Fallopian Tube Test | HSG Test | Hysterosalpingography(हिस्टेरोसेलिंगमोग्राम) or Tube Test | Is HSG test painful? | एचएसजी टेस्ट |

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Fallopian Tube Test | HSG Test(Hysterosalpingography) or Tube Test | हिस्टेरोसाल्पिंगोग्राफी टेस्ट परीक्षण

Fallopian tube test, In this video SimpliHealth expert Radiologist Dr. Sandhya Dhankhar will talk about the HSG Test (Hysterosalpingography).

What is the HSG Test?

HSG or Hysterosalpingography and in the common language, it is called the tube test. This test basically is an x-ray based test in which, with the help of dye or contrast, we know about the patency of the fallopian tube. 

So basically fallopian tubes are the structures that help the egg to travel from the ovaries to the uterus where it gets fertilized and forms the embryo. If these fallopian tubes are blocked or partially blocked then this transfer of eggs from the ovaries is not possible. And it becomes difficult to conceive, to get pregnant. This test helps couples who are infertile, who are trying for so many years but are not able to conceive, and the rest of the tests are normal. 

HSG test procedure

There are a lot of myths about this test, that it is very painful, and this may require hospitalization. We do get patients who tell us that we can do it under general anesthesia because they are so afraid to get this test. So let me make it all clear to you that this is not a very painful test, you do not require general anesthesia for this test. And this is a clinic-based test, there is no need for hospitalization. You can go home after the test, getting your report within 10 to 15 minutes. It just needs 5 to 7 minutes to do the whole test.

So guys don’t get afraid of this test. It is an important test and if you are having difficulty you should do it.

How HSG test is done | Fallopian Tube Test

So the procedure just takes 5 minutes. This is the uterus, this is the cavity of the uterus, this is the fallopian tube, one on each side, this is the ovary which has multiple follicles which release eggs. 

So in HSG what happens, we put a small thin rubber cannula into the vagina or the opening of the uterus and then insert the contrast into the uterine cavity. This fluid-like contrast goes into the uterine cavity and the fallopian tubes and then spills over. And at the same time we take the X-rays. This contrast is seen in the X-ray. And that tells us whether the contrast is seen up till here, that means the tube is blocked. If it goes and then spillage of the contrast is seen, that means the tubes are patent. And this helps us to know the partial blockage, the level of the blockage, or any other problem in the tubes as well as in the uterine cavity. 

This can be corrected by surgical means and there are increased chances of conceiving by resolving this problem. 

When can the hysterosalpingography test be done? |Fallopian Tube Test

So this dress is usually done immediately after the periods, maybe after 2-3 days. Because then we are very sure that you are not pregnant at that time. 

And when should it not be done ?

It should not be done when you are bleeding, if you are pregnant, or if you feel that you can be pregnant, and thirdly if you are not well. 

What are the medications that are needed with the hysterosalpingography test? 

One is we do recommend taking a painkiller half an hour to one hour before the test. You should have a good breakfast or lunch before the test. Because many times we have seen patients come fasting for this test, and then they get all kinds of giddiness and dizziness at the time of the test. It is better to have your meal and then come prepared. Take a painkiller and we do recommend taking antibiotics in this test because it is an internal test. So we don’t take the chances of you getting any kind of infection. So we give antibiotics prior to the test and recommend to take for at least three to five days. 

Sono HSG 

In the same way, we can evaluate fallopian tubes with the help of ultrasound as well. It is the same procedure but we take ultrasound instead of X-rays. And ultrasounds we look for the flow of saline in the fallopian tubes and in the adnexa. 

If the tube is patent we say with the color Doppler, a cascade of color flow in the adnexa, which tells us that fluid has come out of the fallopian tube, which tells you about the patency of the tube. So this is known as Sono HSG rather than simple HSG. And Sonu HSG is again the less painful and less time-consuming compared to HSG.

Bottom line 

So guys it is a painless test. It is a simple procedure which is hardly 5-7 minutes. You should do it, and don’t get afraid of this test. We at Faith Diagnostic Centre are doing this HSG and sono HSG test for the last 11 years, with good results. And we wish you good luck. Thank you so much for listening to the video. 

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