Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment | सीओपीडी उपचार | Breathing Exercises & Home Remedies

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment | सीओपीडी में कम होती है फेफड़ों की ताकत, मरीज थकने लगता है

In this video, SimpliHealth expert and consultant pulmonologist at Apollo Clinics, Chandigarh, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking abut the treatment of COPD with breathing exercises. She also explains the home remedies for COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment) while answering questions like: 

  • Why is exercise important for COPD patients? 
  • What are other comorbidities or chronic conditions that are associated with COPD and could be dangerous? 
  • What type of natural remedy should we use for COPD? 
  • Why does exercise play a significant role in COPD patients? 

Since they have difficulty breathing. This is why they prefer to rest more, and then they are stuck in this vicious cycle. So they need to develop an exercise regime so that there will be more minor episodes of dyspnea or shortness of breath, and they will be able to break this vicious cycle. 

Regular exercise | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment

In addition, exercise will help in building muscle strength and endurance. We usually give this pulmonary rehabilitation program for 6- 10weeks. A pulmonary rehabilitation program helps build muscle and bone strength, and there is improvement in the breathing activity, and they feel better. So by the pulmonary rehabilitation program, we can give a better quality of life to COPD patients. It can reduce their anxiety and depression levels to an extent. 

Risk of autoimmune diseases  

Since COPD is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with comorbid situations like cardiovascular or heart disease. Due to common smoking factors, these patients are more prone to heart attacks. So cardiovascular and COPD diseases are very commonly associated with each other. Other problems like a rise in blood pressure and diabetes are widespread in COPD patients. 

Risk of diseases related to bones 

COPD patients are more prone to osteoporotic bones, weakening skeletal muscles, or suffering from depression and anxiety. The most important thing is that COPD patients are at high risk of lung cancer, in which smoking is a common factor. So it is essential to diagnose their comorbid conditions simultaneously. 

Diagnosis of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment)

So when any COPD patients come to OPD, we examine every organ by doing ECG, X-ray, bone densitometry, and we plan their strength training exercise because it is associated with comorbid conditions to treat them simultaneously. In addition, heart failure is widespread in COPD patients. We see peripheral edema in these patients, and we treat them accordingly.

 Home Remedies for COPD  

Breathing exercises 

As we discussed, it is very important to develop a program for breathing exercises in which purse lip and belly breathing are included. Apart from this, one must have an exercise schedule which they must follow for 30 minutes daily. 

Healthy diet and lifestyle 

In addition, COPD patients must consume lots of water and a healthy diet in which there must be the right amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and minerals. It is essential to have a healthy lifestyle and follow an immunization schedule accordingly. 

If we keep all these things in mind, we can stabilize our COPD disease so that it doesn’t turn into any flare-ups. A high risk of mortality and morbidity is associated with the hospitalization of COPD patients. COPD has now become the third leading cause of death in the world.

Bottom line  

So it’s important to diagnose COPD, identify lung irritant factors, quit smoking, or avoid exposure to certain chemicals that irritate the lungs. We can either save or keep COPD in control by following the above procedures. So keep all these things in mind, and we must consult your specialist.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

COPD Exacerbation | What are COPD Flare Ups? | सीओपीडी फ्लेयर अप क्या हैं | Available Treatment, Rehabilitation and Role of Immunization

COPD Exacerbation | Flare Ups | क्या सीओपीडी का इलाज संभव है?

 In this video, SimpliHealth expert, Dr. Preeti Sharma, Senior Consultant Pulmonology and Critical Care at Apollo Clinic, Chandigarh, is talking about the treatment of COPD Exacerbation Flare-up and its treatment. She also answers questions like: 

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD)

  • What are the flares-up of COPD or exacerbations? 
  • How long do they last? What are the danger signs? 
  • When should we report to the hospital? 
  • What are the treatment options available for COPD? 
  • Are there any natural remedies to treat COPD?

What Is The COPD flare-up Or exacerbations? 

It means that COPD is becoming a dangerous situation, and you need to get hospitalized.

How will we know that we have COPD flare-ups or exacerbations?

Suppose there is an increase in the frequency of coughing, which was not present under normal conditions. 

In that case, you have a: 

  • fever
  • trouble breathing
  • severe headache
  • swelling in the legs 
  • suffering from mental confusion
  • drowsiness. 

If you observe any of these symptoms and you cannot perform your regular daily routine that you were able to do previously. If you observe any of these symptoms, then this means that you are in a flare-up of COPD or exacerbation. 

The doctor have seen bluish coloration on the tongue, hands, or nails in some cases because of sudden oxygen depletion. So this is an immediate indication of hospitalization. It’s important to understand these flare-ups since our diseases start getting worse as soon as they reach the flare-up stage. 

There will be a drop-in level of oxygen drop in oxygen saturation, so patients require adequate treatment under these circumstances. The doctors often take reliever medication or inhalers more frequently due to shortness of breath. Taking frequent inhalers is also one indication of COPD flare-up. So it is essential to take adequate treatment from the hospital.

What Are The Treatment Modalities Available For COPD Flare-Ups Or Exacerbations?

The main goal of all the COPD-related treatment modalities is to reduce the patients’ symptoms and give them a quality of life which is very important for them. And the doctors need to minimize these exacerbations or flare-ups of COPD. 

So to initiate the treatment, they prescribe different types of medicines, which they call bronchodilators or anti-inflammatory steroids. 

Under bronchodilators, they have other inhalers in which they either use long-acting beta-agonist or long-acting anti-muscarinic agents, commonly known as LAMAs. They usually are also given to the patients when they are at home. Otherwise, if the patient has severe flare-up or exacerbation, they use steroids. 

However, the use of steroids depends upon the indication of the patient, the type of pain, and the problem. Apart from this, a Pulmonary rehabilitation program is essential for these patients.  

What do you mean by pulmonary rehabilitation programme? 

I mean, it’s essential to have an exercise routine for these patients through this program. These patients get stuck in a vicious cycle of dyspnea when they have shortness of breath when they sit. And they think they can’t do anything, but because of this, they suffer more from shortness of breath which would add to their worries. 

And in the end, it would lead to depression and anxiety. So in this, the doctos ask them to do an exercise training program in which they teach different types of exercise to the patients. In this regime, breathing exercise is very important, which could be pursed-lip breathing or belly breathing. 

Breathing exercise helps in dyspnea because this exercise brings back the action of diaphragm muscles and helps the patients cope with shortness of breath. 

Apart from all, quitting smoking is an essential component of COPD treatment. No medicine will show its effect if you continue smoking. So you must start your program of quitting smoking under a doctor’s supervision. 

These days the doctors have different things like nicotine gums and other things available. But most importantly, they should make up our minds to quit smoking; otherwise, no medicine could show its effect. Another thing we have is the role of immunization in COPD.

What is the role of immunization in COPD? | COPD Exacerbation | Flare Ups

Immunization plays a vital role in preventing severe hospitalization and infection. Like Influenza vaccination which must be given annually to the patients, or pneumococcal vaccination, which is available in two forms according to the age: PCV13 and the other is PCV23. The immunization prevents severe pneumococcal infection or pneumonia and reduces the need for hospitalization. 

In addition, these days, COVID-19 vaccination is also very important for COPD patients to prevent further worsening of the situation. These patients need to administer Diptheria Zoster vaccination to prevent shingles. 

It’s essential to identify all these symptoms and follow the routine. There should be a plan of treatment made by a specialist doctor so that you can manage your exercise program and immunization schedule. 

And further, you can prevent COPD from getting worse because it is a preventable and treatable disease.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

What is COPD? | सीओपीडी क्या है? | चिरकारी अवरोधी फुप्फुस रोग उपचार | It’s Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Cure.

What is COPD? | सीओपीडी क्या है? | कारण, लक्षण, निदान और इलाज है।| सीओपीडी शरीर को कैसे प्रभावित करता है?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD)

In this video, Dr. Preeti Sharma, senior Consultant Pulmonology and Critical Care at Apollo Clinic, Chandigarh is talking about COPD and answers the following questions:

  • What is COPD
  • What are its risk factors? 
  • What are the causes? 
  • What are the symptoms, and how can we diagnose them? And is it curable? 

What do you mean by COPD? 

It’s a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease that primarily affects the lungs. It is very commonly present, and it is both preventable and treatable. 


Smoking is the leading causative agent in 80-90%of cases. It could be in tobacco smoke, cigarette, bidi, or hookah. So COPD is majorly associated with all these things. A person with passive smoking who lives near an active smoker is also at risk of COPD. Apart from smoking, outdoor air pollution, which includes smoke from factories, gases, and gases from on-road vehicles, is potentially hazardous that may lead to COPD. 

Then there are occupational exposures, other toxic chemicals, paint, explosives, and people working in such factories may acquire COPD. In a few cases, there can be genetic reasons like they may have a alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency, or in the early childhood period, the kid was prone to frequent throat infections then, which may lead to COPD in later stages.


Frequent coughing with phlegm, clearing your throat all the time, shortness of breath while walking, tightness or pain in the chest; are a few symptoms; if you see in yourself or you are a habitual smoker, then you must keep all these symptoms in mind and you must visit your specialist for its treatment.


The doctors perform a lung function test whenever any patient presents with the following symptoms. The lung function test is commonly called spirometry or pulmonary function test. The doctors measured their lung volumes, like how much air they can exhale in one second or six seconds. 

Accordingly, we diagnose it. And if it is less than thirty percent, The doctors analyze the patient’s condition as COPD. Apart from spirometry, we perform ECG and X-Ray as it is associated with many other conditions. An X-Ray may show some changes from which we could infer the stage of COPD. 


There are four different stages of COPD, and based on lung function tests, which is categorized COPD into mild, moderate, severe, and very severe. In addition, when we talk about symptoms,  there are specific scales of symptoms. For example, according to the GOLD Science committee, we categorize the symptoms in four quadrants: A, B, C, and D.  

In the A category, patients have significantly fewer symptoms. There is no flare-up in category A which we will talk about later in this video, and category D happens to be the most dangerous with severe symptoms, and their condition is deteriorating. 

So, according to this scale, we identify patient symptoms and plan the treatment accordingly. 

So the doctors  advise any person who is active smoking or passively inhaling smoke and you have these symptoms, then you must consult your pulmonologist so that we can diagnose the disease at an early stage and can start treatment accordingly. In this way, you won’t be suffering In the later stages of life.


Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

What Causes Tuberculosis? | क्षय रोग क्या होता है, क्या यह संक्रामक है? | Tuberculosis(TB) Stages & Survival Rate

What Causes Tuberculosis | Tuberculosis(TB) Stages & Survival Rate: Is it contagious?

In this video SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Tuberculosis(TB) Stages & Survival Rate. Also she is answering some very common questions that people usually ask like: What Causes Tuberculosis

  • Is TB contagious?
  • Stages of Tuberculosis

Stages of Tuberculosis

There are stages of TB. For example, when you contact a patient who has active TB, they may spread many TB bacteria , which is called exposure by us. After being exposed to TB bacteria, it is not necessary that you’ll have the same type of TB. Almost 92-95 percent of people with latent tubercular infection, also called the LTBI, are in the second stage of TB. What happened in this is that you have inhaled TB bacilli, but they are in a dormant stage, and there is the formation of cone focus in the lungs. So there is the production of cells by the body’s immune system, which helps fight the bacteria. 

This infection stays latent, and there are no symptoms, and neither can you transmit this infection to anyone. So this is the second stage, called the latent stage.Among them, 5% of patients may have an active disease called active tuberculosis. 

Why does TB happen? 

Because the people who are immunocompromised; won’t be unable to fight against this infection in these cases; this may change into active tuberculosis, which is called the third stage of TB. During latent infection, if your immunity is compromised or you are on some specific drugs, such as immunosuppressants like CKD patients,  kidney patients or those on dialysis, or those on immunosuppressants after organic transplant, or HIV infected people or in IV drug abusers. If these patients have a latent focus in the body, it may lead to an active infection called secondary tuberculosis, which can happen later on at any stage of life.

What happens if you have TB? 

When we have TB, we have the usual symptoms, but we tend to ignore them- like loss of appetite, gradual loss of weight, or having light fever-like night sweats at night. So if we ignore these symptoms, they start their process, and start multiplying inside the body. If the patient comes to us, experts can only identify them; otherwise, it might lead to dangerous conditions. 

Tuberculosis Survival Rate or What is the survival rate of TB patients?

If one has TB and experts start the adequate treatment timely, it is entirely curable. But it is essential to say how much the lung is infected when the patient has come to us and has completed his medicine course. It is entirely curable if the patient completes its medicines adequately, which is six months of treatment. If the patient comes late to us, lungs are affected adversely, or it has converted into resistant TB. There is a chance of mortality. So what happens is gradual there is significant involvement of lungs resulting in respiratory failure. Almost 40% of the hospitalized patients who come under respiratory failure may die due to TB. The second thing is that you have an HIV infection and are not taking treatment for this; they have increased chances of death because of TB. Without treatment, almost 45% of HIV-negative TB patients may die, but if you are HIV positive TB, there are hundred percent chances of death without taking any TB treatment.

Is tuberculosis contagious? | What Causes Tuberculosis

It is contagious, like if you are in a room, it spreads in the form of aerosols. 

How is it contagious? | What Causes Tuberculosis

So when we are breathing from either nose or mouth, the one who has active TB may spread aerosols in the room, spreading through aerosols. It doesn’t spread by touching, and if someone is sharing food but with aerosols if you are not wearing a mask, it spreads. So the TB patient should take care of themselves, take care of their diet and take the treatment adequately so that they are saved from its mortality because it is a curable disease.

Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

What is Tuberculosis | ट्यूबरक्लोसिसकारण का इलाज, उपचार और रोकथाम | Tuberculosis Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention

What is Tuberculosis | टीबी रोग की पहचान कैसे होती है?

In this video our expert pulmonologist Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Tuberculosis(TB). Also she is answering some very common questions that people usually ask like:

  • What is Tuberculosis? 
  • How does it happen? 
  • What are its symptoms, causes, treatment & diagnosis?
  • Is tuberculosis contagious

Tuberculosis is a contagious infection that mainly affects the lungs, but it may also affect other body organs like the brain,  spine, muscle, intestine, and even bones. We can have any type of TB. 

Tuberculosis Causes(टीबी के लक्षण) & Why does it happen?  

It happens because of the infection of bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If any person with active TB and some other person comes in close contact with this active TB patient, they may also have this disease. TB is more common in homeless people who stay in crowded places, are HIV infected, are drug abusers, or are malnourished. When we contract the TB bacteria, it is unnecessary to have TB since we have our immunity, which fights against it. Those who are immuno-compromised have more chances of having active TB infection. We will talk further about the stages of TB. Now our expert will talk about the symptoms of TB.

Tuberculosis Symptoms(टीबी  के लक्षण) & How will we know that we have symptoms of TB?

The main symptom of TB is fever in the evening. Even one may have night sweats or chills. If you have had a cough for more than three weeks, it is essential to get screening for TB. You may have pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, and weight loss. So if you observe these symptoms, you must check yourself for TB. 

How can we diagnose TB?

If the patient comes with this history, experts examine their phlegm, which most government centers do almost free. First, experts take a sputum sample and send it for an AFB stain. Nowadays, experts have new techniques to identify resistant TB, more commonly by a gene expert test performed in sputum or phlegm. So this phlegm is tested in two ways. Then, experts perform the patient’s X-ray to analyze the extent of infection in the lungs.

Tuberculosis Treatments(टीबी का इलाज): How can the doctor treat this? 

First, we understood the causes of TB or the possible symptoms, and accordingly, experts diagnosed it. Treatment is done under two phases: 

  • One is the intensive phase, and the other is the maintenance phase. Its treatment is long-lasting, almost for six months, and the patients are divided into different categories based on whether they have had a TB infection before this or not. The medicines prescribed in the intensive phase is to stop the multiplication of bacteria, so it doesn’t spread. Moreover, those who are spreading this TB by aerosols. Suppose any patient with active TB coughs or sneezes, or even if they talk without wearing a mask, they may spread this bacteria in the room. So it is the role of the intensive phase to stop this kind of transmission. So in the intensive phase, to control the transmission of bacteria, such medicines are given to prevent the multiplication. It takes two months for completion, and it is under the DOTS procedure. 
  • Next comes the continuation or the maintenance phase, which lasts for three months. There are three types of medicines in this phase. So every patient must complete its treatment efficiently; the patient must take the medication properly; otherwise, it may turn into a life-threatening situation. There are many chances of developing resistance in this bacteria. Like in our country, there is an increase in multidrug-resistant TB cases. So the medicine dose must be accurate; the patient must take medicine on time and complete their regime.

Tuberculosis Prevention(टीबी के निवारण)

What do we have for its prevention? 

First, to prevent TB, doctors have campaigns like the BCG vaccination camp, in which the vaccine is administered to the child at birth itself. Secondly, if our atmosphere is overcrowded and things that we can prevent and things like nourishment and nutrition must be adequate, we need to focus on these things so that we don’t get infected by TB. 

We need to take care of our immunity and have a balanced diet. Even if we are exposed, our TB should stay in a latent state rather than the active stage. Lastly our experts would say that if any of you have these symptoms, you must visit a doctor, get yourself screened for TB, get treatment, take the medicines properly; otherwise, this disease can be life-threatening.

Thank you 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment | (ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया) के लक्षण, कारण, व इलाज।

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment | (ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया) | Treatment & diagnosis | स्लीप एपनिया का घरेलू इलाज?

In this video SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Obstructive Sleep Apnea(ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया) and also she is answering some questions that people ask like: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment

  • How can we diagnose obstructive sleep apnea? 
  • How can we treat it? 
  • When should we consult the doctor? 
  • What type of lifestyle modifications should be made? 
  • What are its complications? 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

If any person comes to the doctor with any problem like feeling very tired in the afternoon, loud snoring at night, facing difficulties in concentration, or sleepless nights. Based on this history, a sleep test is performed, called a polysomnography sleep test. It is an overnight sleep study that could be done at a hospital or home. In these many sensors are applied, one sensor is airflow sensor, patients heart rate and BP monitoring are performed, and patients’ abdominal and thoracic breathing movements are monitored with belts, even the eye movements are monitored. Even sleep stages are monitored with EEG. The patient is studied with all these leads, which is the overnight study and the result is called the apnea-hypopnea index, more commonly called AHI. 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment

With these results, the doctor inferres whether the patient has Obstructive sleep apnea or not. And if it is present, it is under which grade, is it mild or moderate or severe. Accordingly, the treatment for the patients is initiated. If it is a mild degree, our experts ask patients for lifestyle modification like weight reduction, and the doctor advises sleeping on their side. The doctor recommends avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills and sleeping on their side. So these things can help them, and not much is needed. But if it is moderate or severe, the doctor advises CPAP machines to patients. 

What are these? 

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machines are machines in which doctors give the nasal mask to the patients that provides continuous air pressure, which opens the blockage in the passage that was causing obstructive sleep apnea. As a result, the patients can easily breathe, and they don’t feel any breathing sensation or apnea. Due to this, the patient sleeps well with no snoring, and they wake up fresh in the morning.

So this treatment is a very important treatment; however, patients first don’t understand this, but once they start using it, they start noticing some changes. They feel active because earlier the sleep, which was not complete or used to be in fragments, you were waking up in between, and you were not aware of it, but now that sleep is complete, the patients feel much better. In addition, if people say that they will ignore it and say they don’t need these machines, they will bring complications. Because if you are short of breath and there is less oxygen supply of blood to the organs of the body. 

What are your chances? 

There is the possibility of having a heart attack very much; if one has diabetes, then it may get uncontrolled; if someone has BP, then it may get uncontrolled, there is a chance of stroke. Also, the other life-threatening disease may get fatal because of obstructive sleep apnea. So it is very important to identify obstructive sleep apnea, get it diagnosed, get treatment, and, if needed, use a CPAP machine, which is very important for your life. So if you do these things along with lifestyle modification like early dinner. Few exercises can be done, such as walking, working on weight reduction and looking at your health benefits to reduce the use of CPAP machines.

So the doctor says, please consult your sleep specialist and get treatment advice about what is good for you or bad so that it doesn’t get too fatal.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Obstructive Sleep Apnea(ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया): Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors

Obstructive Sleep Apnea(ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया): Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors

In this video SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Obstructive Sleep Apnea(ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया) and also she is answering some questions that people ask like:

  • What is OSA?
  • What are its symptoms?
  • How will we know that we have OSA?

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea(ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया)?

Obstructive sleep apnea is an upper airways disease in which our breathing stops for a short period of time. Sometimes this can be a 10 seconds gap. One can’t feel it when they are asleep. The upper airways muscles relax when we are sleeping.. While lying down if there is a blockage here, then the tongue fall can result in loud snoring. But people say snoring is normal, eveyone does it. 

So what is wrong with it? There is a lot of difference between regular snoring and snoring due to this.

Obstructive sleep apnea causes: How can experts find out this? Or स्लीप एपनिया के कारण

According to our experts in sleep apnea, apnea means there is shortness of breath for a short while, and for a short period, the oxygen flow to the body and its supply to body organs is reduced. So this is called sleep apnea. It is divided into two types: central and obstructive sleep apnea. The brain doesn’t signal to breathe, which is associated with neurological reasons in central sleep apnea. In OSA, there is an obstruction due to which breathing is difficult. 

What are the risk factors associated with sleep apnea? 

Obstructive sleep apnea is more common in males commonly found in age groups above 40, and most importantly, it is because of obesity. The chances of having OSA is the measured circumference of the neck in males is more than 17 inches and above 15 inches in females. There are a few other factors like craniofacial deformities, a large tongue, and small nose airways. In addition, whenever you lie down, there is a blockage in the airway resulting in shortness of breath. Apart from this, there may be some underlying medical factors like diabetes or hypertension, so you have a better chance of having OSA. 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms: How will we know that we have this? 

Suppose you have high-pitched snoring during the night while sleeping. You experience a headache after waking up after an afternoon nap.  you experience dry mouth, or you feel laziness after waking up. One may feel like they didn’t sleep, or they can’t sleep at night, may have a  feeling of tiredness during the day, loss of concentration at work. Some may have choking spells like many times those who slept with them at night tell that they wake up suddenly and feel like someone has stifled their neck or you wake up often at night to pass urine. So if you are having any of these symptoms, you must visit your sleep specialist and get screening for OSA; for diagnosis, doctors perform different tests through which doctors come to know that you have obstructive sleep apnea or not. Further, get it treated.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Pneumonia Recovery Time | निमोनिया में फेफड़े ठीक में कितना समय लगता है?| निमोनिया किसके कारण होता है?

Pneumonia Recovery Time | Antibiotics, Treatment, & Recovery time

In this video SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Pneumonia Infection(निमोनिया) & its Antibiotics, Treatment, & Recovery time. Also she is answering some important questions that often stay in people’s minds like: Pneumonia Recovery Time

  • How much time does it take to heal the lungs after a pneumonia infection? 
  • In how much time does it get cleared? 
  • What if, after antibiotics, it doesn’t get healed? 

Pneumonia occurs in four stages in the initial stage: congestion followed by red hepatization, grey hepatization, and last is resolution. So these stages take a total of 8-10 days in which the lung starts healing. As in pneumonia, air sacs are filled with fluid, so with the treatment, as the medicines go inside, the air sacks return to their original state after 8-10 days. So that the patients can breathe back to normal, they can breathe easily. 

How will it get clear? | Pneumonia lung Recovery Time

The patient’s symptoms improve with the antibiotics like they had a fever or coughing; it gets better with antibiotics. Still, if the radiological resolution is like X-Ray, we see a patch or consolidation that will take time to go. This patch or consolidation can still be seen after two weeks. So it takes four to six weeks to completely clear. One shouldn’t worry that much if their symptoms are recovered.

What if, even after antibiotics, pneumonia is not getting healed? 

There is a specific period. For example, the doctor keeps the patient on follow-up for one to two months if there is no improvement or some symptoms are left. They are facing some significant problems on follow-up if there is no resolution in the span of two to three months that we observe in Radiology in x-ray or CT-Scan. Then we call it non-resolving pneumonia. If it is non-resolving pneumonia, the doctor needs to examine whether the patient has not responded to the antibiotics or some underlying lesions that we couldn’t identify. 

For example, there may be a chance of malignancy, tuberculosis, or other reasons that may be associated with it. So it is called non-resolving pneumonia and for this. We need to examine this further by laparoscopy or by another means.  So if the patient has pneumonia, please consider that it will take some time to heal. And the patient’s radiological resolution will also take some time. If they are not cured, we have other measures and will perform other examinations to rule out other options that there might be some other underlying problem with pneumonia.

Thank you

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Pneumonia Signs and Symptoms | निमोनिया के लक्षण, कब जाये डॉक्टर के पास | निमोनिया की पहचान कैसे करें?

Pneumonia Signs and Symptoms | निमोनिया में क्या क्या दिक्कत होती है?

In this video, SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Pneumonia(निमोनिया,) and also she is answering some questions that people usually ask like:Pneumonia Signs and Symptoms 

  • What is pneumonia? 
  • What are the symptoms of pneumonia? 
  • How can we diagnose it? 
  • What are its treatment procedures?

What is pneumonia(निमोनिया)? 

Pneumonia(निमोनिया) is one of the lung infections. Usually, it is the air sacks or the tubes that aid in the inhalation process and extend up to the lungs, which are generally filled with air. In pneumonia, these tubes get filled with fluid or pus, resulting in problems in inhalation. Many reasons contribute to this condition, for example, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They may cause pneumonia. 

What are the risk factors associated with pneumonia? And Who is more prone to this disease? 

The majority is found in children and the old age group. Those who have compromised immunity, for example, diabetic patients or patients with a kidney-associated disease who often are on dialysis, HIV compromised patients or people who have taken medicines that result in immunosuppression like Rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease. The chances of suffering from pneumonia increase with compromised immunity.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia? / निमोनिया के लक्षण

The occurrence of intense fever, pain in the chest, heavy breathing. Apart from this, coughing with phlegm or blood is a few symptoms of pneumonia. When are these considered a danger sign? When you have an intense fever or high-grade fever of more than 101 degrees, and it is not coming down from 2-3 days, the average inhalation process, which usually stays in 18 to 20, increases sharply.

In addition, there is swelling of tubes while inhalation, more commonly called chest indrawing in children. These are some common symptoms observed in pneumonia. If any of these symptoms cause mental confusion, there are some dangerous signs of pneumonia. If you see any of these symptoms, you must visit your doctor immediately and start the treatment.

How does pneumonia progress?  

It occurs in stages. There are four stages of pneumonia. Initially, there is a stage of congestion, when we acquire bacteria and the infection goes into the lungs, there is congestion in which water is filled in air sacks, as I told you earlier. After this comes stage 2, called Red hepatization, where many cells like RBCs and macrophages start accumulating, this Stage 2  comes after one day in 2 to 3 days.

After this comes the 3rd stage, Grey hepatization, in which the healing process starts and lasts for 4-6 days. The fourth stage is the resolution stage, which comes 8 to 10 days after the treatment. These changes initiate gradually in the lungs, and we start breathing normally. These are some stages of pneumonia.

How to diagnose pneumonia? | Pneumonia Signs and Symptoms

First, experts take the history based on symptoms. Then, when a patient comes, the doctor checks its vitals. As I told you before, intense fever increases the rate of respiration, and sometimes some may have low BP, and in some, there is an increase in urea levels. Apart from this, experts do an X-Ray in which experts see the extent of lung infection and how much the lobes are infected. Then, there are some blood tests performed to identify different germs.

Pneumonia Treatment / निमोनिया के इलाज

When a patient comes to us, experts may prescribe them antibiotics. It may vary in people. It may go from mild to severe among people. If it’s mild pneumonia, the doctor treats it on an OPD basis by prescribing antibiotics for five days. After that, the patient may go to his home, take medicine, and come for follow-up.

In some patients, like when we talk about some significant signs based on those danger signs, the doctor needs to admit the patient in the hospital inward or ICU depending upon the patient vitals, and they are given intravenous IV broad-spectrum antibiotics, notably amoxicillin based groups, along with macrolides combination. The doctor needs to provide these medicines for at least 7 to 10 days to get early healed and discharged as per the vitals. If pneumonia is identified timely and the patient comes to the doctor in time, it doesn’t worsen. And experts can treat it. The survival rate is good. But if the patient has mild pneumonia or has come to the doctor within time, it can be treated adequately.

Some bacteria are antibiotic-resistant, or in some people, as I told you before, who have compromised immunity have a chance of having severe pneumonia. The patient may stay in ICU for longer or may reach a ventilator. Those people take more time to heal, and it may take a dangerous turn or may get life-threatening. So I wish its prevention especially in children as our experts said that it is widespread in children.

We have a complete immunization schedule specific for children to prevent different germs related to infections. Must follow this immunization schedule. Keep the nutrition of children in mind. Adequate nutrition is very much necessary. Avoid crowded places. By following these small things, we can prevent this infection, and if you have any symptoms, immediately visit and consult the doctor and get the necessary treatment.

Thank you

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Asthma Signs and Symptoms | अस्थमा दमा का उपचार | दमा की बीमारी कैसे ठीक होता है?

Asthma Attack Signs Treatment and Symptoms | क्या अस्थमा हमेशा के लिए ठीक हो सकता है?

Asthma attack signs treatment and symptoms, In this video SimpliHealth expert, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Asthma Attacks and also answered some very common questions that people usually ask like: 

  • What are the causes of Asthma attacks?
  • What should things be taken care of by asthmatic patients? 
  • Can we get addicted to the use of inhalers? Are they harmful?

In some cases, people who have asthma don’t know they have asthma, so the chance of having attacks on them is more. 

What are these Asthma Attacks(अस्थमा क्या होता है) and Why do they happen? 

Most people who have dust, smoke either from pollution or factories, or smokers trigger asthma attacks—secondly, a place where people are smoking. Asthma is a lung complaint in which our airways, which we call the trachea, go ahead and divide into bronchi and bronchioles. These become dry; they are like a tube where the swelling comes towards the outside. This is the reason for asthma. 

Asthma Signs and Symptoms

What are the symptoms for its patients? 

As breathing is difficult, there is a wheezing sound from the lungs. It is because of them that these tubes swell. So inhalers do the work of opening them. Inhalers are such medicines that when we take them, they reach the lungs directly. That’s why there should never be any stigma attached to taking an inhaler. Inhalers are the most effective medicine which can cure asthma. 

Asthma Inhaler

There are many types of inhalers like bronchodilators; some also contain steroids. If a patient comes to us with asthma, we divide it into steps. Like how many times they had symptoms during the day or how many symptoms they had at night or how many times a week the symptoms came, or how many times in a month. According to this, we say that asthma is well controlled because there are no symptoms or there is partial control of the frequency of symptoms or if those are un-controlled. 

So our aim is to fit the patient in the different categories of well-controlled asthma, and according to the category, medicines are given to the patient. 

Asthma Treatment | Asthma Signs and Symptoms

So this treatment is escalated step by step. Initially, bronchodilators are given to the patient, and in some cases, we also give steroids depending upon their symptoms. These steroids directly go into the lungs in the form of inhalers. The systemic side effect of steroids taken in the form of inhalers is significantly less than taking in the form of drugs or medicine; it will be more. The body is benefited rather than being damaged by taking steroids in inhalers. 

The swelling in lung tubes (bronchioles and trachea) cannot open, known as inflammation, so steroids help control this inflammation in lung tubes ( bronchioles or trachea). So when taken in inhale form, it has no side effects otherwise, which is a problem for a patient.

Apart from this, as our experts already told you, oral medicine is not prescribed early. In early-stage, inhalers are given, but if one has a severe asthma attack of asthma, then, in that case, the full dose of oral medicine and bronchodilators are given. Despite this, if the patient is not in a calm state, we have to give steroids in the oral form. But it is provided for a small period and the doctor doesn’t continue for a more extended period. 

Our experts believe that if you have any of these symptoms, you must consult your specialist. We need to stratify what kind of asthma is and what kind of symptoms one patient has, how is the control only then we can give the medicine. Asthma is one such disease that can be controlled fully but cannot be cured. By control, I mean that you will not face any problem if you take medicines according to the prescription. If the asthma is well controlled, then the chance of asthma attack is also significantly less. 

One should recognize their asthma, meet their doctor, be concerned with the specialist, and take the medicines and inhalers properly. Understand the whole technique of how to take inhalers properly from your specialist. Because if you are not taking it properly, it is of no use. So after doing this, if your asthma is well controlled, you won’t face any difficulties in the future, and you may do anything that you want to do in the future.

Thank you. 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Asthma Attacks Treatment & Symptoms | अस्थमा अटैक उपचार व लक्षण | What to Do If You’re Having an Asthma Attack?

Asthma Attacks Treatment & Symptoms | अस्थमा की शुरुआत कैसे होती है?

Asthma attacks treatment & symptoms In this video SimpliHealth expert, Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Asthma Attacks and What to Do If You’re Having an Asthma Attack? Also she answered some very common questions like:

  • What are the causes of an asthma attack? 
  • How can they be saved? 
  • What are the things to keep in mind when you have asthma? 
  • What is good for their health and what is bad? 
  • What can we do to prevent it?.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a lung disease in which the lungs become swollen, or the inner tubes swell. When these attacks are triggered or precipitated, there are many trigger factors, e.g., some people are allergic to dust, pollen, house dust mites trigger this attack, or if the weather is too cold these days, it can trigger an asthma attack. It can be caused by factory smoke, air pollution, or fumes. 

The smoke that blows intensifies attacks; moreover, if some people have upper respiratory tract infections, some people have a common cold. This also may trigger asthma attacks. Those people have a particular type of allergies, so if they have a cold, the coughing takes longer to heal. This is because there is an internal allergy, maybe in the shape of asthma. 

Therefore, the patient with asthma should take care of all these things: 

Our experts especially say to 

  • Those asthma patients who do not go for a walk-in cold and fog. 
  • Wear a mask whenever you step out of the house so that the dust or pollution particles can be avoided, reducing the chances of having an asthma attack. 
  • Experts should recognize these attacks. Patients need to recognize them. 

They know that they may be allergic to a certain food if they eat it. There are also some foods that we can be allergic to. That’s why they have to take great care of these things so that this attack does not become aggressive, and one may need to be hospitalized due to these attacks, and this attack sometimes takes hazardous form. 

Asthma Diet Plan | Asthma Attacks Treatment

Apart from this, they should also take care of their dietary habits, what they can do to prevent them, and first recognize these attacks and avoid them. The second is to improve your diet. For example, have a balanced diet and watch your carbohydrate, fat, and protein intake. It is essential to have a balanced diet

Apart from this, food rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E like Amla juice, orange juice, berries should be kept in their diet, which gives them immunity. 

In addition, we also have to improve our multivitamin and vitamin D, which builds your immunity and gives you relief in asthma complaints; you are less likely to have attacks. 

Home remedies for asthma

Therefore, asthma patients have to take special care of all these things because we can stop them but can’t cure them completely. There are other things in home remedies like yoga breathing exercises that should be done. Patients should also do abdominal exercises while breathing through their nose in the morning, which should be done for at least 30 minutes. Due to this, your immunity increases, and you can fight against the disease of asthma. 

So it is most important to improve your diet, do yoga, breathing exercises, and recognize your symptoms. Along with this, doctors recommend that you carry a peak flow meter with you. This gives you an idea of ​​the volume of your lungs. We study the reading in the morning and evening. By looking at the variations, we get to know how much asthma is controlled, so we give all this knowledge to the patient when they go to the doctor, so the doctor wants all the asthma patients to know about their symptoms,  identify these triggers to prevent attacks, and follow these dietary habits so that you do not suffer further and your asthma remains under control. 

Thank you.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Omicron Symptoms In Kids | ओमिक्रॉन वेरिएंट बच्चों को कैसे प्रभावित करता है? | How does Omicron affect children? | Is Sneezing a Omicron Symptom?

Omicron Symptoms In Kids | ओमिक्रॉन वेरिएंट बच्चों को कैसे प्रभावित करता है? | क्या छींक आना एक ओमिक्रॉन लक्षण है?

In this video our expert Pulmonologist Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Omicron in Children and also she answered some very common questions that people usually ask like: Omicron Symptoms In Kids

  • How does Omicron affect children?
  • What are the signs & symptoms of Omicron in children?

According to our experts, some research studies have shown that omicron mediated infection is increasingly being reported in children. So how do we go about taking into consideration the vaccination scenario; should we send our children to school and 

How about the doses of vaccination to be given to children?

So our experts have seen that as compared to the previous two waves, children are more prone to COVID infection. The reason may be no vaccination as of now and also omicron is more transmissible meaning it is easily spreading from person to person. The children are getting infected at a faster rate but fortunately, we have seen that the rate of hospitalisation and rate of severity is less among children. So children who are coming to OPD are getting cured. 

Omicron in Children Symptoms: What are the symptoms of omicron-mediated infection in children?

The kids suffer from rhinorrhea (running nose), Coryza (sore throat), fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, diarrhoea can also be a symptom. So if a child is suffering from the above symptoms parents should consult their paediatrician to confirm the presence of omicron. 

What are the warning signs among children? | Omicron Symptoms In Kids

This includes persistence of high fever in spite of medications among children, bluish of toughness or lips which means desaturation has happened (a drop of oxygenation). One needs to immediately report to the hospital if the child is lethargic or showing abnormal behaviour or not getting their work done.

So if you see the symptoms in children one must report to a paediatrician as these symptoms are common to the common cold. Also, children spread this virus at a faster rate as they are not following the COVID-appropriate behaviour.

In this scenario, is it safe for kids to go to school? 

Such questions are being raised by the community. So the doctors say, for the primary wing, children who cannot look after themselves properly or can’t follow COVID appropriate behaviour should not be sent to school if they have any of this symptom or common cold as they can spread it easily. 

As for the elder children who can take care of themselves can go to school with proper screening for symptoms of fever, sore throat, and common cold so that they don’t spread the disease further. The government has already started the vaccination campaign for the age group of 15-18 years. Since the start of this campaign on January 3, 52% of this young generation is vaccinated with the first dose. So that’s a good sign and the program is lined up for the age group of 12 to 15 years and trials are ongoing for below 12 years of age group. 

However, in America and other countries, children above 5 years of age are vaccinated. In this scenario, we need to take care that whoever is at home or at school, whoever is coming in contact with the children, purposely for the adults should be fully vaccinated so that they don’t purposely give the infection to the children. The same goes for the school premises, staff should be fully vaccinated with both doses. Even at home, every adult should be fully vaccinated. In this manner, we can prevent children from getting an omicron-mediated infection and also should teach them about COVID-appropriate behaviour till we have vaccines for the children.

One should also know how to increase the immunity of the children. One can give a balanced diet with proper hydration which includes carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins(vitamin C), zinc-rich foods, and fibres. So by taking care of all things and by telling them to wash their hands again and again with soap or sanitizer by any activity, this will help to protect our children till we have a vaccination for them. 

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Why is a Booster Dose of Vaccine Required? | Booster Dose | टीके की बूस्टर खुराक की आवश्यकता क्यों है?

Why is a Booster Dose of Vaccine Required | टीकाकरण से क्या लाभ होता है?

In this video our expert Pulmonologist Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Booster Dose and Why is a booster dose of vaccine required?, also she answered some very common questions that people usually ask like: Why is a booster dose of vaccine required?

  • What is the role of booster doses?
  • How do vaccines give immunity to us?
  • Who can have booster shots?

About 60 % of the Indian population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 but few are left who are not aware of it. 

How do vaccines provide Immunity? | Why is a Booster Dose of Vaccine Required?

Vaccines provide immunity in two ways: once we get vaccinated, the body acts as a host hence an immune response in the form of antibodies is generated. This is called humoral immunity. Second way the immune response is generated is by activation of memory T-cells or B-cells which come under cell-mediated immunity. So after vaccination, the body will recognize the virus and will generate an immune response in the form of antibodies or via cell-mediated immunity. 

The body takes time to generate immunity. It’s not like that today we got vaccinated and tomorrow only we will have immunity. It takes a span of time to generate antibodies and activation of memory cells.  Accordingly, the government has set vaccine schedules for the vaccination programs.

For example, If we get vaccinated by covaxin, the second dose will be done after 8- 12 weeks. Only then, this schedule of vaccination is completed. If one says I am vaccinated with the first dose and won’t go for a second. 

The doctor says this will give the body zero protection against viruses. Immunity is generated after the application of the second dose of vaccine. Furthermore, it may take 2-3 weeks to confer proper protection against viruses.  It is important to complete the dosing schedule of vaccines so that the body has full protection against viruses. 

Even if we are fully vaccinated we got the protection because one is not suffering from any severe disease. Omicron variants mutate very frequently due to the presence of spike protein, against which vaccine is generated. So even a fully vaccinated person can have an omikron-mediated infection. But the important thing is, that person will have a mild infection as compared to a non-vaccinated person. Vaccination will prevent us from severe disease, reduce hospitalisation, and definitively control death rates.

After some time of vaccination, the immunity starts getting reduced after 6- 8 months maximum of 9 months. The memory cells will be unable to recognize the virus spike protein and may not be able to generate a specific cellular immune response. So for that, we need a booster shot because we need to remind the host immunity to fight against the virus. 

Who can have booster shots? 

The doctor says a booster dose can be given to high-risk groups first. It includes elderly people (more than 60yrs of age), patients suffering from severe diseases like chronic kidney disease, diabetes, lung diseases, and hypertension. Since their immunity has worn out very fast. This category of people is advised to take booster dose first. Also, the healthcare professionals who are exposed to the virus on a daily routine should be given booster doses. 

The doctor says it is very important to complete the schedule of vaccination. People say we don’t want to get vaccinated, COVID is nothing but this notion is wrong. In addition, vaccination protects us from spreading the disease. Since we are vaccinated we won’t spread droplets of infection as compared to unvaccinated. To protect ourselves and as well as community, vaccination is a must. Also, there is no mix and match of vaccines. As the doctor says according to ICMR if the person is fully vaccinated with covaxin he/ she will have a booster shot of the same. 

Similar is with the covishield vaccine. No such mix match of vaccines has been reported up till now. In the end, the doctor says to get vaccinated, do follow the schedule of vaccination, and COVID appropriate behavior like wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and avoiding gatherings and crowds. As we have already seen even after maintaining the social distance and being vaccinated we can have a mild infection.

Apollo Clinic Chandigarh Pulmonology

Omicron Variant Symptoms & Causes | ओमिक्रॉन वेरिएंट के लक्षण और कारण | How bad is the Omicron Variant?

Omicron Variant Symptoms | ओमिक्रॉन संस्करण कितना खराब है?

In this video SimpliHealth expert Pulmonologist Dr. Preeti Sharma is talking about Omicron Variant Symptoms & Causes and also she answered some common questions that people ask like:

  • How bad is the Omicron Variant?
  • Omicron Vs Delta variant?

How Deadly Is the Omicron Variant? | Omicron Variant Symptoms

This omicron variant has several limitations. Much more than the previous versions of the variant. And these mutations are mainly on the spike protein, which has resulted in various states of transmissibility by this virus.  This omicron variant spreads much faster than any other previous variant. Therefore it was labelled as a variant of concern. It is much faster than the Delta variant and also than the other variants. 

Omicron Symptoms

The symptoms caused by this variant are much more similar to the common cold which is experienced by the people in many ways. For example, scratchy throat, sore throat or running nose, stuffy nose, nasal congestion, fever with or without chills, headache, body aches, and a lot of muscle fatigue, as we have in a common cold. Based on the symptoms we cannot differentiate this variant from the common cold. Only testing can tell us whether we have the COVID-19 variant or not. 

What is to be done when we have these symptoms?

So we have two kinds of tests available with us, these are the antigen test or the RT-PCR based tests. The antigen test is widely available these days. They are also provided as homekit, self testing kits which can be used by the people at home. 

Antigen tests can be false negative in some patients; when the patients only have few symptoms or they test too early. You have contact with the patient and then you take the test with the help of the kit today, the result would be negative. Any negative antigen test has to go for a RT-PCR test if you have symptoms for the disease. Which is very very important. But in case the antigen test is positive there are very less chances of it being false positive. So once the test is positive you take yourself as a covid positive patient and follow the isolation and the further procedures. 

Once it is negative you need to go for an RT-PCR testing, to confirm that you have the disease. If the RT-PCR is also negative then also there are 10 to 20% chances that you can be positive but the test shows negative. So you can go ahead with the testing within the next 24 to 48 hours again, if you have the persisting symptoms. So this is about the testing. Once you develop the symptoms you have to have this testing done.

Delta vs Omicron: How is omicron different from the Delta variant?

We all have seen the devastation caused by this delta variant in the second wave of the disease. Which we experienced last year. What we had seen was, it was really very lethal. The symptoms onset was very fast and the people progressed to severe disease in a very short span of time. So this did not happen with this virus. 

Whatever reports have come up and whatever we have seen in our day-to-day practice till now is; this is a slow progressing virus, which has more of the upper respiratory tract involvement rather than the lower respiratory tract. So people do not have much of severity of the disease as compared to the delta variant. Moreover, the active period where the hospitalisation is required or you see the median time for hospitalisation of the patient has decreased in this wave of the pandemic. So this is the difference between the omicron and delta variants. The delta was very lethal. And we had very high mortality rates while we were facing the delta variant. We lost many doctors to the variant and lost many lives. But here we are able to manage it somehow and the severity is not that much. 

Again if we come to the next point it could be because of the vaccination campaign also. Omicron can occur in a patient who is already vaccinated or has previously been infected with the virus. But the another thing is, the patient may not have a severe disease only the at-risk categories like the elderly, people who have heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension or any kind of a chronic lung disease, or immunocompromised state; these people, this category of people are more prone to have severe infection or they are more prone to have this kind of infection again even if they are vaccinated. 

So this is the difference, omicron can infect any kind of vaccinated person, but the susceptibility rates are lesser for the people who are vaccinated. But for unvaccinated people it is very high. So it affects people who are unvaccinated. They are also having a bit of severe disease requiring hospitalisation. But it is manageable in this case. 

So that’s why I would like to say that we need to have our covid-appropriate behaviour in all places as of now. Because omicron does not recognize people who are vaccinated or not vaccinated. So keep your mask on, keep a social distance, follow the covid appropriate behaviour, avoid gatherings, avoid crowds.  And just fight with this wave of the pandemic. Thank you.