the girls. And nowadays everybody is very net-savvy. So they go on Google and put the symptoms and lots and lots of information on PCOD. Then girls get confused. Once you start reading about PCOD, they begin to feel like something has happened to them very young. But there is no need to worry about that. This is one cause of depression.

Physical appearance: 

Then secondly, it is because of these facial features like facial hair and acne, the physical appearance. This again leads to depression when they look in the mirror. They think they are not looking beautiful. They feel that people will make fun of them for having facial hair could cause anxiety or depression. 

After marriage: 

Now these girls are very much aware. They think after marriage they’ll have problems conceiving then again. They start feeling depressed. So then, if there are little or no support groups, all these things aggravate. 

If the patient conceives, then it’s a very, very positive thing for the patient. When a patient conceives in PCOD, she is one of the happiest people in the world. So I don’t know where this postpartum depression came from, but she has to be given a lot of care during the pregnancy. A little more care than a normal pregnant patient is provided. They have to be given a little extra care by the doctor also. So the patient also has to take extra care. And even the relatives, husband we tell them to take care of the patient accordingly. 

So Postpartum depression, like a see, affects most females. But I can’t say like maybe these reasons where the Postpartum depression is for normal cases. You can also see, the same way, the ladies are confined to a room and think that ‘I don’t have anything else to do,’ ‘I am just watching the child.’ And even their male partner sometimes withdraws. So she is staying in a room with a mother-in-law or sister-in-law or something like that. And she cannot talk about some things. Sometimes she is not allowed to watch television or do anything else. And some other hormonal factors are also there.

So family support and friends’ support is significant. Now, as we talk about mental disorders, I don’t want to drag that topic here. But psychology affects everything. Suppose the psychology of anyone is taken care of by a support medium, such as family’s support, friends’ support. There are also certain support groups. All the feelings need to be talked out. Then there would be a problem like depression. 

Anything important you want to add, anything you think would be essential and helpful that you would like to add? 

I would like to add one thing, whenever I see girls just thinking about and reading a lot about PCOS from the net. I’ve seen them getting so much stressed, literally so much stressed that have seen extremes of people of girls saying I won’t get married because I have PCOS. Something will happen, I won’t have a kid, this will happen, that will happen. So I don’t think a girl should take so much stress. You should basically avoid living a sedentary lifestyle. It is not something that cannot be treated, or like cannot be cured. It’s fine that you have PCOS but don’t make it the central point of the mind of your life, thinking all the time that you have PCOS, then this will happen. See there is nothing bad about it, you just need to have and maintain an active lifestyle.

So you should start early. You start by joining a game, you can join a gym, you can go for yoga classes regularly and take proper diet. Go for a walk. This means you should keep a healthy lifestyle and improve yourself. As for his physical features are concerned if you have facial hair. there’s no need to worry. There are a lot of cosmetologists available. Very quick painless laser surgery is there and acne also can be helped with a diet as I already told you. And with all these proper lifestyle choices,  even the acne has to dissolve.

And the physical appearance when introduced to a healthy lifestyle improving drastically. When we ask them to lose weight and proper diet is followed everything is good. And as far as working for a child after marriage is concerned, there are a lot of medicines available. And there is no need to worry. We have so many PCOD patients who conceive normally. There is nothing to worry about that was the thing of the past.

Don’t overthink, adapt a habit of physical activity. And on this positive notable like to conclude the interview and would like to heartily thank Dr. Vandana for spending some time for us and giving us valuable insight thank you.