Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Retinitis Pigmentosa : Causes and Symptoms | Night Blindness | अंधता की बीमारी रेटिनाइटिस पिगमेंटोसा: कारण, लक्षण, इलाज

Retinitis Pigmentosa : Causes and Symptoms | Night Blindness | अंधता की बीमारी रेटिनाइटिस पिगमेंटोसा: कारण, लक्षण

Retinitis pigmentosa, In this video, Dr. Parveen Sen, Retina Specialist from Agarwal Eye Hospital Chandigarh discusses Retinitis pigmentosa.

 It is an hereditary disease of the retina of the eye. By hereditary it means it occurs due to the presence of a genetic cause or any defect. There are almost 100 defective genes that can cause retinitis pigmentosa.

Symptoms of Retinitis pigmentosa :

Most of the patients who have this condition have troubled night vision. If they enter a dark room, unlike other people who can see a little or walk around, these patients can’t see anything. In addition they can see straight but have difficulty in side vision.These patients usually  see by tilting their entire face because they have poor side eye vision. Often they bump into things sideways. If one is observing these symptoms then they must visit a Retina specialist for Retinal examination. Since it is a hereditary condition parents may acquire it. But it may occur without any family history. 

Progression of Retinitis Pigmentosa:

Retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic condition affects rods cells of the retina. The retina consists of two types of cells, rods and cones. Rod cells are responsible for night vision; as a result patients have poor night vision. But as soon as the disease progresses it starts affecting cone cells that are responsible for vision in bright light. Under these circumstances this condition starts affecting the studies and reduces the 24-hour vision of the patient. Since it is a genetic condition doctors don’t have any treatment that can completely reverse the effect. But it is very important that one gets a proper diagnosis of this condition. 


After the examination of the retina by Retina specialists, doctors advise a few tests which is more commonly called OCT angiography or Fundoscopy and most important is electrophysiological test. Electrophysiological tests help us determine the function of rods and cones cells and how much cells are affected by the condition.  If the function of rod and cones cells is sub normal then the most usual cause is retinitis pigmentosa. Even one can opt for a blood test which helps in identification of genes i.e  out of 100 defective genes which gene is  causing this eye condition. In addition, with the latest advancement in science, there are a whole lot of treatment options. Newer treatments like gene therapy or Stem cell therapy are in the pipeline. 

Today doctors can’t give this treatment but in the near future they can tell about the exact gene causing this condition and about the latest technology. Also these latest technologies would help in predicting the risk of defective genes in future generations like children, family and counsel them accordingly. One must visit their Retina Specialist and have a proper examination. One may receive specs or any aid for reading and writing and studies and it may help in the existing vision. Always remember if you are having trouble in night vision then never ignore it and have retina check-up done.


For more information, visit our SimpliHealth website. 

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Early Stage Diabetes Eyes Symptoms | Diabetic Retinopathy(डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी)| क्या शुगर से आंखों की रोशनी कम हो जाती है? | रेटिनोपैथी का इलाज क्या है?

Early Stage Diabetes Eyes Symptoms | Diabetic Retinopathy | मुझे धुंधला क्यों दिख रहा है? | क्या डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी अंधापन का कारण बन सकती है? |

Early stage diabetes eyes symptoms, In this video, Dr. Parveen Sen, Retina Surgeon working at Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic- A unit of Agarwal’s Eye hospitals based in Chandigarh shares about the effect of diabetic retinopathy  on the eye. 

The incidence of diabetes is increasing at a much faster rate. Almost 10% of the population has a condition of diabetes. And once a person has diabetes, it gets complex with time. As you all know, diabetes affects in two ways: either the body is not able to produce insulin, or the body is unable to synthesise insulin. As we all know, what we eat is processed in the form of the simple sugars glucose that the cell absorbs for nutrition and functioning. So during diabetes, when insulin production by the body is less, ample nutrition is unavailable to the cells. As a result, the body weakens, and blood sugar levels rise. It is the most crucial feature in diabetic patients. Evidently, their sugar levels are very high. These high blood sugar levels may pose a severe risk to body organs like the heart, kidney, and other parts. In addition, high blood sugar can pose a serious threat to the eyes. 

Diabetic Retinopathy | Early Stage Diabetes Eyes Symptoms

The blood vessels that supply blood to the eyes are very thin and delicate. High blood sugar levels damage, and weaken these blood vessels. Due to blockage in the vessels, the blood vessels start leaking due to retina damage. Also, the retina has a direct channel with the brain. Since the retina is not having enough blood supply, retinal swelling leading to vision loss. As a result, the body develops its protective mechanism against this condition. They start producing new blood vessels to compensate for the damaged blood vessels. These new blood vessels are more acceptable and delicate and often rupture. Due to rupturing, the eyes get pooled up with blood. So on one side, the retina is swelling because of poor nutrition and insufficient blood supply; on the other, new vessels are rupturing, causing bleeding in the eyes.

Symptoms of Diabetic retinopathy

The most common symptom of diabetic retinopathy is the patient’s sight becomes hazy. They see floaters. In the adverse condition, it leads to the retinal detachment that causes irreversible blindness. Hence, it is essential to consult a retina specialist as soon as one has a diagnosis of diabetes. Also, one must follow a routine eye-check up almost once in three or four months. And if the doctor says that you need to test frequently, you must take their advice seriously. One can prevent the adverse effects of diabetes by routine eye-check up.

To know more, visit our SimpliHealth website.

Mirchia Laser Eye Center Ophthalmology

Can Diabetic Retinopathy be Reversed | Diagnosis and Treatment | डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी का सबसे अच्छा इलाज क्या है? | क्या धुंधली दृष्टि ठीक हो सकती है? | आंख की रोशनी कैसे वापस आएगी?

Can Diabetic Retinopathy be Reversed | Diagnosis and Treatment | क्या डायबिटिक रेटिनोपैथी अंधापन का कारण बन सकती है? | डायबिटीज में आंखों की रोशनी कैसे बढ़ाएं? | मैं मधुमेह से अपनी दृष्टि कैसे सुधार सकता हूं?

In this video, Dr. Parveen Sen, from Mirchia’s Laser Eye Clinic- A unit of Aggarwals Eye Hospital talks about the treatment of diabetic retinopathy treatment and diagnosis.

Can diabetic retinopathy be reversed? There is a sharp increase in the case of diabetes with an effect on the eyes. First, the eye starts showing signs of diabetic retinopathy like reduced, blurry, and fluctuating vision. Like for seconds before, the vision was good, and after some time, it worsens. The worst effect is when it starts showing its impact on the retina. One may see floaters, and observe bleeding in the eye. In an adverse scenario, retina starts detaching causing loss of vision. As soon as these symptoms surface, that means the condition is much worse. Considering the fact that by the time this disease shows symptoms the damage is already done. Hence it is always advisable to diabetic patients that they should take eye-checks. Don’t wait for the signs of diabetic retinopathy to appear. They should go for a retinal checkup at least once in 3 or 4 months. It is important because if high blood sugar has started affecting the eye then, preventing the adverse effects is challenging. 

 Diabetic retinopathy Treatment & Diagnosis

During checkups, the retinal specialist puts drugs into the eyes, checks the pupil and retina. Doctors scan the eye to identify the impact of diabetes on the eyes. What are the treatment options for diabetic retinopathy ? Its treatment includes Laser or eye injections and operations. The Laser seals new blood vessel formation to prevent frequent bleeding. Hence early eye check ups help in detecting signs at the beginning itself. If you have high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels and are a chain smoker, then diabetes would have an accelerated effect on the eyes. It can also cause permanent vision damage. So it’s essential to control blood sugar, and in addition to blood pressure, cholesterol. One of the most important things is to adopt a healthy lifestyle with healthy fruits and vegetables. Cut on sugar and carbohydrates, and sweets. One can control the effects of blood sugar levels on the eyes by controlling normal parameters. In these cases, it’s essential to say that prevention is better than cure as far as diabetic retinopathy is concerned.

To know more, watch the full video.